Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Christmas book to warm the soul
It's not like I have a whole lot of extra time during the holidays to set aside just for reading a book. It's probably the opposite. But, I really do love reading and I always try to make a special effort to read a fun and/or heartwarming Christmas novel during the holidays. I started doing it a few years ago. I used to judge those books because I thought that those were way too cheesy. Well they are cheesy, but I still love them.
I was online with my CLEAR WIMAX a few weeks ago trying to track down the perfect cheesy Christmas book. I had looked at my local library and there just weren't any there that I hadn't read and really appealed to me.
Well, I tracked down this really great holiday book and I've been enjoying it. I'm not entirely sure if I'll finish it before Christmas but I think that I'll wrap it up before New Year's. I've had to do that before and I'm not going to stop reading a book just because it isn't Christmas anymore.
"I have been paid for this post."
Buy Gold Bullion
"I have been paid for this post. My opinion has not been swayed in any way."
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
My Sweeties
When you think of it, there really aren't that many fantastic, non-animated Christmas shows or specials. But one of the very best is "Miracle on 34th Street." Every year, around Christmas time, I watch this show on satellite television that I got after seeing these DirectTV comparisons.
What I like about it most is the scene when the little girl is sitting on Santa's lap and she asks him if he's really Santa Claus. It's a funny scene that makes the special so memorable. She doesn't believe that Santa really exists and nothing Santa can say makes her change her mind. I watch this with my two uncles, my two aunts, my first cousin, and my brothers and sisters. We sit next to the Christmas tree and turn on the TV, and we all eat popcorn and drink cokes. The special lasts about two hours. The real message of the story is that it's okay to believe in Santa even if you have some doubts. It conveys the fact that it's a "miracle" to be a true believer, but if you are, you can accomplish great things in your life.
It's really much better than most animated Christmas specials because of the intelligent message and story. There have been many versions of this special, but perhaps the best one was made back when actress Natalie Woods played the little, doubting girl. She was an excellent actress for her age.
"I have been paid for this guest post."
My Parents
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Buying Gold Coins
The world demand for silver now exceeds annual production, so now is the time to buy. I am definitely interested in learning more about this and possibly making a purchase at some point. By the sounds of it, the United states Gold Bureau is a great place to do that too. If you want to learn more about how to buy gold bullion or silver, you can visit their site.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
SEC Championship Game - Tigers vs. Gamecocks
When the Auburn Tigers and South Carolina Gamecocks meet up in Atlanta on December 4 to decide the SEC Championship , one of Auburn's biggest fans will not be in the stands. That's because I just can't bring myself to travel for another college football game.
I love going to Auburn games and any time I'm back home in Alabama and can make it to a game, I go. Going back to seeing the campus is a special thing for me. But games like this that are played at a neutral site just aren't worth the trouble. I'm just better off watching the game on satellite tv in the comfort of my own living room.
At least when I go to a Tiger game in Auburn, I know I'm going to be sitting around other Auburn fans. When you go to a neutral site, there are no guarantees no matter what your ticket broker says.
A few years ago I went to the Colorado/Colorado State game in Denver with my brother in law. He's a huge Buffalo fan and was certain we were going to be sitting with other CU fans.
Turns out we were right in the middle of the CSU section. I thought for certain there was going to be a fight. I'm just too old for all that stuff.
I'll be watching the game at home and when Auburn wins I'll stand on my porch and yell like a maniac. I'm definitely not too old for that.
" I have been paid for this guest post."
Monday, December 13, 2010
Bulletin board for my home office
I work from home, so my home office is somewhere where I spend a whole lot of my time. Because of that though, i like to keep it looking nice and put a lot of thought into when I redecorated it just a few months ago. I didn't do it all at once though, I kind of did it gradually so I'd still be able to work there during the redecorating. But there was still one thing that I needed for it, a bulletin board.
I wanted some kind of bulletin board that looked a little typical and didn't look like it should be in an office. I mean, it is my home so it should still reflect my taste, even it doesn't look like it should be in an office. While I was looking for that perfect kind of DIY bulletin board, I came across some Wilmington clear wireless internet offers that I liked the look of and after I researched them a little bit more, I changed over my internet access to it.
The DIY bulletin board that I settled on making for my home office was a nailhead bulletin board and I just finished it up last weekend.
"I have been paid for this post."
Fall Fun!
Bringing Home Our Christmas Tree
It's that time of the year again. The corner of the family room is cleaned out. The decorations are out of the attic. Now all we need is the Christmas tree. The whole family is bundled up and ready to go.
The lot where we get our tree is about ten minutes away. The trees there are always fresh-cut so the needles won't fall off as soon. This year we decided to get a five-footer. Last year's six-footer was just too high to reach the top without knocking the whole tree over. We still haven't decided between a blue spruce and a Douglas fir. I don't really care which one we get as long as the branches are full and it isn't lopsided. A lot of our friends have artificial trees, but it just won't feel like Christmas to me without the fresh pine scent and sweeping up the needles. Come to think of it, I am voting for the spruce. The needles are shorter and easier for the vacuum to pick up.
We won't be gone long, but Christmas time brings burglaries along with the joy and excitement. The last thing we'll do before we leave is turn on our home security alarm from
"I have been paid for this guest post."
Sweet Angels!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Audrey Meadows
One of my all time favorite actresses is Audrey Meadows. She is best known for her role as Alice in the hit television series The Honeymooners. I absolutely love the character she plays in the show. For anyone not in the know, The Honeymooners is based on a young couple who live in an old, run down apartment. The entire series takes place in this apartment and basically showcases the hard times that the couple goes through. The plumbing leaks, the walls are falling apart, and the neighbors are loud. It's really a fantastic series and one that you rarely see today. The last time I watched the show was on my satellite television frin
The reason Audrey Meadows is such a big hit for me is because she was one of the first female liberators of her time. Keep in mind that the show was made in the 1950's, and back then women were just known for being loyal housewives. But in Alice's case, she tells her husband off in each episode when he tries to say something rude to Alice or do something without first telling her. Because of her strong willed character, you can't help but love Alice. I'm already planning on relaxing on my day off to watch some good old fashioned Honeymooners. I can't wait for the next marathon of it to come on television.
"I have been paid for this guest post."
Sucker Punch
A new movie that is coming out in 2011 is the movie Sucker Punch. This particular film is set to be a huge hit and I just can not wait to go see it. I may go see it in the movie theaters or wait for it to come on my Direct TV HD DVR. The people who made the movie 300 are back and making another great movie that is sure to bring audiences from around the world. The movie seems to have a really good premise and it has a lot of girl power packed into a few hours of pure action bliss.
The movie is based on a girl that gets sent to a mental institution. The graphics are wonderful, and you can't help but feel like you're actually there as you watch one of the many movie trailers for the film. Apparently, the girl is very delusional and actually begins to imagine a world in her mind where she is a samurai warrior. The entire movie takes place in the girls mind as she stays in the hospital for the mentally insane. A group of girls that are also in the hospital buddy up with her and join her in her fight for freedom from the world in which she lives inside her mind. The film promises to be really great and hold some fantastic action scenes. I can not wait for its release in March!
"I have been paid for this guest post."
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Girls Ruined Hockey
Girls Ruined Hockey
Thanks to Erich Emerson
When I was a kid, I could hardly find another kid who would play hockey. It is a tough sport. There are some long moments of time that pass in baseball and football where a player can catch his breath. Hockey is a game that requires top physical conditioning to play. Not only is it played on rock solid ice instead of soft grass, but there are huge sticks and a puck that can break bones as it travels along over a hundred miles per hour. Back then, no girl was interested in a guy with missing teeth because of his affection for playing hockey.
Then when I was about 20 the fan base changed. All of a sudden there were hordes of women who were buying up the tickets to the games and all of the fan merchandise. I saw a black SUV the other day all decked out in Pittsburgh Penguin logo stuff. A middle-aged blonde woman got in the driver's seat as I was walking into the store. Here I thought it might have been owned by a crusty old coal miner like me. The blonde lady was even wearing a Crosby jersey.
I followed the Penguins all the way back to when Michel Brière died from injuries he received in a vehicle accident after the 1970 playoffs. I was ten years-old. Brière endured for a year before passing away. His number 21 jersey is one of two that were retired. Mario Lemieux's number 66 was retired too. I ended up marrying that blonde who was driving the SUV. We are both fifty now and watch most of the games on our satellite TV that we got after researching Cable TV vs satalite tv.
Busy Busy
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Giving Thanks
The other day I went downtown to look for a new pair of Miracle Ear Digital Hearing Aids when it dawned on me that Thanksgiving is literally just around the corner. Thanksgiving is one of my absolute favorite holidays because it has such a good message with it. A lot of holidays are very commercial, and Thanksgiving certainly has a commercial aspect to it, but there a great story behind it. The holiday promotes a spirit of thankfulness for one's family and for all the good things in one's life and I feel that is extremely important. If you aren't thankful for what you have, you go through life not really appreciating the blessing and good fortune.
And even better: great to have food in great abundance on Thanksgiving, but the most important part of it to me is sharing it with a group of people you love. In life, work and responsibility often makes it to where you can't see your family very often, but Thanksgiving has always given my family and me a day to all pool together and enjoy each other's company. I am always thankful for Thanksgiving.
I have been paid for this guest post.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Going to the County Fair
I love going to the county fair. I have been going to the county fair since I was a little boy. I remember being little and having the time of my life riding the ponies and eating the cotton candy. Now I take my kids and watch them have fun. I still love to play the games. Me and my children love to take turns trying to win the prizes.
The food is just as good as ever. My favorite county fair food are the elephant ears. They are just delicious and I get anxious every year when it's time for the county fair. My kids love the funnel cakes and Italian sausage sandwiches. We always buy enough food for us to take home and have the next day.
The rides are fun also. The one thing we never miss the demolition derby. The cars crashing into each other is pretty fun. We get to the fair early and we leave late. After a day at the fair we come home and eat some more of that good county fair food and watch our satellite television from The only bad thing about the county fair is it only comes around once a year.
" I have been paid for this guest post. "
Another Fun Weekend
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Enjoying "Stranger in a Strange Land," One of My All-Time Favorite Books
One of my all time favorite books is definitely "Stranger in a Strange Land" by Robert Heinlein, and this weekend, I went to the bookstore to pick up a copy of it. I had lost mine when I moved here, so I was pretty eager to get a new copy and sit down to reading.
Heinlein was one of the most influential authors in the science fiction genre, and a very prolific author. "Stranger in a Strange Land" focuses on the tale of a man named Michael Valentine Smith, who was also known as The Man from Mars. Smith was born to two scientists who had traveled to Mars on a space expedition, and after the other members of the crew died, he was raised by Martians until he was an adult. Many years later, Americans made another voyage to Mars where they found him, and then brought him back to Earth. The book tells the story of his life on Earth and how he adjusted, as well as the many lessons he was able to teach his friends based from his Martian experiences.
I had only gotten about halfway through when my boyfriend arrived at my apartment for our regular Saturday night, so we sat down and had dinner while we watched directtv. I'm really excited to read the second half later tonight.
"I was paid for this guest post."
Pictures and Cake
Friday, November 19, 2010
A different kind of salad for Thanksgiving
Every time that we all get together for a family meal and I bring something to eat my younger brother always teases me that it's going to be some type of salad. I guess that I am kind of crazy about different kind of salads, but the thing about that is you can throw all kinds of stuff together and call it a salad. It's just really easy and most of the time doesn't require as much work as cooking a dish or a casserole or something like that. So I'm obviously a fan of salads.
But that makes me want to bring even more salads, so I tried to find something with my bundle clear internet that will be a salad that even he'll like and eat.
In the past he's turned up his nose at all kinds of stuff that I've fixed like fruit salads I've made with jello and stuff like that. But I think I'll make him green bean salad because he's always had a thing for green beans.
"I have been paid for this guest post."
Birthday Girl!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
New York Knicks Look Good
My favorite basketball team is the New York Knicks. I love watching the Knicks play basketball. I normally loathed any team that is from New York but the Knicks are the exception. I am so excited that basketball season is here. I was able to watch preseason NBA basketball on satellite TV from
The preseason is a great time to watch basketball. During the preseason we can learn about how the players seem to be meshing together. The preseason is exciting because teams will tend to experiment with new plays that they have not normally used in the past. If the plays seem to work then they will keep them for the regular season.
The preseason also gives us a chance to see some of the bench warmers get some playing time. Many of these players that do not get very much playing time are actually very great basketball players. I enjoy seeing professional basketball players play who normally don't get much action.
My beloved New York Knocks are getting a lot of rebounds each game and that is great news. Rebounds are typically the key to many close games so I hope this is a sign that the Knicks will have a great season and be able to make it into the play-offs. I would love for the New York Knicks to be able to win a championship this year, but I will settle for them simply making it into the play-offs.
"I was paid for this guest post."
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Some new romance reading
I'm all about reading some romance books, but I like ones that are a little funny and quirky instead of the ones that have really risque and dirty stuff. That is definitely not the kind of romance novels that I like to read. I also like romantic comedies, so that's probably why I love books that I like the novel equivalents of those.
I was online trying to find out about some new romance novel authors that I could read their books when I saw the site and read through it. After consulting with my husband some, we decided to switch over our internet company to it.
I had heard some good things about her when I was browsing around online, so I bought some Nora Roberts books and am a few chapters into the first one of them. I recognized her name and some of the book covers from the times IÕve been browsing the romance section in Barnes and Noble and now I get why I always see her books there. TheyÕre really good!
1st Birthday
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Octopus Habitat Here We Come
Our family visited the aquarium this weekend. My husband and I always discuss whether or not we remembered to set the adt security alarm after we get into the car and, as a result, our youngest son has grown quite curious as to why we are so concerned about setting it. We explained that an alarm keeps people from taking our valuables.
At the aquarium, our first stop was at the new octopus habitat. It was amazing! Then we enjoyed a picnic lunch outside on the beach. The kids picked up shells and some neat rocks for their collection.
After lunch we went to the kids' area. Every month the aquarium has a new activity for the kids to enjoy. This month they were making jewelry from freshwater pearls. The kids were allowed to pick their own oyster. If there was no pearl inside, they were allowed to pick another. The kids were amazed to learn that pearls were made by oysters. They briefly discussed how they could become "kazillionaires" if they lived at the beach. But the funniest comment of all was when my son looked at his oyster being pryed open and said, "Sorry little guy. You should have set the alarm."
"I have been paid for this guest post."
Monday, November 8, 2010
The Blair Chuck tornado
Guest post written by Brooke Smith
There's something that any good drama TV show needs, well drama. But there's something that only a great drama TV show has, a couple that's kind of evil and stirs up trouble but not quite enough to where you hate them for it. That's why I love Gossip Girl, because for a great part of the show so far they've been stirring up all kinds of trouble and making it even better.
A few days ago when I was on the internet with my CLEAR internet Wimax I got to thinking about them when I was buying some DVDs of old seasons of Gossip Girl and realized that even though they've started trouble for a lot of different people on the show, other people have started a lot of trouble for them.
For example, Chuck's uncle started all kinds of trouble for teh couple last season and also compromised the ownership of Chuck's hotel empire. Even though they may not be in a perfect state right now, I'm pulling for Gossip Girl Blair and Chuck to pull through together in the end.
This was a paid guest post.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
The Backyardigans are fun to watch
I have to admit that I am hooked on my daughter's favorite show the Backyardigans. I love everything from the music to the story telling. My daughter loves it more than I do. Of course she does, she is the one that introduced me to it and has me buying her all the toys. Everyday my daughter and I watch the Backyardigans on our cable tv hd dvr. We haven't missed an episode.
In every episode the Backyardigans use their imagination to have an adventure in their backyards. It can be anything from being vikings to being pirates. They could also be cowboys in the wild, wild, west or knights in the dark ages. Their imagination seems to be unlimited and that's what my daughter and I love about the show. You never know what they are going to do. It shows my daughter the power of having an active imagination and takes me back to the days of my childhood and how me and my friends used to play in our backyards.
I love the show and I recommend it for any parent that wants to watch a great show with their children.
This was a paid guest post.
Great Movies
Buy Gold Coins
**I was paid for this post. My honest opinion was given and not swayed in any way.**
White Squirrel
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Buying Silver
The United States Gold Bureau is something I've been looking into more and more. I like the idea of being able to purchase silver, gold bars and other precious metals and coins directly from them and then have them deliver it right to me or a safe place of storage. Although we haven't decided 100% yet, we're definitely looking into the idea of purchasing silver. Now is the time since the world demand for it exceeds annual production. I am not really sure what we'll end up doing, but thankfully United States Gold Bureau has a lot of helpful information on their site and I know will help make the decision easier for us when the time comes.
Birthday Girl
Fall Weather
Sunday, October 17, 2010
United States Gold Bureau
United States Gold Bureau
helps people like you and me purchase silver, gold coin and other precious metals and coins. What I love about them is that they can arrange for immediate delivery or take it to a safe place of storage for you. Pretty great, right?! Their site is full of helpful information. I was shocked when I first came across it. Thanks to everything, I am more educated and now Scott and I are thinking about purchasing gold or silver. Silver would be a really good one by the sounds of things, but we haven't decided yet.
Busy Weekend
US Gold Bureau
The United States Gold Bureau is something I've become more familiar with recently. It's a place where you can purchase silver, gold coins, and other precious metals and coins for immediate personal delivery. It sounds very easy and convenient which is why Scott and I are seriously discussing working with them on buying some silver. We've been told that right now is the best time to buy silver bullion because the World demand for it is higher than annual production. With the economy the way it is, I imagine this might be a popular topic and United States Gold Bureau may be something you will want to look into.
Lovin' my new Camera!
Children are a blessing
United States Gold Bureau
Beautiful Fall Day
Kaelyn's first Dentist appointment
DePuy Orthapaedics Recall
Friday, September 10, 2010
9 months old
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Buying Gold
I'm sure like me, many people have thought about purchasing gold or silver. Coins like this are not only beautiful, but also very valuable. With the economy the way it is, I think it's worth looking into. I've been doing a little research and came across the United States Gold Bureau. They seem like a great company to purchase silver, gold and other precious metals they even arrange for personal delivery or to a safe storage place.
With the world demand for silver exceeding the annual production of silver, it's definitely a great time to be doing this. I'm not sure what we'll decide to do, but it seems like a great possibility. How about you? have you ever considered buy gold bars or silver coins?
New Camera
Monday, August 30, 2010
Gold Coins
The thought has crossed my mind to purchase gold or silver. It wasn't until recently though, that I began learning more and about it and really becoming interested. With United States Gold Bureau you can purchase silver gold bar and other precious metals and then arrange for it to be delivered right to you or to a safe place of storage. From what I've read, silver is actually a great thing to buy right now. With the world demand exceeding annual production it's wise to look into purchasing right now. I may just have to do that. How about you? Is this something you've ever thought about?
Loving this weather!
Selling Our home
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Military Degree
Relaxing Weekend
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
What I find so intriguing about Regency is that they offer a unique approach to cosmetology education by having campuses actually mirror upscale salons to provide a hands on experience for students. This is definitely beneficial and provides high-quality, discounted salon services to the public. Very cool! Check them out if you are interested in pursuing a career in cosmetology. They even have hair schools in Wichita!
Time with family
Purchasing Gold Coins
Have you ever considered investing in silver or gold coins? Maybe even other precious metals? I know I have, especially now with the economy the way it is. I have not been quick to do anything yet, as I want to learn more about it. But...from what I've found so far, the United States Gold Bureau would be a great choice to go with. They make it easy to purchase precious metal and coins and even arrange for immediate personal delivery or convenient storage. I'm still looking into it, but am definitely considering it the more I learn....especially knowing that now is the time to do it since the demand for silver exceeds annual production. What about you? Have you ever considered purchasing coins before?
Conversations with Kaelyn
United States Gold Bureau
Thanks to the United States Gold Bureau you can purchase silver, gold bullion an other precious metals. I don't know about you, but I've always been interested in investing. I know people who have done this with coins and have been very thankful they did. As I look into the United States God Bureau, I'm very impressed. They make it possible for you to arrange for immediate personal delivery or convenient and safe storage...whichever you'd prefer.
I would highly recommend checking it out if you are at all interested. There may never be a better time to buy silver bullion than right now because the world demand for it now exceeds annual production. This has got me wanting to do something soon. It's definitely worth looking into anyways.
Crockpot Suppers
Monday, August 2, 2010
The Florist in My Neighborhood
I was ready to plan my wedding as soon as my fiance proposed to me. I had been wanting to get married since I was a little girl so it's no surprise that I already had ideas of what I wanted. I first started to look at places in town. I was driving around trying to find a florist and the caterer and it was just taking me forever!
My honey suggested we get huges net satellite internet service so I could go online. Boy what I glad when he suggested that! Once hughes net new york installed I was able to cut my search time into a fraction of what I had been doing. I was able to find a ton more options as well. When I was running around town I thought finding a good florist was going to be impossible! After using houghes net though I was able to find out about a few little known places and even people that did this stuff on their own. I ended up picking this woman who lived a couple blocks away from me as my florist. She had such an artistic eye for this thing. I absolutely fell in love with the bouquet she made me!
Feeling Better
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
A Better Way To Invest
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Selling our home
Samantha Brown, tour guide
Guest post written by Brenda Lowell
I’ve been using Samantha Brown (well, her show) to tell me where to go on vacation for years.
The spunky traveler seems so passionate and excited about where she’s going. But, if I had to go trek around the world instead of heading into the office every day, I’d probably be that excited too. She always seems so eager and open to experiencing things like the locals do, no matter how daring the customs and traditions are in comparison to those in American culture.
When I saw her episode about Barcelona, I started looking up ideas for activities immediately. I had just researched wild blue internet packages and switched my Internet service over to wildblue the week before so I watched other videos about Barcelona online and got even more excited.
My trip was great and I hit a lot of the spots that she did like La Sagrada Familia and the Gothic Quarter, along with some yummy local restaurants.
I’m kind of hoping that when she retires, the people at the Travel Channel will call me up to replace her.
Needing Sleep
United States Gold Bureau
You can purchase silver, gold and other precious metals and coins through the United States Gold Bureau. Your purchase can be arranged for immediate personal deliver or convenient and safe storage if you like. For anyone interested in investing, it is definitely the time to consider it. Buying gold has been recognized for centuries and is one of the best ways to preserve one's wealth and purchasing power. Scott and I have always talked about doing this, and after reading more about what a great idea it can be...we may just have to do so soon. What about you? Have you ever had an interest in investing in gold before? You check out more about how to buy gold bullion, here.
8 Months Old
Monday, July 19, 2010
Moms Can Get An Education Too!
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Ashworth College. All opinions are 100% mine.
It's summer time which means we moms are often quite busy. The thing we have to remember though, is that there's more to us than packing lunches and pooling our kids around. Maintaining a personal identity is also key and very important. That's why I believe strongly in pursuing an education. It's a great way to set an example for our kids, prepare to re-enter the workforce once our kids are older, transition to a work at home career....the benefits are endless.Distance education is a family-friendly way to help moms get the education we've always wanted and deserve...easily, affordable, and from the comfort of your own home. Some things I really like about Ashworth is that tuition is 50% less than the average accredited online school, it's flexible which is important for stay at home moms and working adults who want to get an Online degree, offers zero-interest financing plus a low monthly payment plan, 75% of credits earned at other schools can be transferred and so much more!
No matter if you're looking to get your associate degree, bachelors degree or even a master's degree...this is definitely something worth looking into. You can be well on your way to attaining a popular career in Medical Billing, Web Design, Bridal Consulting, Interior Decorating, Human Resources, Marketing, Early Childhood Education, etc.

Saturday, July 17, 2010
Boudreaux's Butt Paste
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Boudreaux's Butt Paste. All opinions are 100% mine.
I don't know about you, but I am VERY picky when it comes to the products I use with my kids. It seems there are many baby products out there, but very few do the job their intended to do very well. That's why I like Boudreaux's Butt Paste. Diaper Rash is one of the most uncomfortable things for a baby, and something many of them deal with at some point. As a parent, it's my responsibility to help make my kids as comfortable as possible and get rid of things like this. Thanks to Boudreaux's Butt Paste, I can!We've used this product and are really happy with how well it works. Unlike other products like it, Boudreaux's works quickly without stinging or putting my kids in more pain. It was specifically formulated by a pharmacist with direction from a respected pediatrician to provide effective diaper rash care...and in my experience, it does just that! Somethings I really like about it are:
- Pediatrician recommended
- Goes on and cleans off easily
- Available in convenient sizes
- Flip top cap (tubes)
- Handy travel size (convenient sizes - 1oz, 2oz, 3oz and 4oz tubes, 16oz jar)
- Pleasant scent
- Skin protectant
How about you? Have you ever tried Boudreaux's Butt Paste? What are your experiences? I'm sure many of you have heard of (and even tried it), as it's been featured on shows like Oprah, Tonight Show, Today Show, ESPN and even in People Magazine!
If you love Boudreaux's Butt Paste like we do, or want to try it for yourself with your kids...visit their site to receive your own free sample today!
Wedding Day!
Friday, July 16, 2010
The online gaming possibilities
Guest post written by Kimberlee Williams
My brother is so obsessed with online gaming that he’ll stay up late at night playing Xbox LIVE or other games, screaming inside jokes through his headset.
It’s pretty obnoxious while I’m home from college, especially because his computer and my bed’s headboard are along the same wall. He doesn’t realize he’s being so loud because our parents’ bedroom is upstairs and they can’t hear his yelling and jokes from that far away.
I would blame my parents for getting wild blue satellite UT so he never has any glitches or problems but I sometimes stream movies from Netflix Instant Watch on his Xbox so I also benefit. I guess that’s the burden of blue internet that I have to deal with.
I used to play a lot of video games with him but that was before he played games with other people on wildblue internet and we only had each other to talk to and taunt while competing in games like Mario Kart.
Maybe this is a habit my brother will outgrow, but as for now I’ll just try to fall asleep to my mp3 player to block it out.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Bright Beginnings Infant Formula
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of PBM Products. All opinions are 100% mine.
We have never chosen to use formula with either of our kids, but I know there are many parent's who do. Thankfully, those like Bright Beginnings are made with your child's best interest in mind. Bright Beginnings formula provides the benefits of the lipids DHA and ARA, nutrients naturally found in breast milk essential for babies' mental and visual development. It also contains a vegetarian blend of fats similar to breast milk which aids in the absorption of calcium.
Although we don't use formula, I'm familiar with the different brands and what their cans look like. That's why I was interested to learn that Bright Beginnings has a new can design. I headed over to, which is where you can purchase Bright Beginnings formula, and checked out the new design. I really like it. It's fun and something that definitely makes it stand out as different form other brands. I personally like it when companies make it a point to stand out and grab the attention of customers.
Again, you'll find Bright Beginnings available at and it can be purchased directly from there.

House For Sale
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of VitaDigest. All opinions are 100% mine.
Do you take vitamins? I hate to admit that I'm not the best at taking vitamins. The main time I'm really good about i is when I'm pregnant or nursing. Usually I try to take some sort of a multivitamin at those times that have enough calcium and iron. I have found looking for vitamins to be a little overwhelming though. Thanks to VitaDigest, it no longer has to be!VitaDigest offers a large selection of vitamins and supplements. In fact, they actually offer over 13,000 vitamins, supplements and other health products! That is a large selection and it's fantastic to be able to find all this in one location. Nothing is more frustrating than looking for something and not being able to find it. I thought it was also impressive that they have been awarded INC5000 for 2009 as top 5000 Fastest growing companies!
I have spent quite some time visiting their website and think the Brainstorm 2 capsules look very interesting. They offer 90 veggie capsules which promote mental concentration. Pretty cool!
If you're looking to purchase vitamins or supplements, I would highly recommend checking out VitaDigest! They are currently offering an exclusive 10% off coupon with coupon code 'izb10jan' through the end of February! They also offer FREE shipping on all orders over $100.

Fun Weekend!
Hampton Chain of Friends Sweepstakes
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Hampton Hotels. All opinions are 100% mine.

This is the time of year that many of us are planning getaways with family and friends. That's why I was excited when I learned about the Hampton Chain of Friends Sweepstakes. This summer they are offering a great way for you to reconnect with friends. There is a daily giveaway for a free weekend stay at any Hampton Hotel! I don't know about you, but this is a very appealing thought this time of year. I'm always telling my hubby that even a weekend vacation would be great. I think weekend vacations are a great way to refresh and relax. It's important to travel with friends and family, and that's why I appreciate the whole idea behind the Chain of Friends Sweepstakes. What a great way to reconnect with those who are important to you.
If I happened to win, I think my hubby and I would go to Las Vegas and stay in the Hampton Hotel there. We've always talked about going there and think it would be a terrific weekend getaway.
What I love about this contest, is that entering couldn't be easier. By simply visiting the Hampton website, you can click on the 'enter now' button and enter the Hampton Chain of Friends Sweepstakes for your very own chance to win! Be sure to check it out and enter if you haven't already! It's a terrific chance to win a fun getaway this summer.

Summer Time!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Mission Menus Challenge
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Mission Foods. All opinions are 100% mine.

Mission Flour Tortillas are great for meal preparation! They are versatile, soft and delicious, kid-friendly, super convenient and have the most amazing freshly-baked taste! We have come up with some pretty amazing recipes using Mission Flour Tortillas in the past, but I'm always looking for new, budget friendly ideas to try. That's why I really appreciate and their many examples of quick & easy, affordable meals for $10 using Mission Flour Tortillas. The Buffalo Chicken Tacos and Sunrise Breakfast Burrito look especially good! Yum!
One thing I love about Mission Flour Tortillas is that they contain 0 grams Trans fat per serving and are cholesterol free. They are also available in convenient sizes: small (6"), medium (8") and large (10”) sizes and can be found in major grocery stores nationwide! That means no matter where I'm at, I'm able to find them almost anywhere.
Do you enjoy meals with tortillas? Do you have some amazing recipes you've created? If so, you'll be interested in knowing that Mission Foods has a new Mission Menus Challenge currently running.
Beginning June 28, 2010 and continuing until August 9th, consumers can submit their budget-friendly recipes to Mission at for a chance to compete in a cook-off in Los Angeles and win a $10,000 dream kitchen makeover as well as a host of weekly prizes! The grand prize winner will win round-trip airfare and hotel accommodations for two to the Mission Menus Challenge Cook-off on September 10, 2010 at the Hard Rock Cafe in Los Angeles.
All recipes must:
• Must include Mission Flour Tortillas
• Be original
• Feed a family of five for $10 or less
I love a company that supports great causes. Mission Foods is one of those companies! They are proud to support Share Our Strength, the leading national organization committed to ending childhood hunger in America. If you'd like to help or learn more, you can visit

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
My Two Kids
Kaelyn is still talking up a storm and loves to strike a conversation with anyone she meets. Scott and I always say she'll have no problem making friends when she enters school. She's mommy's little helper and LOVES her little brother to pieces.
Kaden is SO close to crawling. He gets up on his hands and knees and has even gone forward a little bit. He gets frustrated though, and falls to his tummy. Within no time he'll be all over the place I'm sure. He's also starting to babble which is so cute. He loves to try and copy what we do and say.
I love my two kids to pieces. I feel very blessed to be their mom.
Monday, June 21, 2010
This is a guest post by Marian Garland
One of the best shows available for children right now is " iCarly ." This show depicts the life of Carly, the main character on the program with her own television program. Carly and her best friend run their own television show. I love watching this program on direct tv with my kids, because it teaches them that great success can come with hard work.
What I also like about this program is how it teaches children to have an entrepreneurial spirit. This program inspires kids to be bold and daring. I also like this show, because as a parent, it inspires me to adapt to technology. The main characters are always using technology, like online videos and websites, to relate to the community. As a parent, I am inspired to also try to use technology in positive ways like Carly and her friends. Parents will enjoy watching this show with children for what they can also take away from the program.
Another reason this show is great for children is because it does not rush kids to grow up too fast. I think this program is great for kids ages 8-14. The show does not pressure kids to engage in bad behaviors, but rather reinforces how good it can feel to do the right thing. Overall, I highly recommend "iCarly."
Father's Day
Dream Family Vacation to Kissimmee
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Kissimmee Tourism. All opinions are 100% mine.
After such a long and cold winter, hubby and I have been seriously discussing going on a great family vacation. I'm the only one out of the family who has been to Florida, so that's top on our list. In researching places and things to do...I came across Kissimmee. As a child, I was able to visit the Kissimmee area several times and just loved it. It's known as the heart of Florida and being right next to're sure to have plenty to do between the beaches, theme parks and more!What makes Kissimmee the ideal vacation spot, is that it's close to everything! Whether you're looking to spend a day at the beach or go to Florida's amazing theme'll find a little of everything. In just the short time I've been planning our vacation so far, I've already come up with an itinerary of things I would definitely want to do while we were there.
I'd love to visit Walt Disney World again for sure! It's such a magical place for young children and one I know my kids would absolutely love! There's so much to do there, and it's certainly a vacation memory that would last for years to come.

Disney's Typhoon Lagoon Water Park is also a place I think would be great to take the kids!

I am really looking forward to the possibility of making this dream vacation a reality! The things to do and the places to stay are absolutely endless. It will be a vacation to remember always...that's for sure! If you'd like to plan your dream vacation to Kissimmee, visit here today!

Sunday, June 20, 2010
6 Months Old!

Sunday, May 23, 2010
Summer Time!

Sunday, March 21, 2010
4 Months Old

Thursday, February 11, 2010
Gold Bullion
I have some interesting information I wanted to share with you. Thanks to The Capital Market Supervisory Boards, the Gold exhange-traded funds will soon be hitting the Thailand stock market. Isn't that great? The Capital Market Supervisory Board looks after the rule making for the Thai capital market and they recently agreed to permit two types of gold exchange-traded funds into their market. I really didn't know a whole lot about this, but had the opportunity to learn more and was very glad I did. I enjoy learning new things like this about where to buy gold bullion.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Time flies
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Holsted Jewelers offers fashionable and affordable merchandise for tastes of all kinds. I love that they have a wide assortment of great designs and styles. I like to have jewelry that not everyone else has and that's why the one of a kind jewelry found here is great for me. They are known for their service and their high standards which is just another reason of many that I'd love to do business with them.
Here's a picture of Kaelyn and her cousin Emry on their first Christmas together (2 years ago) and then Kaden and his cousin Israel on their first Christmas together (this year). Kinda fun to compare. My how time has flown.

Our Blessings!