Friday, December 3, 2010

Sucker Punch

Guest post by Jewel Cole

A new movie that is coming out in 2011 is the movie Sucker Punch. This particular film is set to be a huge hit and I just can not wait to go see it. I may go see it in the movie theaters or wait for it to come on my Direct TV HD DVR. The people who made the movie 300 are back and making another great movie that is sure to bring audiences from around the world. The movie seems to have a really good premise and it has a lot of girl power packed into a few hours of pure action bliss.

The movie is based on a girl that gets sent to a mental institution. The graphics are wonderful, and you can't help but feel like you're actually there as you watch one of the many movie trailers for the film. Apparently, the girl is very delusional and actually begins to imagine a world in her mind where she is a samurai warrior. The entire movie takes place in the girls mind as she stays in the hospital for the mentally insane. A group of girls that are also in the hospital buddy up with her and join her in her fight for freedom from the world in which she lives inside her mind. The film promises to be really great and hold some fantastic action scenes. I can not wait for its release in March!

"I have been paid for this guest post."

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