Friday, May 11, 2007

Time Flies!

Today my sister-in-law, who just finished getting her degree in Education at a University here, is over using our computer getting everything in order for the dreaded job search that we all face once out of school! It's crazy to think that only two years ago I was finishing up with college and searching for a teaching a job! What a stressful time, sending out resumes and hoping that the right job comes along. Especially going into education....sometimes it's very hard to land that first job. It can take a lot of time to find something that's right for you. I was blessed to get my teaching job shortly out of school and I'm hoping my sister-in-law finds that her search is short-lived as well! time flies!


Andrew said...

Just stopping by on the "next blog" button and wanted to say hello. I wish I would have stayed in college and graduated. My illness overcame me. Will stop in again soon and you have a great day!

Andrew in Alabama
The 4th Avenue Blues

confessing7girl said...

hi!!!!!! nice blog u hv here!! oh just thinking about the job search i get really painful headaches!! after uni what am i going to do now!!