Thursday, May 31, 2007
Reeds Jewelers
I'm a real girly girl and I absolutely love jewelry. I recently came across a great site, Reeds Jewelers, that offers all kinds of jewelry!! Not only do they offer jewelry for women, but also men, children, and jewelry for special occasions like weddings! In browsing this site I was impressed with all they had to offer and how great their prices were. If you're like me and love jewelry, check out Reeds Jewelers today.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Car Insurance
I was really happy when I came across a site that offered many informative and interesting articles about car insurance. The reason is, because car insurance is something that we recently dealt with after moving to a different state. Our insurance where we used to live was not too bad, but then we moved, I was shocked at the difference!! I couldn't believe that just moving to a different state would raise our insurance by almost 50 dollars!! WOW! Although I know insurance is seems to be extremely high in cost. I understand that along with driving comes a lot of tasks, making some people almost fearful of performing simple tasks like turning right, but why does it have to be so high? I know it goes down a little as we get older...but not enough to make much of a difference in my opinion. The one thing we've learned throughout the years is that having a multi-policy can help to reduce the cost of auto insurance some. I guess it's true that that loyalty pays in this situation. People are actually rewarded in most cases when they have multiple insurance products from the same company. There's more information about this, and many other insurance topics on Check them out today to learn more. This is a paid post.
My hubby...
I'm so lucky to have such a great husband. I've been working around the house and on the computer much of the day and he's been at work since very early this morning. Even though he's been working much of the day, if supper isn't ready when he gets home...which it wasn't tonight...he gets home and makes something. I love having a marriage where we're a team and work until all the work is done. I couldn't ask for a better guy.
If you are like most people, you've had to borrow money at some point in your life. It's something that almost everyone has to face, whether it be for student loans, home loans, car loans, etc. I, like most people out there, face some debt from going to college. The most important thing that I've found when facing debt is how crucial it is to not get behind on payments, and even pay more when you're able. The longer those loans sit there...the more they accrue interest. Borrowing money is a big thing and should be done with thought. I found a great article that talks about comparing loans online...which I think is a great idea! When making the important decision of which loan to take out, the interest is something that should be considered. Interest rates are on the rise! When they are not fixed can fluctuate and truly cause people financial difficulty. This includes those with mortgages, as I read a great article on about this exact thing. I found this site to have lots of useful information and articles that I think people with debt should read. There's information on personal loans, secured loans, mortgages, etc. So check them out today. This is a paid post.
The problem with rainy weather
I don't mind when it rains, as it has been most of the day...but I hate it when the weather causes electricity or other things to stop working. It seems that every time it rains...whether it's hard or light...the cable on our television gets all messed up. I'm not sure what causes this, but when it does happen, it lasts much of the day and night. Another thing that happens is the stop lights around town shut down. I guess I have to get used to these things, as they weren't things we had to deal with where we used to live.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
ADD Treatment
I've recently come across a great site that offers information on ADD treatment. The philosophy of the ADD Health and Wellness Centers is concentrate on integration. They understand that there isn't one treatment that works for every person, and that treatment needs to be individualized. They are focused on helping people who have ADD by use of medical and non-medical options. The neatest thing as that they have a number of centers. These centers have trained professionals ready to help you. There are medical doctors, psychologists, coaches, and many more who work together and come up with that individualized plan for each person. The best part of this company is that they offer a free ADD screening test for Adults and Children.
If you're interested in learning more and want More information about new ADD/ADHD treatments, you can visit the same website that I came across. They truly offer all of the information you would need to find out if this is possibly the right choice for you or someone you know. Their site is amazingly user-friendly and easy to navigate. They make it very easy to learn more about them and what they do by having tabs at the top of page.
The following is a press release, released about a five year old with ADD who has benefited from this program.
Dallas Five-Year-Old with ADD Finds Relief with Integrated Treatment Program
ADD Health and Wellness Center’s customized treatment program focused on the full range of medical and non-medical options
DALLAS, TX, May 10, 2007 – Five-year old Shelby couldn’t pay attention. She didn’t listen and always had that glazed-over look. Her parents worried she suffered from attention deficit disorder (ADD), just like her dad, and would need medication to help control the condition. They wanted to find alternative treatment options but had no idea where to turn.
A common condition in the U.S., ADD/ADHD is estimated to affect up to 7 percent of U.S. school children, or around 4 million. ADD has a strong genetic link so parents and children often share the condition. It’s estimated that 8 million adults have ADD, but only 25 percent know it. Many struggle to find the right treatment options.
“ADD is almost as inheritable as height,” said Theresa Cerulli, M.D., Chief Medical Officer for the national ADD Health and Wellness Centers. “In families, if a child has ADD there’s almost always a parent with the condition.” Adults and children with ADD can be forgetful, fidgety, distracted and have difficulty following through on instructions.
Drugs are the single-most common treatment for ADD/ADHD and related conditions in this country. Shelby’s parents Annette and Eric Miguez were familiar with the medical treatment options, but they wanted to know about other treatment choices for Shelby, including effective alternative therapies.
Based on a friend’s suggestion, they visited the ADD Health and Wellness Center in Dallas. The Center is a unique, one-stop care facility where medical treatment, testing and counseling for ADD and related conditions are integrated. At the Center, treatment tools include nutritional counseling, psychologists and social workers offering individual and group therapy, education and coaching as well as medical treatment.
After an initial evaluation and assessment, the Miguezes worked with Dr. Karen Friedman, a psychologist at the ADD Health and Wellness Centers, to create a customized treatment program for Shelby focusing on behavior modification. Through non-pharmaceutical treatments like coaching, counseling and nutrition therapy, an effective integrated program was created for their daughter.
The Miguezes quickly learned how to manage and modify Shelby’s behavior with positive reinforcement using a powerful technique called the “token system.” When Shelby achieved specific goals in her program, she received pink chips. The chips were special because her mother made them for her.
“The token system is an effective technique because it focuses on positive reinforcement and well-defined goals,” said Dr. Friedman. “It’s like giving a child with poor eyesight the glasses she needs to see. ADD/ADHD children need something external to help modulate their behavior.”
The ADD Health and Wellness Centers’ treatment programs generally involve the entire family, which doctors, therapists and counselors have found to be most effective. In Shelby’s case, Dr. Friedman worked directly with her parents to create the program and coach them on administering Shelby’s treatment in the comfort of their home. After the initial assessment Shelby never visited the Center.
Shelby and her parents noticed an immediate change when a few simple changes were made to her diet and daily activities. For breakfast, protein replaced sugars and processed foods. And Shelby’s day was structured around a programmed schedule so she knew what to expect and could remain comfortably focused.
“It’s amazing to the see the turnaround in Shelby,” said Annette. “It’s like night and day. She is much more focused. Her teachers immediately noticed an improvement, as did her Tae Kwon Do coaches. By focusing our time and energy on this treatment program, we’ve made huge progress.”
Other important treatment components available at ADD Health and Wellness Centers include:
• Neuropsychological evaluations and diagnostic clarifications
• Education and counseling
• Behavioral and cognitive treatment for ADD and other co-existing conditions
• Academic tutoring and placement specialists
• Coaching services
• Support groups
• Social skills groups
• Skills-based group treatment
• Intensive workshops
• Medication therapies
• Complementary and alternative non-medication therapies
• Nutritional counseling and supplementation
About ADD Health and Wellness Centers: ADD Health and Wellness Centers, Inc. is dedicated to individualized, comprehensive, accessible, results-driven treatment for ADD and related conditions. The ADD Health and Wellness Centers are located in Greater Dallas, Boston, Austin and Houston, and more than a half dozen Centers are scheduled to launch around the country in the next year.
For more information, visit

This is a paid post.
If you're interested in learning more and want More information about new ADD/ADHD treatments, you can visit the same website that I came across. They truly offer all of the information you would need to find out if this is possibly the right choice for you or someone you know. Their site is amazingly user-friendly and easy to navigate. They make it very easy to learn more about them and what they do by having tabs at the top of page.
The following is a press release, released about a five year old with ADD who has benefited from this program.
Dallas Five-Year-Old with ADD Finds Relief with Integrated Treatment Program
ADD Health and Wellness Center’s customized treatment program focused on the full range of medical and non-medical options
DALLAS, TX, May 10, 2007 – Five-year old Shelby couldn’t pay attention. She didn’t listen and always had that glazed-over look. Her parents worried she suffered from attention deficit disorder (ADD), just like her dad, and would need medication to help control the condition. They wanted to find alternative treatment options but had no idea where to turn.
A common condition in the U.S., ADD/ADHD is estimated to affect up to 7 percent of U.S. school children, or around 4 million. ADD has a strong genetic link so parents and children often share the condition. It’s estimated that 8 million adults have ADD, but only 25 percent know it. Many struggle to find the right treatment options.
“ADD is almost as inheritable as height,” said Theresa Cerulli, M.D., Chief Medical Officer for the national ADD Health and Wellness Centers. “In families, if a child has ADD there’s almost always a parent with the condition.” Adults and children with ADD can be forgetful, fidgety, distracted and have difficulty following through on instructions.
Drugs are the single-most common treatment for ADD/ADHD and related conditions in this country. Shelby’s parents Annette and Eric Miguez were familiar with the medical treatment options, but they wanted to know about other treatment choices for Shelby, including effective alternative therapies.
Based on a friend’s suggestion, they visited the ADD Health and Wellness Center in Dallas. The Center is a unique, one-stop care facility where medical treatment, testing and counseling for ADD and related conditions are integrated. At the Center, treatment tools include nutritional counseling, psychologists and social workers offering individual and group therapy, education and coaching as well as medical treatment.
After an initial evaluation and assessment, the Miguezes worked with Dr. Karen Friedman, a psychologist at the ADD Health and Wellness Centers, to create a customized treatment program for Shelby focusing on behavior modification. Through non-pharmaceutical treatments like coaching, counseling and nutrition therapy, an effective integrated program was created for their daughter.
The Miguezes quickly learned how to manage and modify Shelby’s behavior with positive reinforcement using a powerful technique called the “token system.” When Shelby achieved specific goals in her program, she received pink chips. The chips were special because her mother made them for her.
“The token system is an effective technique because it focuses on positive reinforcement and well-defined goals,” said Dr. Friedman. “It’s like giving a child with poor eyesight the glasses she needs to see. ADD/ADHD children need something external to help modulate their behavior.”
The ADD Health and Wellness Centers’ treatment programs generally involve the entire family, which doctors, therapists and counselors have found to be most effective. In Shelby’s case, Dr. Friedman worked directly with her parents to create the program and coach them on administering Shelby’s treatment in the comfort of their home. After the initial assessment Shelby never visited the Center.
Shelby and her parents noticed an immediate change when a few simple changes were made to her diet and daily activities. For breakfast, protein replaced sugars and processed foods. And Shelby’s day was structured around a programmed schedule so she knew what to expect and could remain comfortably focused.
“It’s amazing to the see the turnaround in Shelby,” said Annette. “It’s like night and day. She is much more focused. Her teachers immediately noticed an improvement, as did her Tae Kwon Do coaches. By focusing our time and energy on this treatment program, we’ve made huge progress.”
Other important treatment components available at ADD Health and Wellness Centers include:
• Neuropsychological evaluations and diagnostic clarifications
• Education and counseling
• Behavioral and cognitive treatment for ADD and other co-existing conditions
• Academic tutoring and placement specialists
• Coaching services
• Support groups
• Social skills groups
• Skills-based group treatment
• Intensive workshops
• Medication therapies
• Complementary and alternative non-medication therapies
• Nutritional counseling and supplementation
About ADD Health and Wellness Centers: ADD Health and Wellness Centers, Inc. is dedicated to individualized, comprehensive, accessible, results-driven treatment for ADD and related conditions. The ADD Health and Wellness Centers are located in Greater Dallas, Boston, Austin and Houston, and more than a half dozen Centers are scheduled to launch around the country in the next year.
For more information, visit
This is a paid post.
More Rain
I'm so glad that we had such a nice day yesterday, because now the forecast looks like it will be pretty much rainy for much of the week. We got very lucky to have such a nice day on Memorial Day. I don't mind the rain as long as it's not so heavy that it seems our lawn is flooding. We just need enough to continue to help our grass to continue to grow.
Resident Home Builders
Online and on television we've all seen those ads that promise that products and businesses will do certain things for you...but it turns out that it may just be false advertising. I was happy to see that there is a company, Resident Home builders, that wants to be honest about their advertising and only tell the truth about what they offer. This company has a team of professionals that include people like architects, interior designers, project managers, and more. They all work to make sure that you get the most out of your new home with all of the features that people like to have such as stainless steel ovens, high ceilings, big bathrooms, etc with no gimmicks or tricks. How would you like to get a quality home at an affordable price? I know I would, and that's why I was very impressed that there's a company out there that can give you just that. What you see is exactly what you get. Check them out today.
This is a paid post.

This is a paid post.
Memorial Day
We had such a nice time yesterday on Memorial Day! My parents were able to come up and stay and enjoying the beautiful weather with us. We were able to take the pontoon out and spend most of the afternoon just relaxing on it and enjoying the scenery. My dad also had fun, as he tried out the jet ski...something he had never done before. He really liked it the more he did it. I think they're going to make it up here for the 4th of July for more fun on the lake which should be a blast. Who knows...maybe mom will even get on the jet ski??:)
Fight Substance Abuse & Addiction
Finding the right drug rehab program can be quite difficult for some people because you want to find the right one for you. If you are a woman, you should definitely visit a site that I recently came across. The Orchid Recovery Center is specifically geared towards women and their needs when it comes to treatment. Their program has been proven to be very successful for women no matter what her age or situation is...helping to get them back to a healthy way of life. They offer a great environment that is protective and calming. One thing that is also very important to note, is that this program is very affordable compared to other, private treatment centers around. They even offer free consultations right over the phone. So if you or someone you know if looking for a great drug rehab program...check out the Orchid Recovery Center for Women today! This is a paid post.
The View
As I'm working around the house or on the computer, I usually catch the television show, The View. I really enjoy watching this show, as they cover all kinds of topics. The one thing I don't like about it is when Rosie starts arguing with Elisabeth. I know they have different views on things, but sometimes they need to just have an adult conversation rather than getting upset. Today when watching the view I learned that Rosie is done with The View, three weeks earlier than she had planned. I can't say that it surprised me the latest argument between she and Elisabeth was pretty heated. I think she was ready to leave the show...and hopefully things will run more smoothly now that she's gone.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Florida Agriculture
Many of you may not know much about Florida Agriculture, because it's known to be their quiet industry. I know that I didn't know much until just recently when I came across a great clip about it on YouTube. Florida Agriculture is actually an $87 million dollar industry and provides food all over the world! I was just amazed to hear that. I had know idea! You can learn more about how important Florida agriculture is, and about it's farmers and how they affect people worldwide, by watching this video. This is a paid post.

Gas Prices
By now I'm sure it's become evident to most people that the gas prices are still on the rise. Usually, my husband is the one to get gas...but I know that no matter which one of us is getting the gas, we're always looking for the best price. Now this can be done pretty easily by check out MSN Autos. If you go to this site and put in your zip will have access to the different gas stations in your area and the price of gas there. I think I'm going to start utilizing this tool more...then we will know exactly where it is we need to go to get gas.
Black Diamond Jewelry
My husband will attest to the fact that I am a huge jewelry lover! I absolutely love all kinds of jewelry and never can have too much. I love everything from earrings and bracelets, to necklaces and rings (rings being my favorite!). I actually think that my love for jewelry comes from my she is just like me in this way!!! I am definitely going to have to share a great site with her that I recently came across, all about Black Diamond Jewelry! When I first came to this site I was just amazed at all they had to offer. They have the most beautiful pieces of jewelry at outstanding prices! I'm not the only one who loves this's very hot among the celebrities right now as well. The reason why I love the black diamond jewelry so much is because you can wear it with every day wear. If you like to wear diamond pendants or diamond studs, then you should know that you can get these types of pieces with black diamonds as well! What a neat way to expand your jewelry collection. They're so beautiful! For me, seeing how rings are my favorite piece of jewelry, I was excited to find that there are many pretty Black Diamond rings available...even black diamond wedding rings! If you're like me and love jewelry, be sure to check out this site and their black diamond jewelry!! This is a paid post.
Finally the weekend...
I'm really happy that it's the weekend, because that means that Scott has a long weekend and doesn't have to work on Monday. I always enjoy having him home during the holidays are great! I think if the weather cooperates that we're going to spend most of our time on the lake for the holiday. I am pretty sure he's looking forward to being home an extra day this weekend too.:)
The Police
Are you a fan of the band, The Police? If so, then you probably know that they're going on a new worldwide tour and have a new police cd coming out!! I am a huge fan of the Police and have been ever since I can remember. I absolutely LOVE their music!! I was so excited to find out that they're going on a new worldwide tour, and that I have the opportunity to get their new cd! YYYEEEAAHHH!!! I would love this cd because I am a huge fan of the Police and their music. It would be incredible to receive their new cd so I can listen to it throughout the day as I work around the house. I was just amazed at all of the tracks on the cd! In fact there are actually two discs to this new cd!!! Can you believe it?? TWO!! I can't believe how many great songs I could have from this great band all on one awesome would that be?? The following is the track list for the new police cd:
Track Listings
Disc: 1
1. Fallout
2. Can't Stand Losing You
3. Next to You
4. Roxanne
5. Truth Hits Everybody
6. Hole in My Life
7. So Lonely
8. Message in a Bottle
9. Reggatta de Blanc
10. Bring on the Night
11. Walking on the Moon
12. Don't Stand So Close to Me
13. Driven to Tears
14. Canary in a Coalmine
Disc: 2
1. Do Do Do de da da Da
2. Voices Inside My Head
3. Invisible Sun
4. Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic
5. Spirits in the Material World
6. Demolition Man
7. Every Breath You Take
8. Synchronicity I
9. Wrapped Around Your Finger
10. Walking in Your Footsteps
11. Synchronicity II
12. King of Pain
13. Murder by Numbers
14. Tea in the Sahara
I am so excited and hope this post has given me the chance to receive one of these cd's!!!!
This is a paid post.

Track Listings
Disc: 1
1. Fallout
2. Can't Stand Losing You
3. Next to You
4. Roxanne
5. Truth Hits Everybody
6. Hole in My Life
7. So Lonely
8. Message in a Bottle
9. Reggatta de Blanc
10. Bring on the Night
11. Walking on the Moon
12. Don't Stand So Close to Me
13. Driven to Tears
14. Canary in a Coalmine
Disc: 2
1. Do Do Do de da da Da
2. Voices Inside My Head
3. Invisible Sun
4. Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic
5. Spirits in the Material World
6. Demolition Man
7. Every Breath You Take
8. Synchronicity I
9. Wrapped Around Your Finger
10. Walking in Your Footsteps
11. Synchronicity II
12. King of Pain
13. Murder by Numbers
14. Tea in the Sahara
I am so excited and hope this post has given me the chance to receive one of these cd's!!!!
This is a paid post.
Favorite Shows
Ever since I found out I was pregnant...I am just obsessed with watching the television show, A Baby Story. I just enjoy watching these stories so much!! It's fun to see how different each pregnancy is and how each mother handles it. I also enjoy watching the show, Bringing Home Baby, because it's all about bringing home your newborn the first 36 hours. That's also a great show, because everyone deals with their new little baby differently...especially if it's their first child. I just love watching them!!
It's funny, because when I was planning my wedding...I always enjoyed watching the television show...A Wedding Story. I guess I find shows that relate to something that I'm currently going through in my own life. It's so much fun.:)
It's funny, because when I was planning my wedding...I always enjoyed watching the television show...A Wedding Story. I guess I find shows that relate to something that I'm currently going through in my own life. It's so much fun.:)
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Credit Cards
Credit cards have become quite the necessity for most people. I know that some people do not have the best luck with credit they can cause them more debt and stress in their life. Thankfully I have had great experiences with the credit cards that I have had...mainly because I don't use them unless I know where the money is coming from to pay it back, and my credit cards have all been 0% Credit Cards. I also enjoy the ones where I receive some very nice rewards for using them. You can learn more about credit cards at the Thrifty Scot. You can even find a number of informative articles about paying your loans and interest free credit cards. Check them out today. This is a paid post.
As Summer nears, the one sport that I'm constantly hearing about around my house is GOLF!! My husband, and my dad, absolutely LOVE to golf! I've always thought of golf as a great sport that gives lots of exercise and is safe for all ages. The one main thing is to be careful on those golf carts all of you golf fanatics out there! Although they don't seem like a big threat...there was a man who died yesterday, after his golf cart veered off of the path and plunged down a 75 foot cliff.
Co-op loans
Are you looking for a loan that is right for you? If so then you may want to check out Co-op's financial products. Here you will find a competitive loan and a company that is dedicated to their ethical standards. Customers should feel comfortable with their decision to take out a loan through The Copperative Bank. The money that you borrow is not the result of any human rights abuses or profits of unnecessary pollution, which I think is great! Learn more on their site and find out if one of their loans is right for you. This is a paid post.
American Idol Finale
The Idol finale is on tonight and I'm so excited to see who will win the big title of American Idol!! I think that both Jordin and Blake are both deserving of the they both have worked very hard and are terrific singers. I like the range that Jordin has to offer, and I like Blake's unique and creative side. I wonder who will win?? I guess we'll see tonight!!:)
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Have you ever thought to yourself, "It sure would be nice if there was a place that provided free classifieds out there"? What about wanting a place that offered other things like a dating service, blogs, or even weather reports and movie listings in your local area?? If you have, then do I have good news for you!! is a fairly new site that offers all of these things!! Check them out today and see what you think! I was amazed at all they had to offer, and I'm sure you will be too. This is a paid post.
Not enough hours in a day
I often find that my days go by far too quickly...especially when I have to spend most of it on the computer! It's difficult to get everything done that needs to get done when I'm busy working online. At least I'm home everyday...that way I can split my workload up among each of the days and still get the things done that I need to online. Sometimes it just seems that there are not enough hours in a day.
CIS Motor Insurance
Finding the right motor insurance can be such a stressful and difficult task!! Thankfully there is a CIS Motor Insurance, an option that I think everyone should consider. I had never heard of this company until just recently...and was very impressed with all they have to offer. They truly try and make your motor insurance experience as easy and inexpensive as possible!! Now that's what I like to hear!! They actually offer two different discounts too. A no claim discount and an introductory discount. Not only can you save money with these discounts, you can also save 10% just by buying online. If you're like me and tired of the stressful motor insurance search...stress no more and check out CIS motor insurance today! This is a paid post.
HDTV Tuesday Again
Well, today is another HDTV Tuesday on PayPerPost. Although I don't have enough time to sit here and watch the posts as they come up...I'm hoping that I get lucky and grab one of these opportunities. It would be wonderful to get some HDTV gear!! My husband would especially love it if I did. I haven't seen any posts pop up yet with the HDTV sentence saying that I won...but I have until noon we'll just see what happens I guess.
Buying a Stethoscope
It's very important for people to make medical decisions wisely and carefully. Lights and Sirens Medical Supplies company allows for customers to do just that, by selling dozens of stethoscopes! That's matter if you're a medical student, doctor, or someone looking for an electronic stethoscope, you're sure to find what it is you're looking for on their site. You're not only offered variety, but also peace of mind knowing that you're getting these stethoscopes are made by the leading 5 companies in the industry. Check out the stethoscopes that they have to offer, and find the right one for you by reading the extensive description next to each one.
Portable Water Filters
I've always preferred drinking purified water over tap water. But, ever since I became pregnant, I've become even more aware of the water I'm drinking. I want the water to be as clean and pure as possible for the health of my baby. Up until recently I though a filtering system on the faucet or bottled water was the only way to go. Now I know that there are actually Portable Water Filters out there, that can be used on the go! I'm definitely excited about looking into this further, because the cost that we spend on bottled water is just outrageous!
Grandfather Clocks
Every since we moved into our new home, I'm crazy about clocks. I love to have all kinds of unique clocks all around my house. Almost every room has a different clock, some of them quiet and some of them chime. The one clock I do not have, but would love to at some point in my life, is a grandfather clock. I just love grandfather clocks because their timeless and so beautiful! When I do decide to get a grandfather clock...I'm going to check out the grandfather clocks site that I recently came across. They offer all kinds of unique grandfather clocks at outstanding prices!!
Second Ultrasound
My husband and I are getting very excited for our second ultrasound in a couple weeks. We had our first one a couple of months ago... and it was incredible! It was so neat to see our little baby bouncing around and full of life at only a few inches tall. :) We're so excited to get to see him/her he/she will be much bigger than the first ultrasound!! The doctor said that we will get to see things much more clearly and if we wanted, she said we could even find out the sex of the baby. After discussing it with my husband...I don't think we're going to find out the sex of the baby. Although we are very curious....we'd rather wait and be completely surprised when the baby is awesome will that day be!?! There aren't too many surprises in life, and we just wanted to wait on this one. We have so much fun guessing what the baby will be though...and it's fun to hear what other's think it is too (based on how I'm carrying and feeling). So yeah, only a couple more weeks!! :)
Cliffside Malibu
Finding the right drug rehabilitation center can be very each person is different and each situation is different. If you're someone who struggles with prescription drug addiction, alcohol addiction, drug addiction, or something else like depression or an eating disorder, Cliffside Malibu might be exactly what you've been looking for. They offer each patient an individualized clinical program, so that their individual and personal needs are being met. If you'd like to learn more about Cliffside Malibu, check out their site today. They have counselors ready to listen only a phone call away.
Personalized Pens
My husband and I were shopping in a popular office supplies store with my mother-in-law over Mother's Day weekend. Each person has their favorite store, and hers is any office supplies store. She especially loves the pens section. I am going to have to share this great new pens site I found with her. The thing she'll love most about this site is the variety of pens one can find and that they can be customized with specific colors, graphics and words! Not only that, but they're very reasonably priced and can be ordered right there online. She may never have to go through another aisle of pens again! What a neat way to get personalized pens quickly and from the comfort of your own home!!
What's for lunch??
The one thing that's tough about staying at home and not working outside of the house, is that I always have to come up with something to eat for lunch. When I worked I hardly had time to eat, or would grab something quickly...but now I sit her and ponder what I am hungry for almost everyday! It's especially difficult when our groceries begin to get low like they are this week. My husband and I always like to go together to get groceries...but lately we've been so busy and haven't had the chance yet. Hopefully we will be able to soon...because it's getting harder and harder to find something to eat. :)
Smile's Credit Card
A credit card is something that almost every adult has. It's especially important for those emergencies that we all have in life. Although having credit cards can be very important, it's also very dangerous and should be thought through before using or even getting one. I've learned that it's best to look around for the best credit card for your situation. If you're like me, and careful about your credit card selection...then you may wish to check out Smile's Credit Card. This card has been voted the best credit card for four years now. The thing I like most about this card is that there are two credit cards to choose which gives you cashback on every penny you spend, or the low rate gold card. If you're looking around for a credit card, check out Smile's Credit Card and see if this is the one for you. This is a paid post.
Almost Memorial Day
I can't believe that we're almost to the end of May already! It's just crazy how quickly the weeks fly by. I didn't even realize that it was Memorial Day weekend coming up until my husband called me and reminded me. It's nice to have be reminded of that is a day that he has off from work. I think we're going to go boating on the lake and enjoy the day (as long as the weather is nice). Should be lot of fun.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Bumper Stickers
Wherever I go I see all kinds of bumper stickers. Sometimes I wonder where I could find unique bumper stickers like the ones I see around? Do you ever wonder the same thing? If so, you might want to check out Sticker Giant. This site has over 1100 categories! That is a lot of stickers to choose finding one that suits your taste should not be difficult. Given my strong Faith, I always appreciate the bumper stickers that have a good message and are a positive thing for all who read it. I was happy to see this site had a category full of Christian Zone Stickers. My favorite one was the "Act Justly; Love Mercy; Walk Humbly With God. With a Darwin fish in the background" sticker. I think it's a great positive message and helps remind us all of how we should live each day. Check out these stickers to see which category and sticker suit you best. They even have 24 hour custom sticker printing, so check them out today. This is a paid post.
Lots of fun
I had such a wonderful time at my old preschool's graduation. It's only been a few months since I had to quit that teaching job and move away...but it was SO fun to see all the kids again and watch them get their Preschool Diploma!!:) I didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did...but to see all the kids and how excited they were made it all worth while! I was really happy to see all my old coworkers and parents as well. I miss them a lot! I kind of went into it thinking the kids might not remember me, but they did and were so excited that I would make the trip to come see them. They made my day and I'm excited to come visit them again soon.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Video Conferencing
Have you ever thought how great it would be to have your business meetings online? Well guess you can with MegaMeeting! MegaMeeting has made it so video conferencing services can but done without the hassle of trying to use and install some complicated software and buy expensive equipment to use it. They offer something that can be used right on the desktop with webinar software that doesn't require some complicated installation process. Making meetings easier, and have them online!
Risk Management
A.E. Feldman Associates, Inc. has been around for many years and has kept their high standard of service through them all. Their practice areas include that of financial and risk management services, legal services, communications and technology, and so much more!! They have built a a lasting relationship with clients in industry based on the placements they have made. Above all, AEF offers recruiters who are well trained and experienced. They are the reason that best matches are made. Learn more today on their site.
What a Shock!
Wow was I shocked about the results of the American Idol show last night! Although I wasn't positive about who would be let go...I never thought it would be Melinda! She is definitely the best singer in the whole contest...and she was the only one who was consistently good every week!! I was in complete SHOCK! I thought all along that she would be the winner for sure. I mean, if this is a contest based on talent and singing ability...then Melinda should have definitely won!!
More Babies..
I was so excited to get a call from one of my closest friends today! I found out that she is also expecting a baby...only this will be her second. She actually just had a baby in September, so although a little unplanned...she and her husband are SO excited! I am really happy for them!! It's going to be really fun to have a friend who lives so close to share this pregnancy she is only a couple of months behind me. It's crazy to have so many friends pregnant at one time...this is the third one besides myself that are all due around the same time of year. It's so much fun though!:)
Russian Brides
Are you a man seeking marriage and romance? If so, then check out Lovers Planet today! They have single Russian women who are looking for a serious relationship and possibly a marriage is very important to them! On Lover's Planet you will have the chance to see profiles and photos of single women, not only from Russia but from other countries as well. One thing to note about Russian Brides is that they not only make marriage a priority, but also family. In fact, the divorce rate in marriages with Russian women is lower than that in America, the UK and Australia. So, if you're single and looking for a chance to meet the woman of your dreams and experience Russian Dating...check out Lovers Planet today.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
I recently came across a site that I wanted to share with my readers. is a site that has content which covers a wide range of topics about lifestyle. It's for those who are interested in seeking a life abroad. Whether you're looking for a life abroad to work or just play in the sun, this is definitely a site that you should check out. I really liked how this site focuses on the idea that you can actually save on your taxes when you're living or working abroad. They offer an offshore solution service for those who are interested in a tax efficient plan. You can even look into getting an offshore bank account! The content of this site was very informative and I found it to be very helpful in understanding this company better. If you're interested in learning more about them and what they can do for you when you're Living and working abroad...check them out today. This is a paid post.
Is it almost June already??
Wow, where does the time go. I woke up this morning and realized that we're already midway through May!! By the way this month has gone so seems that summer will come and go just as quickly. We've been so busy lately that time just flies! I can't believe that in a short couple of weeks we will be welcoming the month of June already!! Although I'm sure it will go really fast...I'm so excited now that we live closer to our family. We'll be able to enjoy their company so much more. We will also have more opportunities to enjoy the lake and the outdoors!!
Fight for the Flavor
Doritos has a new and very interesting online video ad campaign called Fight for the flavor going on. This campaign was produced by and Kaiju big battle. It's really quite the idea, as life-sized flavors of Doritos fight each other. It's great because there's a mix of wrestling and cartoon humor and very creative I might add!! The whole point of this campaign is to find out which flavor will be the one to stick around and which one will no longer be around anymore.
There's a series of videos, lasting about 2-3 minutes each. Each one has it's own story line that the observer can follow. I watched these videos, but I must say my favorite was the first episode. I think this was my favorite out of all of them because it kind of sets up the whole story line between Smokin' Chedder BBQ and Wild White Nacho and is a great introduction to the rest of the episodes. I especially liked it because it caused me to want to continue watching each one.
There's a series of videos, lasting about 2-3 minutes each. Each one has it's own story line that the observer can follow. I watched these videos, but I must say my favorite was the first episode. I think this was my favorite out of all of them because it kind of sets up the whole story line between Smokin' Chedder BBQ and Wild White Nacho and is a great introduction to the rest of the episodes. I especially liked it because it caused me to want to continue watching each one.
Where did the day go??
Wow, the days just fly when I'm at home. Between working online and cleaning the house...I hardly have time for anything else. I always thought that when I wasn't working my days would seem so long and I could get so much done...but that is just not the case! I've found that if I don't get started with the things I need to do right away in the morning...that everything will not get done. I like to have most things done by the time supper roles around so that I can make it by the time Scott gets off work. Some days that works, and some days it doesn't. Oh well...there's always tomorrow.:)
Home Security System
Do you have a home security system? If not, are you wishing that you did? I know that a home security system is something that I definitely would be interested in looking into at some point for our home. The only thing that I have always wondered is how much they are. I've always heard that they are extremely expensive and that kind of scared me off the subject of getting one. This is not the case anymore. I recently came across a great home security systems site that gives all t he information anyone would need to know about them, as well as their prices....which are very reasonable! If you're like me and want the comfort of knowing that you and your family are safe and secure in your home...check into this site today. This is a paid post.
Preschool Graduation
I'm really looking forward to this weekend. Before we moved up north...I taught preschool for about two years. Since we left midway through the school year, I really wanted to be able to go back and see them all graduate to Kindergarten. This Friday is their Preschool Graduation and I can't wait! The students are what I miss most about my job and I'm really excited to see them all! The graduation ceremony is quite the little program...the kids sing, then they walk across the bridge and get their diploma (all while wearing their graduation hat).:) It's so cute...I'm so thrilled that I'm able to go down and be apart of it. My parents even get to come with me which will be fun too, as they've never met my class or seen where I work. It should be a really great weekend.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Las Vegas Real Estate
Las Vegas is a great city with a lot to offer. Have you ever thought about living there? If you have, it seems that they have a lot to offer. Las Vegas Real Estate is very diverse, as there are Golf Properties, Condos, Luxury Properties, and so much more. Basically you're sure to find something that suits your taste and budget when looking for Las Vegas Properties.
Interstate Batteries
I find myself always looking for a battery for something around our home. It seems that this is the one item we never have enough of...and never have the one we need. I found the site, Interstate Batteries to be very interesting and great source for people like me to find a battery for every need they can think of. The best part is I can order these things right online. If you're looking for one place to meet all your battery needs...check them out today.
Coin Sorter
Ever since we moved I have not worked outside of the home...leaving me a lot of time to clean around the house which is really nice. The one thing I have noticed in being home everyday is all the coins I find everywhere. My husband takes cash to work and I find his leftover change in his pockets, on the counter, on the dresser...pretty much everywhere at one time or another. We have a jar that I throw all the change into...but that's not really organizing it in anyway. I was thinking today how great it would be be to have a coin sorter where we could keep all our extra change organized and sorted. I found a really great coin sorter online today that I'm considering for all of our loose change.
I was really excited to be asked to exchange mini-reviews with Chee Kui, author of the very interesting and unique site, The reason why I wanted to do this review is because I'd been to this site previously and noticed how unique it was. For instance, I really enjoyed the format of the site the colors and layout make it very appealing to readers. Simple format is a huge plus of this site...making it easy to read through the different posts and find anything you might be looking for. I also really enjoyed this site because of the content that the author writes about. There are many great posts about how to make money online and wealth secrets...something I'm very curious about and would like to learn more about to help me out with my own blog. All in all I found this site to be very informative and fun to read. I plan on returning often!
Disney World tickets
I recently came across a site that sells Disney World tickets at discount prices. Not only will you find discount tickets to Disney, but also other Orlando vacation areas. Orlando and Disney are such fun places to be, especially on a family vacation. For someone to have the chance to get tickets to different things at discounted prices is just fantastic! I'm definitely going to look into this when we go back down to Orlando. The prices of these tickets include tax and there is free shipping! Check them out today and get your discounted disney world tickets! This is a paid post. 
Cleaning House
House cleaning is one of my least favorite things to do. I don't mind keeping myself busy, but cleaning is just not one of the things that I like to do when I'm home. Today I had it in my mind that I really needed to get some cleaning done, but have found myself doing other things much of the day! This always seems. It helps that I don't work right now and am at home most days....that way I can get done a little at a time. My husband is such a great help too around the house, which is nice!
Sat Nav and PDA's
My husband absolutely loves all kinds of navigational equipment. In fact, he's been trying to talk me into one for our vehicle for quite sometime now. I am definitely going to have to share the Handtec site with they offer all kinds of great sat nav equipment, as well as PDA's. They offer all kinds of Tomtoms, car navigational equiments, and outdoor navigational equipment. My favorite would have to be the Garmin Nuvi 310. The price is extremely reasonable and it offers everything we would be looking for. If you're interested in learning more about this site, check them out today. This is a paid post.

Youth Violence on the Rise
As someone who went to school to touch the lives of young people, and taught for two years saddens me to hear that the violence among the youth in our country is continuing to rise. The Justice Department said today that violence is on the rise. Gangs and gun violence are huge factors in the continued rise of violence in our nation today. They are actually hoping to spend around $50 million this year to help get rid of gangs and gun violence! I sure hope that the ideas that they want to put into place help, because it's so sad to see such violence among anyone in our country, let alone the youth and teenagers....who are the future of our nation.
Earn Cash Rewards For Shopping
I recently came across a great site that I wanted to share with everyone!! I am very excited to introduce you to a new way of earning up to one million dollars in cash for your retirement...simply by making purchases at the online stores on uTANGO!! WOW! I was just stunned when I heard this!! Earning rewards for things you by online has been a topic I've come across in the past..but none have compared to the utango rewards program and what they can offer their members! I mean, no other rewards program that I've come across has offered more for member loyalty. By loyalty, uTANGO simply states that to continue receiving the benefits of this program you must at some point get married, stay married, and stay loyal to the merchants on uTANGO. Becoming a member is absolutely free. As a member of the utango rewards program, you can earn annual cash back bonuses of up to $200 and lifetime payouts of up to 1 million dollars!! Purchasing in their online stores is very easy because there's around 300 popular stores to choose from, earning users TANGO Bucks/Points towards their cash rewards. In looking at all the stores they offer, I found that I could buy many of the baby items I am going to need in a few months at the Baby Center Store. I also found many great merchants offering the beauty supplies that I use, which would make it very easy to purchase right here online. If you're interested in learning more about uTANGO, I strongly suggest you check them out today! This is a paid post.

We NEED rain!
Well, I'm not quite sure what happened with the weather over the past couple of days. The forecast was looking like it would for sure rain, and that made us very we just recently put seed down in our yard. We were really hoping that it would rain for a few days as the weatherman had predicted so our grass would begin to grow right away! I'm hoping that this storm is just delayed and on it's way. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Blog Reviews
If you want an honest review of your blog...check out Our Blog Review. They are a great site that I'm so happy I came across. I really appreciate others thoughts about my site and would appreciate any others who are interested in reviewing it as well.
Monday, May 14, 2007
HDTV Tuesdays
PayperPost has been such a wonderful opportunity for me to make some serious extra cash. They offer a variety of opportunities to post on, all with different payouts. Over the past months that I've been a part of this blog network, they've not only given me the chance to make extra money, but also the opportunity to take part in a number of wonderful chances to win great prizes and large amounts of money. In the month of April they ran a great promotion for 1K Tuesdays. I did not know what they would do to top this...although PPP never ceases to amaze me, so I knew they come up with something amazing! In May they've started giving away HD products every Tuesday. What's best about these opportunities are that they aren't specifically marked as being the HDTV Tuesday opportunity. Until you click into the opportunity, no one knows if it is or isn't. I really have enjoyed this little twist, making it that much more fun to try and get the opportunity.
Tomorrow is yet another Tuesday and I'm going to try my best to grab whatever opportunity contains those important words stating that I've just one an HD product. They've already given out Apple TV's and a PS3, and I'm very excited to try and grab an opportunity for a chance to win a Slingbox, a Nintendo Wii, a Yamaha Surround Sound System, or a Logitech universal remote tomorrow! At the end of the month they're actually giving away a new HDTV!! Now how great would that be?!?
Bid4Prizes have been a great sponsor of this thanks a ton! All of this would not be made possible without you! This is a paid post.

Tomorrow is yet another Tuesday and I'm going to try my best to grab whatever opportunity contains those important words stating that I've just one an HD product. They've already given out Apple TV's and a PS3, and I'm very excited to try and grab an opportunity for a chance to win a Slingbox, a Nintendo Wii, a Yamaha Surround Sound System, or a Logitech universal remote tomorrow! At the end of the month they're actually giving away a new HDTV!! Now how great would that be?!?
Bid4Prizes have been a great sponsor of this thanks a ton! All of this would not be made possible without you! This is a paid post.
Andy Coates Dot Com
I have yet another great opportunity to review a site for a linkback and the opportunity to win money for being the winner of this competition. I like this review/linkback opportunity because there's a twist to it, making it that much more intriguing.
Andy Coates is trying to increase the number of unique hits per day from 90 to 500. To do so, he's asking other's to review his blog honestly for a chance to win some money and a linkback. If you're interested in taking part in this competition, you can find the rules here.
I really enjoyed reading his site, mainly because of all the information it has to offer. It's not boring by any means, and has me wanting to read more and find out what he's going to write about next! I especially like that he focuses on how to make money online. As with many other's out there...I am very interested in doing this with my site. The information provided is useful and informative and that's what I like most about the posts written so far.
Another great feature to his site is the simplicity of the layout. I like sites where I can go and find the information I am looking for easily and quickly. The format of Andy Coates Dot Com is so clean and simple, making it very appealing for it's readers. It's not overwhelmed by ads and other moneymaking content, which is nice for a change in comparison with other sites I have seen.
Great site Andy...keep up the good work!
Andy Coates is trying to increase the number of unique hits per day from 90 to 500. To do so, he's asking other's to review his blog honestly for a chance to win some money and a linkback. If you're interested in taking part in this competition, you can find the rules here.
I really enjoyed reading his site, mainly because of all the information it has to offer. It's not boring by any means, and has me wanting to read more and find out what he's going to write about next! I especially like that he focuses on how to make money online. As with many other's out there...I am very interested in doing this with my site. The information provided is useful and informative and that's what I like most about the posts written so far.
Another great feature to his site is the simplicity of the layout. I like sites where I can go and find the information I am looking for easily and quickly. The format of Andy Coates Dot Com is so clean and simple, making it very appealing for it's readers. It's not overwhelmed by ads and other moneymaking content, which is nice for a change in comparison with other sites I have seen.
Great site Andy...keep up the good work!
Friday, May 11, 2007
I don't know about you, but I always enjoy getting more familiarized with new ways to make money and join contests to win prizes. It's just something I find to be quite fun! If you're like me and enjoy this kind of thing, check out Once you join you can enter lots of contests to win a huge variety of prizes! The values range from $10-$600! And the best part is there's nothing to buy and you never get spam e-mails! It's absolutely free! Check it out today and see what you think. This is a paid post.
Time Flies!
Today my sister-in-law, who just finished getting her degree in Education at a University here, is over using our computer getting everything in order for the dreaded job search that we all face once out of school! It's crazy to think that only two years ago I was finishing up with college and searching for a teaching a job! What a stressful time, sending out resumes and hoping that the right job comes along. Especially going into education....sometimes it's very hard to land that first job. It can take a lot of time to find something that's right for you. I was blessed to get my teaching job shortly out of school and I'm hoping my sister-in-law finds that her search is short-lived as well! time flies!
Computer Memory
Are you finding that you could use more memory on your computer? I know I am! That's why I was happy to come across a site today that offers name brand computer memory for with a 100% guarantee of compatibility. It doesn't matter if you have a Dell, Compaq, Apple, or one of the's definitely worth looking to see if there's memory offered for your computer!! This site is very user-friendly, making it possible for users to find exactly what they are looking for with ease. There's even free shipping and a lifetime guarantee on what you buy! Check them out today and see what you think.
Shop Handtec Today!
If you're into all the latest technological gadgets, then I strongly suggest you check out the site that I recently came across. Handtec offers a variety of products, having everything from Tom Toms, to GPS Navigation systems, and so much more! You can even get a Garmin GPSMAP at a very reasonable price. Check this site out today and find the perfect navigation system for you! This is a paid post.

Butterfly Boutique
Tonight I'm going to a Butterfly Boutique party with my mother-in-law. I'm very curious to see what types of accessories are going to be available in a collection like this. I'd never even heard of Butterfly Boutique until I got an invitation to attend this i guess we'll find out tonight.
Monex Deposit Company
If you haven't ever heard of Monex, they are the leader in the US when it comes to the investment of gold and other precious metals. I definitely recommend that you check into them if you are interesting in buying gold or silver and investing in it! Doing so can definitely make you a lot of money and help to protect your wealth and purchasing power. Look into investing with Monex Precious Metals today and put your trust in one the Nation's best dealers of precious metals. Their staff are always standing by and are committed to helping meet your needs. Don't wait any longer! Check out Monex and what they can offer you.
Funeral Insurance
Many times, especially as we get older and begin our families, many of us ask ourselves "who will take care of everything after I'm gone". The cost of a funeral and all that goes along with it is so expensive and no wants to leave a burden like that on their family. That's why many people are choosing to go with Global Life, a company that offers Funeral Insurance to those who qualify. In fact, currently they have 2.5 million policyholders!! WOW! Check into them today and see if they are the right choice for you!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Mother's Day
I can't believe it's already that time of year when Mother's Day is right around the corner! It's fun to think that next year at this time I will be celebrating Mother's Day with my husband and baby...what an exciting thing to think about! It's fun when people come up to me and say "Happy Mother's Day" already, even though we're not expecting our new arrival until October. It really makes the whole experience seem so real and makes me feel more and more like a mom everyday! :)
What's your favorite RAZR?
When I got a cell phone plan with Verizon Wireless, my husband got me the pink Razr!! I'm a very girly girl, and pink Razr suits my personality perfectly. I love how it's so slim and fits inside a pocket or purse so easily. Not only do I like it unique sleek design, I also love that you can get the Razr cell phone in so many great colors. The pink Razr is my favorite, but there are also silver ones, red ones, etc. The Razr was actually the most popular cell phone in 2006, and it's popularity continues to rise which is absolutely no surprise! It's a great phone and everyone should have one in my opinion. Get online today for more information on how you can get yourself free RAZR phones at Wirefly.
This is a paid post.

This is a paid post.
As someone who is fairly new to using my blog to make money online, I have been actively searching out ways to increase my pagerank as well as traffic to my site. In searching for more useful information I came across the site, Make Money Online with a 13 year old! I was so thankful find a site like this, as it offered much of the information I was looking for to help me out with my own blog. I especially appreciated the information about the importance of link building, as this is something I have been very curious about and looking to learn more.
The standard "review my blog for a free linkback" is very useful in spreading the word about each blog involved. Carl Ocab uses linkbaiting to do just that and I personally find it to be a very useful tool, especially for fairly new bloggers like myself! He's offering a free linkback to anyone who reviews his blog...and even the chance to win a copy of his upcoming e-book. So check this site out today!
The standard "review my blog for a free linkback" is very useful in spreading the word about each blog involved. Carl Ocab uses linkbaiting to do just that and I personally find it to be a very useful tool, especially for fairly new bloggers like myself! He's offering a free linkback to anyone who reviews his blog...and even the chance to win a copy of his upcoming e-book. So check this site out today!
I recently came across a great site offering a linkback in exchange for a review of his site. Getting a linkback from is a wonderful opportunity for newer bloggers like myself who are trying to get their Google Rankings up and generate traffic to their site!
Although his blog offers some information on personal topics, it is mainly a blog written about things related to spiritual growth and other topics like Inspiration, Holistic Health, and many others that are quite interesting. I really enjoyed reading through his posts, especially those about lucid dreams!
This is really a very interesting site and I recommend others to check it out as well! I know I will be returning often. It's unique and that's what I appreciate about it most!!

Although his blog offers some information on personal topics, it is mainly a blog written about things related to spiritual growth and other topics like Inspiration, Holistic Health, and many others that are quite interesting. I really enjoyed reading through his posts, especially those about lucid dreams!
This is really a very interesting site and I recommend others to check it out as well! I know I will be returning often. It's unique and that's what I appreciate about it most!!
Stop Your Addiction
Have you or someone you know recently recognized that they have a problem with alcohol or drugs? If so, then check out a great site,, and see what they have to offer you. Although taking that first step to recovery can be very difficult, the Stone Hawk First Step 28 day drug rehab program may be right for you! This is a chance to take a different route to recovery, other than those 12 step programs. This program actually offers detoxification and social education and helps those who are there get on the right track through a 5 stage process. They are located in Michigan, but treat addicts all over the check them out today and see what you think. This is a paid post.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Energy Pills
Are you looking for something to replace that morning coffee? Something that will help to boost your energy and concentration levels? If so, then you may be interested in learning more about Bullet Speed Energy Pills. It's something you can take before any demanding activity such as a final at school, an interview, a workout, etc. Stay awake longer and boost your energy with Bullet Speed Energy Pills.
Andrew Kuo Dot Net
There are so many sites out there asking for reviews/links in exchange for a linkback. I wasn't really that familiar with this idea until recently, and am intrigued with the idea and how well it seems to work! I particularly like the fact that the people who are asking bloggers to review their blogs, like the blog, are looking for honest opinions, whether that be negative or positive. It shows their sincerity in wanting to make their blog better and hear what other bloggers have to say about it. At the same time, those of us who aren't as well known, and newer to the blogging community are able to generate more traffic to our sites as well as receive valuable linkbacks to help our ranking.
I strongly believe that we can learn from others to help us become better bloggers. This is what I'm finding to be especially true when it comes to the blog He attends Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio as a full-time college student, and still is able to have a really great blog that I'm very impressed with and am learning a lot from.
The thing I like most about this blog is that it's so simply laid out and easy to read. It's not overdone or overwhelmed with ads and other fillers. He also offers useful information that others, like myself, will find interesting and even helpful in bringing traffic to their own blogs and utilizing the many ways to make money online.
If you're interested in checking out a great site, and one that you may take some useful information from on how to make money on the internet, then I suggest you take a look at He's also offering a free linkback to anyone who is willing to post a review linking to his site!
I strongly believe that we can learn from others to help us become better bloggers. This is what I'm finding to be especially true when it comes to the blog He attends Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio as a full-time college student, and still is able to have a really great blog that I'm very impressed with and am learning a lot from.
The thing I like most about this blog is that it's so simply laid out and easy to read. It's not overdone or overwhelmed with ads and other fillers. He also offers useful information that others, like myself, will find interesting and even helpful in bringing traffic to their own blogs and utilizing the many ways to make money online.
If you're interested in checking out a great site, and one that you may take some useful information from on how to make money on the internet, then I suggest you take a look at He's also offering a free linkback to anyone who is willing to post a review linking to his site!
make money online
Hopeless Romantic
Are you interested in increasing the traffic to your site? Would you like the opportunity to review/link to a great site for a linkback in exchange? If so, then check out is running a campaign in exchange for a free mini-review to become the #1 ranking “Hopeless Romantic” site on Google. Check this site out, as well as his other site,, today! They are very interesting sites and full of great topics, and advice for bloggers who are looking to bring traffic to their site.
make money online,
Really Smart
I recently came across many opportunities to do link exchanges with some great sites! I am amazed how quickly it has caught on, and am excited to do another link exchange with Johnny Fuery, a Really Smart Guy who writes about various topics including real estate investing, geekspeak, affiliate marketing, landlording, and so much more! I really like the variety that Johnny offers on his site...I found his topics to be very interesting, and would recommend that anyone looking for a great site on all kinds of geeky topics to check it out!
make money online,
real estate
Orlando Florida
Orlando, Florida is one of the best vacations I ever had as a child. I think I enjoyed it so much because it was just "magical" with all the characters and rides at Disney World! What a great memory! I enjoyed it just as much the few times I was able to go as an adult as well, and can't wait to bring my own children one day to experience the "magic" for themselves.
Planning a vacation to Disney World will be easy now that I found out about Here is where I will be able to find discount tickets for Disney World and other Orlando theme parks and attractions! In fact, they guarantee their prices to be the lowest!! What a great way to make planning a big vacation like this easy and stress-free. Who knows, maybe we'll even take advantage of their wonderful discounts on Universal Studios Tickets when we plan our vacation to Orlando?! This was yet another wonderful experience that I remember when vacationing in Florida. If you're like me and would love to find discounts to the magical place of Orlando Florida, learn more at
Planning a vacation to Disney World will be easy now that I found out about Here is where I will be able to find discount tickets for Disney World and other Orlando theme parks and attractions! In fact, they guarantee their prices to be the lowest!! What a great way to make planning a big vacation like this easy and stress-free. Who knows, maybe we'll even take advantage of their wonderful discounts on Universal Studios Tickets when we plan our vacation to Orlando?! This was yet another wonderful experience that I remember when vacationing in Florida. If you're like me and would love to find discounts to the magical place of Orlando Florida, learn more at
Busy Season
It's been so nice having Scott home earlier now that the busy season is slowing down. Although I he still works rather long days, I get to see him so much more now! I enjoy having him home for supper and at night so we can spend some time together throughout the week. I also really like the fact that he's going to be able to start spending weekends with me again!!
I have recently had the opportunity to review a number of amazing blogs for reviews/linkbacks in return! Getting Linkbacks, especially from high PR blogs, is very important if you want to make yourself better known in the blogging community and want a higher position in Google search results. That is why I am thrilled to do another review for a great blog, Desi Notes-Random Ramblings of Desi Baba.
One of the first things I noticed about this blog was the layout and template. Unlike some blogs that are far too busy and confusing, this one is laid out very nicely! It is simple and really easy to navigate. I also liked the variety of topics that this blog covers. Readers will find topics and information on everything from Work at Home and Blogging for Money to Celebrities and the Internet. I enjoy blogs like this that offer their readers various topics and views. I especially like, that although he focuses on specific topics like making money online, he also keeps his blog personal and posts about things that are of interest to him...a great balance between personal and informative!
I am also very impressed with Desi, as he has already made more than $22,000 online, mostly through the use of Adsense. As someone who is newer to the idea of making money online, I was very excited to find someone who has the experience and knowledge that can help me attain my own goals of making money online while working at home. Keep up the good work Desi, I really learned a lot from browsing your blog.
One of the first things I noticed about this blog was the layout and template. Unlike some blogs that are far too busy and confusing, this one is laid out very nicely! It is simple and really easy to navigate. I also liked the variety of topics that this blog covers. Readers will find topics and information on everything from Work at Home and Blogging for Money to Celebrities and the Internet. I enjoy blogs like this that offer their readers various topics and views. I especially like, that although he focuses on specific topics like making money online, he also keeps his blog personal and posts about things that are of interest to him...a great balance between personal and informative!
I am also very impressed with Desi, as he has already made more than $22,000 online, mostly through the use of Adsense. As someone who is newer to the idea of making money online, I was very excited to find someone who has the experience and knowledge that can help me attain my own goals of making money online while working at home. Keep up the good work Desi, I really learned a lot from browsing your blog.
make money online,
Making Money Online
Master Degree
The following blog post is based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit
I recently came across information on an interesting new book that I wanted to share with everyone. The book is titled, Appreciative Coaching, and was co-authored by Sara Orem. This is a book that gives readers four stages (Discovery, Dream, Design and Destiny) to help them appreciate themselves and gives them an empowering view of who they are and of their future. This book is specifically designed for managers and executives who can influence the changes that go into their businesses, using the idea that their companies will do well when human ideals, achievements, and best practices are the focus. Please check this book out soon and see what you think. The author, Sara Orem, works as a faculty member of Capella University, a fully accredited online university offering a great Master Degree and Undergraduate Degree program. If you're interested in learning more about this university, check their site out today.
I recently came across information on an interesting new book that I wanted to share with everyone. The book is titled, Appreciative Coaching, and was co-authored by Sara Orem. This is a book that gives readers four stages (Discovery, Dream, Design and Destiny) to help them appreciate themselves and gives them an empowering view of who they are and of their future. This book is specifically designed for managers and executives who can influence the changes that go into their businesses, using the idea that their companies will do well when human ideals, achievements, and best practices are the focus. Please check this book out soon and see what you think. The author, Sara Orem, works as a faculty member of Capella University, a fully accredited online university offering a great Master Degree and Undergraduate Degree program. If you're interested in learning more about this university, check their site out today.
Expecting our new addition!
Family is so important to my husband and I, and that's why we are SOOO excited about our new addition, Baby Gaskill, expected in October!! Although we still have about 5 months, it's so excited to think and talk about. This will be our first child and we are absolutely ecstatic!! What an amazing gift a baby is...a true blessing. As we prepare for our soon new arrival, we've been slowly picking up things here and there. Until I really started thinking about it, I didn't realize how many things we needed before we have the baby. It's so much fun to prepare for though...I can't wait!!
Review of Ja Kel Daily Dot Com
Up until recently I wasn't quite sure how this link exchange worked between blogs. I found out very quickly after having done a review in exchange for a linkback on John Chow's webiste. I am now very excited to have the opportunity to do another review for Ja Kel Daily Dot Com, a site created by Jason Neuman.
When I first familiarized myself with Ja Kel Daily Dot Com, I was very impressed. I thought it was neat how he has created a blog about his personal life, such as parenting, as well as including a wealth of information on other topics, especially how to make money online...something that I am very interested in learning more about. In fact, I enjoyed reading his post on John Chow's Adsense Ad on his site about how it's ok to learn from other bloggers and even take ideas and utilize them on your own blog. I for one completely agree! I think the best way to become a better blogger, is to learn from other bloggers. I am learning a great deal by checking out a variety of blogs, and found this to be especially true on Jason's blog. I really like the layout of his blog, as it is very easy to use. I also enjoyed the photo at the top of his blog, which gives readers a great first impression of him. It personalizes his blog and gives you an idea of who the person writing it is and what his interests are. I like it when blogs aren't all business and more personal in this way.
Jason wants to make money with his blog, and from what I can tell, he is well on his way. He created his blog only months ago, and seems to be doing quite well with it. His Review My Blog Linkback idea is a great one, as he's willing to give a short review of your blog and linkback in exchange for a review of his blog.
When I first familiarized myself with Ja Kel Daily Dot Com, I was very impressed. I thought it was neat how he has created a blog about his personal life, such as parenting, as well as including a wealth of information on other topics, especially how to make money online...something that I am very interested in learning more about. In fact, I enjoyed reading his post on John Chow's Adsense Ad on his site about how it's ok to learn from other bloggers and even take ideas and utilize them on your own blog. I for one completely agree! I think the best way to become a better blogger, is to learn from other bloggers. I am learning a great deal by checking out a variety of blogs, and found this to be especially true on Jason's blog. I really like the layout of his blog, as it is very easy to use. I also enjoyed the photo at the top of his blog, which gives readers a great first impression of him. It personalizes his blog and gives you an idea of who the person writing it is and what his interests are. I like it when blogs aren't all business and more personal in this way.
Jason wants to make money with his blog, and from what I can tell, he is well on his way. He created his blog only months ago, and seems to be doing quite well with it. His Review My Blog Linkback idea is a great one, as he's willing to give a short review of your blog and linkback in exchange for a review of his blog.
make money online
Monday, May 7, 2007
As time passes, more and more, I meet people who are concerned about their health. Many of whom try to make health conscious decisions about what they eat and put into their bodies. It seems like there is always something new for people to try that allows for a more natural and healthy way of living. For instance, there are many herbal and natural foods that people choose to eat and try.
Recently I came across another 100% natural product, Mega-V. Mega-V is a natural male performance dietary supplement that does not contain any medications or chemicals. It's supposed to be a healthier choice for men looking to enhance their intimate relationships and support healthy energy levels. Are you interested in trying something new without having to put medicine and harmful chemicals into your body? If so, then learn more about Mega-V today to see if it's the right choice for you.
Recently I came across another 100% natural product, Mega-V. Mega-V is a natural male performance dietary supplement that does not contain any medications or chemicals. It's supposed to be a healthier choice for men looking to enhance their intimate relationships and support healthy energy levels. Are you interested in trying something new without having to put medicine and harmful chemicals into your body? If so, then learn more about Mega-V today to see if it's the right choice for you.

Make Money Online
There are so many ways to make money online these days. I didn't even realize it until my brother started informing me of all these great companies that I could join, blog for, and promote. PayPerPost has been one of my all time favorite ways to make a little extra cash, but as I get more involved in my blogging and making money online, I have come to find that Google Adsense and other blogging communities, like Smorty. If you're looking to make some great money from home...check out the various opportunities available to you. I did, and I'm becoming more and more successful at it the longer I do it.
make money online,
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Electronic Check Processing
If you have your own company, you know that the cost of handling paper checks adds up! In fact, it can be anywhere from $1.25-1.55 each time! If you're interested in lowering that cost and making it much easier to accept funds from people quickly and securely, check out electronic check processing today! Their services allow companies to verify and validate money sent electronically over the phone. Experience what Check Vantage can do for you, and try their demo today.
Truck Accessories
Have you ever wanted one place to go for all your accessory needs for your car, truck, SUV, etc? I know my husband and I have, and that's why we're very happy to have found a great site, Buy Auto Truck, that allows people to search out the accessories that they would like for their specific vehicle. They offer so many different accessories, and you are sure to find exactly what you're looking for by using one of their easy-to-use navigation tools. If you're like me and like to make shopping for vehicle accessories fun and easy, then check out Buy Auto Truck today! I know I'm going to let my dad know about this site, as he's always looking for new truck accessories for his GMC.
Venture Alliance Partners
For all you entrepreneurs and investors out there who are interested in building their own great companies, you may be interested in checking out Venture Alliance Partners, or Venpar. They are a newer company who help their clients in many ways by being a company's headhunter, investment banker, financial strategist, and much more! If you're interested in learning more about this leader in private equity and how they can help you build a great company, check out their site. It's very user-friendly and easy to get started today!
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Do you have a company? If so, then consider putting it on masterseek, a new and unique site that allows for free access to more than 45 million companies in 75 countries! This new business search engine will give you access to company profiles, contact information, description of products, and so much more!! It's a great way for you to expand your business by searching out new business partners and sales opportunities. Do you have a company or business that you'd like to make available for all to see? If so, then check out Global Community today!
Bloggerwave is a great new blogging community that I came across recently, connecting advertisers and bloggers in one place! It's really an easy way to make some extra cash, just by blogging about things of interest to you. I'm very thankful that I came across Bloggerwave, because, unlike many other blogging communities, Bloggerwave it is very easy to use. They offer you opportunities and make it very easy to take them. If you're interested in making some extra cash, give Bloggerwave a try! I did, and I really like it.
KAL Energy
Have you ever heard of KAL Energy Inc.? If you haven't, they are a mining company focused on Thermal Coal resources in Indonesia. Did you know that KAL Energy uses several of the Indonesian infrastructure elements to increase their business and maintain outstanding production rates? That's right! They are not only increasing rates of production, but also decreasing their unit costs when compare to other competitors, like Australia and South Africa. Also, the fact that KAL Energy is so close to the Mahakam and Kadang Pahu Rivers, even allows them to minimize cost to transport coal. You can learn more on the KAL Energy website today! The following is a Press Release about KAL Energy:
KAL Energy Uses Indonesian Infrastructure Advantages to Propel Business
A 2006 report by AME Mineral Economics states that Indonesia has become the world’s top thermal coal-producing area, taking a distinct lead over former top producers Australia and South Africa. While many in the industry might attribute the change to better mining techniques or higher quality product, the real answer lies within a somewhat surprising realm -- transportation.
“A low cost transportation infrastructure is essential to the economic exporting of coal,” states KAL Energy CEO Cameron Reynolds. “It’s one of the reasons Indonesia has jumped ahead in the market; other areas in the world have simply failed to, or can’t, overcome infrastructure constraints.”
KAL Energy’s mineral claims are located in East Kalimantan, Indonesia -- a region of active coal export since the 1980s. According to Reynolds, several infrastructure elements allow the region to maintain world-leading production rates. Among these are rapid rates of scale production, a minimization of front-loaded capital expenditures and diminished unit costs in comparison to competitors. The close proximity of Kal Energy’s mine properties to both the Mahakam and Kadang Pahu Rivers provide for low cost barge transport of coal.
“While other regions around the world are stuck at a certain level of production, places like Kalimantan, in Indonesia, continue to ramp their production massively,” says Reynolds. “It’s definitely a factor that I think investors are starting to realize.” Kal Energy has recently become a public company, trading under the symbol KALG.
KAL Energy has already secured the rights to an estimated geological resource of 192 million tons of thermal coal. This coal has been identified to have a very low sulphur and ash content which allows it to be utilized for more environmentally friendly electricity generation than many other Asian coals. They have made plans to produce and ship 200,000 tons of its product to end users in the latter half of 2007, with additional plans to scale production to 5 million tons per year within the next four years and 15 million tons per year on a long-term basis, after the successful completion of the exploration program and subsequent world class mining feasibility study. The company expects further long-term demand through Coal-to-Liquid (CTL) technologies.
“When you find an advantage, you exploit it in every way possible; and that’s exactly what we plan to do long into the future,” adds Reynolds.
This is a paid post.

KAL Energy Uses Indonesian Infrastructure Advantages to Propel Business
A 2006 report by AME Mineral Economics states that Indonesia has become the world’s top thermal coal-producing area, taking a distinct lead over former top producers Australia and South Africa. While many in the industry might attribute the change to better mining techniques or higher quality product, the real answer lies within a somewhat surprising realm -- transportation.
“A low cost transportation infrastructure is essential to the economic exporting of coal,” states KAL Energy CEO Cameron Reynolds. “It’s one of the reasons Indonesia has jumped ahead in the market; other areas in the world have simply failed to, or can’t, overcome infrastructure constraints.”
KAL Energy’s mineral claims are located in East Kalimantan, Indonesia -- a region of active coal export since the 1980s. According to Reynolds, several infrastructure elements allow the region to maintain world-leading production rates. Among these are rapid rates of scale production, a minimization of front-loaded capital expenditures and diminished unit costs in comparison to competitors. The close proximity of Kal Energy’s mine properties to both the Mahakam and Kadang Pahu Rivers provide for low cost barge transport of coal.
“While other regions around the world are stuck at a certain level of production, places like Kalimantan, in Indonesia, continue to ramp their production massively,” says Reynolds. “It’s definitely a factor that I think investors are starting to realize.” Kal Energy has recently become a public company, trading under the symbol KALG.
KAL Energy has already secured the rights to an estimated geological resource of 192 million tons of thermal coal. This coal has been identified to have a very low sulphur and ash content which allows it to be utilized for more environmentally friendly electricity generation than many other Asian coals. They have made plans to produce and ship 200,000 tons of its product to end users in the latter half of 2007, with additional plans to scale production to 5 million tons per year within the next four years and 15 million tons per year on a long-term basis, after the successful completion of the exploration program and subsequent world class mining feasibility study. The company expects further long-term demand through Coal-to-Liquid (CTL) technologies.
“When you find an advantage, you exploit it in every way possible; and that’s exactly what we plan to do long into the future,” adds Reynolds.
This is a paid post.
Salary of a stay-at-home-mom
I'm usually not one to ramble about what's going on in the news, but I found the following information to be quite interesting. recently put out a report on the "price of a stay at home mom", or what their salary would be if they actually got paid for all the work that the do. They found that a mom's salary would be $138,095! Wow! Now, from what I've gathered from when my mom stayed home with me and my brothers, this is definitely at least what a stay-at-home mom should be paid, if not a little low (they should probably get paid way more for the responsibilities they have). Mom's who stay home do so much! They're not only doing all of the cleaning and running errands, but they're also shaping the futures of their children at such a critical time in their lives. They're helping to mold them into the young men and women that they will become. Now, in my opinion that's not only the hardest job anyone could ever have...but the most important and the one with the most responsibility. I wish more mother's would choose to stay at home with their children and see how important it is to be with your children while they're still young and so impressionable.
In doing this report, used 10 jobs that moms do on most days to help decide what their salary should be. These jobs were: housekeeper, day care center teacher, cook, computer operator, laundry machine operator, janitor, facilities manager, van driver, CEO and psychologist. They also took into account the overtime that mom's put in and rounded it to be about 92 hours a week or so. WOW! That's 52 hours of overtime! I definitely think all that mom's do goes unappreciated most of the time. All I can say is, "Thanks Mom for all you did when you stayed home with us as we were young, and all you continue to do even today!" :)
In doing this report, used 10 jobs that moms do on most days to help decide what their salary should be. These jobs were: housekeeper, day care center teacher, cook, computer operator, laundry machine operator, janitor, facilities manager, van driver, CEO and psychologist. They also took into account the overtime that mom's put in and rounded it to be about 92 hours a week or so. WOW! That's 52 hours of overtime! I definitely think all that mom's do goes unappreciated most of the time. All I can say is, "Thanks Mom for all you did when you stayed home with us as we were young, and all you continue to do even today!" :)
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