Wednesday, October 31, 2007
The Knot
I'm sure many people out there have heard of the website, The Knot, this is a very popular site that many people use when planning their weddings. I know I did...and it was so easy to use and so much fun!! The one thing I didn't know, and maybe you didn't either, is that they have The Knot Wedding Shop on this site too. Here is where you can find all the wedding supplies and unique wedding favors you will ever need. They have everything from cameras, to ring pillows, to cake toppers...and so much more!! What's great is that many of the things you find on this site can actually be personalized. This is one thing that makes any part of your wedding that much more special!! If you're planning a wedding, or know someone who is...check out this site today and see what they have to offer you!!
Tomorrow is the day
It's kind of weird to think that tomorrow we will be heading to the hospital bright and early to get this labor started. We were kind of hoping the baby would come sooner than that, but it's looking like tomorrow is the day. We couldn't be happier...and can't wait to meet our little one. We're especially excited to find out if it's a boy or a girl. In the beginning we chose not to find out what we were having. It was difficult not knowing at times because we were curious...but now having not known this whole time, we wouldn't do it any other way!! It will be such a great thing to here the doctor tell us "it's a girl" or "it's a boy".
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Online Gambling
Although I personally have never really gotten into gambling, I can see how many people would enjoy this hobby. I think for me, the downfall to going out and gambling is going to crowded casinos where many of the people smoke. This usually gets to my head and really causes me to feel pretty yucky by the time I leave. I recently learned of a great site though, that helps people like me find online casinos. is an online casino review website that makes it easy for you to quickly find the types of casinos and games that you're looking for!! In looking through it, I found it to be very useful in helping me to decide which games were most like the online casino that I would choose to play. I used the different information they gave, such as ratings, reviews, withdrawal options and more to make my decisions. If you're interested in learning more about this site and how it could help you find the best online casinos out should definitely head over to this site today!! From what I gather so far in researching this will not be disappointed with what you find. It's free and it's what are you waiting for?!
I'm hoping that Scott gets home from work soon so that we can go on a walk again tonight. As I recently posted, the weather is just beautiful...and it may be one of the last times we can take a nice walk before the weather turns bitter cold. I think we'll have to make sure and fit one in tonight, even if it is beginning to get dark out. I just love going on walks together and talking about how each of our days was.
Online Casinos
One of the first things I look for in a site is the way it's laid out and it's visual appeal. I mean, content and subject matter is important as well...but it has to draw me in first. The site, really caught my eye when it came to this specific aspect of website design. I really liked how nicely it was laid out. There isn't too much on a it makes it really easy to use. I also appreciated the fact that it was so easy to find everything that I was looking for. They make everything so clear and readable...another huge plus in my opinion. Regarding the content of this site...I was also very impressed. I mean, if you enjoy gambling every once in a while and want to do it from your own home...who wouldn't want to try out this site. They help US players find online casinos for free! They help them buy ranking them and giving them an idea of what to expect. I think this is great for anyone looking for specific things when it comes to online casinos and gambling. If you're interested in something like this, definitely check this site out today!
Noisy Train
I love where we live! For the most part we have a very nice and quiet neighborhood. The only thing that is still taking some getting used to is the noise of the train that goes by a couple times a day. It's not close to our house...but it's so loud that I can hear it every time!! It's something that I can definitely live with...but it just is going to definitely take some getting used to! I think our baby will have to get used to the noise as well.
Bad Credit Offers
From what I hear, it seems that the number of people who have bad credit is growing tremendously here in the US. Once someone has the label of having bad credit, no matter if it's due to not paying on credit cards or something else, it can be very difficult for them to get back on their feet. That's why I was impressed with the site that I recently came across, They are here to help those with bad credit get back on their feet and become financially stable again. How you might be asking?!? Well, they allow you to compare different bad credit offers, like bad credit loans for instance, so that you can find one that suits your needs and situation best. I think this is a great thing, and one that you don't see many other companies offering. That says a lot about those running this site! If you'd like to learn more about how you can get your credit back up with the help of this site...please take a look and see what you think for yourself! I think you'll be just as impressed as I was.
So Nice
Wow, was it a nice day out today. I walked outside to get the mail and I couldn't believe how warm it was. I think the weatherman said it got near 70 degrees today!! That's awesome weather for this time of year. Unfortunately I also think I heard him say that the weather was going to get much cooler tonight and into tomorrow. I feel bad for all the little kids who will be trick or treating!!
Going on Vacation
This is the time of year when I really start wanting to take a little vacation. The weather is starting to turn cold, and going somewhere just for a few days would be wonderful! I'm thinking Orlando would be a great choice this time of year. I know I could find cheap orlando vacation rentals, as well as great prices on car rentals and flights through They even have a travel guide with information on the different offerings Orlando entertainment, dining, nightlife and more!! If you're like me and would love to get away to somewhere warm for a short vacation..Orlando may just be the place you've been looking for. Learn more on today!!
Blog For Money
I am so thankful to my brother for introducing me to the world of blogging for money. I mean, I really enjoy blogging about my life and the things that are going on...but I also enjoy writing about things that are meaningful to me and making a little extra money as well. It's really a great thing for us now...and works out so well now that I'm staying at home. If you haven't started blogging for money, you should really try it out! It's GREAT!
Trying to exercise....
I just love living in a house now. When we first were married we lived in two different apartments the first couple years. Although we enjoyed living in these places as thing that we never really had was a neighborhood where we could go walking in. Now that we live in our house, we have a nice neighborhood where we can go walking every night when Scott gets home from work. WE sure love it. It's a nice quiet neighborhood.
Candy Store
Being pregnant I've had some different cravings. One of which was chocolate. I know that's not the best craving to have when you're pregnant, but it's definitely the thing I want most. I try to limit the amount that I eat, especially when it's so expensive to buy it this time of year!! I'm thinking about looking into, an online bulk candy store. I like that this store offers bulk candy for prices that you can't find anywhere else. It would be nice to spend less on the candy that we want, and get more for our money besides! If you love candy, you should definitely check them out today!! They offer all kinds of vintage candies, retro candies, baby ruths...the list really does go on!! Take a look and see if this is something you'd enjoy taking advantage of.
Not yet...
Well, it's already October 30th and we're still waiting on this baby. I have had SOOO many people write me and ask how every thing is going and if the baby has arrived. I'm really hoping it will be the end of pregnancy gets quite uncomfortable. Not only that, but 41 weeks is long enough to meet our little one!! We're very anxious to find out if it's a boy or a girl, what he/she looks like, etc!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Furniture Shopping
My husband and I recently bought our very first home. We feel very fortunate to have most everything that we need. However, as with most homes that you buy, there are projects and things that you generally want to do over time. We recently sat down and began a list of the things we'd like to do over the years, and put them in order of importance to us. One of the first things we'd like to do is work on our family room down stairs. Right now it is completely unfinished, but as time goes on and we get the chance to work on will be perfect for our kids to use. Since this is something we've been talking a lot about, I've been looking online for furniture. I recently came across I am pretty picky when it comes to furniture and was surprised to find myself liking most of what I saw on this site. I mean, there were things I definitely wouldn't by just because it's not my taste, but there were definitely things that I would be interested in buying...for instance, one of the sectional sofas. This is the exact type of living room furniture that my husband would love down there!! I am actually considering bookmarking this site and coming back to it when we're ready for some furniture home office, like an l shaped computer desk, and bedroom furniture as well. They definitely have a huge selection and one that seems suitable for many tastes and styles.
Boarding up the deck
Scott and I were in a Home Depot last night...looking to buy some board for our deck. I think that there are bunnies and kitties that get under there, and when my parents bring there dog over she insists on trying to get under the deck. We wanted to put something up along the sides so that she wasn't able to get under there any more. It just causes her to get very dirty and sometimes even stuck. She's too big to be getting under there. We did find some board that we want to buy, but have to wait until tonight when Scott can bring home a truck....that's the only way we'll be able to bring it home.
Plastic Surgery
Have you ever heard of Mya before?? This is one of the largest cosmetic surgery companies in the UK. It was actually recently reviewed in the Times, which I was fortunate enough to have found and read. The Times talk a lot about Mya and UK Plastic Surgery and seem to be in favor of what they do. It seems that plastic/cosmetic surgery is becoming more and more popular among people of all ages these days. When someone is looking for a facility though, it's important they know what to look for. The Times had some great points that I want to share with you now. They talked about how important it is for you to make sure that the surgeon is registered with the General Medical Council, that they have done studies in plastic surgery by looking for “FRCS Plast” after their name, that you have taken the time to contact patients who have had work done by this surgeon, and that you take time looking for a surgeon by at least meeting with two, if not more before you make a decision. I thought that these were all great points and wanted to share them with all of you.
Finding time to rest
Knowing that we will be having the baby this week...I have been finding myself very busy cleaning and getting everything ready to bring the baby home!! They say that this unusual burst of energy usually happens right before you have a baby...and they're not kidding. I find myself cleaning everything in site. I think it's good though...that way everything is ready for the baby's arrival. I do need to be sure and find some time to rest they say that's very important as well.
Lately my husband and I have been looking around for things that we would like when we begin remodeling our new bathroom. One thing we were just recently looking at in a home store were bathroom vanities and faucets. I wasn't really impressed with the price or quality of the faucets, so I've been looking around online. I came across a great site, which makes it easy to shop for nice Hansgrohe Faucets. If you're in the market for faucets, I strongly urge you to check out their site today!! They have a huge selection to choose from, and great prices too!! Take a look and see what you think.
Still Waiting...
Well, it's Monday and we're still waiting for our baby to arrive. We have been told that the first baby typically does not arrive on the due date...but we were still hopeful. Now we just sit patiently and anticipate his/her arrival...we can't wait!! It could be any time now. Scott is working today, but he said he's anxiously waiting by the phone for me to call with any news.haha He's so excited! He'll be such a wonderful father!!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
New Bathroom
Scott and I have been talking a lot about the projects that we'd like to do in our new home over the years. One of the biggest projects is probably going to be our basement bathroom! I think it will be fun, but there's just SOOO much to do in there. I know we'll be shopping for things like lights, bathroom vanities, flooring...the list goes on and on. Oh well...we can do it little by little if we need to. It will just be nice when it's all finished. Then we will have two full baths in our house instead of 1 1/2.
Gift Certificates
I think one of the nicest gifts someone can give are gift certificates. They're just so useful, especially when you get them to places that you go quite often. One gift certificate that I've never gotten or given, but think would be pretty neat is a bed and breakfast gift certificate. I've never been to a bed and breakfast, but I've heard that they are really quite nice. I think I may have to consider this as a gift for someone sometime....don't you think?!?
Las Vegas
I have only been to Las Vegas once, and from what I remember it was a pretty neat place to visit. It was many years ago that I was there...and sometime I'd like to go again. I especially remember the amazing hotels that they have along the strip there. Very cool!! I'm not sure where we would stay if we went this time...but I do remember the MGM Grand being pretty nice. I suppose I will have to do my research before we ever plan a trip there.
Credit Card Search
If you're in search for a good credit card, try today!! They are the longest running site for credit card comparison, and make it easy for you to find the one that's right for you. You can search, compare cards, and then apply for the ones that you're interested in. It's much better than searching all over the web for the right card. You can search through lots of cards, and find one that suits your situation best. Whether that be a rewards type of card, Airline Credit Cards, or something else...this site can help. Visit their site today and see how they can help you.
New Movie
Scott really enjoys war movies. Ever since I met him, these are probably his favorite kind of movie to watch. Recently we saw previews for what looks to be a pretty good war movie that's coming out, or just came out...I'm not sure about the details.'s called The Kingdom and is one that looks pretty intense. I believe it stars Jamie Foxx and Jennifer Garner...two very well-known and good actors. I think we'll have to find some time to go to this movie, as he's very interested in seeing it.:)
After the baby
After our little one finally arrives this week, I'm so happy that my parents are going to stay with us for a week. My mom said that she'll help with things like supper and stuff...which will be terrific!! I'm also glad though, to have them here just because I know I will have many questions and things that parents with experience will be able to help me out with. It will be such a nice time for them to bond with the baby too...I know they're excited and so am I!!
Radiators is a great site for anyone looking for an automotive radiator. They are the leading online source for they offer an inventory of over 80,000 parts! Whether you're looking for an Accord Radiator or something else, you're sure to find what you're looking for on this site. And, the best part is, since you're ordering directly through the distributer, prices are much lower than other places that you may be looking for radiators. Not only that, but this is an amazing site! It has so much to offer besides just parts. They offer a wealth of information about radiators, especially useful for those who aren't expert mechanics.
Going on a walk
I think this evening would be a GREAT night for a walk. Scott and I have been trying to walk around the block every now and then. I think he's planning on being home from work before it gets the plan is to take a nice walk tonight. We especially enjoy doing this, just to spend some quality time together. After the baby is born, we're looking forward to taking him/her on walks with us.
Old Wives Tales
As I near the end of my pregnancy, it's kind of fun to hear all of the old wives tales that people tell you to use to bring on labor. Although this not something we're choosing to do, it's always fun to hear all the different things that people say have worked for them. I hear about things like pressure points, oils, teas, walking, and so much more!! It's amazing how many things are out there that people have tried. Towards the end of pregnancy we just get so excited and anxious and so want to meet our little one. I'm glad that the time is nearing very soon!
Cameo Pools
Being from the midwest, not many people have pools in their yards. The weather is often too unpredictable for that. However, those who live in the south definitely should have pools...they often have much nicer weather. If you're from Mesa Arizona in particular, you should definitely take advantage of Cameo Pools, the oldest pool company there and their arizona swimming pool contractors. They are interested in giving you the absolute best service and giving you a quality pool for a great price. If you're interested in having a pool built for you by this family owned and operated business, you should definitely check their site out today!!
Beautiful Fall Day
What a nice day it is outside today. I thought that the weatherman had said it was going to rain...but so far, it's really turning out to be a sunny day. The skies are blue and the wind is calm. The temps aren't too bad either. It's really a perfect Fall day if you ask me. I'm sure many people are enjoying spending some time outside before the really cold weather decides to hit.
Trick or Treat
With Halloween right around the corner, I am guessing that those trick or treaters will be out one of these nights. Although my husband and I have not planned on handing out candy this year...due to the fact that we're unsure when our little one will arrive, we do plan on sitting near the window and watching the little ones outside in their cute outfits. It's always fun to see all the kids dressed up and out with their moms or dads. I'm not a huge halloween fan, but seeing all the trick or treaters is kind of fun each year.
Journey Lite
I've heard so many people talk about Journey Lite lately. I went and did some of my own research, and found that they are a growing network of surgical facilities that have professionals who preform bariatric surgery. They aim at giving patients the safest and least invasive type of weight-loss surgery out there today. You may be asking, what surgery is that? Well, it's called the Lapband System. It's one that many people are choosing to get because it's not only safe, but it's also reversible if necessary. What happens is, the surgeon puts a band on the upper portion of the stomach. It makes it so the patient feels full a lot more quickly, causing them to eat less and lose weight. I'm not sure if this is a procedure that you would like to try or not, but if interested, take a look at their site to learn more.
Never Enough Stamps!
Speaking of mail...I often notice that I never seem to have enough stamps. I do many things online, so I don't always need stamps, but it seems when I do need a stamp....there are none to be found. I am in this situation as I write this post. I really could use about two stamps, and really am not feeling up to going out in the cool weather to get just two stamps. I'm afraid that this bill will have to wait to get sent out another day.
Junk mail
I used to enjoy going out to get the mail. I liked seeing what we all got each day in our mailbox. However, as time goes by, it seems that each day we get more and more JUNK! I hardly enjoy going out to get the mail any more. Between the junk and the bills :) it's just not fun. I'm not sure how so many companies get our address...but it's quite frustrating when the garbage fills up with a bunch of junk mail. Some how we need to block this.
Beauty School
Being from the midwest, I have heard of Regency beauty schools before. In fact, even if I was not from the area, I would have probably heard of this great school, because they are the fastest growing beauty school in the country and have almost 30 campuses across nine states already. If you've ever considered beauty school should definitely look into Regency. They offer a great cosmetology program, unique and hands-on. They not only have a wonderful educational program, but are known for their placement of their graduates....something very important when you finish school. If this sounds like a school that's right for you...check out their site today.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Christmas Decorations
Scott and I are both really looking forward to Christmas this year. I think mainly because we have a new home now and we're going to have our little baby here with us.:) We're looking forward to putting up all of our decorations and our tree. Oh, and of course buying our baby some gifts will be fun too.:) It will be such a fun time...I can't wait!!
Scott and I rarely eat out these days. Tonight though, Scott got off work later than usual and I was busy working on the we decided to get a pizza. It's always fun to do something like that every once in a while. I remember when I was growing up...Friday nights were our pizza/family nights. My parents even let us eat out in the living room which was a huge deal to us.:)haha
Hallandale Beach
I recently learned that Hallandale Beach is introducing Beach Club...a place with luxury style condominiums!! The basis of their appeal is their location, which is right on the ocean as well as their proximity to many things like the sizzling nightlife of South Beach, Bal Harbour Shops and even the Diplomat Resort. It really sounds like a great place to go from what I've heard and learned so far. The Beach Club has three luxury condos on their property...all offering the people who stay in them much to be appreciated. If you'd like to learn more about The Beach Club in Hallandale Beach...check out their site today.
I don't know about you, but I think it's kind of a bummer that some of the seasonal shows that are in this fall are already starting to run reruns. I always look forward to watching my favorite shows each week...and when they're reruns I just get so disappointed. I mean, i know sometimes they have reruns and that's fine...but so early in the season!? It is just kind of a bummer.
Supper Time
I suppose I better start thinking about making something for supper. Scott will be home from work soon and I really need to get something made. I always feel bad if he comes home and there's not something to he works such long days and is usually quite hungry. He's always good to help if I haven't gotten to it yet...but if I have time I always like to get it started at least. I guess we'll just have to see what I come up with.
World Series Tickets
Many baseball fans enjoy this time of year. Why you ask?? Well, because it's World Series time! I know my hubby is definitely excited about this time of year! In fact, I know that he'd like to get some world series tickets if we could find some. However, it seems that these tickets go rather quickly, making it difficult for us to find any this time of year. I'd really love to surprise him with some tickets, and now know how I might be able to do that. has the world's largest selection of premium seating to sold-out events, like the world series for instance. Check them out if you're looking for tickets.
Rain on the way..
Watching the weather this evening, I see we are in for some rain tonight. This is an ok thing, as that means Scott will probably not have to work tomorrow. However, it also makes for quite a gloomy day and makes it difficult to get some things done that we need to outdoors. I hope that if it does rain, it's not too much and that it doesn't last through the night. I guess we'll just have to see though.
Migraine Headaches
My mom and I are a lot alike when it comes to headaches. We both tend to get migraine headaches every once in a while. The one thing we now know about them though, is that certain things seem to trigger them. If we get too much sleep, or too little sleep for instance, we know that there's the possibility of getting a headache. Also, cutting out caffeine seems to help as well. Migraines are NOT fun to have...and it's nice that we know some of the things that trigger them so we can take care of ourselves better so we don't get them.:)
Orlando, Florida
A great place to take a family vacation is Orlando Florida. This is a place that I've been many times, and that my hubby and I want to take with our own kids when they're old enough one day. There's just so much to do there and it's so "magical" for young kids especially. When we do plan our vacation where going to make sure that we have everything planned out . There's just so many different Orlando Hotels and theme parks, it's important to know ahead of time where we want to go and what we want to see. I think we may look into using when we make our vacation we can get many great discounts through them. Check them out on their site if you're interested as well.
My husband really enjoy the ebay site. We find ourselves using it to sell things we have and to buy the things we need. What we like about this site is that it's easy to find things at a cheaper rate than if you went to the store and got them. I know my mom and dad have had good luck with buying some kids toys on ebay. They are in great condition and very reasonable prices.
So Sad
Sometimes I get so sad watching the news these days. Recently there was a plane crash here in the state where we live. A young training instructor was taking some students for a flight and it ended up crashing into the lake where it was found three days later. There was also a car accident where a young high school boy ran into the back end of a school bus with his car. He died later in the hospital that day. It's so sad that there are so many accidents that happen like this. So many seem to be preventable.
If you've ever looked for tickets to a NFL, MLB, NBA or NHL game before...then you know how difficult they can be to come by. It seems that they are always either sold out or they just don't have the tickets you're looking for. I know this is the case when it comes to finding Miami Heat tickets. My husband would love to go to a game sometime, but I just need to find the right tickets. I think next time I look I'm going to use Premium Seats USA. They have the biggest selection of first-class tickets, not only to sporting events but also things like theater and concerts. If you're in the market for tickets like this then you should definitely check them out as well.
Great Book
One of the first OB appointments that I had after I found out that I was pregnant, they gave me a great book about pregnancy. It's basically a guide that goes in depth from week to week. Being pregnant for the firs time and not knowing what to expect, I really have appreciated having a book like this around. Week by week I would read it and really enjoyed all that I learned and read. It was fun to hear about what our little baby was doing that week and what he/she looked like. I always thought it was pretty funny, because each week I would read it and it was exactly right on as to how I was feeling. For example...if I was feeling overly achy one week...the book would say that was something that would start that week or something. It was just neat to follow my pregnancy week by week and have it be so accurate. Now we're at week 38 and I still enjoy reading each week that goes by. Won't be much longer now!!
Great Hubby
Now knowing that the baby will for sure be here by the end of this next's really got us busy cleaning and getting things ready. I mean all along we knew the baby could come anytime, but having a specific date make it easier to get the things done around the house that need to be done before the baby comes home. I'm so glad I have a hubby who helps me out with this kind of thing...he's so good to help with anything that I need.:)
Now having our own home, I realize how hard these summer months can be on appliances like air conditioners and Kenmore Refrigerators. They have to work much harder to keep things cool when the temps around them are so warm!! I suppose this is why many people find their appliances breaking down and needing replacing. Usually repairing these items is so expensive, that it's smarter just to buy a new one all together. This is a great idea, but it can be stressful if you're in a rush to find something and can't find what you're looking for. That's where Krillion's Localization Engine comes in to play. They make it easy for you to find these big ticket items that you need by giving you localized results. Now you don't have to go searching the web or the stores for hours...just go to their site. It's so easy...anyone can do it!
Going for a walk
Today is pretty nice outside and I'm thinking about taking a walk. My Dr. was telling me how important it is to stay active, even towards the end of your pregnancy, so I am really considering going on a quick walk around the block in the neighborhood where we live. I typically like to wait for Scott to come home from work so he can go with me, but with it getting dark out earlier and earlier...I am thinking I may have to go by myself today. That's ok though.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Sales Training
Have you ever heard of before? They were set up about three years ago as a plumbing training company and have places all throughout the UK. They are now expanding their business to help those plumbers interested in sales and how they could enhance their business. This expansion will include sales training which is a very popular thing. If you'd like to learn more about this Sales Training and about this company, visit their site today!! You won't be sorry you did.
Appointment Today
I had my appointment and all went well again. It's always so fun to go and listen to the baby's heartbeat and here everything that the doctor has to say!! Seeing how this is my 40 week appointment, I'm hoping that the next time I go to the doctor it will be to have this baby.:) We'll just have to see how things go!! :D
Digital Scales
Have you ever wished that you had a scale that would weigh the things you were needing to find the weight of?? Maybe it's something in the kitchen, something your shipping...or maybe it's you! Whatever it may be, MyWeigh digital scales is the place for you. They have reliable scales that offer a lifetime warranty in the US. Whether you're looking for pocket scales, shipping scales, bathroom scales or something must check this site out today! Their site is laid out very's very user-friendly and easy to navigate so you will find what you're looking for in no time. What are you waiting for?? Head over their today and find the weighing scales that you've been needing. 
I just love living in a house now. When we first were married we lived in two different apartments the first couple years. Although we enjoyed living in these places as thing that we never really had was a neighborhood where we could go walking in. Now that we live in our house, we have a nice neighborhood where we can go walking every night when Scott gets home from work. WE sure love it. It's a nice quiet neighborhood.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Money Magic
Having just bought a house a couple of months ago...I am very fresh and familiar with all that surrounds a mortgage. In fact, the reason why it's still all so fresh in my mind is because it's actually the first house that we've it was all new to us and quite the learning experience. It's much more in depth than I ever thought it would be....having much paperwork to do, and many meetings with our mortgage consultant. Recently I came across a great site, one with Independent financial advisors who are there to help people interested in getting mortgages. I wish I would have known about this site before we bought our they seem very easy to work with and make the process much less stressful. They ask for some of your information and find the best product for you in no time. They seem very dedicated to their customers, which is also a plus and something I really like. If you're interested in learning more about this company, Uk Mortgages, and their new site...check it out today!
Sooo Tired...
I am so incredibly tired today!! I knew that towards the end of pregnancy many women begin to feel more tired...but not sleeping but a few hours during the night sure doesn't help that! Between the weight of the baby pressing on my ribs, and my having to get up every few hours to use the bathroom....I am pretty sleepy today. I'm hoping as the day goes on I will get some of my energy I have lots to do online and around the house. I may have to take a nap...we'll see....
Shopping Cart Software
I recently came across a great site that I wanted to share with anyone involved in an online business, or someone who might be considering starting up one. Ashop Commerce is the leading provider when it comes to hosted shopping cart software. They make it so easy for people in an online business situation to sell online. Now, you may be thinking that this sounds a little confusing...but it's really not. They have great customer support that makes the whole thing very simple. Not only that, but they even have thousands of features to help make your website unique and suited to your personal needs. This is what I liked best about what Ashop had to offer. You can even see what you think of their ecommerce software, by visiting their site today. You can learn more about it, and even use it firsthand by trying out their 10 day free trial offer!! You can't get much better than that!! If you're interested, take a look and see what you think. I think you'll be as impressed as I was with all they have to offer.
All set...
Having some birthday money has been nice, especially right now as we are getting things ready for our baby. I took some of the money that I got for my birthday and bought a couple of things for the baby room. I was wanting some sort of a small cd player...something that we could use when we wanted, but that didn't take up too much room. I found a really nice one, for really cheap at Walmart and am excited that we finally have it. We're pretty much ready whenever our little one decides to join us that will be great!
Truck Bedliners
Have you ever heard of a STK Line-A-Bed Bedliner before?? I hadn't until just recently, but thought that it seemed like something that many truck owners would appreciate learning more about. These bedliners are known to deliver the best protection for your truck. They are made with durable and dense you know it's going to be good quality and last!! That's important when making a purchase on something like that for your vehicle. If you are interested in learning more about this kind of drop-in truck bedliner, I suggest you take a look at, where you will find the lowest prices guaranteed!!
New Treadmill
My dad knows a lady in town that wanted to get rid of one of their Nordic Track treadmills. He and my mom recently bought an elliptical machine, so, since they had no use for it...he asked me if I thought we could use it. I told him that we definitely could use something like that...especially after the baby is here. Being as pregnant as I am, it's too difficult to do much exercising...but I know after the baby is here I'm definitely going to want to get back to a routine again! This treadmill seems very nice and I hope I get the chance to use it a lot!!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Van Insurance
Have you ever heard of Autonet before? If you're from the UK especially, I'm sure that you have. As they are 1st in line when it comes to van insurance in google uk. Although this company does offer other types of insurance for cars, trucks, bikes, homes, travel, etc....they are definitely most well known for their van insurance. For instance, maybe you're looking for commercial van insurance?!? If so, your business should definitely check out Autonet. They provide Cheap Commercial Van Insurance and all of the additional products that you may require. Take a look at their site to learn more about how you can get a quote and get started with an insurance company who is known for their dedication in helping their customers!
More and More Excited
With each day that passes, we get more and more anxious about the arrival of our little one. The entire pregnancy has gone by so quickly...but these past couple of weeks have just crawled by. I think it's because we're just so excited and are wanting time to go by as quickly as possible. It seems that when you're wanting time to go by takes forever. We're just hoping that soon we will get to meet our little one and have him/her here with us at last!:)
Theme Parks
I've written many times about how much I love places that offer theme parks. I think having a theme park on vacation is almost a must, at least for me anyways!! Amusement Parks are just so much fun...they have so much to offer people of all ages. Who doesn't like a theme park?!? Someday I think it would be fun to go and visit Blackpool in the UK and go to their theme park, Pleasure Beach, which is actually the oldest theme park in the UK and a huge tourist attraction!! From the research I've done so far, they seem to have outstanding rides...the Pepsi Max Big One, Infusion, Big Dipper just to name a few! Just talking about how great this theme park is makes me want to plan a vacation there very soon!! If you love theme parks as much as I do, then you should definitely check out this site today!!
Internet running smoothly
Our internet isn't acting up quite as badly today as it has been the past couple of days. I'm really happy about this, because when it does act's next to impossible to get my work done on the computer that I need to!! Scott did something with the modem and now it seems to be working so much better. I'm glad it was a quick fix...because we didn't want to have to deal with the internet company like we did before. Hopefully this fix will be the last one we have to make!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Uptown Saturday Night
Anyone familiar with St. Augustine, Florida has probably either heard of, or taken part in the Uptown Saturday Night Events in St. Augustine that take place, the last Saturday in October and the last Saturday in November. Not being from the Florida area, I had never heard of this event until just recently. From what I learned though, it's something that both my husband and I would really enjoy going to. It sounds like such a great time, with music in the streets, antique shops, tours, etc. in the Nation's Oldest City!! I would have to say that the the thing that interests me most about this event...the thing that would definitely draw me to go to the antique shopping that one is able to do while there. I guess you could say I'm a girly girl and I love to shop...especially for older, antique pieces like the ones offered here. It sounds like antique dealers even have wonderful workshops that cover a number of different topics concerning antiques which is also something that I know I'd really enjoy!! I don't know about you, but this sound like it would be so much fun!! The thing is....we don't have long. October 27th and November 24th are just around the corner! Learn more about this event and all that it has to offer on their website today! 
I really like having cable internet, and enjoy having wireless internet even more!! But, lately, the internet in general has really been frustrating. For some reason, out of no where, our internet will just disconnect. I'm not sure why this is happening, or what we can do to fix it...but it makes it very difficult to get my work done that I need to throughout the day!! I'm going to have to talk to Scott about this and see if he knows something to try...because it's really getting old having to restart my computer every time this happens!!
Modular Homes
I recently learned a bit more about what a modular home is. I was quite impressed with the modular homes that has to offer and wanted to share my findings with all of you!! Modular homes are not only attractive and upscale, but these types of homes are being very popular. Why you ask? Well, they're so popular among people because their affordable and energy efficient. These homes are built in environmentally protected centers where there is very little waste of material and efficient construction technology is used! Not only are they built to be energy efficient, but since they are built more quickly and under better quality conditions less materials are thrown away resulting in 15-20% savings for these homes over the site built homes that some may be looking to buy! They are also built to transport, so often they are built much stronger than site built homes. If you're looking for a home, consider a modular home as one of your choices! Not only will you save money, but you'll love it!!
Great Birthday
I had such a nice birthday yesterday!! Scott and I went to church in the morning and then my parents came up around lunch time. My mom made enchiladas at my request, and they were amazing!! She left me the leftovers, so I know what I will be eating today for lunch!!:) We then went to a movie, Rendition, which was good too. It was nice to spend the day with Scott and my parents and just enjoy the day. As always, it went way to fast though!!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Working From Home
When Scott and I found out I was pregnant, we both agreed that it was important to each of us that I stayed home while our children are young. They are so impressionable at those young ages, and I want to be the one raising them...not some stranger at a daycare facility. Daycares are great places, don't get me wrong, I've even worked at many over the years...but for's important that I be the one raising my children. For this reason, I've often considered having my own home based business. Even if I'm not working out of the home, it would be nice to do some work in the home. I'm really going to have to start looking into this, as our first baby is due here in just a week!!
Drug Rehab
I have never personally gone through a drug rehab program, but from what I understand it's quite the experience. The one thing that I've learned from others is that choosing the right drug rehab program is very important. It's vital to find a treatment facility that suits you and your personal needs. Not all programs are one-size-fits-all. Once you find the right place and put forth the effort to fight your addictions, your life can change completely.
Friday, October 19, 2007
My Birthday
My birthday is this weekend, and I'm happy because I get to spend it with my parents and Scott. I'm not sure what we're going to do yet, but I'm sure it will be fun not matter what.:) Usually we go out to eat when it's someone's birthday in my family...but I'm just not sure where I'd like to go. That's one thing I miss about all the yummy places there were to eat. Oh well...I'm sure I'll think of something.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
More Great Blogs!!
I absolutely love coming across new blogs. Today I was fortunate enough to come across a couple authored by the same person. One thing that always draws my attention to blogs, is the layout they choose and how they display their information. Sometimes you can get a blog that simply turns you off, while others are intriguing and make you want to return often. I for one, found both of April's blogs to be laid out very nicely. Not only are they extremely user friendly, but they are attractive blogs that draw the readers attention, not only with their layout, but also content. If you're like me and appreciate finding great blogs out there, then you'll definitely appreciate all that My Journey After a Corporate America Lay-off and April Decheine Wife and Mother. Head over and check these sites out today! You won't regret it!!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Great Blog
If you're like me and enjoy surfing the web and browsing other's blogs, then you should definitely check out Vick's Views and Reviews. I always like the type of blog that keeps it personal and always has interesting things to talk about it, and that's exactly what I found when I came across this blog. I visit Vick's Blog almost everyday, because I find the content that she writes about to be very interesting. Take a look at this blog for yourself and see what you think.
Hobby Shops
We all have different hobbies that we like to do. Some of us like to scrapbook while others prefer to put models together, like airplanes for instance. Whatever your hobby is, it's important that you find a hobby shop to help you find what you need. That's one thing I was missing from where we used to live...a good hobby shop. Recently I've come across a couple of great hobby shops that have everything I have been looking for. What a relief!
Succession Planning
If you are a part of a business and feel that you could use succession planning and management, then I suggest you take a look at Halogen Software! Their succession planning software is geared toward talent pools and trying to make sure that leadership is continual within a company. If you'd like to learn more about succession planning, feel free to check out their site today.
New Hard Drive
We're very blessed to have two great computers, but our desktop is getting quite old. It's still working ok, but at times it seems to act up a bit. I have a feeling that at some point we will need to get a new hard drive in it. I think it would be best to get the computer checked out before it completely crashes so we don't lose everything we have saved on here like documents and photos that we could never replace!
Drug Rehab
Personally, I have never been through drug rehabilitation. But, from what I hear other say...choosing the right rehabilitation treatment center can be very difficult. There are many things to consider when looking for a drug rehabilitation program, one being that it suits you and your needs. If you, or someone you know is in the process of looking for a drug rehab program, take your time and find one that's right!! The purpose of drug rehabilitation is to help you fight your addiction and make it a life long change, so finding one that's right for you is very important!
Life In America
I always enjoy learning of new blogs out there on the net, especially when there is a variety of things discussed. Recently, I came across Life in America, a blog that covers many different topics. Whether you're looking for reviews on sites and products, or simply looking for a little information on life in general...then this is a site you will enjoy. I think the thing I appreciated about this site more than anything was it's layout. It's never fun to visit a site that has ads all over the place, making it difficult to even find the content of the blog. This blog's layout is clean and organized. It makes it easy for the reader to browse without hassle. Learn more about Life in America, and visit this blog today!
Linky Love
I recently came across a site that I MUST share with you all!! is a great blog that can help you get a higher pagerank!! Who doesn't want a higher pagerank, right?!! Higher pageranks mean making more money online!! If that is something you'd be interested in then you have to check out this blog today! If you want, you can do a review of Linky Love, and she will add your link and send you traffic to your site!! This is great for those who are new to blogging and want to make money online, and for those who have been doing it for a while and need a little help and a link exchange. Check out this site today and see what you think!! You won't be disappointed!
Blog of the Day
I was pretty excited yesterday when I got on PPP and saw that I was Blog of the Day!! How exciting!! What a great way to bring some traffic to my site and get some feedback from other great bloggers out there. I really like how PPP has a blog of the day, because it not only allows me to get my blog out there, but gives me the chance to get to know other blogs and what they're doing. Thanks PPP!!
Monday, October 15, 2007
I recently came across a great site that helps to connect music artists with fans through social networking. I'm someone who loves all kinds of social networking, and to have a site out there for students, music lovers, and others is just great!! In looking at the IndieMV - Musical Intercourse site further, I found that they have some very cool features and tools to offer. You'll find video blogging, web-cam messaging, photo sharing, music videos, interviews and much more on this site. I never knew that there was a site such as this out there on the web until just recently, but think it's really a great idea!! Another cool thing about this site is that they even give IndieMV bands the opportunity to get out there and get some exposure by sending them different places to play. If you're interested in learning more about a site like this, take a look today and see what you think.
All Packed
Now that we're only a couple of weeks away from my due date, we've finally got the bags all packed up to go to the hospital when the time comes. We've had them pretty much ready for a couple of weeks now, but we thought we better get them completely packed up since the time is getting closer, and our little one could be here at any time. It's a good feeling to be more prepared and ready for our baby's arrival!! Now we're just patiently waiting....
The Stresses of Moving
Having just made a big move in the past year, I know how stressful it can be!! It's not easy packing up all of your things and moving to a new place. It's not only physically and emotionally draining, but it can be quite stressful on the finances as well! The last time we moved we simply packed up a trailer and many cars and headed on our way. I think if we ever move that far away again though, we are going to look into getting a moving company to help. There are many out there, and finding the right one can be quite stressful from what I hear. That's why we would definitely look into the Service Network, which offers Moving Relocation Services and helps you find the right moving company. Isn't that great?! I think it would make moving a lot less stressful to have help like this! In researching this company further, I've learned that the moving companies on their site go through a very thorough application process to make sure that they are top quality for the people considering them. I know this is a company that we'd consider using to help us find the right mover, and I think it might be one that others would enjoy too. Take a look if you're in the process of getting ready to move and see what Service Network can do for you.
What a Great Year!
Scott and I were just talking last night about what a great year we've had!! He finally found the job that he had been looking for since graduating from college, we bought our first home, and now we're expecting our baby in just a couple of weeks. It's a lot of newness and excitement and we can't wait!! It's kind of fun, because my twin brother and his wife have also gone through some of the same changes over the past year. My brother was promoted to a great job within the university that he works for, they moved to a bigger apartment which they love, and they are also expecting their first baby in just a couple of weeks as well!! It's fun to have other people who are going through the same stages in life that you are...especially when it's your twin! It seems Josh and I have done many things the same throughout our lives. Not only have we obviously shared every birthday, but also went to the same college, got married 8 days apart, and now each have babies due 1 day apart. Even though we live states apart, it seems our lives have still taken the same path which is pretty cool!
Great News!!
Before Scott and I moved, our neighbors were another younger couple that we became good friends with over the couple of years that we were living down there. I worked with Miranda, and quickly Scott and Stephen became good friends too. Not only did we enjoy doing some of the same things together like going to movies, golfing, swimming, etc....we also went to the same church and were around the same age. When we made the decision for Scott to take the job in another state, we were both happy and sad. We were thrilled that we were finally making that next step in our lives and that he was going to have a job that he really enjoyed, but we were also sad to leave these great friends. We've kept in touch over the past year, and were so happy to hear from them this past week. They informed us that Stephen is now looking to move up in the company he works for and that there is an opening right here in the city where we live. It would be nice to have them up here and living near us they are a couple we really enjoy spending time with, and who is also going to have a baby a month after us!! Our baby would have a playmate then and we would be living closer to our friends!! :) I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens.
Villas in Orlando
Although Orlando, Florida is a place I love to vacation in, I have never really considered moving there. However, I know that my younger brother has always been interested in moving somewhere like Orlando, Florida because of big city, the close beaches, and all that they have to offer their residents. Right now he's working here in the Midwest, but once he gets married and his girlfriend is done with college, he is planning on moving. Knowing that this big move could be right around the corner, I'm definitely going to have to tell him about Lowery's. They are in the business of selling and renting property in Florida. They also make it really easy for the tourist to plan a vacation to Florida, by offering a site that has everything you would need including car rental information, ticket services, information on getting a condo or Villa in Orlando, and so much more! I don't know about you, but I always like it when there are sites like out there that help to make planning a trip or a move more simple by compiling all the information you would need on one site.
My Birthday
Lately, we've been so excited about the birth of our baby in the next couple of weeks, that I kind of forgot my birthday is just around the corner. One week from yesterday is my birthday, and until just last week I really hadn't even thought about it much. I was telling Scott that having our baby on my birthday would be the best present ever!! We'll have to see if that happens, or if our baby decides to arrive on or past his/her due date. Only time will tell I guess.:)
Week by Week
One of the first OB appointments that I had after I found out that I was pregnant, they gave me a great book about pregnancy. It's basically a guide that goes in depth from week to week. Being pregnant for the firs time and not knowing what to expect, I really have appreciated having a book like this around. Week by week I would read it and really enjoyed all that I learned and read. It was fun to hear about what our little baby was doing that week and what he/she looked like. I always thought it was pretty funny, because each week I would read it and it was exactly right on as to how I was feeling. For example...if I was feeling overly achy one week...the book would say that was something that would start that week or something. It was just neat to follow my pregnancy week by week and have it be so accurate. Now we're at week 38 and I still enjoy reading each week that goes by. Won't be much longer now!!
Family Vacations
Lately I've been in that nesting stage of pregnancy, getting ready for the arrival of our little one in just a couple of weeks. In doing that, I have been filling out some parts of his/her baby book already. One part asked "What is Mom's favorite childhood memory?". My response is all the fun family vacations that I was able to go on as a child. I was blessed to have parents who enjoyed taking us to many great places when we were kids. Probably the most memorable of these places is Orlando, Florida. There's something very magical about Disney World when you're a child, and it will be a vacation I remember always. In fact, this is somewhere that I'd like to take my own children someday. When I do decide to start planning a trip like this, I intend to check out to help me. They make finding discount tickets to all of the theme parks (like Disney Tickets for instance), dinner shows and other kinds of attractions in the area so easy!! Who wouldn't want this ease in planning such a big trip?!? Not only is it the simplicity of finding the tickets that has drawn me to this site, but it's also their guarantee that their prices are the lowest one will find. Even though the planning of this vacation will not be for quite some time, I'm already getting excited to plan it, buy the tickets and go!!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Missing Zoe

As I wrote recently, my parents were up here yesterday and I got to spend some time with them. They typically do not get groceries up our way, but they had to get Zoe back from the week vacation that she spent here with Scott and I. They both had classes and training for their jobs, so Zoe needed a home for the week. :) Even though she can be a lot of work, I still always miss her a little when she leaves to go back home. Having her around during the day is so nice. She's such a sweet dog and great company!! If anyone has a Bichon dog, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. I think they're probably one of the best family dogs a person can have. I'm probably a little bias though...haha. ;)
Nice Day
Yesterday was such a great day!! Normally during the week I am at home cleaning and working on the computer. Yesterday I was happy to get out and be able to spend some time with my parents!! Spending time with them is always great!! Unfortunately Scott had to work, but I was able to go and eat with them at the China Buffet and spend some time with them as they got groceries at Walmart. They spent a little time here at our house with me too, just chatting and was really a nice day!
Have you ever heard of AlwaysHD before?? They are a company that is part of the professional stock footage industry. It's a great way for cinematographers and producers to come together from around the world. Here producers will find high definition footage, in the HD Stock Video Library, that cinematographers have created. Basically it allows producers to find the footage that they are looking for at "royalty free" terms, while the cinematographers are getting their work out there and making money when they sell their footage. I was really impressed with this company and thought you might be as well. Take a look at their site to learn more today.
Where does the time go??
Where did the weekend go?! I just can't believe that it's already Sunday afternoon already!! I guess I shouldn't be surprised that the weekend went so quickly...because the weeks go by just as quickly. I suppose it's good that the days are passing by at fast pace, because that means our baby's due date is just that much closer. :) I'm going to have to make sure that I take some time from working on the computer, and just relax a bit before the start of another busy week.
Exciting Time
Scott and I can't believe that our baby's due date is only two weeks away!! It's so exciting to think that we will be parents in just a couple of short weeks. I mean, we already consider ourselves parents, as there is a little life in me just waiting to arrive, but having him/her with us will make it seem that much more real and complete! We feel so blessed to be starting our family and can't wait! What an exciting time!!
I've never been much of a coffee drinker, but the rest of my family just loves it!! How about you? Do you like coffee?? Well, whether you do your you don't, you may enjoy trying a product that I recently learned of called kava, a well-known coffee in Hawaii. I was actually quite intrigued as I learned more about it. It actually comes from Kona's Hualalai Mountain in Hawaii, which has nutrient rich soil and the perfect climate for production of this coffee. There are over 400 different types of Kava, and all are said to help enhance your health and restore balance in your life. Kava comes as a powder and can be mixed with water, juices, and more! If you're looking for a safe herbal supplement, you should check out Kava today.
Out for my birthday...
My birthday isn't until next weekend, but with Scott's job being pretty crazy right now, he asked me if he could take me out to eat for my birthday this weekend since next weekend he's unsure if he'll be working or not. Of course I said yes...any time I can go on a date with my honey I'm happy!!:) We went to Applebees, a restaurant that I enjoy but don't get to eat at very often, and had a great time!
New Squirrel Feeder
When I was out shopping with my parents dad was telling me about their squirrel feeder that he put up in their tree. I was saying how I'd like to have one in our tree, as we have many squirrels in our neighborhood and I think they would be fun to watch. He found one at Walmart and hung it in our tree when we got back to my place. He and mom both said how fun it is to watch the little squirrels eating the I'm really excited to start getting some squirrels up there so I can watch them. Nature is so awesome!
Next Sunday
I'm looking forward to my birthday next weekend. My parents are going to be coming up on Sunday after church and want to take Scott and I out to lunch. I'm not sure where we'll go yet. I'm going to have to think about it this week and decide which restaurant around here sounds good! It'll be nice to see my parents again and get to spend time with them and Scott on my birthday.
DVD Closet!
When Scott and I moved into our new house, we noticed that there was a closet in our fireside room. We really didn't have any use for the closet, as we have a very nice walk in closet in our front living room. When we opened the closet and saw that there were a bunch of shelves in it, we were excited because it's the perfect place to store all of our DVD's!! We have so many DVD's, so I put them all in alphabetical order so it's really easy to find the one we're looking for. There are many that we haven't seen yet, but would like to at some point.
Waverly South Beach
Have you ever heard of The Wavery South Beach before? I had never heard of them until just recently, but thought I'd share a little bit about them for anyone interested in moving or even finding a home away from home. From what I have found, the units offered here are just spectacular!! Those who choose to live at Waverly, enjoy many different amenities like 24 hour security, a convenience store, beach volleyball and so much more!! If this sounds like something you'd be interested in learning more about, you can give a current resident Waverly expert a call at 305-987-1195, as well as checking out their site which offers pictures and information about the location, floor plans, and more.
Is it a Boy or a Girl?!?
From the beginning of our pregnancy, Scott and I decided that we wanted to wait until the baby was born to find out what we are having. As we sat there at our 20 week ultrasound and heard the doctor say, "so, do you want to know what you're having, cuz I can definitely tell you if you'd like to know?!" it was difficult because we were so excited, but we decided to let it be a surprise. Now, after having gone through 38 weeks of my pregnancy so far, we're both really happy that we made that decision. We've just had so much fun guessing and hearing what other people think we're having. And, we think it will be so awesome to have the baby and hear the doctor tell us if it's a boy or a girl at that moment!! We can't wait!!
Friday, October 12, 2007
I have never really traveled outside of the United States before...but when I do finally decide to travel outside the country, I hope to visit two of Spain's major cities....Barcelona and Madrid. I've heard from others that these two cities are just beautiful and a must for all to see and go. Not only can you find amazing Hotels in Madrid, but there's also a wealth of things to do and see there. They are not only known for their great nightlife, but also for their bullfighting ring which is the largest in the world, as well as great museums, architecture, and boutiques.
Barcelona is another great city that I'd like to visit at some point. Not only are there many hotels in Barcelona for one to choose from here as well, but there are also many great things to do and see as there are in Madrid. Here you will also find many museums and great pieces of architecture that will wow any tourist!!
So, whether you're looking for Hoteles en Barcelona or something else, you should definitely check out Cheaperthanhotels as they offer great last minute deals on travel and accommodations for those interested in visiting Spain. Take a look and see what you think.
I honestly cannot believe that it's already Friday!! This week has just flown by. I've been dogsitting Zoe, my parents dog, this week which has made the week much more enjoyable and has made gone by much more quickly. Zoe is just such great company and I love having her around.:) My parents are going to come up tomorrow to take her back home, which I guess is fine, as I know they miss her dearly!:) I can just look forward to the next time she comes back to stay after the baby is born.
Trip to Boston
Have you ever been to Boston before? I never have, but I have heard that it's a great place to go on vacation! I have been telling my husband how nice it would be to take a vacation sometime in the near future, and Boston would be the perfect place!! When we do finally plan our vacation to Boston, I'm definitely going to look into Boston Welcomes You! visitors guide to help me with my planning and you should too!! This site,, has so much information to all that Boston has to offer. They have links and information to things like tours, attractions, museums, Boston calendar of events that are going on and so much more!! I think this is such a great site for anyone planning a vacation to Boston. The best thing about it is that it's extremely user-friendly and easy to navigate. You won't find it hard at all to find exactly what you're looking for!! Not only that, but they offer so much information that this will be your one-stop-site to all of your Boston needs. No more searching the web for hours on end trying to find information on all kinds of sites. This is the only site you will need!! Take a look at Boston Welcomes You! today and see what you think!! You won't be disappointed!!
Yesterday I had my 38 week appointment. As always, everything went great!! I got to hear the baby's heartbeat which is always my favorite part!! I can't believe that there's only a couple more weeks until the due date of our baby. Time has gone so quickly already, and I hope that the next two weeks go by just as quickly!! I'm getting very excited to meet our little one and actually hold him/her in my arms.:)
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
New House
My husband and I recently bought our very first house. We are so excited, because this house has everything and more than what we were expecting to find in a house. We feel so blessed to have found a place in our price range with the space that we needed and desired. After moving in and having been here for a couple months, there are definitely some projects that we see ourselves wanting to do down the road someday. One of these projects is to finish a basement bathroom down stairs, as well as a family room in the basement. We would also like to do some remodeling with one of our bedrooms upstairs. Other than that though, it's only minor things. Possibly a new ceiling light in the hall and a new door in the kitchen. We're not in any hurry though...we just love this place!!
Sales Leads
Have you ever heard of Martin Worldwide before? They are a leader in the industry of direct marketing. They have a reputation for having very innovative mailing list products for people to use. One of these well known products ResponseCom. This is a mix of US Response and US Consumer databases. The mix gives users a very versatile product that helps to identify those people with the most active buying history. What impresses me is that this program was created from decades of information that was collected. I feel that this gives customers the best product out there when so much time and thought goes into creating it. If you're interested in learning more about this Sales Leads product, check out Martin Worldwide today.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Thank Yous
I feel like this was a very productive weekend. I had about half of the thank yous done that I needed to from the baby shower, so I really wanted to get the other half done this weekend. I got them all done yesterday which feels really good. I always hate getting out thank yous too I was happy to get them all out within a week.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Anyone who knows me probably knows that I am not the type of girl who enjoys watching sports on television. I don't mind watching sports in person...but on television, well, let's just say it could put me to sleep. Football is my least favorite of all of the sports. My husband will sit there and watch Tennessee football in our fireside room, while I watch something else in the living room. It works out well now that we have two living rooms, especially during this time of year when football is on ALL the time!!
Baby Stuff
The Knot Inc. recently announced a new addition to their It's a great site for parent reviews of different baby stores, baby gear and services in you area. What a neat idea for parents who are wanting some information on different baby products, services and activities. Being pregnant and soon to be a new parent, this is definitely a site that I'm going to use. It's your one-click, 24 hour access to local baby information given by the best people....moms!! Whether you're looking for a baby store, baby strollers, information on pediatricians, or maternity clothes...this is the site for you. Take a look and see what you think.
Being pregnant, I notice that my emotions are a bit on edge these days. It seems that I can cry at the drop of a hat. Lately, especially with this "nesting" stage, I have found that I get easily frustrated when I realize that some of the cleaning that I'd like to do has just gotten to be too difficult for me. I want so badly to get our house organized and clean from top to bottom before the arrival of our little one, but with each day it gets harder and harder to do every day things. I'm so lucky to have a sweet hubby who is understanding. He continues to tell me to take it easy and that he will do anything I need done when he gets home from work each night. I'm not the type of person who likes to have my husband do all the work, so it's very difficult for me to set down the cleaning supplies and vacuum and let him do the work over the next few weeks. Although I don't like doing this at all...I realized last night that it's my only choice. I'm glad he's so willing to help out and is always there to make me feel better. I'm so blessed to have someone like him!!
Friday, October 5, 2007
Skin Care Products
I don't know about you, but I love to find great skin care products. I think it's so important that we take care of our skin, and do so by finding products that we like and that work for us. When I say skin care products, I'm not only talking to women here...but also men. Men and women both need to take care of their skin equally. That doesn't necessarily just mean moisturizers either. It also means protecting your skin from things like the sun. It seems like there are so many products out there, and I have fun trying all of them out!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Being Parents...
Scott and I were just talking last night and we can't believe how quickly the past 9 months have gone!! It was in February when we found out that we were expecting with our first baby. We were so thrilled when we found out....and can't believe that it is October already, and in just a few short weeks we will meet our little bundle of joy!! We're so excited!!! It's unlike anything we've ever gone through in our entire lives. What a miracle and a blessing to not only have a new life in the family, but also to be starting a family with the person that you love!! We are really looking forward to being parents. I know Scott will be such a great dad!! He's a Christian man which is most important, and he is also so loving, kind, understanding, patient, forgiving....I could go on and on!! :) The most important thing to us as parents is that our children not only grow up knowing they are loved and have parents who will always be there, but also that they will grow up in a Christian home, one where Christ is the center of our family and all we do, and knowing Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. I am so thankful to my parents for being such wonderful role models and for bringing us up in a Christan home where we felt loved, secure and above all, where we saw and learned what it means to have a personal relationship with Christ....allowing us to truly get to know Him and make Him the Lord of our lives. I think that's one of the most important things a parent can do for their to have that Christian foundation set in their home, where their children can grow in the Lord and come to know Him as their Lord and Savior!!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Have you ever heard of Score Learning Centers before? They are a great program that's been set up to help children from ages 4-14 make academic progress in areas that they may be struggling in. They get the help they need by qualified and skilled Math Tutors, or someone else who helps to make their learning experience fun and meaningful! I think it's great for children who need that extra help, and plan on utilizing all that Score has to offer if I ever need to with my own children. You should check them out today and see what you think.
Warm Weather
Wow did it get warm today. I mean I knew that it wasn't supposed to rain and that it was supposed to be nicer than it has been lately, but I had no idea that the weather was going to get so warm. I had my window open in the office for a while, but I'm thinking I will need to shut it, as it's getting close 80 degrees today!!! That's pretty warm for the beginning of least for where I live anyways.
Coupon Chief
I don't know about you, but I always start thinking about holiday shopping way early. Like, I've already starting thinking about what everyone will be wanting this year and what I should get each of my family members. I personally like to do a lot of my shopping online. When I do this, I use use the to make sure that I'm getting the best deals by using their online coupons. This year for Christmas I will probably be looking to shop using Best Buy Coupons for my husband Scott, as he loves electronics and will probably be shopping using Target Coupons for our baby, as they always have so many cute things for kids. I'm really looking forward to shopping this year and saving lots of money.
It's really been nice lately, as PPP has been putting out lots and lots of posts in the evenings. They're usually between 5-10 dollars, but that's ok with me. Any money is good in my opinion. I hope they keep this up all month long, as that would be a wonderful to bring in some extra cash before the arrival of our little one.:)
Garage Talk
If you're looking for some great storage ideas for your garage, then you should really check out the site, They have over 1000 products to help make your garage more organized and clean looking. Whether you're looking for storage bins or shelving packages...this site has it all!! I was just amazed at all this site had to offer, and plan on sharing it with my husband. We could really use some storage bins for all of the odds and ends things we have laying around the garage. What could you use bins for??
Working Hard
I have been so busy today that I didn't even realize that it's 5:00 already!! Where did the time go?? I have been so busy working on the computer and doing bills that the day just flew by. I don't mind working on the computer, but I for one do not like doing bills!! I just wish that I would have gotten some other things done today too. Oh well, there's always tomorrow.:)
Symark is a company that was founded in 1985. They are the leading provider of security administration solutions for those in an IT setting. They have many different products available. The PowerBroker program helps to separate privileges given to the administration, and restricts access to the UNIX/Linux root account. The PowerPassword program makes it possible to manageme the UNIX/Linux user account. Finally, the PowerKeeper, or password keeper, program gives storage and secure access of passwords for different applications and networks. All three have a lot to offer. If you're interested in learning more, take a look at their site and see what you think.
Thank Yous
Over the past couple of days I've been working on my Thank Yous from the baby shower. I'm feeling pretty good, as I only have a hand full left to do. I really enjoy doing them, they can just be time consuming. That's why I've spread them out over a few days, so that I'm sure to be able to get the other things done that I need to around the house as well!
Very Tired
For the last couple of days I have just been exhausted! I am not the type of person who can sleep in for very long, but over the past couple of days I've been sleeping much later than I normally would. I think it's a mix of being pregnant and then having had such a busy weekend with the baby shower and my grandpa's birthday. Scott and I pretty much have been going non-stop getting all of our gifts unpacked and put in the right place, as well as doing our other daily things around the house and at work. I'm gonna have to take it easy today so that I can get some of my energy back.
I'm sure many of you have heard of the Monex Deposit Company before. They have been around for over 30 years and are America's leader in the investment of gold bullion, silver and other precious metals. They make it easy for you to purchase silver and other metals and set up for immediate delivery to a safe place, such as a bank. If you're interested in purchasing silver for instance, you can either get it in coin or ingot form. It's actually a great time to buy silver because the demand for it right now in the world exceeds the annual production of it. Get started investing today through Monex. You won't be disappointed.
I don't know about you, but my husband just loves sports. He really enjoys watching sports on television, but the one season when I find him in front of the TV the most is during football season!! He just loves to watch it...especially when the Vikings or the Redskins are playing. I for one, can't stand to watch football! I personally think it's very boring. However, I don't mind watching a little golf or basketball here and there.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Organizing our garage
I don't know about you, but it sure would be nice to have some more storage in our garage. Not only would it help make our garage look a lot nicer, but it would also help with organization and knowing where everything is at. is the place to go if you're dealing with this in your own garage too. This is a great site that offers all kinds of garage storage cabinets for you to choose from. I personally think the steel cabinets would be best for our garage and the things we would store in them. How about you? Do you think steel cabinets are a good choice for you? Or maybe aluminum would be better?! Take and look at their site today and see.
Weekly Doctor Appointments
It's weird, because this is the first week that I start going to the doctor every week!! I don't really mind going to the fact I'm pretty excited to be going every week now, as that means the baby's arrival is just around the corner. I think going to the doctor as often as I have been, and will be, will make time go even faster, which is just fine with me.:)
I'm someone who is fairly interested in learning more about healthy living and taking care of our bodies. One thing that I think is important is to consult a doctor before taking certain medications. This is also something that Pharmacy2Home thinks is important as well. They actually are a site that has FDA approved pharmaceuticals medicines available for you to buy online without a prescription. It's a very convenient way for you to get the medications you need, like if you need to Buy acomplia for example. Take a look at their site today. You'll appreciate all they have to offer, and the cheap prices they give. 
Lots of Leaves
On Friday night Scott came home and mowed the lawn. He blew some of the leaves out of the yard, and mulched some of them up. The yard really looked nice. Then, after the rain we've been getting...our lawn is FULL of leaves again. We have two huge trees in the front of our house, and three in the back. It doesn't make for an easy time keeping up with all of these leaves falling. At least the ones in the front tend to find their way to the road. Our lawn is still completely covered though. You could say our house looks very much like Fall I guess.:)
My husband absolutely loves the garage that we have in the house we recently bought. He treats it like another room in the house. I'm definitely going to have to tell him about a site I recently came across, They have over a thousands products for people to by for their garage. You can buy diamond plate cabinets, pegboard, lights, etc. You just order online and wait for it to arrive. This is right up his alley and something he would definitely be interested in getting for our garage. Check them out and see what you think.
Still Raining
Normally I'm not one that enjoys lots of rain, but this past weekend I was THRILLED that it was raining. The reason being, because when it rains on the weekend, that means Scott will for sure not be working. It was nice because he was then able to come to the baby shower, Grandpa's birthday party, and spend the weekend relaxing with family. Now however, the work week has started again and it would be nice if the rain would slow down a little bit. It's pretty much rained from Saturday until I think we've had enough rain. I'd like to see a little sun one of these days.
Allegro Medical
Allegro Medical is one of the largest independent online retailers for medical equipment and health care supplies, having over 1 million customers. They've expanded from offering just medical equipment and home health care medical supplies to having products like exercise and fitness equipment, nutritional dietary supplements, maternity/baby supplies and outdoor gear. As you can see, they really do have a lot to offer their customers. They have over 55,000 products that can be found under 50 different categories. Their site includes auto re-order, making it easy for customers to set deliveries, as well as many great products like pediasure, blood pressure monitors, and much more. Take a look and see what you think today.
Showing the House
This weekend a lot of my family was back, not only for the baby shower, but also for my Grandpa's 80th birthday. It was nice being able to see everyone, as it had been quite some time since we've seen any of them. The baby shower was a little earlier in the day, so afterwards we had time to bring up the family to our new house to show them around. It's not very often that the family gets to come up our way, so it was nice that we had the opportunity to show them where we're living.
Getting Ready...
When I was back at my parents house this weekend, my mom was showing me all of the great things she's bought at the garage sales she's been going to. One half of her basement is full of all kinds of Little Tikes toys. It really looks nice down there. The grandkids will LOVE it!! She already had a toy box down there, so that will work out well too. Besides having a kitchen set, she's pretty well set. I can't wait for our kids to be able to play down there someday.
If you're looking for a great Cancun Vacation, then you should look into staying at the Karisma Hotels. They are known for their luxurious properties on white sandy beaches on the Mexican Riviera Maya. This resort has so much to offer, including a new gourmet-inclusive concept that is great for those who enjoy food like I do. It's not just regular food either...they actually make their own breads, prepare their own pastas and sauces and make sure that there's something for everyone and every taste on the menu. They also offer an elite level of service, making sure that each traveler has as relaxing of a trip as possible. You'll enjoy the entertainment, the service, and features such as beach beds, beachside bar swings and more! Take a look at their site and see what you think.
Yesterday seemed like such a busy day. After being gone all weekend with the baby shower and my grandpa's birthday party, there was much to be done around the house. I did lots of laundry, finished putting away all of the baby gifts we got, and did lots of work on the computer. Although that seems like a lot, when I lay down at night, it never seems even close to everything I need to get done. Oh well, there's always today when I can try to get some of it done too.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Relaxing Sunday
Sunday was a nice day to relax after the busy day we had on Saturday. Saturday we were going going going non stop! So Sunday after church we just took it easy and relaxed. We hung out at my parents house for a quite a while, and then stopped by Scott's dad's house as well. After that we came home and sorted through our gifts from the baby shower. Although it was a lot of work, it was sure fun!! We got to look through everything much better and really get a chance to see everything that was given. We feel so blessed to have had such a nice shower and are feeling much better about having the things we will need for Baby Gaskill.
Computer Security
If you're looking for the best Computer Security Software, then Software Security Solutions is the resource for you! They offer a layered security solution that uses a variety of internet and computer security software. There really isn't one type of "one size fits all" software, so they decided to take the best software in each category like anti virus, anti spyware, exploits and firewalls, and put them all on one NOD32 program. It's really a great way to save users time and money. Does this sound like something you'd be interested in learning more about? If so, take a look at their site for more information today.
Grandpa's Birthday
Saturday night we went out to eat for my Grandpa's 80th birthday! It was a lot of fun, especially since this dinner was a surprise to him. He had no idea that the family was meeting him there for supper, so he was pretty happy when he saw all of us as they walked into the restaurant. I enjoyed the time we got to spend with him, my Grandma and all my aunts and uncles. It's not too often that we get the chance to get together like that other than the holidays. It was a lot of fun.
Baby Shower
Although busy, we had such a nice weekend!! Saturday morning was our Baby Shower. Scott was supposed to work that day, but since it rained, he was able to make it to the shower too. He and I were both very happy about that, as the shower was just as much for him as it was for me. We had such a great time at the shower. His aunts did a great job putting it on. The games were really fun and it was so nice to see everyone who came. We got some very nice things and are feeling more and more like we have what we need for the baby. That's a good feeling seeing how the baby's arrival is only a few short weeks away.
Russian Brides
If you're ready for a different kind of dating site, then I recommend taking a look at Lovers Planet. They help to bring together single Russian women who are looking for marriage and romance. They want a serious relationship, one that will take time to build and one that will last. Russian brides are often looking for their life partner and take that decision very seriously. They are known for putting family ahead of anything else, as well as being intelligent and well-educated. If you're interested in meeting someone like this, or just seeing what Lovers Planet is all about, then you should definitely check out this Russian Dating site. You'll find profiles, pictures and more.
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