Sunday, December 30, 2007
Bose Home Theater
A lot has happened to my husband and I in the past year. We bought a house in August, and then had a baby girl in November. Now we're looking a purchasing a big screen television for our family room. But nothing would complete the home theater experience better than a Bose home theater sound system. So when we get the TV we'll have to get the Bose system to complete it.
For anyone who has ever gotten married, you probably have heard of The Knot before. But what many of you may not have heard of is the latest addition to the site for parents, This is a great site for parents who are looking for real reviews given by parents on a number of different topics like local baby stores, gear and services. Being a new parent, I really appreciate any site that ill help me find the best products, services and activities available in the surrounding area. It's really a very user-friendly site and one that I would recommend any parent take a look at. If you're interested, head over to their site today and check it out for yourself.
My husband is a huge sports nut. I for one could do without ever watching sports. His favorite sport is football, which is the least of my favorite. This time of year it seems that football is all that's ever on at our house. I'm glad that the season will be coming to an end soon, because I'm looking forward to watching something else for a change.
Cold Weather
It sure is cold outside today. We went to church this morning and I was freezing as we walked outside. It's even snowing a little bit which is pretty...but not fun to drive in or be out in. I'm hoping that since winter came quite early this morning that it will end earlier than normal too. We'll see what happens. I'm glad that most days I don't have to be out in it though.
For anyone who's ever planned a wedding know how stressful it can be. I remember planning our wedding, and even though I had a year and a half to do was still a lot of work and very overwhelming at times. That's why it's great that there's a site like out there to help both brides and grooms with their weddings. Here you'll find free planning tools, advice, photos, vendor guides, a registry system and so much more! If you're interested in having a little help planning your big day...definitely give this site a look and see if it's something you're interested in utilizing.
Things to do
This afternoon I get to do two of my least favorite things. I have to get bills done and do our grocery list. I don't really enjoy doing either one very much...but they're things that have to be done. Scott will help me with the grocery list which will be nice. Then he might go and get them later this afternoon. It's nice having a husband that's helpful around the house. It allows me to get things done that I need to before he goes back to work.
Time Off
It's been really nice having Scott home this past week with Kaelyn and I. He doesn't get a lot of time having a week off is sure great!! We've been pretty busy running between different family Christmas gatherings and doing a little shopping with our gift cards, but I still have enjoyed our family time together very much. The sad thing is that it goes much too quickly...I wish that it would have gone slower. Oh well I guess.
I've never actually tried diet pills before, but have heard that many people use them and are happy with the success that they've had in losing weight. It's probably not something that I will do, but I thought it would be fun to look online to see what was out there as far as diet pills are concerned. I searched hoodia, because that is one that I've heard a lot about on TV commercials. From what I can tell it sounds like it could be a good product. I'd have to research it further though to know for sure.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Football Fans
My husband is a huge football fan. In fact, I've never met anyone who enjoys football more!! He would absolutely LOVE to go to the Super Bowl someday. I think it would be fun to buy him tickets to go, but always had a hard time finding tickets because of the demand there is for them. I came across the TicketsNow site which makes it easier to get super bowl tickets. I'm excited, because I might actually be able to get the tickets I've been looking for from this world leading place for premium even tickets. They will have a large supply of super bowl tickets, which is just what I'm looking for. If you're interested in learning more...check out their site today.
Already Thursday
I can't believe that it's already Thursday! This week has just flown by. I was hoping that it would go by slower, because Scott is home this week and off from we've really been enjoying his time off and the time he can spend with Kaelyn and I. He doesn't have to go back to work until the 2nd, so I'm hoping between now and then that the time will go by more slowly.
Christmas with Kaelyn
I've really enjoyed the holidays this year. Having Kaelyn to celebrate Christmas with us has just been wonderful! We had such a wonderful time at my parents house and meeting Kaelyn's new cousin, Emry. Kaelyn and Emry are only 12 days apart and I can't wait until they can play together and enjoy each other's company. Christmas next year will be so much fun too for them! It was great getting to meet Emry and introduce the two babies.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Have you ever heard about the Monex Deposit Company? If so, you probably already know that they are the America's leader when it comes to the investment of gold, silver and other precious metals. They have been around for over 30 years are trusted to help you with all your investment needs. They arrange fro immediate delivery to a storage place like a bank, depository or personal delivery. Right now is definitely the time to invest in silver because the demand for it now exceeds yearly production. If you're interested in making a smart investment move this new year, maybe buy gold perhaps...take a look at Monex first!
I'm just loving having our basement painted now! Every time I walk down there I am just amazed at how much better it looks. Scott even painted the bathroom wall downstairs which looks great too. Our basement was pretty unfinished, but even with a little paint it looks 100 times better! I'm excited to keep working on the basement over the years....adding carpet, furniture and working on the bathroom. It will be fun for the kids one day.
Fun Christmas
Today is the day we get to meet our new nephew! He and Kaelyn are only a couple weeks apart, so I'm really anxious for them to meet as well. They live in Texas, so we weren't able to see him when he was born two months ago until they came up for the Holidays. It should be a fun time getting the babies together! I'm really looking forward to it! What a fun Christmas this will be!!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Capella University
Have you ever heard of capella university before? They are a fully accredited online university that makes it easy for you to further your education from the comfort of your own home. They offer a variety of graduate online degree programs in areas like business, information technology, education, human services and more! They also offer a number of bachelor's degree programs as well. There are almost 20000 students who attend this university from all over the world already. If you're interested in being one of these students who takes advantage of all Capella has to offer, take a look at their site to learn more and get started!! You won't be sorry you did.
This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit
This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit
Done Painting
Scott finally finished painting the basement. It looks SO much better than it did. It just feels so much better having it painted a lighter it opens it up so much more. Now sometime down the road we'll have to get carpet in there. That will pretty much be the finishing touch besides getting furniture someday. It'll make for a nice place for our children to play and watch tv. I'm excited!
Christmas with kaelyn
I'm so excited for Kaelyn to experience her first Christmas...well actually Christmas's as we have many to attend. :) It's going to be such a fun time having her this year with us. I know that all of the family members are happy that she'll be able to experience her first Christmas with them. We have one with Scott's mom's side, one with his dad's side, and two on my parents it should be a fun time! I'm really looking forward to it!!
Getting an education once you're older and working is not an easy thing to do. It takes time, and many of us do not have that kind of time. Unless however, you find a school like Capella University that offers their courses online. That's right!! You can now further your education from the comfort of your own home. Capella is the only online university accredited by CACREP. There is more information about this on one of Capella's podcasts on their site, called 'Inside Online Education'. You will learn how rewarding an online education or getting your Masters Degree can be. Learn more by visiting their site won't be disappointed!
This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit
This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit
Tomorrow is the day's already Thursday! That means tomorrow my brother and his wife are coming up to stay for the night with their new son, Emry! We haven't gotten to meet him yet, so we're very excited. I'm anxious to get Kaelyn and Emry together, as they are the first grandchildren in the family and so close in age. I'm sure we will be taking all kinds of pictures this holiday season!! :)
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
As I get older I appreciate different jewelry and accessories more and more. I like all kinds of things, from rings, to earrings...even raymond weil watches. There's no one thing that I prefer over the other...I think that all kinds of jewelry and accessories are absolutely wonderful. I think I get this from my she is also someone who enjoys jewelry immensely. We both were very happy this Christmas, as our husband gave us beautiful diamond rings. What great guys we have! :)
Skincare Products
Like most other girls out there, I really enjoy pampering myself with great skincare products. One company that I've never tried any products from, but would like to sometime is skinceuticals. I've heard wonderful things about their line of products and their ability to make the skin healthier and more beautiful. If you're interested in having beautiful and healthy skin as well...take a look at this site to learn more.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
I love these blogs!
I just love reading other people's blogs. Blogging is something that differs from person to blog is exactly like any other and that's what I like about it. My sister-in-law Stacie is one of those people who always has something interesting to write about. Her blog is not only sponsored posts and ads like many blogs I come's a blog that's dedicated to the things happening in her life as well as those that are important to her. I find myself on Stacie's Blog a lot. It's very interesting and changes daily which is great. I never know what I'm going to find when I enter her blog, as she always has something new to say!! For anyone interested in reading an interesting blog, I recommend checking out hers. She even offers readers the opportunity to get a linkback and review when they do a positive review about her site! That's great for anyone looking to increase their pagerank and simply bring more traffic to their site...who doesn't want that, right?!?!! I know you're going to enjoy her site as much as I do, and that's why I urge you to check out her sister site...Where am I going? Who am I? as well.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Save Money
I'm not someone who is big into cars...but my husband sure is. I think every night he sits down on the computer and goes on different car sites. I think it's great that he has interest like this. I am going to tell him about a site that I came He always appreciates when I share a great site that I've found with him...especially when it deals with auto stuff. This site appears to have high quality brush and grill guards. If you're looking for a grill guard from quality manufacturers like Steelcraft, then you should definitely check out this site and see all that they have to offer. They have guaranteed the lowest prices you may want to take a look for yourself and see what you think.
Where does the time go?
Have you ever just sat and thought about where the years go?!? I was sitting her recently just thinking about how it's nearly 2008 already!! I can't believe how quickly the time goes. I think back to when I was still in elementary school...and it literally feels like it was just yesterday. It's been almost 20 years since I was in early elementary school...however I remember my first day of preschool and my first day of Kindergarten still. I think what got me thinking about all of that was just now having a daughter of my own. I just can't believe where the time has gone. Sometimes I wish it would all just slow down a bit. I want to enjoy every minute with her and don't want it to go as quickly as the years in my life have gone so far!!
All Better
I'm so glad that my hubby is feeling better. He had really hurt his back at work this week. After going to the chiropractor twice now...he seems to be all better! The chiropractor said that is had something to do with his rib. I think he better be careful with all the lifting and things that he does at work. It's not worth hurting himself...that's for sure! I'm just glad he's feeling better. I didn't like seem him in pain and not being able to sleep because of it.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
VoIP Call Center Phone Systems
If you're familiar with VoIP Call Center Phone Systems then you'll be happy to know that I recently read a Web Release stating that Xpander Communications now provides a whole new approach to them. I guess it used to be that you would wait for a long time to get the installation of the phone systems in place, and there would often be a lot of labor involved, especially as the business grows and changes. Now, Xpander announces the Nimbus VoIP Call Center Edition. It's helped with cost, by offering a low upfront cost, they get the call center running within a week, and there are no additional costs for moving or adding things. You should definitely looking into Xpander's Nimbus VoIP Call Center Edition today to learn more about how their phone systems could be useful in your company!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Hurt back
I'm feeling kind of bad for my hubby! He was lifting something at work yesterday and seemed to of hurt his back. He said that it's really uncomfortable. It's not a muscle ache...but more of a pinched nerve feeling or like something needs to be realigned. I think we're going to look into getting him an appointment with a chiropractor if it doesn't start feeling better soon. He was very uncomfortable sleeping last night.
Not much longer now...
I'm SOO excited...only a little over a week and we get to meet our nephew for the first time!! I bet he's getting so big, just like Kaelyn. Not only are we excited to meet him, but we're also excited to get he and Kaelyn together so they can meet as well. I want to get tons of pics of them together, because who knows when we'll get them together again. It could be months and months before that happens. I can't wait until each of them are a bit bigger and can play together...that will be great!
Las Vegas
Have you ever been to Las Vegas?? I have when I was younger, and would like to go again they have so much to offer. I think it would be fun just get away for a long weekend or something sometime and head that way. When we do decide to do something like that, I'm going to look into this site that I recently came across, Best of Las Vegas. They make it easy for travelers to find great prices on all kinds of Las Vegas Hotels and Las Vegas Shows. And, if you're looking for specials on Vegas tours, attractions or something'll find that here as well! They have it that you can enjoy all Las Vegas has to offer without having to worry about the money. Learn more about how you can plan your own vacation to Vegas and have the time of your life by visiting this site today!
More Pictures
Browsing through other's blogs...I realized how much I enjoy a blog that is personal and that has lots of pictures on it. I guess I like this because I love looking at pictures. Since this is the type of blog that I enjoy looking at...I thought others out there may enjoy it as well. That's why I'm planning on putting more pictures on some of my posts. I think it makes a blog more interesting and enjoyable to read and look at.
Winter is here to stay...
When it first began to snow here a couple of weeks ago...I was really hoping that there was still a chance that it would melt away and not stick around quite yet. doesn't look like that is going to be happening. I think it's here to stay for a while. I look out my window and all I see is snow! Our yard is piled high with it and so is everyone elses. Oh well I guess. Winter came early this maybe it will end early as well!?! I can't only hope that will be the case.:)
When we were planning our wedding, getting the flowers all figured out and arranged was the hardest part. Flowers are expensive and we wanted to find the best deal. If you're planning a wedding, looking into They may be just what you need to help you have the flowers of your dreams while still being able to afford them...two very important things. This site provides bulk flowers for all occasions. You will find all kinds of flowers...everything ranging from wholesale roses to calla lilies! You will find bouquets, table arrangements, centerpieces and so much more when you check out this site! Planning a wedding is stressful enough...don't let the flower part make it more stressful! Take a look at and see what you think.
New Rug
I am SOO excited! For Christmas I was really wanting this great rug to go under our kitchen table. My parents decided that they'd like to buy me this for Christmas...and it should be coming to my house any day now!! I've been watching the tracking on it...and it's getting closer! I can't wait to see what it looks like in our kitchen.:) At first I was just planning on putting pads on the bottom of the chair legs, but the pads just don't stay on. That's when I decided to get a rug...and I can't wait to get here and in its place!! I will take pics of it when I get it!!
Christmas Cards
Over the past few days I've been trying really hard to get our Christmas cards done and sent out. We have about 50 to do, but it just seems that I never have enough time to just sit down and get them all done. I think I have about half of them left to do...which I guess isn't too bad since it's only the 12th of the month. I just want to get them done soon so everyone gets them by the time Christmas is here!
Orlando, Florida
Orlando is one of my favorite places to go!! They have so much to do there...and it's a great vacation place for all ages. My husband and I really want to make it a point to plan a vacation there with our children some day. When we do, we're going to look into They are a great source for discount tickets for Disney World and a lot of other fun theme parks, Seaworld Tickets, as well as dinner shows and attractions. If you're like me and want to have a fun vacation planned, but also want to save money where you can...this is the place for you. They will help you save money while still getting you the tickets you need to make your vacation very enjoyable! Check them out today and see if this is a site you'd like to learn more about.
When we first brought Kaelyn home...she didn't like bathtime too much. She cried and squirmed all over the place. However, now that we've had more and more opportunities to do bathtime, she has really come to enjoy it a lot. She likes it when we squeeze water from the washcloth over her, and really enjoys it when we let her sit down in the water! She's such a sweetie and we can't wait until she's big enough to actually play in the water. That will be so much fun to watch!
My Little Girl

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Many of you may have heard of Lowery's before. They are involved in Sales and Rental of property in Florida. They found that there was a lot of information out there on the net for people interested in coming to Florida...but it was all over the place. So, they decided to create a site,, which allows people to find the information they're looking for all in place. They have information on rental car service, ticket service, online booking service, private pool homes, Orlando Holiday Villas and so much more! If you're interested in visiting Florida and would like a great site to help you plan your vacation...check out this site today!
Monday, December 10, 2007
Wedding Bands
I love jewelry and enjoy receiving new pieces. My husband is so good to give me jewelry as gifts. He did a great job picking out my wedding rings. He recently bought me a new set to wear. He is so loving and giving. It's fun to have something new to wear. I can switch off and wear what ever I'm in the mood to wear. It's great to have choices!
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Scott and I love our sleep number bed, but we've always thought a bed with a foam mattress would be nice too. I think it would be SO comfortable...and may even give us a better nights sleep than we get now. We may have to look into getting something like this and put our bed in another room. Hmm...sounds like I am going to have to talk with Scott and see if this is something he is interested in doing soon. The more I think about it and write about it, the more I want it!
New Car?
Lately Scott has really wanted to look into getting a new vehicle. We have a nice car, but it's seen better days and is definitely going to be rusting more and more with all of this winter weather. He would like to get an SUV, like a Ford Escape or something. We for sure aren't going to do anything until after the first of the year...then we're going to go out and start looking a little more seriously. We'll just have to see what we find.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Have you ever heard of bettercaring before? I hadn't until just recently, and wanted to share it with anyone else who might be interested. They are a service for people who have questions about care for loved ones or even themselves. With this dedicated service it's easy to find care options and a care home that are right for you and your situation. You can also read daily care news and find tips on care from experts who definitely know what they're talking about. The thing I liked most about this site was that there's actually a community forum offered to users so that they can discuss their experiences and thoughts with others. I really found this site to be helpful and think many people would as well. If you have a minute and think that this is something you'd like to learn more about, then I strongly suggest you head over to this site today !! You won't be disappointed!
So Busy!
Wow, I feel like I hardly ever get the chance to blog anymore. I'm so busy with Kaelyn and keeping the house up that I hardly ever have time to get on here and update everyone about what's going on in our lives. Kaelyn has been such a wonderful baby!! She's sleeping through the night and is awake more and more throughout the day. She's a real sweetheart and we're SO enjoying watching her grow and change each day!!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Credit Cards is the best place to find all the Best Credit Cards. Whether you're looking for low interest cards, reward cards, or something else...they have information on it here. This is the internet's longest running site for online credit card comparison. Here is where you can search for a credit card, compare them to find the best one for you and apply for the types that you have chosen. Not only does this site offer you the opportunity to find the best type of card, but you can also search by Credit Card issuer, like Bank of America, Visa and many more. Take a look and find the credit card that suits your situation best today!
Monday, December 3, 2007
Good Baby
Our little girl is so good!! She's such a good baby. She is starting to get her days and nights on track and has been sleeping through the night. She likes to stay up more during the daytime, which is fun, because we can spend some time together. It's also nice that she's awake some because that way Scott gets to spend time with her when he gets home from work too.
Snowy Roads
Tonight we went out of town. We thought that the roads would be pretty good since the weather was nice today...but some of the roads that aren't driven as much sure weren't too nice after the storm we had this past weekend. There was still snow and ice on them which made driving pretty nervewracking. Scott doesn't get too nervous driving in weather like that, but I sure do. I'm glad we're home now.
Need a Radiator?
I'm sure there are many people out there who are in desperate need of a Ford Radiator. The problem may be that you can't find one or you can't get one at the price you are looking for. If this is the case, I recommend you take a look at This is known as the leading online source for radiators and cooling components. They offer great radiators at very low prices. Not only that, but you will be happy to know that since they are an outlet backed by a network of warehouses, you're products will be available and shipped in a timely manner. You can learn more about and all that they have to offer you by check out their site today!
This Weekend
As long as the weather stays nice this weekend, we're planning on going back to FC and going to church with my parents. It will be nice to see them again as well as going back to the Church that Scott and I both grew up in with our new daughter. There are people there that knew we were expecting and I'm sure they will be anxious to meet Kaelyn. Hopefully the weather cooperates so we can go.:)
Winter Weather
Well, I thought the nasty weather was behind us for a while, but it sounds like it could get kind of gross again starting tomorrow. I'm not wild about this yucky winter's coming a bit earlier this year than I would like. I guess that's ok though. Hopefully that just means that winter will be here sooner and end sooner than it otherwise would have. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Baby Gifts
Do you like to buy baby gifts?? I know I do. I especially like it when I can find something cute and unique. I also enjoy when I can find a variety of things all in one place. Whether I'm looking for a blanket or maybe clothing...I like to go to one place to find it all. That's why I like The Nest Baby Shop. This is a great site where you can find all kinds of cute gifts for babies, their siblings...even moms. Not only that, but many of the items you find on this site have free personalization which is great if you ask me!! And, if you're someone who might be planning a baby shower...this is a great site to find all that you will need...including favors and games. Take a look at this site and find everything you need at a great price!
New Ring
My hubby took me out tonight to get me my Christmas present. He decided to buy me a new ring for Christmas which was so nice!! He's the best!:) I am the type of girl who loves jewelry and he always picks out such nice things. Even though it's my Christmas present I'm very happy that I have it early and can wear it now. I just love it!
Anyone who knows me knows that I'm not the football kind of girl. I mean, I can watch a little here and there...but my husband watches it all the time and I just can't watch it that much. I just don't think it's that fun of a sport to watch. I try and support his interests some and watch it with him every once in a while. He absolutely loves the Vikings, so when they're on he's very zoned in on the television.
Baby Clothes
While I was pregnant my husband really didn't know what colors to get when it came to baby stuff, because we didn't know if we were having a boy or a girl. We tried to stick to the neutral colors like greens and yellows as much as possible. Now, having had our daughter and knowing that we can buy girl colors...her closet quickly went from yellow and green baby clothes to lots and lots of pink and purple!! It's so much fun buying for a baby...especially little there are so many fun accessories out there.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Gift Baskets
With the holiday season just around the corner, Christmas gifts are on my mind. It's that time of year when everyone is doing their Christmas shopping. I'm thinking quality Christmas basketss would be a good thing to get some of my family members. I'm going to take a look at the gift baskets by Gourmet Gift Baskets. They use gourmet food in their baskets. They have wonderful thank you gift baskets, get well gift baskets, even housewarming and sympathy baskets. If you're looking for a great gift for someone this holiday season, or anytime of the year...take a look at the Gourmet Gift Baskets today!
Kaelyn Rolls Over
While we were videoing Kaelyn today on her tummy it was so neat because she rolled over. Scott had never seen her do this before, so it was so neat that she did it while he was around, as well as for the camera. I know our family members will enjoy watching this footage as they had never seen her roll over either. We'll have to take it with us the next time we go to visit.:)
One Month Old
Kaelyn is 1 month old today!! I can't believe that she's already been with us for a month. Time goes by SOOO quickly! We made sure to take some pictures of her and also video her a little bit. It's so exciting to see pictures and see how much she's changed over the past few weeks. Even Scott's parents said how much she's changed just in a week. She's getting so much longer and is filling out a lot more. It's so much fun!!
Doctors Appointments
Having just had a baby I can say that I've spent more time in a hospital and Doctors offices than I ever have at any other point in my life!! Throughout the past 11 months or so, I have gotten to know a lot of Doctors and nurses as well as some of the equipment that they use. I noticed the healthcare cart and other tools that they use on a daily basis in each of their rooms. It's definitely not my favorite place to be, but I've gotten more and more used to going to the doctor's now.
Barn Furniture Mart
My husband and I recently bought a home and there are many rooms that we'd like to do some work on...primarily in our basement. It's pretty unfinished and we'd love to work on the bedroom and family room sometimes soon. I often search the web for great furniture that we may get once we get started, and recently I came across a site that has much of what we're looking for. Barn Furniture Mart has so many different pieces of furniture that suit the style we are going for. They have a wonderful selection of sofas and love seats for our family room as well as bedroom furniture like beds and dressers for the bedroom. I honestly could go on and on about all this site has to offer, but you won't get the full idea of what they all have to offer unless you head over their yourself. So, if you're looking for a great selection of living room furniture, bedroom furniture or something else...check out the Barn Furniture Mart today!! You won't be disappointed!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Learning Resources

If you're a teacher or parent who's looking for educational toys that will help your little one's learn important skills and subject areas then you should definitely check out Learning Resources today!!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Lately I've been hearing my hubby talk a lot about the big screen HDTV that he'd like to get sometime. It would be really nice to have one...but finding the right one at the right price is what's important to us. I recently came across Krillion, which is a localization search engine making it easy for consumers to find big ticket items like a samsung HDTV, for the prices that suit our needs and the location that we need. In looking more into this I have found that it helps to save me time because I can find it online and then go out and buy exactly what we've been wanting. If you're looking for an HDTV, check out Krillion today! You won't be sorry you did.
So Cute
We had the opportunity to spend some time with my younger brother over Thanksgiving!! He gave us the gift that he got for Kaelyn and it is absolutely adorable!! He works for John Deere, so he got her these little pink John Deere overalls, a JD onesie, a hat, and then a little pink JD jacket to go over it!! It's so cute. It's a little big for her right now, but will be adorable once she can fit into it! I can't wait.:)
Christmas Time
Last night Scott and I began putting up our Christmas tree. We always had it up in our apartments that we've lived in, so putting it up in our home was pretty fun. The one thing we realized though was how tiny it really is when you get it in a big space. After Christmas is over we'll have to go looking for a little bit bigger one maybe. It would be fun to have a big, full Christmas tree to put up next year. I think Kaelyn would enjoy that too!!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
New Bathroom
My husband and I recently bought a new house and really are excited to start remodeling our basement bathroom. We would like to get some new plumbing fixtures, new lights, new flooring...basically just redo the whole thing. We won't be able to do it all at once, but little by little it will come together and really make a nice second bathroom on the lower level of our home. I can't wait to get started.
My husband and I don't do a whole lot of traveling, but enough where it would be nice to have a really nice set of luggage. We'd like to get reliable luggage that we know is of good quality!! We've been looking around now that the Christmas season is upon us and people are asking us for our Christmas lists. There are many different brands and types of luggage that we've looked at...we're thinking travelpro might be the best choice for us. We'll have to see.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Baby Talk
Ever since we had our little girl a few weeks ago, I'm sure many of you have noticed that my new favorite thing to blog about is Kaelyn!! She's really a great baby!! She's becoming a better and better sleeper, but in the beginning we had a few nights that were kind of tough. I'm thinking that an amby baby Hammock Motion Bed for infants would have been helpful for nights like this. It really looks like a great thing for baby's who don't sleep very well or sleep for short periods of time. I love learning about all these different baby products out there.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Martin Worldwide
Ever heard of Martin Worldwide before? They are one of the leaders in the direct marketing industry, having a reputation for their outstanding mailing list and telemarketings lists products. ResponseCom is one of their products that you may have heard of before. This is a blend of US Response and US Consumer databases. They offer a multi deminsional and versatile product for consumers. It's helped clients have higher response rates, gain profitability and get new business opportunities. I thought this was a great product and thought there were many people out there who would agree and who would like to learn more about it. You can check out their site today for more information.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Out to eat
Tonight will be a busy night for us as well. Aunt Tami and Grandma Annie want to come up and see Kaelyn tonight. I think we're going to go out to eat and enjoy spending sometime together as well. It should be a lot of fun. We'll just have to make sure Kaelyn is well rested and fed before we go so she's in a good mood while we're out!! :)
Meeting Aunt Tami
Today has already been quite the busy day for us so far. Kaelyn has eaten a couple of times. I ate, got ready and did some cleaning around the house. Then, Aunt Tami came to visit Kaelyn for the first time. She flew in from Virginia and on her way to her dad's decided to stop and meet Kaelyn. She was so excited to hold her, and Kaelyn really seemed to enjoy meeting her Aunt!! :)
Computer Security
If you're looking for great computer security software, then you should definitely look into software security solutions. They are the best resource for finding the software products that you need. The best thing about them is that they help to save you time and money by using a layered security solution approach. Basically they make it possible to find the best security software in each category like anti virus, anti spyware, exploits, and firewalls all in one place. This helps to save the consumer time and money because they aren't having to go out and by different programs for each threat category. I am definitely planning on taking advantage of this opportunity and I hope you do as well. Learn more about what they have to offer you and ESET today.
Funniest Videos
There are some television shows that have been around for a while and yet always seem to keep my interest. One of these shows is Funniest Home Videos. I remember when this show was first out and we'd watch it every week. Now, it's on during the day and different times throughout the week. It's such a funny show and so much fun to watch all of these funny videos that people send in.:)
Slow Internet
I really can't stand slow computers!! I don't know if it's our internet, or both of our computers...but for some reason lately, it's been next to impossible to get anything done online without it taking forever!! Our computers and internet used to work so much more quickly...maybe we're going to have to look into a new computer at some point?! Either that or a new internet provider. I guess we'll have to see if the situation gets better.
Baby Shops
Being a new parent I know how important it is to find the best gear and services for my baby. I'm sure many parents out there would agree that it's important to find honest opinions from others who've tried the products and services that we're looking into. I never really knew where to find such reviews...until I came across The Knot Inc new addition, This is a great site for parents who are looking for reviews or recommendations on everything from baby shops and gear, to services like where to find the best pediatrician or the best place to get a baby haircut. I'm very impressed with the honest that this site offers parents like myself and I think you will be too. Check them out today to learn more.
Baby's are a blessing
Well, Kaelyn is almost three weeks old already!! I can't believe how time goes by! She's really been a great baby. She sleeps pretty well during the night, and is enjoying being up more during the day and spending time with Mommy!! She's such a sweetie...we couldn't ask for a better baby.:) It's so much fun to watch her grow each day and learn new things. Baby's are such a blessing!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
New Car
Are you looking for a new car, but don't want to pay full price?? If so, then you should take a look at the quotes on They offer wholesale prices on new cars. You can quickly get two quotes for free on this site!! I thought this was great that there is a site out there that would offer such a wonderful service. Now you never have to pay full price for a new car again!! If you're interested in learning more about and all that it can offer you in your car search, I recommend you head over there today and take a look and get a Honda Car Quote. You won't be disappointed!!
Wow, it just continues to get colder and colder outside. I thought yesterday was cold, but then I looked out the window today and saw snowflakes falling again!! They were falling much of the day, on and off. I hate to say it, but this seems to be an indication that winter is on its way. I don't mind winter around the holiday time, but other than that...I'm definitely not a winter fan. Hopefully it holds off just a little big longer...but we'll have to wait and see.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Reading Tutor
If you're a parent and are looking for Reading Tutors for your should definitely look into Score Learning Centers. They are a program set up to help children ages 4-14 who may be struggling in different subject areas! They offer an excellent innovative tutoring environment that is not only fun, but will help make learning more meaningful to your child! Take a look at their site and see if this is something that you'd be interested in doing for your child.
I know it's November but man is the weather cold already!! Some years there's already snow on the ground, so I'm thankful that's not the case this year...but still....having freezing temps at night is not my idea of nice weather!! Our heat has been running quite a bit and it still is hard to take the chill off in the house. I guess I better get used to it winter has yet to come!!
Garage Floor
The house that we bought a few months a go is a little bit older. Since it's not brand new, there are obviously some things that we would like to change at some point. One thing that my husband really wants to repair is our garage floor. It has cracks in it and is actually a little bit off level. This makes it so the garage door doesn't seal at the bottom on one side. I know he'd like to do something to repair the cracks and to level it out...and that's why I'm excited to share with him a site that I recently came across. is a great site that has what we're looking for. Their advice for garage floors like this is to cover it with tile. I'm definitely going to have to share this idea with my husband!!!
Time Flies
I can't believe that Kaelyn will already be two weeks old tomorrow!! It just doesn't seem like it's been two weeks already since I had her. That goes to show that time will go by so quickly and that we should cherish every little minute while she's still a baby. I've always heard how quickly time goes by and how fast they grow...but I never imagined it would go by this quickly!! Wow!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Rechargeable Batteries
So many things today require batteries. I know with a new little baby that we have purchased and received many fun things like a baby swing and vibrating seat. Batteries can be quite expensive, so I'm thinking of looking into rechargeable batteries. I know my mom use to have them and it saved her that added expense. She would just plug them in every once in awhile.
Patiently Waiting
Here I am trying to patiently wait to hear from my parents that my brother and his wife have had their baby boy. Diana went into the early stages of labor last night. We still have not heard anymore. If she hasn't had Emry by morning they may be looking at inducing her. They are definitely in our prayers.
Symark Software
In case you didn't know, Symark Software is the leader when it comes to providing UNIX and Linux security administration solutions. They recently announced in a web release that I came across online that their PowerBroker and PowerPassword-User Management Edition programs will support the new HP Integrity servers. This will ensure that restrictions and monitoring access to proprietary information and systems. If you're interested in learning more you should definitely check out this site. They want to help customers upgrade with the new things HP has to offer. Learn more on their site today about sarbanes 404 and all they have to offer!
Still Waiting to Hear
We're anxiously awaiting a phone call from my brother and his wife. They are due with their baby and will have him any time now. Every time the phone rings I think it's them or my parents telling us that they have gone into labor!! Hopefully we hear something soon so she doesn't have to be induced. From what I hear, that can make the labor and delivery kind of tough. I'm just gonna keep my phone by me and hope to hear something soon.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Great Dad
The entire time I was pregnant I couldn't really picture what Scott would be like as a dad. I mean, I knew that he was a very loving person...but I had NO idea what a WONDERFUL daddy he would be. I just love watching him with Kaelyn....he's so great with her. He's such an attentive and loving dad and it's just so neat to see. I knew he'd be a great dad...but he's even better than I ever imagined.
If you've ever heard of the Monex Companies, then you may have heard of Monaco Rare Coin before, a rare coin dealer. They are a part of the Monex Family...a leader in precious metals and investments for about 40 years now!! I thought that was pretty impressive!! You may or may not know that Monex is a terrific company that is dedicated to helping investors invest in gold, silver and other precious metals. Monaco Rare Coin offers resources for investors and collectors. They provide access to a wide range of coins that will fit most budgets out there. If you're interested in learning more, check out their site today.
I am definitely not the type of person who enjoys watching sports...especially football. My husband LOVES football though, so I try and show an interest once in a while. I enjoy spending time with him, even if it means we're watching football together. Although he does love his that Kaelyn is here he doesn't watch it nearly as often. He doesn't seem to mind though, he loves spending time with Kaelyn and I.:)
Raleigh Accident Lawyers
I know a couple that was in a car accident. Now after the accident the family from the other vehicle involved, wants to sue them for about everything they have. This is a young family with children and they don't need the stress of all of this put on their family. It's difficult when you feel it to truly be an accident and people will still come after you. There are lawyers out there that can help, like the Raleigh accident lawyers. They should check into them.
So Much Fun
Lately it's been harder for me to get online to much of anything. With Kaelyn here now, I'm very busy with her much of the day. I try and check my mail, get my bills done and get some blogging done...but it's definitely something that I don't do nearly as often as I did before I had her. That's ok though. I just love having her here and taking care of her. She's such a doll and just so much fun!!
PowerOptions not only offers a suite of educational materials and free customer support...they also offer data that is needed for you to invest with stock options. The SmartSearchXL technology program is only available through them. Through this program you can find, compare, analyze and make money with stock option trading. PowerOptions is so great for those who are looking to control the sorting, filtering and analyzation of different stocks. In learning more about this program I was really impressed with what they had to offer and I think you will be as well!! Take a look at their site today to learn more about iron condor and so much more.
Great Baby
Kaelyn has been SUCH a good baby! She rarely fusses, eats great and sleeps pretty well too! Once in a while at night she gets a little fussy, wanting to be held instead of sleep. Some nights are better than others though. For instance, last night...she ate at around midnight, then slept until 4:30. After that, she ate and got her diaper changed and slept til' 8:00. It was so nice to get some longer periods of sleep.
Christmas Lights
With it being November, I now feel like the holidays are around the corner. I walk in the stores and expect to see things for Thanksgiving and even some things for Christmas. However, I did not expect to see lights on houses quite yet. I was looking out my window tonight and see that there is a house all decked out with Christmas lights and decorations. I didn't really think I'd see this for a few more weeks, but look forward to seeing more of it as the weeks go on. This makes me happy, cuz I love this time of year!
Wedding Planning Site
If you've ever planned a wedding, you know how stressful it can be!! There's just so much planning that takes place and so many details to work through. When I got married, I wish I would have known about the wedding site. From what I can tell this is a great site that helps people who are planning a wedding work through all of those details that must be planned. They offer planning tools, advice, photos, vendor guides, a registry system, and so much more!! What a great way to plan a wedding quickly and easily. Learn more about them and visit their site today.
I've been trying to get used to the routine of having a baby in the house and getting the things done that I need to around the house. Thankfully my parents were here and they helped me out tons with the house stuff and with Kaelyn. Now they had to head back home, and I"m trying to figure out how I'm going to juggle cleaning, Kaelyn and the visitors that come by. I think we'll figure it all out's just a little overwhelming right now.
What a miracle!
I am just loving being a mommy!! At first I wasn't sure how I would handle it's all so new to me. However, after being able to have my parents around and help me out over the past week or more...I really feel that I've learned a lot and will be able to do a good job. I'm just loving having Kaelyn here with us. I didn't mind being pregnant, as there are some really cool things about it, like feeling the baby kick, etc. But, I like having here here in our home with us even more!! She's such a little blessing and miracle! :)
Job Recruiting
If you know anything about A.E. Feldman Associates, know that they have been around since 1967 and are known for their commitment to the recruiting field. They help bring industry clients and candidates for jobs together to help both sides of the job equation. I think it's great that there is a company like this out there...dedicated to helping people find top quality employees and top quality jobs!! What I was most impressed with about AEF is that their recruiters have actually had careers in the different industries that they they are experienced and knowledgeable about what they do. Learn more about this company and how they can help you find risk management jobs, on their site today.
Television Shows
One of my favorite television shows is the reality television show on TLC...John and Kate Plus 8! I just love seeing how they manage their lives with 8 children. They do such a wonderful job keeping organized and keeping their kids disciplined. Today they've been having lots of reruns on, and then soon I think there will be some new ones on. I guess we all have the shows that we enjoy watching and this is one that I really like!!
Friday, November 9, 2007
Sensitive Toothpaste
I grew up with a mother that has worked in the dental profession pretty much all of my life. I have had great dental care, but have still had a few issues with my teeth. I have very sensitive teeth for some reason and have tried different kinds of sensitive types of toothpaste, with out much success. I just continue to deal with the issue. I also have had a tooth that was a problem for some reason, I'm not really sure why. My husband and I were out for supper at a local restaurant. We were eating and suddenly I noticed that this tooth was becoming overly sensitive for me. At the time I didn't know what to do about it. Now that I have found Biotene Sensitive Toothpaste, I can treat myself. It is an awesome multi-protection formula. They have combined potassium nitrate and enzyme LP3 complex for a powerful paste. The potassium nitrate is used for protection against tooth sensitivity and the Enzyme LP3 complex is for relief from dry mouth. This paste also promotes healing in sensitive bleeding gums and inflamed tissue. It doesn't cover up the problem, but works at resolving it. With a delicious flavor that can help fight cavities and bad breath, it's a must for your oral health. Browse their site today.
This is a paid post.
I think this evening would be a GREAT night for a walk. Scott and I have been trying to walk around the block every now and then. I think he's planning on being home from work before it gets the plan is to take a nice walk tonight. We especially enjoy doing this, just to spend some quality time together. It will be nice to go for a walk, especially now that Kaelyn is here and we can take her for a stroller ride!!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
I remember one of the most embarrassing times I've experienced was when I lost a filling while out to eat with my husband, who at the time was my boyfriend. I was so embarrassed, because it was the last thing that I needed to happen on a date with the guy of my dreams!! When I lost the filling I felt instant pain which made the experience that much worse. Not only did I lose it, but I was also sitting there with a horrified look on my face wishing that the pain would go away. At the time that this happened, I wish that I would have known about Dentemp OS like I do now. This is a temporary dental repair and 6o minute solution to help prevent the pain and embarrassment that come along with a situation like this. Now I know that I will never have to face this situation again. What I like best about this product is that you can eat on it within 30 minutes of setting. If this ever happens again, I know I can go on with my meal and enjoy myself.
So Nice
It has been so nice having my parents here for the past week. I knew that I would enjoy having them here to help and to spend time with us and Kaelyn...but then after having a C-section's been especially helpful having a couple of extra pairs of hands around the house. I'm slowly gaining back my strength and able to do more and more each day. Hopefully by the time my parents have to head back home I will have regained my full strength back allowing me to do most things around the house.
Being a new mom with an infant, I have learned how important it is to have a good quality stroller. We have one, and although I like it...there are things about it that I definitely would change. In looking around the net for other strollers, I came across the Musty line. They offer a wonderful variety of colors, styles and so much more when it comes to finding the perfect stroller. What I like best is that they make it easy for moms to use with their models that offer a bassinet for infants, and then a stroller seat for when they get a bit older and the interchangeability within the line. What's even better is that there is an adaptor for a Graco Snug-Ride car seat, which is perfect for our situation. If you're looking for a great stroller, I would recommend you take a look at Mutsy. You can give it a test drive at any local retailer.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
So Perfect
It's so amazing that one week ago today we were just walking into the hospital...about ready to meet our little one. Now, a week later she is home with us!! She's been so perfect...I couldn't ask for a sweeter little girl!! I said all along that we were looking forward to finding out if the baby was a boy or a girl, and how I wouldn't do it any other way...and I can still say that is absolutely how we feel. It was so amazing to hear the doctor tell us that she was a girl!! Not only did we have the excitement of bringing this little life into the world...but we also had the surprise of not knowing what the gender was going to be.
It seems like more and more people are becoming aware of Alzheimers and the affect that it has on so many families these days. It's so seems that most people have family or friends that struggle with this disease. The worst part about this disease is that there's still no cure and no certain idea as to why it happens. You may be wondering why I'm rambling about Alzheimers today. Well, the reason is because my Grandma suffers from it. She was the brightest woman I knew, and slowly she began to lose her memory, to the point where she is now in a nursing home and unable to recognize any of us in the family. She and her situation come to mind because this month is Alzheimers Awareness Month. The one thing that I've come to realize about Alzheimers is how important it is to detect Alzheimers early with memory screenings. Doing so will greatly increase one's quality of life, giving them the opportunity to live and act as they normally would. Dealing with having someone in my family who has Alzheimers, and knowing the heartbreak that it brings...I would encourage everyone to get to a memory screening location in their area this month. I would also encourage you to take a look at the Successful Aging Tips on the Alzheimers Foundation of America site and share it with others as well. This can help you share with others how we can prevent and slow down memory loss. There is one other way you can help make a difference when it comes to this disease. Although there is no cure for Alzheimers yet, it's important that we make sure to take care of those who suffer from the disease. We can do this by helping give to the Alzheimers Foundation of America. What a great holiday gift and way to help and make a difference. 

Great Baby
Wow, we are so blessed!! We have the best little baby anyone could ask for. She is so amazing!! We're just loving getting to know our little daughter and finally having her here at home with us. Each day she seems to do more and more, looking around and becoming more alert!! I just love watching her as she grows and changes, and know that each and everyday will be wonderful with her. :) We are so blessed to have a daughter like Kaelyn!
Monday, November 5, 2007
Capella University
Sometimes a person finds that it is difficult to carry on with a job and family and at the same time go back to college for that degree they have always dreamed and hoped they would receive. Well, now with capella university they have made a way for a person to do just that. It was founded in 1993 and is an accredited school. This online University offers graduate online degree programs in information technology, human services, public safety, psychology, public health and more. They also have bachelor's degree programs in business, information technology and public safety. With over 104 graduate and certificate programs and undergraduate special considerations, there is surly something for just about everyone. They presently have almost 20,000 students from across the United States and other countries.
Scott is such a good daddy. He is so proud and protective of Kaelyn. It just came naturally for him as a father. She loves her daddy and it shows. All he has to do is hold her and when she hears his voice she calms right down. She knows that she is safe with him.
What a blessing
We are so blessed! Last week our new baby girl arrived. She is so precious and beautiful. It's hard to even put into words what a miracle she is to us. She is such a good baby. She's sleeping 3 to 4 hours at a time. Hardly fusses at all. She's just so content. God has truly blessed us with Kaelyn.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
The Knot
I'm sure many people out there have heard of the website, The Knot, this is a very popular site that many people use when planning their weddings. I know I did...and it was so easy to use and so much fun!! The one thing I didn't know, and maybe you didn't either, is that they have The Knot Wedding Shop on this site too. Here is where you can find all the wedding supplies and unique wedding favors you will ever need. They have everything from cameras, to ring pillows, to cake toppers...and so much more!! What's great is that many of the things you find on this site can actually be personalized. This is one thing that makes any part of your wedding that much more special!! If you're planning a wedding, or know someone who is...check out this site today and see what they have to offer you!!
Tomorrow is the day
It's kind of weird to think that tomorrow we will be heading to the hospital bright and early to get this labor started. We were kind of hoping the baby would come sooner than that, but it's looking like tomorrow is the day. We couldn't be happier...and can't wait to meet our little one. We're especially excited to find out if it's a boy or a girl. In the beginning we chose not to find out what we were having. It was difficult not knowing at times because we were curious...but now having not known this whole time, we wouldn't do it any other way!! It will be such a great thing to here the doctor tell us "it's a girl" or "it's a boy".
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Online Gambling
Although I personally have never really gotten into gambling, I can see how many people would enjoy this hobby. I think for me, the downfall to going out and gambling is going to crowded casinos where many of the people smoke. This usually gets to my head and really causes me to feel pretty yucky by the time I leave. I recently learned of a great site though, that helps people like me find online casinos. is an online casino review website that makes it easy for you to quickly find the types of casinos and games that you're looking for!! In looking through it, I found it to be very useful in helping me to decide which games were most like the online casino that I would choose to play. I used the different information they gave, such as ratings, reviews, withdrawal options and more to make my decisions. If you're interested in learning more about this site and how it could help you find the best online casinos out should definitely head over to this site today!! From what I gather so far in researching this will not be disappointed with what you find. It's free and it's what are you waiting for?!
I'm hoping that Scott gets home from work soon so that we can go on a walk again tonight. As I recently posted, the weather is just beautiful...and it may be one of the last times we can take a nice walk before the weather turns bitter cold. I think we'll have to make sure and fit one in tonight, even if it is beginning to get dark out. I just love going on walks together and talking about how each of our days was.
Online Casinos
One of the first things I look for in a site is the way it's laid out and it's visual appeal. I mean, content and subject matter is important as well...but it has to draw me in first. The site, really caught my eye when it came to this specific aspect of website design. I really liked how nicely it was laid out. There isn't too much on a it makes it really easy to use. I also appreciated the fact that it was so easy to find everything that I was looking for. They make everything so clear and readable...another huge plus in my opinion. Regarding the content of this site...I was also very impressed. I mean, if you enjoy gambling every once in a while and want to do it from your own home...who wouldn't want to try out this site. They help US players find online casinos for free! They help them buy ranking them and giving them an idea of what to expect. I think this is great for anyone looking for specific things when it comes to online casinos and gambling. If you're interested in something like this, definitely check this site out today!
Noisy Train
I love where we live! For the most part we have a very nice and quiet neighborhood. The only thing that is still taking some getting used to is the noise of the train that goes by a couple times a day. It's not close to our house...but it's so loud that I can hear it every time!! It's something that I can definitely live with...but it just is going to definitely take some getting used to! I think our baby will have to get used to the noise as well.
Bad Credit Offers
From what I hear, it seems that the number of people who have bad credit is growing tremendously here in the US. Once someone has the label of having bad credit, no matter if it's due to not paying on credit cards or something else, it can be very difficult for them to get back on their feet. That's why I was impressed with the site that I recently came across, They are here to help those with bad credit get back on their feet and become financially stable again. How you might be asking?!? Well, they allow you to compare different bad credit offers, like bad credit loans for instance, so that you can find one that suits your needs and situation best. I think this is a great thing, and one that you don't see many other companies offering. That says a lot about those running this site! If you'd like to learn more about how you can get your credit back up with the help of this site...please take a look and see what you think for yourself! I think you'll be just as impressed as I was.
So Nice
Wow, was it a nice day out today. I walked outside to get the mail and I couldn't believe how warm it was. I think the weatherman said it got near 70 degrees today!! That's awesome weather for this time of year. Unfortunately I also think I heard him say that the weather was going to get much cooler tonight and into tomorrow. I feel bad for all the little kids who will be trick or treating!!
Going on Vacation
This is the time of year when I really start wanting to take a little vacation. The weather is starting to turn cold, and going somewhere just for a few days would be wonderful! I'm thinking Orlando would be a great choice this time of year. I know I could find cheap orlando vacation rentals, as well as great prices on car rentals and flights through They even have a travel guide with information on the different offerings Orlando entertainment, dining, nightlife and more!! If you're like me and would love to get away to somewhere warm for a short vacation..Orlando may just be the place you've been looking for. Learn more on today!!
Blog For Money
I am so thankful to my brother for introducing me to the world of blogging for money. I mean, I really enjoy blogging about my life and the things that are going on...but I also enjoy writing about things that are meaningful to me and making a little extra money as well. It's really a great thing for us now...and works out so well now that I'm staying at home. If you haven't started blogging for money, you should really try it out! It's GREAT!
Trying to exercise....
I just love living in a house now. When we first were married we lived in two different apartments the first couple years. Although we enjoyed living in these places as thing that we never really had was a neighborhood where we could go walking in. Now that we live in our house, we have a nice neighborhood where we can go walking every night when Scott gets home from work. WE sure love it. It's a nice quiet neighborhood.
Candy Store
Being pregnant I've had some different cravings. One of which was chocolate. I know that's not the best craving to have when you're pregnant, but it's definitely the thing I want most. I try to limit the amount that I eat, especially when it's so expensive to buy it this time of year!! I'm thinking about looking into, an online bulk candy store. I like that this store offers bulk candy for prices that you can't find anywhere else. It would be nice to spend less on the candy that we want, and get more for our money besides! If you love candy, you should definitely check them out today!! They offer all kinds of vintage candies, retro candies, baby ruths...the list really does go on!! Take a look and see if this is something you'd enjoy taking advantage of.
Not yet...
Well, it's already October 30th and we're still waiting on this baby. I have had SOOO many people write me and ask how every thing is going and if the baby has arrived. I'm really hoping it will be the end of pregnancy gets quite uncomfortable. Not only that, but 41 weeks is long enough to meet our little one!! We're very anxious to find out if it's a boy or a girl, what he/she looks like, etc!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Furniture Shopping
My husband and I recently bought our very first home. We feel very fortunate to have most everything that we need. However, as with most homes that you buy, there are projects and things that you generally want to do over time. We recently sat down and began a list of the things we'd like to do over the years, and put them in order of importance to us. One of the first things we'd like to do is work on our family room down stairs. Right now it is completely unfinished, but as time goes on and we get the chance to work on will be perfect for our kids to use. Since this is something we've been talking a lot about, I've been looking online for furniture. I recently came across I am pretty picky when it comes to furniture and was surprised to find myself liking most of what I saw on this site. I mean, there were things I definitely wouldn't by just because it's not my taste, but there were definitely things that I would be interested in buying...for instance, one of the sectional sofas. This is the exact type of living room furniture that my husband would love down there!! I am actually considering bookmarking this site and coming back to it when we're ready for some furniture home office, like an l shaped computer desk, and bedroom furniture as well. They definitely have a huge selection and one that seems suitable for many tastes and styles.
Boarding up the deck
Scott and I were in a Home Depot last night...looking to buy some board for our deck. I think that there are bunnies and kitties that get under there, and when my parents bring there dog over she insists on trying to get under the deck. We wanted to put something up along the sides so that she wasn't able to get under there any more. It just causes her to get very dirty and sometimes even stuck. She's too big to be getting under there. We did find some board that we want to buy, but have to wait until tonight when Scott can bring home a truck....that's the only way we'll be able to bring it home.
Plastic Surgery
Have you ever heard of Mya before?? This is one of the largest cosmetic surgery companies in the UK. It was actually recently reviewed in the Times, which I was fortunate enough to have found and read. The Times talk a lot about Mya and UK Plastic Surgery and seem to be in favor of what they do. It seems that plastic/cosmetic surgery is becoming more and more popular among people of all ages these days. When someone is looking for a facility though, it's important they know what to look for. The Times had some great points that I want to share with you now. They talked about how important it is for you to make sure that the surgeon is registered with the General Medical Council, that they have done studies in plastic surgery by looking for “FRCS Plast” after their name, that you have taken the time to contact patients who have had work done by this surgeon, and that you take time looking for a surgeon by at least meeting with two, if not more before you make a decision. I thought that these were all great points and wanted to share them with all of you.
Finding time to rest
Knowing that we will be having the baby this week...I have been finding myself very busy cleaning and getting everything ready to bring the baby home!! They say that this unusual burst of energy usually happens right before you have a baby...and they're not kidding. I find myself cleaning everything in site. I think it's good though...that way everything is ready for the baby's arrival. I do need to be sure and find some time to rest they say that's very important as well.
Lately my husband and I have been looking around for things that we would like when we begin remodeling our new bathroom. One thing we were just recently looking at in a home store were bathroom vanities and faucets. I wasn't really impressed with the price or quality of the faucets, so I've been looking around online. I came across a great site, which makes it easy to shop for nice Hansgrohe Faucets. If you're in the market for faucets, I strongly urge you to check out their site today!! They have a huge selection to choose from, and great prices too!! Take a look and see what you think.
Still Waiting...
Well, it's Monday and we're still waiting for our baby to arrive. We have been told that the first baby typically does not arrive on the due date...but we were still hopeful. Now we just sit patiently and anticipate his/her arrival...we can't wait!! It could be any time now. Scott is working today, but he said he's anxiously waiting by the phone for me to call with any news.haha He's so excited! He'll be such a wonderful father!!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
New Bathroom
Scott and I have been talking a lot about the projects that we'd like to do in our new home over the years. One of the biggest projects is probably going to be our basement bathroom! I think it will be fun, but there's just SOOO much to do in there. I know we'll be shopping for things like lights, bathroom vanities, flooring...the list goes on and on. Oh well...we can do it little by little if we need to. It will just be nice when it's all finished. Then we will have two full baths in our house instead of 1 1/2.
Gift Certificates
I think one of the nicest gifts someone can give are gift certificates. They're just so useful, especially when you get them to places that you go quite often. One gift certificate that I've never gotten or given, but think would be pretty neat is a bed and breakfast gift certificate. I've never been to a bed and breakfast, but I've heard that they are really quite nice. I think I may have to consider this as a gift for someone sometime....don't you think?!?
Las Vegas
I have only been to Las Vegas once, and from what I remember it was a pretty neat place to visit. It was many years ago that I was there...and sometime I'd like to go again. I especially remember the amazing hotels that they have along the strip there. Very cool!! I'm not sure where we would stay if we went this time...but I do remember the MGM Grand being pretty nice. I suppose I will have to do my research before we ever plan a trip there.
Credit Card Search
If you're in search for a good credit card, try today!! They are the longest running site for credit card comparison, and make it easy for you to find the one that's right for you. You can search, compare cards, and then apply for the ones that you're interested in. It's much better than searching all over the web for the right card. You can search through lots of cards, and find one that suits your situation best. Whether that be a rewards type of card, Airline Credit Cards, or something else...this site can help. Visit their site today and see how they can help you.
New Movie
Scott really enjoys war movies. Ever since I met him, these are probably his favorite kind of movie to watch. Recently we saw previews for what looks to be a pretty good war movie that's coming out, or just came out...I'm not sure about the details.'s called The Kingdom and is one that looks pretty intense. I believe it stars Jamie Foxx and Jennifer Garner...two very well-known and good actors. I think we'll have to find some time to go to this movie, as he's very interested in seeing it.:)
After the baby
After our little one finally arrives this week, I'm so happy that my parents are going to stay with us for a week. My mom said that she'll help with things like supper and stuff...which will be terrific!! I'm also glad though, to have them here just because I know I will have many questions and things that parents with experience will be able to help me out with. It will be such a nice time for them to bond with the baby too...I know they're excited and so am I!!
Radiators is a great site for anyone looking for an automotive radiator. They are the leading online source for they offer an inventory of over 80,000 parts! Whether you're looking for an Accord Radiator or something else, you're sure to find what you're looking for on this site. And, the best part is, since you're ordering directly through the distributer, prices are much lower than other places that you may be looking for radiators. Not only that, but this is an amazing site! It has so much to offer besides just parts. They offer a wealth of information about radiators, especially useful for those who aren't expert mechanics.
Going on a walk
I think this evening would be a GREAT night for a walk. Scott and I have been trying to walk around the block every now and then. I think he's planning on being home from work before it gets the plan is to take a nice walk tonight. We especially enjoy doing this, just to spend some quality time together. After the baby is born, we're looking forward to taking him/her on walks with us.
Old Wives Tales
As I near the end of my pregnancy, it's kind of fun to hear all of the old wives tales that people tell you to use to bring on labor. Although this not something we're choosing to do, it's always fun to hear all the different things that people say have worked for them. I hear about things like pressure points, oils, teas, walking, and so much more!! It's amazing how many things are out there that people have tried. Towards the end of pregnancy we just get so excited and anxious and so want to meet our little one. I'm glad that the time is nearing very soon!
Cameo Pools
Being from the midwest, not many people have pools in their yards. The weather is often too unpredictable for that. However, those who live in the south definitely should have pools...they often have much nicer weather. If you're from Mesa Arizona in particular, you should definitely take advantage of Cameo Pools, the oldest pool company there and their arizona swimming pool contractors. They are interested in giving you the absolute best service and giving you a quality pool for a great price. If you're interested in having a pool built for you by this family owned and operated business, you should definitely check their site out today!!
Beautiful Fall Day
What a nice day it is outside today. I thought that the weatherman had said it was going to rain...but so far, it's really turning out to be a sunny day. The skies are blue and the wind is calm. The temps aren't too bad either. It's really a perfect Fall day if you ask me. I'm sure many people are enjoying spending some time outside before the really cold weather decides to hit.
Trick or Treat
With Halloween right around the corner, I am guessing that those trick or treaters will be out one of these nights. Although my husband and I have not planned on handing out candy this year...due to the fact that we're unsure when our little one will arrive, we do plan on sitting near the window and watching the little ones outside in their cute outfits. It's always fun to see all the kids dressed up and out with their moms or dads. I'm not a huge halloween fan, but seeing all the trick or treaters is kind of fun each year.
Journey Lite
I've heard so many people talk about Journey Lite lately. I went and did some of my own research, and found that they are a growing network of surgical facilities that have professionals who preform bariatric surgery. They aim at giving patients the safest and least invasive type of weight-loss surgery out there today. You may be asking, what surgery is that? Well, it's called the Lapband System. It's one that many people are choosing to get because it's not only safe, but it's also reversible if necessary. What happens is, the surgeon puts a band on the upper portion of the stomach. It makes it so the patient feels full a lot more quickly, causing them to eat less and lose weight. I'm not sure if this is a procedure that you would like to try or not, but if interested, take a look at their site to learn more.
Never Enough Stamps!
Speaking of mail...I often notice that I never seem to have enough stamps. I do many things online, so I don't always need stamps, but it seems when I do need a stamp....there are none to be found. I am in this situation as I write this post. I really could use about two stamps, and really am not feeling up to going out in the cool weather to get just two stamps. I'm afraid that this bill will have to wait to get sent out another day.
Junk mail
I used to enjoy going out to get the mail. I liked seeing what we all got each day in our mailbox. However, as time goes by, it seems that each day we get more and more JUNK! I hardly enjoy going out to get the mail any more. Between the junk and the bills :) it's just not fun. I'm not sure how so many companies get our address...but it's quite frustrating when the garbage fills up with a bunch of junk mail. Some how we need to block this.
Beauty School
Being from the midwest, I have heard of Regency beauty schools before. In fact, even if I was not from the area, I would have probably heard of this great school, because they are the fastest growing beauty school in the country and have almost 30 campuses across nine states already. If you've ever considered beauty school should definitely look into Regency. They offer a great cosmetology program, unique and hands-on. They not only have a wonderful educational program, but are known for their placement of their graduates....something very important when you finish school. If this sounds like a school that's right for you...check out their site today.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Christmas Decorations
Scott and I are both really looking forward to Christmas this year. I think mainly because we have a new home now and we're going to have our little baby here with us.:) We're looking forward to putting up all of our decorations and our tree. Oh, and of course buying our baby some gifts will be fun too.:) It will be such a fun time...I can't wait!!
Scott and I rarely eat out these days. Tonight though, Scott got off work later than usual and I was busy working on the we decided to get a pizza. It's always fun to do something like that every once in a while. I remember when I was growing up...Friday nights were our pizza/family nights. My parents even let us eat out in the living room which was a huge deal to us.:)haha
Hallandale Beach
I recently learned that Hallandale Beach is introducing Beach Club...a place with luxury style condominiums!! The basis of their appeal is their location, which is right on the ocean as well as their proximity to many things like the sizzling nightlife of South Beach, Bal Harbour Shops and even the Diplomat Resort. It really sounds like a great place to go from what I've heard and learned so far. The Beach Club has three luxury condos on their property...all offering the people who stay in them much to be appreciated. If you'd like to learn more about The Beach Club in Hallandale Beach...check out their site today.
I don't know about you, but I think it's kind of a bummer that some of the seasonal shows that are in this fall are already starting to run reruns. I always look forward to watching my favorite shows each week...and when they're reruns I just get so disappointed. I mean, i know sometimes they have reruns and that's fine...but so early in the season!? It is just kind of a bummer.
Supper Time
I suppose I better start thinking about making something for supper. Scott will be home from work soon and I really need to get something made. I always feel bad if he comes home and there's not something to he works such long days and is usually quite hungry. He's always good to help if I haven't gotten to it yet...but if I have time I always like to get it started at least. I guess we'll just have to see what I come up with.
World Series Tickets
Many baseball fans enjoy this time of year. Why you ask?? Well, because it's World Series time! I know my hubby is definitely excited about this time of year! In fact, I know that he'd like to get some world series tickets if we could find some. However, it seems that these tickets go rather quickly, making it difficult for us to find any this time of year. I'd really love to surprise him with some tickets, and now know how I might be able to do that. has the world's largest selection of premium seating to sold-out events, like the world series for instance. Check them out if you're looking for tickets.
Rain on the way..
Watching the weather this evening, I see we are in for some rain tonight. This is an ok thing, as that means Scott will probably not have to work tomorrow. However, it also makes for quite a gloomy day and makes it difficult to get some things done that we need to outdoors. I hope that if it does rain, it's not too much and that it doesn't last through the night. I guess we'll just have to see though.
Migraine Headaches
My mom and I are a lot alike when it comes to headaches. We both tend to get migraine headaches every once in a while. The one thing we now know about them though, is that certain things seem to trigger them. If we get too much sleep, or too little sleep for instance, we know that there's the possibility of getting a headache. Also, cutting out caffeine seems to help as well. Migraines are NOT fun to have...and it's nice that we know some of the things that trigger them so we can take care of ourselves better so we don't get them.:)
Orlando, Florida
A great place to take a family vacation is Orlando Florida. This is a place that I've been many times, and that my hubby and I want to take with our own kids when they're old enough one day. There's just so much to do there and it's so "magical" for young kids especially. When we do plan our vacation where going to make sure that we have everything planned out . There's just so many different Orlando Hotels and theme parks, it's important to know ahead of time where we want to go and what we want to see. I think we may look into using when we make our vacation we can get many great discounts through them. Check them out on their site if you're interested as well.
My husband really enjoy the ebay site. We find ourselves using it to sell things we have and to buy the things we need. What we like about this site is that it's easy to find things at a cheaper rate than if you went to the store and got them. I know my mom and dad have had good luck with buying some kids toys on ebay. They are in great condition and very reasonable prices.
So Sad
Sometimes I get so sad watching the news these days. Recently there was a plane crash here in the state where we live. A young training instructor was taking some students for a flight and it ended up crashing into the lake where it was found three days later. There was also a car accident where a young high school boy ran into the back end of a school bus with his car. He died later in the hospital that day. It's so sad that there are so many accidents that happen like this. So many seem to be preventable.
If you've ever looked for tickets to a NFL, MLB, NBA or NHL game before...then you know how difficult they can be to come by. It seems that they are always either sold out or they just don't have the tickets you're looking for. I know this is the case when it comes to finding Miami Heat tickets. My husband would love to go to a game sometime, but I just need to find the right tickets. I think next time I look I'm going to use Premium Seats USA. They have the biggest selection of first-class tickets, not only to sporting events but also things like theater and concerts. If you're in the market for tickets like this then you should definitely check them out as well.
Great Book
One of the first OB appointments that I had after I found out that I was pregnant, they gave me a great book about pregnancy. It's basically a guide that goes in depth from week to week. Being pregnant for the firs time and not knowing what to expect, I really have appreciated having a book like this around. Week by week I would read it and really enjoyed all that I learned and read. It was fun to hear about what our little baby was doing that week and what he/she looked like. I always thought it was pretty funny, because each week I would read it and it was exactly right on as to how I was feeling. For example...if I was feeling overly achy one week...the book would say that was something that would start that week or something. It was just neat to follow my pregnancy week by week and have it be so accurate. Now we're at week 38 and I still enjoy reading each week that goes by. Won't be much longer now!!
Great Hubby
Now knowing that the baby will for sure be here by the end of this next's really got us busy cleaning and getting things ready. I mean all along we knew the baby could come anytime, but having a specific date make it easier to get the things done around the house that need to be done before the baby comes home. I'm so glad I have a hubby who helps me out with this kind of thing...he's so good to help with anything that I need.:)
Now having our own home, I realize how hard these summer months can be on appliances like air conditioners and Kenmore Refrigerators. They have to work much harder to keep things cool when the temps around them are so warm!! I suppose this is why many people find their appliances breaking down and needing replacing. Usually repairing these items is so expensive, that it's smarter just to buy a new one all together. This is a great idea, but it can be stressful if you're in a rush to find something and can't find what you're looking for. That's where Krillion's Localization Engine comes in to play. They make it easy for you to find these big ticket items that you need by giving you localized results. Now you don't have to go searching the web or the stores for hours...just go to their site. It's so easy...anyone can do it!
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