Sunday, December 31, 2006
Fun, Fun!
My Dad is a Special Agent for the DCI, and works at a casino near their hometown. While my brother and his wife were home, they went and checked out what he does there. While they were there my brother and his wife did some slots, and although they didn't win any money, they really had a lot of fun!
Idol Forum
I don't know about you, but I am definitately a fan of the American Idol television show. For fans of the show, there is now a website,, where we can go and chat with others who watch the show about lots of different things. There are many opportunities to chat and discuss past seasons of American Idol and what we think of them. There are also forums where we can chat about the upcoming season of American Idol as well as the judges who judge the singers every year. What a neat opportunity for people who want to discuss their views about the television show and share them with others. Once registered with a username and password, you can choose any forum you like and then you will be able to chat with others about one of the most popular television shows there is. Not only are there opportunities to chat about American Idol, there are also forums where you can chat about Australian Idol, and Canadian Idol, as well as other television shows and music not dealing with the American Idol television show. This site offers opportunities for people with all kinds of opinions on the Idol television shows, as well as other shows and music preferences. It's a very user friendly site, and should be checked out by anyone who might have an opinion on the Idol shows, or any other television show out there. This post is sponsored by

It's snowing!
Christmas is over, and New years Day is tomorrow. I wasn't sure if we were going to get any snow before the holiday's were over, but we did. It's been snowing for a few hours now, and although kind of blustery, it looks really pretty outside! It's one of those days when it's nice to stay inside and relax...while looking out the window and enjoy the beautiful snow!
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Boise Offers Many Opportunities
Boise is the heart of Idaho's Boise-Nampa metro. For a variety of reasons, including low cost of doing business, a central location and a high quality of life a main reason people move to this area. Boise homes for sale in this area provides people with many choices of homes based on what they are looking for in a house. Boise has become home to many large businesses and corporate headquarters. Some examples include Hewlett-Packard, Boise Cascade, Albertson's and Micron Technology. Boise is a complete city, with a long list of things to do and sites to see. Cultural sites and performances, nature centers and city parks, extensive facilities for golf and tennis, professional sports, mainstream and boutique shopping, plus an active nightlife all combine to create a sense of complexity and adventure. Four main retail areas provide for all the needs of Boise shoppers. Downtown features boutique shopping in a charming atmosphere; the historic buildings downtown are the perfect destination for an afternoon of relaxed shopping and entertainment. Art galleries feature works by local artists, many of which focus on particular aspects of Boise's history and/or culture. Special downtown events, often with live music, keep things lively for shoppers. Public education in Boise is provided by Boise Independent District and Meridian Joint School District. Boise Independent School District manages 55 campuses and serves greater than 26,000 students. With roughly 1,490 classroom teachers, the district maintains a student-to-teacher ratio of 17.6. These are many reasons why people should consider moving to Boise when looking for a community with a lot to offer and a better quality of life. I am being paid for this post.
We Got Our Luggage
We had Christmas tonight at my husbands house, and we got our luggage. It was exactly what we want, big, expandable, and with wheels. I also got some PJ's from Victoria's Secret, that I absolutely love. It was a great night.
Secure Your Future
Unsecured loan debts have risen within the past few years and it seems that everybody is getting in on them. Obviously unsecured loans have many advantages that people often consider. For one, they are able to be given to people who may not have the best financial background. They may not have the best credit, own their own home, or have very low income, just for examples. There are disadvantages that many people, who having thought about it, are starting to realize. Unsecured loans may offer easy finance to many people but interest rates are a lot higher than they are with secured loans. A secured loan tends to be less popular due to the fact that it is secured upon your home. Which means that if you fail to make your repayments the lenders legally have the right to take your home from you. This makes it risky if something happens to stop you that can prevent you from being able to afford those monthly repayments. We all know that anything can happen in life these days, and jobs are not always going to be guaranteed so you can never really be sure that you will always be able to pay those repayments. This leaves more and more people looking to unsecured loans as an option with less risk. So, as secured loans grow in popularity we will see whether unsecured loans interest rates will go down inorder to keep up with the competition! You can also check out personal loans and mortgages to see what they have to offer.I am being paid for this post.
Lots of Fun!
We were able to come back to my parents house tonight and spend time with them and my brother and his wife! We had such a great time! We played games and got to catch up. It's nice that we have a few days to spend with them before everyone has to go back to work and the holidays are over.
Friday, December 29, 2006
PayPerPost Acquires
PayPerPost never ceases to amaze me with the incredible expansions that they make. What will they come up with next? They are such a great company, and really care about their bloggers! They've acquired select assets from an online site for professional bloggers, Performancing LLC. By acquiring they are creating so many more opportunities for bloggers, like myself, to make money. With the growing popularity of professional blogging, it will make it easier for people to get better opportunities. I have found that with the growing popularity of PayPerPost it has become very frustrating for me at times to find posts that give me the best chance of making good money each day. It seems that with the growing number of people who are becoming a part of PayPerPost, the opportunities that become available are taken much more quickly. Although I am still able to find pretty good opportunities, I am hoping that with this acquisition there will be greater opportunities and will increase my chances to maximize the money I make each day. I also look forward to the possibility that there might be more opportunities that do not necessarily require page ranks or other requirements that all bloggers might not meet. I'm very excited about the things that PayPerPost is doing, and can't wait to see the benefits it brings it's bloggers.
This is a sponsored post.
This is a sponsored post.

Getting ready for more Christmas
Well, we're getting ready to celebrate Christmas again! :) We still have two more family Christmas's to go to and I'm very excited! We have one tomorrow, and then one on new years day. We also are going to get to spend New Years Eve with my family and I'm very happy about that too! Should be a good time!:) I'm also really happy that Scott is back and will be able to be apart of the holiday celebrations!!
Sproose Up Your Search
With all of the talk lately about interactive search personalization , Wikiasari and social search, Sproose actually has a working model where the user can interact with the ranking of the search results. Sproose, the emerging leader in interactive search engines, provides peer-moderated, ranking, prioritizing and community networking for consumer use. Providing the power of social networking to rank and with its proprietary "Knowledge Rank" moderated directory technologies, Sproose users can effectively categorize and index sites, tailored for personal or group use and through collective moderation and scoring, can sort through existing sites to assemble only the most relevant results. Sproose home page ensures the privacy, interactive personalization and rating of search results are done without downloading applications. Sproose has built it's own index and now allows each user to vote a website a score from 1 ( not too good ) to 5 stars ( great). After voting, the search result will move up in the index immediaelty based upon the vote score given. The score given a site is then weighted as a group score for all users. Sproose will offer advertisers targeting to the voted sites, which is more acurate than tracking website behavior with downloaded software. Insted of using link popularity to determine ranking...sproose let's the users determine the rankings. This is a paid post.

My Hubby is Back!
Scott finally got back about 12:30 last night. I was asleep and he had to walk me inorder for him to get into the apartment. I was soooo happy to see him, but I was also not all there since I was asleep before he got home. I do have to say it was nice to have him laying in the bed next to me.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
HP Postie Patrol
Being fairly new to PayPerPost, I really didn't know much about the Postie Patrol. I watched the video and I was amazed! HP and PayPerPost really do make it happen! I couldn't believe how amazing this Postie Patrol was! They went out in the freezing cold in Chicago and Robyn was given a list of things to do in a certain amount of time to try and win an amazing assortment of things from HP! She had to take pictures with a digital camera of everything she did. She did a lot of really funny things, but my favorite part was by far when she was trying to make the snow angel in the frozen snow! Hilarious! I'm not the most outgoing person, but to get to have the chance to win all of that HP gear, I'd think I'd definitely have to take the opportunity. For those of you who need a Digital Photography Review, check out HP's website, they have incredible gear. This post is sponsored by HP.
Missing my hubby!
I was really missing my hubby the past couple of days, as he was in Georgia helping his dad. I am really excited though, because I talked to him today and he'll be back sometime tonight! I can't wait! Miss you honey!:)
Audio Resumes
Anyone who's had to look for a job, knows that Resumes are one of the most important things you can do to prepare for your search. Resumes take a lot of time to prepare, letting employers know exactly what type of person you are and what kind of an employee you would be on two pages of paper. For many of us, this can be a very difficult task. However, now there is an alternative to paper resumes and video resumes, it's an audio resume. If you want to Learn More About Audio Resume, you should know that they are reasonably priced at low costs, and are very effective. They allow job seekers to verbally express their credentials and professional aspirations. Creating an audio resume is simple too. All one has to do is dial a toll-free number and answer five interview questions. Once finished, their resume is available for employers to access by browsing to their unique URL. This is a sponsored post
I'm being paid for this post.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Our car is in the shop...again!
We decided to have our car...the one that was in the accident, looked at over this holiday break. There has been some light on for quite some time, and Scott is a little concerned about the breaks too. It's being worked on as I speak, and I'm just hoping and praying that it's nothing too serious and that it will be an inexpensive fix....especially after the whole accident that went on just a couple weeks ago.
Mail Drops
For those of you who may not know, mail drops are basically inexpensive rental mailboxes which allow clients to get a secure address and use it for remailing services, or as a mail forwarding service. They receive mail and re-mail it based on the instructions given by the client. It is very simple, fast and no ID is required, unlike renting a Postal Office Box. Information on this service can be found at The website is a guide to mail drops and offers lists of mail drops based on the state you are looking for, as well as the ability to add a maildrop listing. There are many reasons to use a mail drop, it is practical for the client as well as being more convenient for them, especially for those people who are on the go. If you are interested in learning more about mail drops, or would like to add a listing, check out the website listed above.
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This post is sponsored by

PayPerPost is Awesome
Wow! I have been involved with PayPerPost for a little under a month now and have already made some really great money! My brother is the one who got me started, and now I have been able to get my husband's family started as well! It's such a neat opportunity to make money....and I'm just so happy that I can share it with others.
Moving to Las Vegas
Las Vegas is the fastest growing city in the United States, there are actually about 5,000 people who move there each month! Wow! And even though it is a very competitive city, there are many opportunities to make money and save it too! Nevada is known for its friendliness when it comes to business. Many of those people who move to Las Vegas each month, start out by renting a house, then later buying it. There are many Las Vegas homes avaliable for rent and for buying, resale homes as well as new homes. Many of the new homes there offer a lot of incentives that you might not find in other states or cities. Some have paid closing costs, free upgrades, and even downpayment assistance. So if you are wanting to move somewhere new and different, check out Las Vegas and its homes at, and see what it has to offer. This is a sponsored post.

Pretty easy day at work!
I went into work today and I only had 8 kids there! We did some things, but it was hard to do very much since almost 20 of my students were not there. I still don't get why we have school over the holidays...oh well I guess. It was a pretty easy day...we had fun!
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Mortgage Refinancing
There aren't too many of us who don't have mortgages on our homes. But how many of us really understand the mortgage process, particularly mortgage refinance, and can make sense of it all?? For most of us, although a way to free up some cash, mortgage refinancing can be a very confusing and overwhelming process. Although I have not had much trouble with this yet, I am comforted to know that there is help at, a website where information and help are provided for anyone seeking help in mortgage refinance.
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This is a sponsored post by

Back to work I go!
Well, as much as I enjoyed my break from work...I am beginning to realize that it went way to quickly! Tomorrow I am already back to work and am not ready at all! Although I have more Christmas's this next weekend...I have a feeling these next few days at work will go very slowly as I anticipate another break from work! I'm going to try and make the best of it...even though I probably will not have many students there.
Eliminate Your Personal Debt
Many of us face debt in some form or other and search desparerately for an answer as to how we can lower our debt and get a hold on our finances without feeling as if we've completely lost control. At times, being in debt can be very overwhelming, especially when one does not know where to turn for debt help. Now there is hope! A dependable and trustworthy collection of individuals who specialize in helping people find the right financial institutions to help them get out of debt can be found at Whether your debt is concerning mortgage refinance, debt management, student loan consolidation, tax debt relief or credit reporting, experts at can help eliminate much of the debt pressure that people feel by identifying those areas of concern and guiding those who need with straightforward and honest help at no charge.

Busy Shopping Day
Today I went shopping with my parents to check out the sales that might be going on after Christmas. Wow....there were a lot of people! The stores were VERY busy! It wasn't quite as crazy as the Friday after Thanksgiving...but the stores were packed! I mean waiting in lines to check out took quite a while. I didn't remember this day of the year being quite as big of a shopping day as it seemed to be today...I was really suprised! It was fun though...and we found lots of good sales!
Monday, December 25, 2006
QuickBooks Bookkeeping
QuickBooks Bookkeeping is a company that works with small businesses. Their services help with payroll and bookkeeping, and make it very easy for the business. That's the goal of this company, to take away the headaches that small businesses face when it comes to accounting. One can even check the company's accounting from the office, home, or anywhere else where there is an internet connection. Their services are very affordable and made simple and easy to understand. Setting up an understandable system allows businesses to take over the bookkeeping at some point if they would like. QuickBooks Bookkeeping even offers to train employees of the business to take over the payroll and bookkeeping system that has already been put into place, and one can cancel at anytime. This is a company that was started by people who understand what it is like to start a new business, because they too were in that situation at one time and they want to help. They offer a great service to small businesses and are very affordable. This is a sponsored post by QuickBooks Bookkeeping.

I am tired!
Wow, it's only 9:00 or so on a monday night, but it feels so much later than that! It gets dark so early around 5:00...and I think that is why I get so tired so early lately. During the summer time it stays light out much longer. Now I go to work in the dark, and get home in the dark. Makes my day feel like it's almost gone by the time I get home....kind of a bummer.
Planning a vacation made easy!

Planning a vacation can be very stressful for those who are very busy and don't have much time to book their motels and make plans. Most of us simply do not have the time to search dozens of websites, and flip through the phonebook to find motels, car rental places, and other information to plan our vacations and trips. For those of you who fit this category, and want a convenient way to make Hotel Reservations and other plans for your vacations, check out, a site that offers information on making reservations at many different hotels, motels, resorts, and vacation rentals worldwide. Making Hotel Reservations has never been easier. You input your destination and dates needed, and a list of resorts, motels, and hotels are given with prices and information about it. It makes it so easy for one to compare motels and find the perfect place to stay that meets his/her interests and needs. Their rates are highly competitive and they offer great discounts on world wide destinations. They even offer special internet rates, which are guaranteed to be the lowest rates one can find. Not only does this site make it easy for someone to plan a vacation by booking motels, car rentals, cruises, etc., they also make it incredibly easy to make reservations by phone or online. This site also offers a destination guide, where one can research the cities they will be staying in and find information to help them plan better for their trip. They include information like eating places as well as possibilities for entertainment and fun. What more could one ask for when planning a vacation. All of this is offered on one site. Competitive prices, great discounts, and the opportunity to plan your entire trip without having to search the internet for hours and! Now that's what I call easy! This website is very user friendly and is very easy to navigate. Everything is laid out very nicely, making it very easy for users to plan their entire vacation with no hassle at all. I strongly suggest that anyone looking to plan a vacation and book places to stay, to check this site out! You will not be disappointed. With the great discounts, competitive prices, and availability to make reservations, no other online source can compete! This post is sponsored by

Kruger Christmas
Today we had Christmas on my mom's side of the family! It was so nice to see everyone...aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents! I always enjoy the fellowship, the yummy food and the fun games! I always look forward to going, but it goes by way too quickly!! I already look forward to the next time we all will be able to get together!
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona
If you are looking into moving into Scottsdale, Arizona then you need a realitor. Check out Scottsdale Realtors they can help you find the house, apartment, or duplex that you are looking for.

Bichon Frise
Spending time at my parents house over the holidays so far has given me the chance to spend much time with our family dog Zoe! She is a Bichon Frise and is the sweetest and cutest dog there is!! She has such the little personality, and overall, is so well behaved! She is so smart and is really cuddly. Having spent so much time with her, my husband and I realized that at some point we'd love to have dog...and when we get one down the road someday, we'll definitely be getting a bichon!!
Great Christmas Gifts
This Christmas many people are thinking of gifts that are the obvious ones, no one ever takes into account a gift that comings from the heart and really means something. Nothing says I love you like a beach bicycles. These beach cruisers makes a perfect gift, they come in many different styles and many different colors, which allows you to make this bike personalized one. All of these bikes come with a great warranty which includes: 1. Sixty days for the frame and thrity days for all component joint parts.2. The manufacturer will replace any parts failing during the warranty period.3. Unless otherwise provided, the sole remedy under the above warranty or any implied warranty is limited to the replacement of defective parts with those of equal or greater value at the sole discretion of the manufacturer. You will be responsible for labor and shipping costs associated with warranty replacements. Bicycle comes about 80% assembled. It takes about 15 minutes to assemble your brand new bicycle. You can assemble at home, we however recommend professional assembly. So not only does this bike make a perfect gift but it is also easy to set up, and can get you up and riding in no time at all. I am being paid for this post.

Christian Music
My husband and I absolutely love Christian music! We listen to it whenever we get the chance. The radio station is on in our cars, and recently we found the website for the local Christian radio station so it's also playing on our computers when we're home too. It's so uplifting to always have music on like that...I really enjoy it!
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Movin' On Up
Episode 3 of RockStartup was a great reallity show of the trials and tribulations of a business trying to move in to a new place on time and the problems that can happen. Tedd shows us that trying to move and get everything ready for a business to have a smooth transition isn't always the easiest, and how you just have to take it in strid and not let it get you down. But once you get moved and everything starts to take shape, the PPP team shows us how rewarding it all is. I for one am glad that PPP started the RockStartup, I really get a sense of what they go through on a day to day basis. Watching this company grow and reach new heights, and to also be apart of that is truely amazing. I am being paid for this post.
What a nice long weekend!
What a great feeling to have a long weekend to be with family and relax. I'm not used to having time having saturday-tuesday off is something I'm really enjoying! I've been doing a little work here and there...but basically I'm just enjoying my time with family and the chance I have to relax. I know this break will go so quickly, but I'm going to enjoy every minute of it! :)
The Neverending Link

Today I read a really great story that is a work in progress. Through a colaboration of many bloggers this story is really beinging to pick up. The story is called the neverending link, and you as a blogger can get involved and become a part of the story. For only $.50 a word and a total of 20 words, you can become a part of this wonder story, where you are the writer. I, for one, found this a very creative and funny story, but I guess what can you expect when anyone can put in their version of the story. Help make this story a good one, put in your version of the story today.

I am being paid for this post.
Well we finally had our first C-mas of the season last night. I LOVE this time of year. WE got to spend the evening with Scott's side of the family and it was so much fun. Then we got to see my parents last night too. What a great way to start out the holidays! Tomorrow we will have another Christmas, then on Christmas day and a couple next weekend! Should be a fun next couple of weeks as we get to spend time with our families and enjoy each other's company!! :)
Friday, December 22, 2006
Housing Developments!
Although the affordable housing problem is significant, it also creates an excellent investment opportunity to enter the market during the front end of an affordable housing growth cycle. There is a group who have created a business model that helps address the affordable housing issue while also providing a significant investment opportunity to qualified investors. The proposed investment opportunity is for affordable housing, duplex, SW Florida, Equity.

I am being paid for this blog.

I am being paid for this blog.
I'm Done With Work!
I just got off work, and I don't have to be back til Wednesday! Time to relax and have some fun this Christmas season. We leave in about an hour to drive back home. I can't wait, we have Scott's family Christmas tonight, it should be a great time.
Get into shape!
With the holidays quickly approaching, people are starting to think of what they want their New Year's Resolution to be, and tons of people make losing weight their resolution. Many people look for the latest and greatest in diets, gyms, and excersice, but what I don't think they understand is that there isn't much that changes in the fitness world. There are a ton of different programs, however, to achieve your goals. Things like muscle fitness, training, jogging, stretching, diet, easy diet, muscle strenth, weight training, running, and aerobics are all different ways to lose weight, become fit and healthy. Through NoExcusesGym you can find The Top 5 Weight Loss Trends for 2007. NoExcusesGym has great tools to help you achieve that fitness goal you may have for 2007. They can provide you with tips like, Restaurants will serve more low-calorie and reduced-fat foods, people will create personalized eating plans, exercise will become part of the “everyday,” functional light foods - the ones made with certain health benefits in mind - will gain popularity, and how healthy living will become a family matter, with nutrition and exercise the top priorities. The last thing that they can provide for you is the 10 best hotel gyms in the U.S. So check them out today. I am being paid for this post.

What a great night!
Last night Scott and I went out with some friends, that we haven't seeing for a while, to Applebee's to eat. It was a night of great conversation and laughs. They are a couple that are the same age as us and kind of in the same situation as us. We live in the same apartment complex, he works as a manager of a grocery store, and she is a teacher where I work. So when we go out we have a lot to talk about. They are such great friends.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Why I would LOVE an HP digital camera and photo printer!
The most important experiences in a person's life are captured on camera. Many of which are special occasions that should be displayed and shared with friends and family. The trouble is, my husband is currently a recent graduate from college and is looking for a job. I am a teacher, and he works as a cell phone salesman until he find his career. We have had so many wonderful experiences, like our wedding, honeymoon, family visits, etc that we have captured on camera. But with money being so tight as we wait on a job for him, all of our digital photos sit on our computer waiting to be printed off and displayed the way they should be. I would love to have an HP digital camera and photo printer because it would completely change the way we are able to share the important experiences we have with others. We would be able to print them off the moment we plug the camera into the printer. At some point down the road we would love to have a family, and capturing those moments with such a high quality camera would be wonderful! Pictures are the one thing that we can have forever...they give us the memories that we can carry on the rest of our lives. The quality and ease of having the HP digital camera and photo printer would allow us to do this with our families now, and our own family someday. Also, as I mentioned, I am a preschool teacher, and pictures are a huge part of what I do. I use pictures to display the things we're doing throughout the school year, they're used in gifts we make for parents, the uses are endless. As a teacher, my free time is limited, at work I am always busy, and when I'm home, I planning for the next day. I find it very hard to get pictures developed and put to use in reasonable amount of time. Having such a nice camera and a printer to print them on would be so nice for me because the amount of pictures I take in a given week and the time it would save me! It would give the parents the quality of digital photos that they can share with others, and would be much easier and less time consuming for me to be able to print them off the moment I take the they can be used in the manner they need to be. Having my own HP digital camera and photo printer would change my life in so many ways as I've mentioned. It would make my job so much easier and would allow for us to begin enjoying the memories we make through pictures that can actually be taken, printed off and shared and displayed with others. This post is sponsored by HP.
4 Days til Christmas and A lil Vacation
I can't wait, tomorrow is Friday, which means that Christmas is almost here! Scott and I are going back home tomorrow for Christmas on his Mom's side. And this means I get a 4 day vacation from work, thank goodness. Today wasn't the greatest day at work for me, some of the people I have to work with can be down right mean. I really can't until Scott gets a job!
Radio Advice for the Pros
When I think about buying a radio, I never think about what type of radio is going to give the clearest sound, presets for stations, RDS Display, Pause and Rewind, or any other feature that can make my radio listening more pleasurable. Choosing a new digital radio can now be easier than ever when using a website that can tell you the things to look for in a digital radio. Knowing features, power source, warranty, and budget can have a big affect on which radio will be the best and give you the best. So next time you are looking at buying a new digital radio, research it and know what will be the best for you. I am being paid for this post.
Winter is here!
As I check my e-mail before work, I looked out the window and realized that winter is officially here. The rain and cold, cold weather came in early yesterday evening, and has not stopped since. It's very wet and cold out, and the forecast is looking like we're going to get some snow/rain for awhile now. This isn't quite what I had in mind when I said that I wanted a "white" is never fun to drive on. We'll just make the best of it though, and pray that it doesn't affect holiday travel or plans for anyone out in it over the next few days.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
You can do it with U-DOO
Everyone has a cell phone and everyone is looking for a way to personalize their phone to make it differnt from others. Now you can do this with U-DOO, Check it out here. U-DOO is a new program that lets you build personal ringtones with matching avatar characters. You can download these avatar tones to your mobile phone, email them to yourself and your friends, and publish them to your MySpace page. The first 60-days are totally free. I am being paid for this post.

Pizza Lover!
So, I'm the type of person that really likes pizza. All kinds of pizza...frozen, pizza bread, Pizza Hut, etc. For the longest time I was very hooked on thin crust pizza at Pizza Hut. But, knowing that that's not my husband's favorite kind of pizza, I decided to stay open to the idea of trying new things. I first tried the pizza in the was that good! The pieces are huge!!! Then he got me to try pizza from this other restaurant in town that I had never tried before. That was good too! I still like Pizza Hut, but I'm starting to enjoy other pizza places just as much if not more! Yum!!
Credit Cards Good or Bad?
Credit cards often times can be good and bad. They are good for the people that can control themselves and their spending, and bad for those people who spend more than they can afford. I, for one, believe that credit cards are good for me. I have a credit card, like most people, that gives me money back for every purchase that I make with it. It gives me a percentage of whatever I spend, in some stores it gives me more than others, but atleast I am getting something. I know that when spending on my credit card I know where the money is going to come from so that I can pay it back when I have the money, this keeps me from getting into trouble with credit card debt. I am being paid for this post.
Great Hubby!
Last week we found out at work that we're having a pot luck at work tomorrow during lunch. I had no idea what I was going to make, but definitely knew that I wanted to participate. Being the wonderful hubby that he is, Scott said that he would make me something for we decided that he'd make a snicker salad! I LOVE snicker salad. He had to go out and buy me more snicker bars though, because he ate some of them before it came time to make the salad...haha!:) What a great guy...he's the best!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
San Diego Wedding Musicians
The reception is one of the biggest parts of a couples wedding and picking the right band can make or brake the party. So if looking for a band when getting married in San Diego look no further than San Diego Wedding Musicians. San Diego Wedding Musicians has a variety of professional live music, bands, entertainment, and performing groups as well as soloists. there music also provides a nice variety, ranging from Jazz, Swing, Pop, Rock ‘n’ Roll, Old school, Funk, Disco, R&B, Latin, Afro-Cuban, Brazilian, Classical Wedding Music, and even some Ethnic Music. But they don't just do weddings, they also can do your corporate event, party, anniversary, special event, company picnic, holiday or Christmas party, bar mitzvahs, bat mitzvahs, christening, concert, club, venue, dance, block party, and New Years party or celebration. Pick your own combination and enjoy. I am being paid for this post.
Off Work Early
I was very happy today because I got off work at noon today! That was SOOO nice! I had a whole list of things to get done, and even though I didn't get everything done on still felt good to get some things done and have some time to relax. Normally I get home around 5, make supper, do some planning for the next day and then off to bed....that doesn't leave much time, if any to get things done. So off work at noon was really nice! I could get used to that kind of a schedule.:)haha
Prevent heart and kidney failure
Did you know high blood pressure can lead to heart and kidney failure, heart attacks and stroke. If you don't know if your blood pressure is high or not, you should really have it checked! You would be gaining that knowledge will enable you to take control of your health. Choose to know, and choose to use herbal remedies that support your choice without prescription drug's dangerous side effects. Pressurelow is a herbal remedy that is 99% effective in lowering blood pressure without any pharmaceutical drugs and avoid their harsh side-effects. So next time you are looking to treat your high blood pressure you can Lower blood pressure with Pressurelow. It can not only help you lower your blood pressure, but it can also help you prevent heart and kidney failure. I got paid for this post.
Got our car back!!
Yeah!! We got our car back and it's good as new!! I'm so excited. The repairs look great, and it ended up not costing us much money compared to what it could have cost us. They got the car done in a couple days...I figured it would take much longer than that!! I'm so looks wonderful!
Monday, December 18, 2006
Funny Confession
I went to and watched Randi's confessional, a man who works for PayPerPost, a wonderful company on the web that allows people to make money while taking opportunities to voice their opinions on all sorts of things. Randi's confessional was called "Name". When I first started watching his confessional, I wasn't sure what to think, it began somewhat slow and I wasn't sure where he was going with this confessional having to do primarily with his name. As he continued to talk about how he his mom chose to spell his name with an "i" instead of a "y" I began to become more and more interested. He explained all of the different problems he had because his name ended with an "i" instead of a "y". In fact, he was a foreign exchange student, and where he was staying, Randy translated to mean "horny". His middle name was Richard, long for Dick, and his last name was Mouse. From this point of the confessional I could tell it was going to be a very funny video to watch, and decided to keep watching. This name that he disliked from the beginning, ended up causing him more embarassment as time went on. His casual attitude about it was very funny and truly enjoyed watching this video and listening to what he had to say. I am being paid for this post.
It's getting colder...
The weatherman is telling us that we are probably not going to have a "white" Christmas this year. If that's truly what happens, I'm kind of bummed. As I've mentioned before, I am not one for the colder weather, but would still really enjoy to have a little snow on the ground on Christmas morning. As I took my students out for recess today, I noticed how much cooler it's feeling outside, and although snow is not in the forcast, I have to wonder if it might suprise us all so I get my "white" Christmas after all?! I guess we'll find out.
Why Go Hungry
Every year, there are many people I know that make their New Year's resolution to lose wait, but have a hard time finding the right diet to help. Now there is a diet out there that can work for most people, and all they have to do is wear a patch. It's called Hoodia Diet Patch, this patch is a superior delivery system because the materials contained in the patch enter the body through the skin, bypassing stomach enzymes and the liver which breaks down and destroys a significant amount of the benefits. The only delivery system superior to the patch is an injection by a trained medical professional. Now there is no having to control your hunger because the unique combination, never done before, drastically reduces your cravings for food, making dieting easier than before. So when you decide to make your New Year's resolution dieting, check out the Hoodia Diet Patch.

Reality Television
Usually I only have about one main telelvision show that I like to watch during the week, but this season there are so many that I'm interested in....particulary those that are reality tv shows. Super Nanny just began not too long ago on their new season, and I absolutely love to watch it. Although I feel badly for the parents at times, it's neat to see the things that she does with the children and how her techniques really do work. As a teacher I'm big on managment and how to properly manage behavior...and although that's not the setting of this tv show...I can still relate in many ways and enjoy seeing new ways of approaching different types of behaviors.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Chat it Up
I am a type of person that likes to chat, not only with my mom but often times find myself wanting to meet new people. Chat rooms are a great way for me to do this. Chatrooms are very well known and there are many different chat rooms but there is only one that I have found to be very easy to use, and also has great contacts. This chat room is, this site is easy to sign up and navigate through the chat rooms to find someone to talk to. Great people, and boy does the time fly.
Slow Internet!
Our internet, particularly on our laptop computer, has been VERY slow this past weekend! It's becoming very frustrating to us, because we use that computer just as much, if not more, than our desktop computer. Not only is the internet unbelievably times it is not connected or finding sites at all! Our laptop computer does have the wireless internet, and although this could be part of the problem, it's very frustrating when it doesn't work. We do many things on the internet besides e-mailing, like things for work and banking. Let's hope that this problem with the internet will be over soon.
Take Control of Your Car Loans
Get the interest rate you deserve and save thousands by refinancing your vehicle through rateGenius. By leveraging the power of their lender network, a collection of prominent national lenders, they can find a lender that will provide you with the rate, term and amount to fit your lifestyle. All you need to know is that rateGenius can help you with your Car Refinancing. You can often enjoy up to 90 days until your first payment. Best of all, there is no cost to you for their service. What more could a person ask for, a great rate with lower payments.
Back to lesson planning!
I was sitting on my computer most of the afternoon today doing lessons and preparations for this school week. Christmas is nearing, and I still have lots of things that I need to get done with my preschoolers before the break. As I'm sitting here doing my planning, I decided to check my mail. I had a forward in their from my mom and I thought I'd take a look. It was sort of like an online game. The e-mail said that it was addicting, but I had NO idea until I got started! haha!! I know it sounds funny...but oh my gosh...I think I continued to play this interactive online game for about a half hour! That's a long time when I have so many other things to get done. Although it did take some of my time away from planning, it was a nice break from working and a lot of fun!! :)
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Payday is Today
Getting a loan when you need it is very important. When this happens look into Online Payday Loan for your money, it's fast and easy.

What a great weekend!
My husband had the whole weekend off, so we had the rare opportunity to spend the entire weekend together! Last night we were able to get so many things done before the holidays are here. Today we got his parents gifts made, did all of our laundry, and watched a great movie together. March of the Penguins was so good, sad at times, but really interesting. My husband wasn't sure that the'd like it at first, but as we watched it more and more, he really enjoyed it. Tomorrow we get to go to church together and spend some time relaxing before our work week begins again. What a great weekend...I can't wait til' Scott gets his job so we can spend every weekend together!! :)
Getting Paid to Blog
PayPerPost, a marketplace for advertisers to pay bloggers to write about their products, will make a significant policy change on Monday. Bloggers will now be required to disclose that they get paid to blog. This looks to be at least partially due to recent moves by the FTC to force word-of-mouth advertisers to disclose any financial incentives to promote products. This has been brought to our attention by Tech Crunch. PayPerPost has allowed and encouraged transparency, enabling marketers and bloggers to disclose word-of-mouth or buzz marketing relationships. This post is a sponsored post that I am being paid for.
An amazing cooking experience!
My mom let us borrow her GT Express to try out for a while. What an amazing appliance!! We have made so many yummy things with this new machine, and everything we've made, including meats like steak and chicken, takes less than 15 minutes. For two people who work full time, this is a great thing for us. We're able to make a great supper in a short amount of time. I'm looking forward to trying out many more things with this machine!
Friday, December 15, 2006
Students Get Financial Aid
As a recent college graduate, I know the importance of getting federal aid in order to complete my schooling. FAFSA online is the fastest way to completing your FAFSA form, and finding out what aid you can receive from the government. You can receive free FAFSA help, tips, forms, and financial aid from FAFSA directly on the web. Get the help and the aid you need to go along with it.

Will it snow or not??
Well, Christmas is definitely RIGHT around the corner now! Next weekend we will be all traveling and getting ready to spend Christmas with family....celebrating Christ's birth and all He's done for us! Wow, it has come so fast! The only thing missing is snow?!? Will it snow, or not?? Although I prefer the warmer weather, Christmas would not be the same without a little makes it so beautiful outside. I'm hoping for a nice snowfall, but still nice weather so travel is easy and safe. Will it snow?!? I guess we'll find out soon enough!:)
Let's Play Ball!!
My husband is very big baseball fan, and would love to go down and see the Chicago Cubs play in the Cactus League. I have been trying to find Spring Training tickets to the Chicago Cubs, and found that it isn't easy to do, until I found They are a great place to find tickets for any event, whether it be sports, concerts, or the theatre. I am glad that I was able to find this site in time for Christmas, will make a great gift for the sport fan. If you have a huge Cubs fan, get them tickets for the Cactus League, March of 2007, Spring Training Camp.
Fun! Fun! Fun!
My students had their Christmas program today! I was so proud of them...they did such a great job. They all looked so cute all dressed up, and sang their very best. Almost every student had at least two people there to watch and support them...which was so nice. Although, my room was a little packed as you can imagine! The parents brought lots of yummy food and the kids and I really enjoyed ourselves. The sugar caused them to be a little wild, but they had a good time and that's what matters.:)
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Protect Yourself
Lasershield Systems promotes and sells portable security systems, that are easy to use and easy to install. Their systems have the ability to expand (connect multiple systems), and come with24/7 monitoring. This makes them perfect for small office, home, or apartment. They also sell other Security System like keychain alarms, wireless unit, pet friendly, and high tech - infrared detection system. Check out these systems today, they are available at local Comp USA, Home Depot, Costco, Kmart, Montgomery Ward, and Sears.
Tomorrow's Friday!!!
The weeks and days just keep flying by and before we know it Christmas will be here. I for one can't wait, a break from work, a chance to relax. It will be a nice weekend that I get to spend with my husband, he has Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off. I like it when he's around on the weekends.
They Have the Supplies for You
I have often wondered if there was any alternatives out there to buying my ink from Wal-Mart. Then I found Office Supply Outfitters who are a premier online provider of toner cartridges and inkjet cartridge, fax supplies, MICR toner, and cash register and printer ribbon for all the major brands and some of the tough to find as well! They pride themselves on our low prices and superior customer service, as well as their extensive collection of ink, paper, and other supplies. So look no further for your hard to find inks and toners, Office Supply Outfitters has it all for you in one quick stop.
What To Do
My husband and I heard back from our apartment complex about paying for the damage that was done to our car. They said that they wouldn't pay for it, so my husband requested the incident report that they filed through their company to Corporate Headquarters, to see if they would cover it. He just now received it today and found that the report was filled out improperly. He is now contacting an attorney to see if it would be in our best interest to sue them. We'll just have to see what they say.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Stay In Touch with Pingo
My husband works for a wireless company and is often asked what the best way to call someone oversea's, and also without paying too much. He always would tell them that calling cards, like Pingo, are the way to go. With a Pingo prepaid calling cards, your calls to India and other countries are easy to make and even easier to pay for. Pingo's India calling cards feature low, low rates of discount prepaid calling cards, with the convenience of automatic recharging of your calling card account, plus the reliable quality of a Top-Tier international carrier. Pingo has NO hidden fee's, NO surprises with the best competitive rates available today. Plus when your readers sign up for Pingo, they'll receive $5 in FREE Calls! What more could you ask for.

Christmas Program
My students' Preschool Christmas Program is this Friday and I am so impressed with how well they've learned the songs. They're singing three well known Christmas songs, but at their ages they weren't all that familiar with all the words. I was a little worried that they may not learn them in time when we started practicing two weeks ago, but as we practice each day I see more and more improvement! They are doing such a great job!!! I'm so proud of them! We have one more practice tomorrow and then Friday is the big program. I think they're going to do a wonderful job!
Secure Your Future
There are many different ways to secure your future and putting your money into life insurance isn't always the best option. This is where Secure Life Settlements can help life insurance policyholders, who no longer want or need their coverage, sell their life policies to investment banks. They are the top rated viatical and life settlement company for seniors who have a life insurance policy they would like to sell. Viatical/Life Settlements to ensure that seniors who want to sell their Life insurance receive the maximum amount of cash for their life insurance policy, through Secure Life Settlements. If this is something that interests you check them out and secure your future today!

I Made Money!
My PS3 sold and I made $100! I am so happy because with 2,300 of them selling on Ebay you never know what you're going to make. It isn't as much money as I hoped but atleast I'm not stuck with it.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Diaxol Can Help
Everyone that has a pet obviously loves their pet; and would do anything to reverse their pet's diabetes. Imagine never having to worry about dog diabetes again! Imagine how you would feel if you made the right decision to improve your pet's health without risking her quality of life with all of the negative side effects of prescription drugs! Diaxol, along with a healthy lifestyle, has been clinically proven to be 99% effective for pet diabetes. That is a strong claim, but they have thousands of success cases and a 90-day, no questions asked, money-back guarantee, to back it up. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

I'm Excited!!
We went out and bought a new Playstation 3 the other day and decided to put it on ebay to make a little extra money! I wasn't too sure at first if we were gonna make any money, because there wasn't anyone watching it, or bidding on it. I'm very excited now, and happy to say that within the last half our people are starting to bid on it and we're making money on it now that it went above the price we paid for it. :) YYYEEAAAHHH!!!
You have Options with Chemotherapy
In this day and age cancer has become a well known disease, with different options of treatment. Many of these options deal with chemotherapy, and what type can help with the type of cancer you have. Chemotherapy isn't easy for most people due to the side affects that it produces. Many people leave a treatment feeling completely drained, not only that but it can also have affect on you physical appearance with the loss of hair, and nails. It can be a tough road to travel, but with time and these medications many people survive.

So, my husband and I put in fix it reports for a couple of different things in our apartment this past summer! Tonight I was busy doing some of my holiday baking and there's a knock at the door. There were two guys and they said that they were getting caught up on the fix it slips they they finally fixed our air conditioner (which we obviously don't need at the moment) and replaced our ceiling fan which needed it badly! Better late than never I suppose.:)
Monday, December 11, 2006
Win By Investing In Bank Foreclosures
There are many people out there that often times think about investing in real estate but don't want to have to put up the money for the property or building. Here is an easy way to greatly decrease that burden, investing in Bank Foreclosures. Foreclosure investing has something to do with working directly with the homeowner and sometimes the lender. In order to make a successful purchase, an investor has to make create a win-win scenario for himself and the owner. Investing the right way can be done through locating loans in default, evaluating and narrowing selections to pursue, inspecting the property and evaluate the property owner’s needs, determining the market value of the property, arranging default work out by negotiating with the owner and the lender, and closing on the property and repairing and reselling it quickly. Don't miss an opportunity to invest, check out the foreclosures in your area.
So Relieved!!
Well I'm definitely feeling very relieved today! I had asked off for some days around the holidays about 2 months ago and I was very nervous that I was not going to get them off because so many other people want the same days off. Thankfully, someone is willing to sub in my class, so I got the days off that I needed!! :) YYYEEEAAHHH!!!! I'm SO happy! Normally I wouldn't care about having the day after Christmas and the day after New Years off, but this year I have Christmas and stuff going on both days. So anyways...definitely was a great end to a long day of work!
Do You Know What You're Getting?
Did you know that there is a computer that knows what you want for Christmas? It's true Santa isn’t the only one who knows what you want for Christmas. This website is really good at Gift guessing, check it out and see if I'm right. Also check out 19 other great holiday sites by scrolling over the yellow OfficeMax tab. 'This brought to you on behalf of OfficeMax.'

Christmas is almost here!
Christmas is less than 14 days away and I'm already filled with the anticipation of getting together with all of my family members. I don't even care about the gifts that we give and receive I just love to enjoy the company of my husband and all of our family. I also enjoy the nice break that it gives me from work. I love this season!
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Relaxation Without Compromise
Looking for the perfect get-a-way for your vacation, Condoexpress offers resort condos across the U.S., Mexico and the Caribbean. They are one of the top sites with the best prices for vacation resorts. You can stay in a 1-3 bdrm condo for about the same price of a hotel room. They also specialize in Orlando-Disney family vacations, which are great for families with young kids. They always have specials running, like pay for 3 night and get 1 free in Cabo San Lucas, or get either a 2 or 3 bdrm condo for $99.00 per night at Bahama Bay Resort near Disney World. What great deals, sign up for their newsletter to keep up with all their specials!

God is Good!
My husband began interviewing with different pharmaceutical sales companies a year ago this February. He's interviewed with many different companies since then, but one has really stuck out among the rest. The one we've really felt at peace about is located in the area that we'd like to live, and they seem very interested in him. His first interview with them was at the end of July. His second interview with them was in October. Now we're just waiting on that third interview...and by the sounds of it, that will be coming soon. We're so excited! It will be so great for him to finally be doing what he's passionate about...helping people! God is so good...through everything God has always been there for us, and we continue to have faith in Him and trust that He has an amazing plan for Scott's job and our lives! We know He wants the very best for us, and we're just so excited to see what He has in store.
The Place to Be
I have only been posting for PPP for almost 2 weeks now and have wondered where I could go to get the latest PPP news, updates and crazy videos. Well now I've found it, it's the PPP blog page, this site is great at keeping me informed about what is going on with PPP. For example the outage they had on Dec. 7, they had to cancel their new server deployment last week because of a power failure scuppered their plans. Now without that I would have just become upset and might even have wrote PPP expressing my feelings on the matter, now I don't have to because they told me first. Great idea, what will they come up with next!
Holiday Baking
Well, I got my first Christmas baking done today. I made molasses cookies for the first time! They turned out ok...but nothing compares to my mom's baking!! Hopefully the chocolate peanut butter balls that I make next will turn out the way they're supposed to.
Saturday, December 9, 2006
The Best Blender Ever!
Have you ever had a smoothie or drink from a restuarant and wished that you could make drinks like that? Well now you can with the Magic Bullet Blender. This blender gives you the capability of a blender that can be found at most restuarants and juice bars. Make yourself the best smoothies with ease and in seconds, put all of the ingrediants in the glass, screw it on, and in about 8 seconds you have a professionally made smoothie. They are great, my mom makes them for me when I home, and I love them. But don't take my word for it, try it out for yourself. They make a great gift too!

What a weekend!
I began this weekend with a list of things that I had to get done. I had to do bills, had to clean, needed to get laundry done, and wanted to bake some Christmas cookies. Turns out I haven't gotten much done yet, and it's already Saturday night! I haven't been feeling the best the past couple of days and find it hard to do much of anything without having to lay down for a while. I'm beginning to feel a little better tonight, so hopefully I will get more done later tonight and tomorrow for sure!
Get Paid for Referring Friends!
Wow, PayPerPost does it again. They have created a new way for PayPerPost bloggers to make even more money, you can do it by referring your friends! It is very easy and simple to do. Just post the referring image on your site and then start referring friends. For each friend that gets their first blog approved you'll receive $15! Now your friends can get paid blogging! Amazing, and there isn't a limit to the amount of people you can refer, that's the best part! So get out there and start getting your friends and family involved to make yourself more money. Good Luck!

More Shopping....
So, my husband and I were out shopping this morning looking for a couple of Christmas presents for family. I guess that we waited too long, because the items we were looking for are out of stock, and will not be stocked up again until after Christmas! It took us a while to decide what we wanted to buy for our our family, because we wanted it to be something that they would like and know came from the heart. Now we're not sure what we're going to do...guess it's not a good idea to procrastinate around Christmas time.
Friday, December 8, 2006
Hope You See Something You Like

Have a hunter in the family? How about someone who is interested in outer space or science? Look no further. OpticsPlanet, Inc is one of the leading optics suppliers with a wide selection of high quality, brand name lenses for whatever use you have. For Christmas they have the best brand name Telescopes, Microscopes, Spotting scopes, Digital Camera Scopes & Binoculars, Rifles Scopes, Red Dot Sights, Pocket Monoculars, binoculars, rangefinders, radar guns, sunglasses, goggles, flashlights, etc.. Discount pricing, and FREE UPS on orders over $29.95. Don't miss out on the great deals they have to offer today.

Christmas is Around the Corner
Wow! My husband and I went grocery shopping tonight and you can really tell when walking in a store like Walmart that Christmas is right around the corner. There were people EVERYWHERE!! People were shopping in every aisle of the store, filling their carts up with every type of item imaginable. In the grocery section people were buying many items from the baking aisle such as chocolates, frosting, flours, etc. The toy area and electronic areas were also very busy....working on that Christmas shopping I'm sure! Although it can be a very busy and hectic time of year in stores like's also fun to see everyone out and about.
What do you have to lose
I often wanted to learn how to play poker, but never had someone who would take the time to teach me. Then I found a website that would, not only did they teach me but they let me play Free Poker on their site. At PokerSavvy, they give you SavvyPoints when you sign up for their partner poker rooms and complete the minimum requirements. You can then redeem your SavvyPoints for a cool free gifts like iPods, poker chips and poker tables. What a great site and an even better way to win.
Decisions, Decisions
Yesterday we heard back from our insurance agent, about what reporting the car accident to the insurance company, would do to our premiums. The other thing that we have to take into account the fact that Scott is trying to get into an industry that he really can't afford to have this on his driving record. So now we have to decide, do we pay for it all out of pocket, or do we file it through our insurance company.
Thursday, December 7, 2006
New Law, DUI is legal.
It's bad enough that it is even legal to drink any amount of alcohol and drive, let alone get out of a DUI because of what a San Diego DUI Attorney can do for you. That is basically saying that drinking and driving is okay, as long as you don't kill someone. That is stupid, not only will the death toll from drunk driving increase, but so will the number of drunks on the road. We should then make it illegal for sober people to be on the road past midnight, because the number of drunk people on the road at that time would make it unsafe. That's ridiculous!
I don't mind having a "white" Christmas....but this morning when I was getting ready to go to work, it was only 1 degree outside!! Brrrr!!!! What a cold way to start out the day! It snowed a little bit last night and it was so pretty...but I could definitely do without the bitter cold temperatures. Hopefully we have a white Christmas while still keeping the temps above freezing.
Get Cleansed Today!
Do you want to feel lighter, healthier and have more energy? Optimal health starts with a colon cleanse. This is a powerful yet gentle 2-part system, called Almighty Colon Cleanse, which helps regulate and purify your digestive tract. This system is easy-to-use and helps expel impurities and fecal matter that build-up on your intestinal walls. One of the most concentrated natural purification systems available, it can work in only 7 days! This can help you ultimately feel clean from the inside out, feel lighter, help end bloating, and detoxify your body. So invest in your health today by getting cleansed and refreshed with Almighty Colon Cleanse.
Have you ever had a week that just drags on and you can't wait until it's the weekend?!? That is the type of week that I've been having. I've been working much longer hours than I normally do, and by the time I get home and do what I need to there and get things ready for work the next day...I'm completely exhausted and can't wait to go to bed! These things have made my week seem very long...and have had me looking forward to the weekend since the beginning of the week! The good news is that it's Thursday, which means tomorrow is FRIDAY!!! YYYEEEAAAHHH!!!!!
Wednesday, December 6, 2006
T9 and Win!
Have you ever wondered what T9 was, or what it stood for? Well today is you lucky day! T9 stands for "Text on 9 keys." This software comes pre-loaded on many mobile devices, like a cellphone, to make it faster and easier to type a text on numeric keypads. T9 text has been licensed by nearly all the worlds leading mobile phone manufactures. Today, more than 800 mobile phone models around the world are equiped with T9 text input capabilities. There is an easier way to learn more about T9, check out their website at Also take this opportunity to play the trivia game below to win some great prizes!

What a Good and Bad Day
Yesterday was a good and bad day for me. The good part of my day, I was able to get a PS3 60 GB, which I wanted really bad. The bad part of my day, I got into an accident with my car. I was trying to fit into a parking spot that was partially blocked by a post and put a dent and long scratch on the passenger side of my car. It took it to 2 different collision centers, one gave me a quote of $1,400 and the other of $1040, ouch! That is the bad part. Good for bad I guess.
Repvine your reputation on line
I have often wondered what people really think of me as a person, not for my looks, but for my personality and what I have accomplished as a person. With Repvine, I can find out just that, whether it be for job seeking, online dating, or freelancing. They are a a controlled environment - not a hot or not site, which means you invite people that you feel will give you a good reference. You can vote on how useful each reference is. You can vote to say whether or not you agree with how people see themselves. With Repvine you're more than just a profile. It empowers you to collect, organize and display your references.
For dating:
For dating:
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
How am I doing?
In my line of work it is very important to receive a review, whether it be positive or negative. The review allows you to see how you are doing as an employee, and maybe some area where you maybe able to improve. With the Employee Review Software you receive your reviews in a prompt and organized matter that can help you become a better employee, allowing you to succeed. If this sounds like something that interests you mention it to the one who supplies you with your reviews.
Home Watching House
Over the past year or so, my husband and I have become avid watchers of the television show, House, on Tuesday nights. It sparked our interest because of the interesting story lines, and the humor that the actors bring to the show...especially that of Dr. House. When we began watching, House had a sarcastic personality, that although rude most of the time, also had a caring side to him. However, in more recent episodes, House has become very mean towards his coworkers and friends, caring for no one but himself. Although we still watch it most Tuesday nights, it is not the same show that sparked our interest in the beginning. This turn in House's personality has caused us to become less interested in watching the show. Hopefully the show will soon take a turn for the better and get back to the humorous story lines they once had. I guess we'll just have to see what the rest of this season has in store?!?
Where's the best deal?
Finding the best deal on any item can be tough, and confusing. This new website has an answer to this problem, they are the most aggressive and have several of deals or cash back offers that are worth talking about. They have the best offers for the Prepaid T Mobile To Go phone and the Cingular Go Phone , where they offer a phone for free, but we have many others as well. allows you to compare prices, view forums, receive coupons on items that other website are offering. So if you are looking for a good deal on pretty much any item, check them out today.

Monday, December 4, 2006
Jesus is the Reason for the Season!
As we enter the Christmas season, many of us become so involved in shopping for gifts, putting up the tree, sending out Christmas cards, and baking holiday goodies, that we tend to lose focus of what Christmas is all about. Jesus is the Reason for the Season, and no matter how busy we get, it is important for us to stay focused on Him and not lose site of what is important and remember that He is what Christmas is all about!
Keylogging Can Help
In today's society it is very important to hold people accountable for the things that they do on the computer, whether it be your children, employees, or even yourself. Being able to track those things that are done, using keylogging, can help. Keylogging tools can be used to record anything ranging from web sites they visit to recording passwords, allowing you to keep up to date on what is happening on your computers. Parents and their kids, making sure they are not into things that they shouldn't, or employers and their employees, being able to monitor their activity to make certain they are staying within the companies Internet Acceptable Use policy. This tool is one that should be considered by all, being able to hold people accountable for what they do can ultimately change not only what happens at home, but can also change what happens at a work site. Check into it today.
It's close!
My husband graduated this past May and has been on the hunt for a job/career ever since. It has not been easy for him because the industry that he wants to work in requires you to have previous experience. This has made it very tough on him, how is he ever suppose to gain experience unless someone gives him a chance. Finally a break, this company has an entry-level position open that doesn't require experience, he has been involved in the interview process with them for months. Last Friday he talked to them and they said that they should hopefully know something in a week or so, we just keep hoping and praying that it's close.
Let Them Store Your Stuff
I have often found it very hard to find a storage place that supplies me with multiple storage quotes, and the convince of where I can find them locally. Recently I looked into a website that gave me this convinence all from the comfort of my home. The company is a Self Storage company that offers Self Storage, Mini-Storage, Climate-Controlled Storage, Mobile and Portable Storage. Their website,, is where you will find the best self storage facilities available in your area. With the ability to search nationwide and across the globe it is hard to find a reason why not to check out their website.
I love Ebay!
Ebay is one of my favorite websites, not only is it good for items that you are looking for, but you can also sell anything on Ebay. Last night I made about $180 off of old cell phones and a PDA that I have but never use. To think that I can make that kind of money off of items that are just sitting around my house collecting dust is amazing.
Sunday, December 3, 2006
Who is Your Favorite?
Tedd and the crew behind this company PayPerpost, have brought a look into their lives by creating This website allows its viewers to see videos that show the ins and outs of what it takes to start up a web-based company. Through these episodes people get to see the whirlwind journey that captures the promise, the perils, the pride, the pressure, the pain and pitfalls that are experienced along the way. I for one have often wondered what entrepreneurs have to go through to get there name out there to gain the exposure that is vital in whether or not the company will suceed. Ted and the cast of have produced some great HD content that you don't get from other reality tv shows. This website is not just for the current members of PayPerPost, but also those that want to know more about this company before they become involved. I personally have found that it has allowed me to get to know the people behind this wonderful company even more than I knew, and it also allows me to put a face or faces with a name or names as I continue to expand my experience and opportunities with this company. Way to go guys! Keep it up!
Where's the Snow?
I have being wondering since it is December, where is the snow? It just won't feel like Christmas without snow on the ground, I know that there is about 22 days until Christmas, but I want to get into the Christmas spirit. We are half way there with the freezing temperatures, now we just need the white stuff. This is my Christmas wish.
Land of Opportunity
Many people are always looking for great business opportunities that can make them money or give them status, well here is a deal for you. Real Estate is a great investment that can give a person endless possibilities of use, whether it be a vacation, investment, or just for fun. Here is a great new development that has a lot to offer from Cave Creek Real Estate. Cave Creek Condos spread over 20 acres in the heart of Arizona's Sonora Desert, with spectacular mountain views and great golf just minutes away, Cave Creek Resort & Casitas is a place where relaxation comes naturally and memories are made. So for investors who are looking for new opportunities don't pass this one up.
I Past the Test!
A couple days ago I talked about the experience I had with making a cream filled cake for my mom's birthday. My mom loved it! I pasted the test, she had a couple pieces of it last night, along with the rest of my family. This will be a desert that I will make and pass down another generation, what a relief!
Saturday, December 2, 2006
I Bet You'll Like It!
With the recent online gambling law, more and more players are looking for live poker games that are legal and fun, PokerDIY does just that. PokerDIY - Connecting Poker Player for Live Games, is a FREE service that connects poker players & you can search for live poker games. You can create an event for a game & invite external/internal users; they RSVP & the host gets emailed. You can setup groups of friends. Check out the video below to see what it's all about.

What a fun Christmas Party!
Last night we had my work Christmas party, what a blast! The meal was great, they served turkey and ham sandwiches, fruit and vegetables, BBQ weines and meatballs, and eggrolls. Once the meal was finished we played some really fun games like Bingo, Christmas Trivia, and Christmas Word Games. With all the pop you could drink and the gifts that I won, it turned into a really great night!
Is It Worth It?
It is hard enough to buy or sell a house, let alone the tough decision of deciding how much to try and sell your house for, or what type of offer is reasonable to make when buying a house. Well now you don't have to go at this decision alone, is a quick and easy way to find out a house value that you may be wondering about. data is updated daily and pulls from a database of 70,000,000+ homes and uses integrated maps and birds-eye view of the property in order to show you the big picture. So next time you wonder whether or not a house is worth it, check out

What An Experience!
My mom's birthday is Monday so I thought that I would make her a cake, since she does that for everyone but no one does it for her. This would be the first time that I would attempt this receipt that has been past down for generations, it is my mom's favorite. It is a chocolate cake with a cream filling, and white frosting on top. Since this was my first time making this cake, I will have to admit I am kind of nervous, sometimes the things I make don't always turn out the way they are suppose to. Making the cake was the easy part, but the cream filling, I could honestly say I didn't know how it would turn out. With my husbands help we were able to finish it up, it looks good, but the actual test will be tonight when we taste it!
Friday, December 1, 2006
Burdens of Borrowing
Have you ever borrowed a family member money and later realized that it probably wasn't a good idea, I have so here is my story. Having siblings can make it tough when it comes to money, you know they work but they just have too much on their plate, that's when they come to you. Being the responsible person that you are, having a savings and all, they ask you to borrow money. A month or two goes by and they never mention when or how they are going to pay it back, what an akward situation. When you do bring it up you feel bad because even though they may not have the money they feel obligated to pay you back by borrowing from someone else. And the cycle continues on with other family members. This type of thing no longer has to happen because there is another option, payday cash advance loans is that other option. With payday cash advance loans you can have you money within 24 hours, which frees up any and all obligation that you many have as a family member. Check it out today.
I Let It Slip Through My Hands!
This morning some PS3's were suppose to come out, and my brother still hasn't got one yet. So the nice sister that I am, I thought I would go out and wait to get one for him. He wanted the 60 GB and not the 20 GB due to some modifications it has. I was second in line and was going to get one when the store clerk said that they only got 20's in today. SO I LEFT! Man was that the wrong move, come to fine out he would have taken it! I felt so bad, I should have just got it and if he didn't want it he could have returned it. Sorry Jake.
Great Site - PPP Forums
Like others, I have recently been wondering how to do the video blogs. While wondering around the PayPerPost cite I found PayPerPost forums which has been a great tool. It has helped me find out from others how to make the most of the opportunities that PayPerPost has. There are some very friendly people on there that are more than happy to share with you what they know. No question is a dumb question, everyone has to learn, some just learn faster than others. Just ask and someone will respond. Check it out today and find out how to maximize your opportunities.
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