Friday, September 28, 2007
House Hunting
When my husband and I were looking around for a house that we wanted to buy....we had a lot to choose from, but choose to look at houses that were pretty much in the same neighborhood and area of town. In fact, two of the houses that we looked at were in the same neighborhood...only a few houses away from each other. I remember when we were looking at those houses, we even noticed that there was some land for sale at the end of the road. We ended up finding a house that we absolutely love...but maybe if we hadn't we would have considered buying that land and building our own home?! You never know.
So excited for...
I am so excited for the baby shower tomorrow!! I feel so blessed to have family who was willing to put this shower together!! It's going to be so much fun to see everyone...especially the family members who I haven't seen in quite some time. From the sounds of it...they have lots of really fun games to play as well as some great food that they're preparing. It should be a really fun time!! I can't wait.
Love Reading
Do you enjoy reading? I've always enjoyed reading...especially the long fictional books that are out there. I feel like reading is a way to take your imagination to a new place, as well as keeping your mind young. Reading is such a great way to spend free time when you have it. Since I am an avid reader, I am pretty excited about Love Reading, a site that I recently came across. It's such a great way to check out the new fiction and non-fiction books out there before you buy. I really like this idea, because who wants to buy a book and then end up not liking it. I know I don't. I also like this, because it seems that it helps users to save time searching for books, as well as money buying books that they don't enjoy. What do you think? Is this something you'd enjoy? If so, then check out their site today.
Staying at home
Being at home and not working causes me to lose track of my days sometimes. Especially when Scott is working quite a bit during this time of year, it makes me feel like all my days are the same. He works, and I'm at home cleaning and working on the computer. Sometimes I miss the consistency of being at work Mon-Fri, but on the other hand I love being at home and being able to clean and work online. I know I'm especially going to love it once we have the baby. I'm so glad that we made the decision that I was going to be a stay-at-home mom. I think that's what's best for our baby.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Arizona Real Estate
Are you trying to sell real estate, or buy real estate in the Phoenix area? If so, then you should check out the Holm Group. They are a great site that makes it easy for both sellers and buyers to benefit from their experience. Since the internet seems to be main way people find homes these days, the Holm's Group has developed a great websites to help out. Since these websites rank highly in Google, Yahoo, and MSN search engine...clients can ensure that they are getting the best exposure and working with the best company. It's great for those looking for homes too, because everything is updated and in real time. I really liked all this site had to offer, and I think you will too. Check them out today and know what it's like to work with an experienced and professional Phoenix Real Estate Agent.
36 week appointment
Well, today is the day of my 36 week appointment. I am pretty sure that it's just a routine check up. They'll pry just check my weight, my blood pressure, measure my belly, and then let me hear the baby's heartbeat.....that's my favorite part!! I don't mind going to these appointments at all...they only take like 5-10 minutes and then I'm out already. I don't have it until later this afternoon, but I'll let you know how it goes.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
If you're thinking of starting your own business, then it's important that you think about how you're going to get your customer base online. Ever considered Ashop Commerce before? This is a great place to start if you are running or just starting your own small or medium sized business. Ashop Commerce is actually the leader when it comes to shopping cart software. It's really great for those of you who are interesting in ecommerce software for you own business. They make it so easy for you to set up your own store online and begin to increase your customer base. Isn't that great?!! If this sounds like something that you'd be interested for your own company, you should really take a look at their site. It's so easy to get started, and they even have a 10 day free trial offer for those who are interested in testing it out. Take a look and see what you think. You'll be amazed!!

Always Busy
I woke up this morning with a list of things on my mind that I know I need to get done over the next couple of days. I have some errands to run at the mall and walmart, I have to do some cleaning around the house, and I have to run to the bank. It seems like every day there's always a list of things to get done. I'm glad that I'm not still working full-time...otherwise I don't know when it would all get done now that Scott is in the busy season.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Senior Singles
I don't know about you, but from what I've noticed about the dating sites out seems that many of them are typically focused on a younger age group. What about the seniors out there looking for love? Is there a senior dating site for them? This is a question I often asked myself until I came across Dating For Seniors...which is just that...a site for senior singles, who are looking for other single seniors. From what I've learned so far, it really looks like a great site with a lot to offer. There are thousands of singles who have profiles and photos for others to view. All you need to do is join, which is absolutely free. So head over to their site and see what you think.
Yummy Leftovers
I just love it when there's leftovers in the fridge for me to eat for lunch. It's so much nicer to eat a good meal than to make something quick just because I'm hungry. Scott's usually working over the lunch hour, so I always want to find something quick and easy. Leftovers are perfect in this situation. Last night we had meat loaf and it was so yummy! I think that's what I might have today.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Once my husband bought our new house we started to realize the things that we would need to make our house, a home. We feel very blessed to have as much as we do...we were able to move in and fill most of the house without hardly buying a thing. Down the road though, we do plan to do some work to the basement and make a family room down there. When we do we're going to look into getting some Bush furniture, like maybe a tv stand for that big screen television that Scott wants so bad. It won't be anytime in the near future, but someday we'll get it done.
Beauty School
If you're looking for a great beauty school, you should definitely check out Regency. They have been around for over 50 years, and now have 30 campuses across nine states. They continue to grow and are known as the fastest growing hair school in the country. What's great about Regency, is that they have a quality program that allows students to work in salons with faculty supervisions. This gives them the training they need to be successful in the cosmetology business. If you graduate from Regency, many throughout the US will want to hire you. Your placement could be in a salon, on a cruise ship, or even on a runway. The sky's the limit when it comes to what you can achieve! Check out their site and see if this is the school for you.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Busy work schedule
Scott's finally on his busy season schedule, working 7 days a week and working long hours each day. He says that he's looking forward to the sun beginning to set earlier and earlier though, because the sooner it sets, the sooner he can come home. That's one advantage to the busy season in the fall over the spring. In the spring it doesn't get dark out until much later at Scott doesn't get home until really late. Hopefully they get what they need to done, so this busy season isn't so long.
Our Baby
As the baby grows each week, his/her movements are becoming a little more painful. My ribs get kicked, and it feels like all of my organs are being pressed up against. At night the baby seems to become especially active. I lie awake for hours on end, trying to find a comfortable position, but typically I'm awake for a good three hours. Oh well, the nice part is that I get to sleep in, so being woken up in the night isn't that big of a deal I guess.
Job Recruiting
A.E.Feldman Associates, Inc. has been an asset to the recruiting field. They are headhunters, dedicated to serving both sides of the employment equation, so that both potential employees and employers of industries can build a strong relationship with each other. They know what to look for, and how to make the best matches, because the recruiters at A.E. Feldman Associates all have had careers in the industries that they are recruiting for. They bring knowledge and skill to their recruiting, and are successful in the placements they make. If you're interested in learning more about A.E. Feldman Associates, or how they can possibly help you...take a look at their site and learn more.
Leftovers for tonight
Scott and I had never eaten at the Green Mill...a restaurant in our town. They have all kinds of food...but it's a pretty spendy place to eat, so we usually opt not to eat there. Last night, Scott's Dad and his wife were in town and they asked us if we wanted to go there for supper. We went out to eat with them and both tried one of their pastas. It was pretty good food. They give you a ton we'll have leftovers for tonight's supper.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Graphic Design
I remember when I was going to college, I heard a lot about the importance of giving a good first impression of your business. My husband also talks a lot about this, as he took many business classes when he was in college. One of the things he's said, which I agree with 100%, is how important it is to have a professional graphic design company help you to make your marketing materials look more appealing and professional. Since first impressions are so important, and the marketing materials are the first thing to be seen by many's important that they are done to perfection. If you're getting started in a business and would like to have that image of professionalism, then I suggest you take a look at the Wildfire Marketing Group today.
A day to relax
Today is just one of those days where I'm feeling like just relaxing. This week, although fast, kept me very busy for the most part and I just would like a day to relax and put my feet up. I wish Scott wasn't working so he could be home with me...but I guess that's the way the busy season goes. Oh well...he'll be home soon enough. Then we can relax together.:)
Friday, September 21, 2007
Digital Cameras
I don't know about you, but often times I think where we'd be without digital cameras?! I mean, there just so convenient and make taking pictures such a breeze!! It's so nice to know that just because you're taking pictures, doesn't mean you have to print them all out. You can erase the ones you don't like and print off the ones you do like. It's also nice to see how a picture turned out right after you take it. I just love our digital camera....everyone should have one!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
I'm not sure about your experiences in Orlando, Florida, but mine have been wonderful! I just love Orlando. I think it's such a great place to vacation. I have so many wonderful memories of traveling there with my family, and I'd like to help my own kids make those same memories. When we do end up planning our own family vacation to Orlando at some point, we will definitely be checking out They have very reasonable prices on different hotels, a orlando vacation home rental, car rentals, flights, and much more! They even offer information on things to do there like entertainment, dining, and nightlife!! I really think it's great to have so much to offer on one site, and I think you will too. Check them out and see what you think.
What a guy!!
It's been so nice having Scott home at a descent time each night. He said that they're pretty busy throughout the day...but that they're getting what they need to done, so he's able to make it home by 6ish every night so far. Tonight when he came home he even made me supper!! Pork Chops and corn off the cob! Yum!! What a guy.:)
Dial a Flight
Have you ever heard of Dialaflight before? They are actually the leader in independent travel companies in the UK. They offer cheap flights, hotels, and travel information for worldwide travel, which I thought was just great!! So, it doesn't matter if you're looking to stay near, like going to New York, or travel a bit further, like to Hong Kong, Sydney, or Montreal, Dialaflight can help you. No matter if you're looking for city breaks
, weekend trips, beach holidays, spa holidays or something else, this is the place to go! All you have to do is call and get your trip booked. Being able to speak with someone helps to make sure that you are getting all that you want in your vacation. So if you're looking to travel, or just want some short breaks or city breaks from the stresses of work and life, then you should definitely check out their site today.
, weekend trips, beach holidays, spa holidays or something else, this is the place to go! All you have to do is call and get your trip booked. Being able to speak with someone helps to make sure that you are getting all that you want in your vacation. So if you're looking to travel, or just want some short breaks or city breaks from the stresses of work and life, then you should definitely check out their site today.
Flying by....
My day is just flying by!! I have so much to do around the house, but I also have been really busy getting some things done on the computer as well. I need to find a happy medium, so I can still get my cleaning and things done around the house. I may have to go do that, and then come back to blogging later on this afternoon. I am just amazed at how quickly each day goes.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Now that I'm a homeowner, I understand what it's like to have home improvements that need to be done. Although costly, many times home improvements done to the home increase the value quite a bit! I have fun searching the web and looking for different places that do all sorts of home improvement. One that I recently came across was Anglian. They are known in the UK for their high quality home improvements. In looking at their site, I really liked the products and things that they have to offer. What I liked most about their site was how user friendly it truly is. It was so easy to browse around at the different things they offer. They have buttons along the side to make searching easy. They also are very good to give you different ways to contact them online or by phone. I really liked what I saw, and I think you will too. It doesn't matter if you're looking to get a conservatory for your home, or something else...this site has it all! Check out Anglian for your home improvement needs.
So Busy!
The past couple of days have just been so busy!! Yesterday and today I'll I've been doing is work online. I feel like I hardly have a free minute to get any of my other things done around the house. I'm going to have to make it a point to do some of those chores tonight and tomorrow...otherwise I get behind on everything that needs to be done. Oh well I guess...I love having work to do online, that just means a little extra money!!
Restaurant Supplies
Do you run a restaurant business, or have the dream to run one in the near future? Are you tired of spending countless hours on the internet searching for equipment you can afford? If so, then search no longer. Mission Restaurant Supply is here to help!! They are a great online resource, offering lots of quality Restaurant Supplies at discount prices. What's great is...if you're in a rush and need the equipment soon, they carry thousands of things in stock and will have it available to you on demand. Isn't that wonderful?? So what are you waiting for? Check them out today and get that restaurant up and running in no time!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Target Trip
Scott and I have a few things we need to get at Target. So, if he gets off work at a descent time tonight we will probably make a trip to the nearest Target, which is about 20 minutes away. It's not too bad of a drive, but it depends on when he gets home. If he gets home too late, we won't go. I don't want him to have to be out any later than he has to with the busy season going on. I think with all the rain though, that he'll probably get off work at a descent time.
More Cleaning
I really should get some cleaning done today. I've had so much to do online these days, that it seems my cleaning is a little behind schedule of when I normally do it each week. Maybe tonight I will have the chance to get some of it done. I mainly just need to dust, vacuum and get some laundry done and put away. Shouldn't be too bad.
Having a hot summer like we did these past few months, I can see why so many people have air conditioners or refrigerators that go out. It seems that these types of appliances have to work much harder to keep food cold and the house cold, therefore sometimes working overtime and breaking down faster. Since it can be quite expensive to repair appliances like refrigerators, Kenmore Dishwashers, etc., most people decide to go out and buy a whole new product. This can be quite the task if you don't use Krillion, which is a great localization search engine. It makes it easy for you to find appliances locally, so you're not hunting all over for one. Next time you're in need of an appliance like this, check out Krillion and let them help you!
So much fun!
Now that the baby is getting bigger, I can really see the movements. It's so much fun to watch him/her moving around and actually be able to tell what part of the body I'm seeing. It's fun to see the little arms, legs, feet etc. as the baby rolls and stretches. I just can't wait to meet this little one, and hope that the next 5 1/2 weeks go by quickly:)
While my parents were down visiting my little brother for the weekend, my mom bought me a few shirts to get me buy for the rest of my pregnancy. With the weather getting colder, and my belly getting bigger, I was finding it hard to decide what to wear and what still fit.:) She and I have similar tastes, so I always know that when she picks me up something that it's gonna be really great! I'm excited to see the shirts and try them on.
Online College
Are you someone who has a demanding job with unpredictable schedules each week? Have you been looking for a way to keep your job, but still go to school and further your education? If so, then Columbia Southern University might be just what you've been looking for. I really was impressed with them because they are a completely online university! I think you will also be impressed with all they have to offer! They also have many degree programs to choose from, and they work around your busy schedules!! So, if you're in the military, a policeman, or something should definitely see what this online university can offer you.
Monday, September 17, 2007
What a difference!
Have you ever noticed when you go into someone's home what a difference cabinet hardware makes?? When Scott and I first moved here, we rented a house first. It was a nice house, but we weren't wild about the hardware on the cabinets in the kitchen. We went out and found some reasonably priced knobs and oh my goodness...what a difference!! It made that kitchen look so different, and so much better! Now, in the house we just bought...we love the hardware on the cabinets. The cabinets are older...but whoever lived here before us put very nice hardware on them. It makes for a very beautiful kitchen.
Hot Tub
In the house that Scott and I recently bought, our upstairs bathroom has a really great tub in it with jets. Scott is the only one that's tried it, but he absolutely loved it. I want to try it sometime he said it's so relaxing...especially after a long days work. One thing we've always wanted to do, and maybe we will when we finish our downstairs bathroom someday, is put in a hot tub! Wouldn't that be great?!! I just love hot tubs. We think it would be really cool and have talked about it quite a bit lately.
Baby Shower Update
Scott's aunts on both sides of his family are being kind enough to throw a big baby shower for the two of us. We so appreciate the fact that they're doing will be great to get the families together and celebrate our soon arrival of our daughter or son. To start with we were going to have two different baby showers, one for each side of the family, but now we've decided to have them together. I think this is a great idea...the more the merrier! Working around so many people's schedules, it took us a while to figure out a time and location...but last night I think we finally got it all figured out. It should be a great time! I can't thank his aunts enough for putting so much time into this and making it such a special time for Scott and I.:)
R.G Skin Revitalizer
I am sure many of you have tried taking care of your skin by applying different things to it...lotions, creams, etc. But how many of you have ever thought to nourish your skin from the inside out? I really had never thought of this before just recently when I heard of R.G. (Red Gac) Skin Revitalizer. This gave me a new outlook on how I can better care for my skin by using a dietary supplement such as this. Gac is a fruit that has been known throughout history to be used for different medicinal purposes. Now, the oil extracts from that tropical fruit have been taken to create this great supplement that can nourish your skin and revitalize it. The antioxidants found in the fruit oils are known to help with the immune system and supports the health of your skin. I for one am a big fan of things that are natural and safe to use...rather than things with all kinds of unknown chemicals in them. This is something that really sparked my interest and is something I'm going to look further into. If you're interested in taking care of your skin from the inside out, and doing it with something natural like R.G. Skin Revitalizer, then I strongly recommend you check out their site to learn more. You won't be disappointed!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Gift Registries
I think gift registries are the neatest thing...whoever came up with the idea to register for gifts had a very good idea. My mother in law called me today and asked me what Scott and I were wanting off of our baby registry from her. It was really easy to give her a few ideas, because all she had to do was go on our registry and find the items I was talking about. I just think it makes it easier on everyone when there's a registry system in place.
Music Blog
I came across a really neat site that I wanted to share with other music lovers out there. I don't know about you, but I love playing the piano! In fact, I've recently been blogging a lot about how excited I am to finally have the piano that I grew up learning on, here in my own house now! I just love to sit down on it every day and just play. The problem is, I've become a bit rusty from not having practiced or played for quite some time. That's why I'm excited about this Piano Chords Blog that I recently came across. It's really a great way to learn how to play the piano, or to refresh your memory on some things. You'll find information on piano chords and chord progressions, as well as some music theory. If you love music and the piano as much as I do, then check out this blog today. 
What a hard worker!
Scott thought that he was going to have the entire day off today, which he was really looking forward to. Unfortunately, working in the agriculture business means long hours and weeks during the busy season....which has now begun. I don't think that he's going to have to work all day, which is great! But I do know that the long hours he's been putting in have really made him very tired. I hope that he works a half a day or so and then comes home to rest up for the busy week a head. I guess it's good that the busy season is in full swing now though...the sooner they get started...the sooner they will be done!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Journey Lite
Are you overweight and want to find a procedure that is safe and helps you to lose weight easily? If so, then check out Journey Lite. They are known for their surgical facilities that have highly trained and skilled professionals who perform the LAP-BAND procedure. If you're not familiar with this procedure, it's where they put a gastric band around the upper part of the stomach, allowing you to feel full and eat less. As you can see, this is a great way to lose weight, because if you're eating less, you're bound to see the pounds drop. For anyone looking to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle, check out Tampa lap band surgery today.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Family and Friends
I definitely feel so blessed to be living where we are. We have such a nice home, Scott really enjoys his job, and we are less than an hour from all of our family. The only thing about living here, is that sometimes it gets kind of lonely when Scott's in the busy season. I've moved away from many of my friends, and my family is just far enough away where it's difficult to just hop in the car and go see them really easily. Oh well, I guess that's how it goes. And, Hey, it could definitely be worse..:)
What a fun night
Last night we sure had a good time meeting my parents for supper. It was nice that Scott was able to get off work in time to come with too! :) My dad works at a Casino not far from where we live...he's a Special Agent with the Department of Criminal Investigation we went and met them there and got to see his super nice office and then eat at their new buffet that they have there. We really liked it!! They have all kinds of yummy food...there's something for everyone. I ate way too much, but it was SOOO good! My parents then came up to our place for a little while and helped us hang some things in our bedroom that we're putting together downstairs. Two of the walls are brick, so dad brought up his drill which was nice. It's really starting to look nice in there. It will be a perfect place for company to stay sometime.
Find a credit card
I don't know about you, but sometimes finding the credit card that is right for you can be such a pain. That's why I am glad that I ran across a great website, This is actually the longest running site for credit card comparison online. They help people fin the right card by allowing them to search, compare and apply for the different cards that they might be interested in. It doesn't matter if you're looking for low interest cards, reward cards, a Small Business Credit Card, or something else...they have it all. They even have cards with issuers that you are sure to have heard of before, like Visa, Mastercard and so many others. Please check them out the next time you'd like to get a Credit Card that better suits your situation and needs.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Another Appointment
Today I had my 34 week appointment and it went great!! It's always so much fun to hear the baby's heartbeat and talk with the doctor about all that's going on in the pregnancy. The baby's heartbeat was good and strong and I'm measuring right where I should be. It's so exciting to know that soon our little one will finally be here with us!! I can't wait! I hope the next 6 weeks or so go by very quickly. :)
Digital Cameras
I recently heard that digital cameras are the #1 electronics gift wanted by people over the holidays. I believe this is something my husband and I wanted a couple of years ago. Digital cameras are just so great, so easy and convenient....we've just loved our camera. It's a great way to capture those moments that will last a lifetime. We use our camera for all kinds of occasions. Family get-togethers, trips, pics throughout my pregnancy, moving into our new home...the list goes on and on. It's just such an easy way to capture all of those important times in our lives. I would have to say my favorite photos lately are those that have been taken throughout the pregnancy. It's so much fun to see the changes in my belly and to know that soon our little one will be here. If you don't have a digital camera, I strongly urge you to look into getting one. We're even discussing getting a more top of the line one, like the Canon EOS Digital REbel XT SLR 8-MP Camera. I just love canon cameras. So, what are you waiting for? Find a digital camera that suits your needs.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Busy Day Tomorrow
I'm looking forward to tomorrow because I have another doctor's appointment in the morning and then tomorrow evening we're going to meet my mom and dad for supper. I usually wouldn't be looking forward to doctor's appointments...but these OB visits are pretty fun because I get to hear the baby's heartbeat...which is always so neat. I am looking forward to eating out with mom and dad as well! Scott and I always enjoy seeing them and getting to spend time with it should be a good time.
Have you ever heard of RegOnline before? If so, then you know that they have the highest possible ranking, a Level 1 PCI compliance. This is the only registration company that has this high of a ranking!! That says a lot about RegOnline. I think a high level of security such as this is very important when it comes to your personal information. Who doesn't want their personal information safe?!! Most would tell you that's it's important. For instance, if I was a registrant to a big event, I would be thrilled and relieved to know that my information would be safe...even as safe as banks and credit companies!! On the other end of it, event registration service software such as RegOnline would be very beneficial to an event planner as well. It not only makes their job easier, but insures that their registrants' information is safe and secure. If you're interested in learning more, I suggest you take a look at their site. RegOnline is truly one of a kind...and the security it offers is unbeatable! Check them out today.

Teaching License Situation
I am so happy...I finally figured out all of this teaching license stuff. Having graduated from college over two years ago...I still haven't had to renew my teaching license. The time is nearing when my teaching license expires and I was unsure what to do since I am not going to be teaching for several years. I'm going to be staying at home with our children until they are all in school before I go back to teaching, so I had to make a number of phone calls to see if I can let my license expire, or if I need to keep it current some how. After talking with a number of people I was happy to find out that I can let it expire, just as long as I get it renewed before I choose to start teaching again. Although I'm looking forward to someday getting back in the teaching field...right now my place is at home with our baby who will be arriving very soon! The first years in a child's life are so important...they are so impressionable during this time and that's why I felt it important to be home with them.
Cheat to Lose Diet
Are you tired of doing a bunch of diets that don't seem to have an results at all? If so, then you should look into The Cheat to Lose Diet. This diet works with your hormones, metabolism and cravings and makes it really easy to lose weight. Basically the hormone leptin is controlled, this in turn helps with weight loss. It might sound weird, but with this diet you are actually encouraged to "cheat" with the foods that you love most. What's neat about this diet, is that you can actually get an online program specifically designed for you to follow. How cool is that?!! Now that's my kind of diet. You may be wondering what comes along with this online program. Well, you get a meal planner. You'll also have access to lots of recipes, a fitness plan, and even interaction online with others in your situation. There's so much offered with this diet, so I strongly encourage you to check it out on their site today. Learn how to diet and still eat the foods that you love.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Won't be much longer now....
With my pregnancy nearing an end, I'm really starting to feel a bit exhausted and tired a lot lately. I am trying to get as much rest as I can, because I know that I will need all the energy I can get after our baby is born! I'm trying to find a happy medium between getting everything done that I need to, and finding time to rest up as well. It helps that I am not working out of the home right now...that way I have my days and evenings to get things done at a slow pace. It's also nice that I have a wonderful hubby who is always willing to do the "honey do" lists that I make for him. I'm so blessed to have him in my life!! :)
I was sitting here at my computer looking for posts to do, when all of a sudden I noticed that there was a $50 one just sitting there. I clicked in it as I normally do, went to reserve it and actually got the opportunity! I still can't believe it!! It seems I normally see the dreaded red line of text telling me that the opportunity has already been taken, but this time I got it and I couldn't be happier to post on $1K Tuesday and promote PayPerPost and their involvement in BlogOrlando.
That's right!! PayPerPost is going to be attending BlogOrlando. If you didn't know about Blog Orlando, it's actually taking place this month, September 27-29 in Winter Park, Florida. The neat thing about this event is that it's absolutely free and you can register online! I would be very tempted in going if it weren't for the fact that I'm pregnant and due shortly after those dates. It sounds like it will be an amazing time though, as it is for bloggers and others in the industry who are serious about sharing their thoughts about where social media is headed. If you're interested in going to this great event, you should really check out the PayPerPost blog post written about it. You can learn more about who is speaking and the fun things that will be going on, like a trip to EPCOT for example!!
I'm bummed that I won't be able to attend, as I'm sure it will be a wonderful conference. However, I do think and urge other serious bloggers out there to check into it as well. It's going to be a wonderful event, and the fact that PayPerPost is participating in it is fantastic!! Learn more on their blog today!
Busy Season is Here
I can definitely tell that the busy season for farmers and those who work with them is right around the corner, because Scott has been staying later and later for work each day. I guess it's ok that it gets here soon though, the sooner they start, means the sooner they will be done. Scott is hoping that they will be wrapping up the season by the time the baby is born, so I sure hope so!! :) It would be nice to have him around after the baby is born and free to take some time off of work. We'll just pray that the weather stays descent over the next month or so, so that they are able to get lots done in the field.
Time Tracking Book
If you're a business owner or manager, then you should really check out a new book that can be found on Amazon called, All Your Money Won't Another Minute Buy. It's a great book for business owners and managers because it helps you to be more profitable and learn why time tracking is so very important when it comes to the success of your company. If you'd like to buy this book about time tracking, or learn more about it, you can check out This is a paid post.
I have always heard people talk about pregnant women who "nest" before their baby is born, but I never really knew what they meant exactly until I began going through it myself recently. Lately I would say that I've been "nesting" a lot! All of a sudden, within the past week or so, I've had the extreme urge to clean everything imaginable...even things that didn't bother me before, as well as giving my hubby a "honey do" list a mile long each night. All I can keep thinking about is how soon our baby is going to be here and how much still needs to be done. I'm trying to take it all in stride and not get too overwhelmed by it all.
Monday, September 10, 2007
I am the type of person who loves to take pictures and display them throughout my home. Not only do I like to display them in picture frames and things of that nature, but I also like them to be displayed in unique ways, like on blankets and pillows. I have seen some really great photo blankets and pillows in the past and have always wondered where I could get something like that done for myself or to give as photo gifts to someone else?! Now I know!! VisionBedding is a great site that I recently came across, that offers really neat photo blankets and pillows...exactly what I've been looking for. Not only do I think this is a great thing for my own home, but also something that I could give as a gift, possibly for a birthday, anniversary, wedding, or some other special occasion. I think there are many people out there who would appreciate personalized gifts like this. You can search their site and find so many great designs and ideas. After looking things over, I would absolutely love to have one of the photo blankets after our little one is born next month. What a neat way to cherish memories that will last a lifetime. The great thing about photo blankets and pillows from VisionBedding is that it is made with care and is really great quality! You don't have to worry about it fading when you wash it like you might with other blankets and pillows of this nature. When you order from VisionBedding, you know you're getting the best! If you're interested in giving personalized photo gifts, or buying something from you own home, then take a look at their site today! I think you'll like it as much as I do!
Doctor Visits
It seems that all I do is go to the doctor these days. My pregnancy started out as many others do, with me going to the doctor once a month. Now that we're getting closer to the due date, I've been going every two weeks...soon to be every week! I don't mind it, as I get to hear the baby's heartbeat and talk with the doctor about my progress...but it just seems that I spend most of my time at the hospital these days. It's all worth it though...soon we will have our first little one in our arms and here with us!! YYEEAAHHH!!!
I am quite the girly girl and I love jewelry!! I have loved jewelry since I was little...and have always enjoyed it when my mom gives me her older jewelry. My husband likes to buy jewelry, and he's very good at picking out the perfect pieces to give I love getting jewelry from him as well. I've received all kinds of rings, bracelets, necklaces, and earrings throughout the years, but the one thing that I don't have yet are pearls. I think it would be great to have some pearl earrings and a pearl necklace! That would be a nice addition to my collection.
Radar Detectors
Growing up, I remember lots of people having radar detectors in their vehicles. I never had one, but it was quite the popular trend among my friends. How about you, do you find this to be true where you live? Are you someone interested in getting the best radar detector out there? If so, then you should check out the site that I came across recently. Check it out and see what you think.
Gently Used Stores
There's this great store called Twice is Nice in a near by town where people bring their gently used clothing and other items to sell. I never had been there until just recently and absolutely loved it. I especially like the fact that they have so many baby clothes and items to choose from. We don't know what we're having, but soon our little one will be here and we will know! At that point I'm sure I will be doing a lot more shopping there. After finding this great store, I learned of a store just like it in my own town. I went there, and the great thing about this store is that it's exclusively baby stuff!! I couldn't believe it. Between these two stores shopping for our little one will be so easy. I shared these stores with my mom and we had a blast shopping at them last week!! I can't wait to go back.
I'm sure there are many of you out there who have heard, or even used payday lending before. But, have you heard of the leader of payday loan online lending, They recently announced that their loans are available to those who live in Montana. That's great news for those who are in Montana and have a need for a payday loan, no or may in the future. is also known for their outstanding customer service! It's a priority to them to make sure that you are happy and there is no hassle in your sign up proccess. Learn more about CheckCity at
Productive Weekend
Yesterday was a really productive day for Scott and I. We had lots that we wanted to get done around the, stuff with the car, putting up lights, painting, groceries, etc. The only thing that we did not get done that we would have liked to, is touching up some spots in the bathroom with paint. Scott is going to do that tonight though...then all of our minor jobs for this week will be done.
Baby Shower List
Scott's Aunt's are throwing me a baby shower at the end of this month. It should be a really great time. One of his Aunt's asked me a couple of weeks ago to get her a list of names and addresses, and yesterday I finally did. It seems like there is always work to be done, and it took me a while to get them all together and to make sure I had everyone on the list. Oh well, at least she has it now. She was really excited, because now she can begin to get the invitations ready!!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
I recently came across a great blog that I wanted to share with all of my readers. covers a number of topics in this Business Blog, with information on business, political information, news, and much more. I really enjoyed the posts that I read because they were very informative and interesting. That's what makes someone want to come back to a blog is for it to catch your attention and keep it. One of the posts that I found most interesting was that on the presidential candidates for the Presidential Election coming up. Although I know that I should be more aware of all that goes on with the presidential candidates, I don't, and that's why I found this to be very helpful. Each candidate was discussed and talked about in detail. I really enjoyed this and would like to read more posts like it.
So busy!
I've been meaning to get so much done, laundry, etc....but I just can't seem to pry myself away from my computer. The moment I think that I'm done working on here, I start finding more and more opportunities to make some money, making me hesitant to get up and actually do some of my work. I'm going to have do most of it tonight I have a feeling...oh well. :)
Have you ever heard of multivend before? They are the leading bulk candy vending machine manufacturer in the US, which I thought was pretty impressive. They make it possible for people to own their own business and experience life with financial freedom! Wouldn't that be nice?! I sure think so!! You basically get to make your own schedule and the money is great too, giving you up to an 80% profit margin! Wow!! I would absolutely love that. How great would it be to know what financial freedom felt like? How wonderful would it be to set your own hours, make great money, and work from home? I think it would be wonderful. If you're thinking the same, I recommend you take a look at their site today.
Need to clean house
I am finding it hard to get away from my computer, as I have lots of work to do on it today. However, I need to pry myself away for a short time so that I can get what I need to get done around the house done too. Tomorrow I will be out of town shopping with my mom, so much of the work needs to get done. I'm going to have to plan my day so that I can get everything done that I need to.
A family of three
Time is sure flying by. I feel like this pregnancy is just going by so quickly...and now we only have about 7 weeks left! I just can't believe that next month we will have our little one here with us in our arms! It's such a neat and exciting time in our lives. We feel so blessed and are really looking forward to making our family a family of three! :)
Are you someone who struggles to keep the weight off? Does it seem like dieting and exercise just don't help? If so, then you may want to look into the Lap-band system from JourneyLite, as this may be just what you've been looking for. I'm sure you've heard of the Lap-band system before. It's a very save and successful way to help people lose weight. A band is placed at the top of your stomach to help you from being able to take in so much food, while shrinking the stomach. It's really a neat obesity surgery, unlike any other out there today. Learn more on their site today. This is a paid post.
I've really been wanting a good cappuccino lately. Being pregnant I don't consume any beverage that has caffeine in it's hard for me to have the cappuccino that I am used to drinking. The last time I was back visiting my parents, my mom told me a great way to make cappuccino though. I'm going to do that today, because it's caffeine free which is exactly what I'm looking for.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Reality TV
I'm not sure about any of you, but I'm kind of a sucker when it comes to reality television. I really don't watch much television, but it seems that on a couple nights during the week there are always some really good shows on. My husband likes the OCC show and the Unique Whips show...they're alright, but there are others that I like better. I think reality television is just so good because, well, it's reality so it's easier to relate to and get into sometimes. I still like some of the older sitcoms too though, like King of Queens and FRIENDS!
Martin Worldwide is actually one of the largest mailing list providers and one of the leaders in direct marketing. They offer mailing Lists, telemarketing lists and fax lists to businesses and clients all over. What I like about Martin Worldwide is that they've been around a lot time. They're very experienced and knowledgeable at what they do, making clients feel comfortable working with them. One of their products that you may have heard of is ResponseCom. This is a mix of US Response and US Consumer databases, which make it a very good program to use. If you'd like to learn more, take a look at their site. There you will find a wealth of information.
Keeping Busy
Scott has a really busy weekend ahead of him. He's gonna get into busy season he's trying to get done some of the projects that he needs to before we will be having our baby right in the middle of the season and then there will definitely not be time for him to get these little jobs done. I think this weekend he's just gonna work on touching up some places with paint, hanging some outdoor lights, getting our furniture from his mom's place, etc. He doesn't mind though...he enjoys keeping busy.
Brother coming home
I am looking forward to this weekend because I think my brother might be back to visit my parents. If he makes it home he is going to try and come up and see our new place. He has only seen the outside, but hasn't been able to make it up to see the place inside and finished since we moved in. Hopefully it will work would be nice to see him and great to show him our house.
Holiday Villa
Lowery's has been around a long time selling and renting property in Florida. In fact they've been around since 1947! They are located in the UK, but have set up an office in Kissimmee Florida. There's so much about Florida that vacationers should know, and Lowery's took on the responsibility to gather all the information that they would need to know in one Here you will find information on car rentals, tickets, condo's, Florida Holiday Villa, and so much more!! If you're interested in learning more about this great site and how it can help you, check them out today.
New bed and dresser!
Ever since my husband and I moved, we've been really looking forward to getting a bed and dresser for our basement bedroom. Right now there's really not anything down there, so a bed and dresser would really add to it. Scott's mom has a sister-in-law that is wanting to get rid of a bed and dresser that have hardly been used. We decided to take the bed for sure and possibly the dresser...we're super excited. I think we're gonna go get it some time this weekend. YYEEAAHH!!
My husband and I are expecting our first child next month! We are just so excited to meet our little one and begin that chapter in our lives together as a family of three! As many people know, along with planning for a new baby, there are a lot of things that come to mind that one needs. My husband are starting to think through everything we need so that we're prepared when the baby is born. I recently came across a great site that will allow us to find the things we're needing at great prices. Hollingtons baby section not only offers products at great prices, but they also have such a variety of cute things....great for anyone looking to buy for their own baby, or possibly gifts for someone else. Take a look and see what you think.
Busy Day
I really have a lot I need to get done today...laundry, cleaning, etc....but I can't seem to get myself away from the computer! When there are opportunities out there to make money online, I find myself thinking that is more important than getting the long list of things that I need to do done. Oh well, I can always spread out my chores over the week I suppose.
I Love Jewelry
I don't know about you, but I am a girl who loves jewelry!! It doesn't matter what kind of jewelry... it can be a necklace, ring, earrings, bracelet, etc!! I just LOVE it all! My husband is the type of guy that really enjoys buying jewelry, and he's very good at it. He has the eye for good quality jewelry, whether it's designer inspired jewelry, or something else. I have so many great pieces of jewelry that he's given me, as well as my mom who also loves jewelry!! I enjoy when my dad buys her a new piece, because then I usually get great pieces that she does not wear any more!
Already Wednesday
I can't believe it's already Wednesday already, can you?!! Wow!! With the holiday on Monday, that just made this week seem to fly by. I'm looking forward to Friday already this week, cuz my mom and I are gonna do a little shopping, and my dad is meeting us for lunch. Should be a fun time!!
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Gas Credit Cards
My husband is always talking about how the gas prices are still so high. He just dreads putting gas in for work. I'm going to tell him that there's a place online where he can apply to get a cash back gas credit card!! This would be something that he would really appreciate. There are even cards that have cash back rewards for gas purchases. What I like about this company is that they only bring their card users the best credit cards out there. You can view and compare credit cards, selecting one that meets your needs best. If you're like my husband and still feel that your getting gipped when it comes to gas prices...take a look at this site today.
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