Tuesday, July 31, 2007
The bedspread or cover that you have on your bed is not only part of the decor of your bedroom, but also the comfort. We're actually looking for a good quality bedspread for one our beds at home and I want something that's not only appealing to the eye, but also comfortable and relaxing. I can find that at Terry's Fabrics because they offer a variety of bedspreads, quilted bedspreads and duvet covers. If you are in my boat and want to find a great bedspread, check out their site and see what you think. This is a paid post.
Third Class
Tonight we have our third childbirth preparation class. It should be too bad, as the other two have been great so far. We're kind of wishing it wasn't tonight though, as it is a big night with closing on our new home and moving some things over. Oh well, I guess that's how it goes sometimes.
Terry's Fabrics
Have you ever noticed how much curtains add to one's home? I sure have...especially now that my husband and I are packing up our things and getting ready to move. The house feels so bare with out curtains. The house that we're moving in is just as bare, because we don't have enough curtains to cover all the windows. That's why we're going to take a look at Terry's Fabrics and possibly buy some curtains from them. They have a great variety of curtains that add to anyone's home no matter what their style. They not only offer curtains, but also fabrics, curtain poles, and tracks as well. This is a paid post.
Today is a great day because it's the day that Scott and I have been waiting for all month! Today is the day that we close on our new home! Isn't that exciting!! It's such a big deal to us because it's our first home and we've only rented places in the past. What a great feeling to have today finally here.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Prima Donna Bras
Have you ever heard of Prima Donna? If not, then you should check them out. They're known for their amazing styles of different bras, such as the Prima Donna Satin Bra, Prima Donna Menton Bra, and the Prima Donna Safran Bra. If you know anything about the Prima Donna Bras, you know that they have wonderful comfort and support. I especially like the fabrics that they use, which make it easy to use these bras and wash them over and over again. No matter what size you're looking for, Prima Donna is the place for you to go to find your next bra. Check them out today.
Friday, July 27, 2007
I have been blogging for money for PayU2Blog for quite some time now, and I can honestly say that they are my absolute favorite company!! They are so good to their bloggers, making sure that all our questions are answered to the best of their ability and in a timely manner. They also make sure that we get a steady amount of opportunities to do based on the blogs that we are using. blog advertising is such a great way to make extra money...if you're not part of PayU2Blog yet, you should definitely sign up today.
Payroll Software
Are you a part of a company that is in desperate need for some sort of quality payroll software? Is so, then you should check out PerfectPayroll. This is a great and secure way to manage payroll via the computer. It's so easy and can be used anywhere in the world! My husband works for a company that would probably benefit from software like this. I'm definitely going to have to share it with him so he can introduce the idea to his boss.
Silk Trees
My husband and I are moving into our new home in a matter of days. I have all of these fun decorating plans that I would like to do to the different rooms in the house, specifically the bathroom upstairs. This is a pretty good sized bathroom and I thought it would be fun to do a "palm tree" theme in there. One of the things I was thinking about putting in there was fake, or silk trees...probably a silk palm tree. I think it would really like neat in there...and since I have the space, why not?!! I'm so excited! I'm going to get on this site and find the perfect silk palm tree for that bathroom.
I'm really hoping that we can get some more posts with PPP soon. It seems like it comes and goes. One day there will be nothing, and the next there will be so many that you can't keep up and they all turn up gray which means everyone has already taken them. It makes it hard for people who aren't sitting by their computers all day.
I recently came across a really neat site that I wanted to share with all of my readers. Have you ever heard of Jetnumbers before? If not, you should check them out. They make it possible for you to have local phone numbers all over the world by using International Call Forwarding. Doing so makes it easier for your customers, business partners and even your family to contact you and only get a local charge. The neat thing about this is that it can be a fixed number or a cellular number. If you're interested in getting a virtual phone number from Jetnumbers, or just want to learn more about this neat way to take calls all over the world without hassle, activation, or installation...then you should definitely check their site out today. This is a paid post.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Only a few days left
Not much longer now and we'll be in our new home!! I can't WAIT!!! Scott and I are just so excited to have our own place...something we can put our money into instead of throwing it down the drain. Some people may not think that is the best idea for us to do right now, but we feel that it's the way things are supposed to go and feel so at peace about it. I hope these next few days go by quickly.
My New Pacifier

Being pregnant and due within the next few months, there are many things that my husband and I still need for our baby. A pacifier is something that I'm sure we're going to need and that's why I was SO excited to have the opportunity to get one from mypacifier.com and review the product. The neatest thing about the pacifiers from this site are that they're personalized pacifiers! That's right...you get to personalize the pacifier with your child's name. That helps to ensure that you are not getting them mixed up at daycare or losing them as often. I thought that this was the coolest thing about this pacifier. Well, that, and the fact that you get to choose from almost every color of the rainbow. What a neat way to give your baby a unique and customized gift. These pacifiers are really reasonable too. I'm considering buying some more. They are only 15 dollars for a pack of three! I thought that was pretty good....don't you?? If you have a baby or will be having a baby, or know someone that could use a good quality pacifier like this...then check out this site today.
New Way To Make Money
If you'd like to make even more money with your blog, then I recommend you take a look at two different sites and sign up today:
These two sites make it easy to get a little extra cash just from clicking on adds. It's not a get rich quick scheme, but you definitely can use these easily and quickly every time you're on your computer...and trust me, the money does add up. Check them out today and see what you think.
These two sites make it easy to get a little extra cash just from clicking on adds. It's not a get rich quick scheme, but you definitely can use these easily and quickly every time you're on your computer...and trust me, the money does add up. Check them out today and see what you think.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
I recently saw a show on TV about the Nutrisystem Nourish Program. Do you know what that is? It's a diet program that focuses on the glycemic index. This diet is also low in fat, but has the good carbs that we all need. No more of these bad carb diets that are out there...this one really works and is good for your health. I think this product sounds like a wonderful idea, and I'm going to recommend it to anyone that I know that is looking for a great diet program. I think it's a great product because it seems to be a healthy choice for those who are interested in dieting. It also is very affordable, which makes it a great value when you're looking for something that works. Please check them out today and see what you think. I think you'll feel the same way as me....that this is a great product that helps those in need of a diet, whether your a women, man, diabetic, or vegetarian...they have it all! This is a paid post.
Time is flying by
Well tomorrow is already Thursday...can you believe it?!? These weeks sure do fly by! Next week we move and I already have a doctor's appointment. I have been going every 4 weeks, but it feels more like two. After this next appointment, I start going every two weeks which will make time go even faster.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Search Engine Marketing
I recently came across a great site that offers search engine services. They are a professional search engine company that specializes in search engine optimization, search engine marketing, and PayPerClick Advertising Services. They aren't you normal search engine that just has one that everyone must use. They actually specially create plans for each client based on their situation and needs. Learn more about Dallas Search Engine Optimization Services on their site today. This is a paid post.

Well we had our second childbirth preparation class tonight. It was very informative, but even longer than last time. We were sitting on the hard floor which didn't help matters either. Maybe next time won't be quite as long. We'll see I guess.
Wow, I was just browsing the web and came across a great site for anyone out there who is a hockey fan!! The reason why this site is so great, is because it offers so much!! There's all kinds of information that can be found on this site about the NHL, players, 2007 nhl draft, News, Rankings, etc. There's even a great hockey forum on this site where people can chat about a number topics concerning players and their favorite teams. I love how there is a site out there like this, completely dedicated to the sport of hockey. If you're interested, you should definitely check it out! It's really user-friendly and simple to navigate. You'll find that it's very easy to find exactly what it is you're looking for. See what you think. This is a paid post.
Wow, I can't believe how quickly time goes! It seems like just yesterday my hubby and I were moving and finding out we were pregnant, and now we're moving again and only three months from meeting our little one in October!! It's such an exciting time in our lives...we just feel so blessed, and are SO thankful for all that God has given us!! He is so good!!
The company multivend has been around since 1990. They are one of the leading candy vending machine manufacturers in the United sates, with thousands of new members just in the past few years. They give people who are interested in running their own business, the chance to do just that. In doing so, vendors can get 80% profit as well as set your own hours and work when you want. Doesn't that sound like a business you'd like to get in to? I know that it is something I'm very interested in. You can learn more about this company and all they can offer you as a member by checking out their site.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Miracle Burn
I'm sure there are many of you out there who have tried all sorts of diets and pills to try and lose weight. I know many people who have done the same. There's just so much out there these days. I recently came across a great site that offers information on different types of diet pills. There are reviews and comparisons made so that you can make the right choice for you. So, whether you're interested in Miracle burn, Hoodia, or some other Diet Pill, check out this site today.
I woke up today with quite the bad shoulder ache. I think I must have slept on it wrong or something?? It's an ache that goes up into my neck a little bit and makes it hard to get my work done. It seems like sometimes muscle aches take a long time to heal too. Hopefully this one will get better because I have LOTS of packing to get done still.
BP Factory
A BP Factory in Whiting, Indiana is one that strives to keep the environmental impact of their actions as minimal as possible. Recently, some facts were not factually written in an article by the Chicago Tribune, stating that they are dumping sludge and way too much ammonia into Lake Michigan. It's important that we all hear both sides of the story to make an informed decision on what our opinion is on this type of thing. So, I felt it was important to note a few things found on the BP Whiting Fact Sheet. It's important to note that the water released into Lake Michigan is only treated water and, not sludge. The BP Whiting Refinery is also continuously improving things and has modern technology to ensure that all is running smoothly. I think this is important to note, because it shows their determination to strive to minimize the effect that their actions have on the environment. Although these things are important, what I liked to hear most was that BP is collaboratively working with federal, state and local officials to help make sure that the environment is indeed being protected in every way possible. If you'd like to read more about this topic, take a look at the BP Whiting Fact Sheet today. 
8 More Days
Well, we are getting pretty excited...as we only have 8 more days until we get to move into our new home. We realized how quickly the time was coming, so this weekend Scott and I did a lot of packing and getting ready to move. We feel like we got a good amount done and should be ready to go pretty much in 8 days!!
Ever considered becoming a vendor? I always thought this would be a fun business to get into...and now I know just the company that can help me do just that. vendstar is the company, and they've been around for 17 years! They have the experience and the member base helping to make them one of the leading bulk candy vending machine manufacturers in the United States! Now that sounds like a company that you'd like to work for, doesn't it?!! They manufactured the vendstar 3000 machine. Newly added to this machine is the Vendstar EZ-Count Meter. If you're interested in getting into a great business like this, where you can make a huge profit and enjoy what you do....then check out Vendstar today.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Not much longer
Not much longer and we'll be in our new home. I'm sure time will go by very quickly with all the packing and cleaning I have to get done here at our house that we're in now which is good. It doesn't seem like we have a ton of stuff...but the boxes keep filling up and we have to go get more. I don't mind the packing part, it's the unpacking that isn't always fun.
Free Samples of My Daily Veggies
Are you someone who is interested in healthy living? What about an Alternative vegetable supplement for someone who is on the go? If this sounds like you, then do I have the product for you. Lane Labs is a company that has released a great daily dietary supplement, My Daily Veggies. The reason why this product is so neat, is that it help users, like myself, get the daily vegetables that I am supposed to be getting on a daily basis. You can use the free trial packets that they are giving away to drink, or to put in recipes...both are great ways to get the vegetables you need!! It's also great camping food and great green food! If you are looking for an alternative health lifestyle and an organic food alternative, then My Daily Veggies might be just what you're looking for?!? Check out their site and read about this product. If you're like me, you'll be very impressed and want one of the free trials that they are giving away. Live a healthy lifestyle and get the veggies you need! Learn more today at Drink My Daily Veggies. This is a paid post.

Gosh, I can hardly keep up with all of these opportunities that PPP is putting out there. I guess I'd rather it be like this than like it has been lately. THank you PPP for putting more posts on here. They're just coming left and right which is nice. This is great extra cash that I'm making, so thank you again!
The phone spot
Are you looking for a great place to find good deals on phones from all kinds of networks and manufacturers? If so, then The Phone Spot is the place you should be looking! They offer wonderful deals on all kinds of cell phones! Seriously...check it out and see for yourself. I did and I know I"m going to check with them the next time I, or someone in my family needs a new phone. Their site is very easy to use and laid out very nicely...you'll find it easy to find what it is you're looking for like, mobile phones sony ericsson, mobile phone offers, mobile phone. Check them out today. This is a paid post.
I am really pleased that PPP has finally started to put some more posts on their site. For a while there i was wondering if they were ever gonna get some more on there. I am so happy to see that tonight they are adding posts almost every minute. Now the only problem is grabbing them since everyone else is wanting them too.
Hen night or Stag party
Are you looking to have a hen or stag party? If so, then you should check out Red Seven. They are a UK based site that offers great deals on these types of parties like, Nottingham stag parties, Nottingham hen parties, hen nights . You'll find that it's a new website but that they really do have a lot to offer. I was just amazed at everything they have. They have great service and ideas to help you plan a party that's perfect for you and your situation. If you're looking for great deals and ideas, check this site out today. This is a paid post.
Blogging and Packing
I've been trying really hard to get some blogging done even though i have so much packing to do too. Blogging has become a part of my daily routine and it's hard to give it up completely when there's work to do. I hope that I'm able to continue blogging quite a bit throughout the next week as I get packed up to move.
Do you have an ipod or another device that could really use some protection against all those scratches that they tend to get? If so, then skinit.com is the place for you. They have a wide selection of protective skins, Ipod Skins for instance...with all kinds of designs to choose from. The coolest part is that, if you're an artist and like to be creative, you can actually enter your work to skinit.com for the chance to win a free ipod as well as your own design on one of their skins. Sound like something you're interested in?? If so, submit your work and if approved, it will be entered into the contest. If selected, it will be displayed on their website for one week for people to vote on it. So, what do you have to lose? Take advantage of this great opportunity today!
Hectic Month
I've been noticing lately that I've been feeling a little bit stressed with everything that's going on in our lives lately. We have a baby on the way as well as getting ready to move into a new house. Between packing, doctor's appointments, birthing classes, and dealing with the bank and realtor on things...it's been a hectic month so far. I'm really looking forward to getting moved and settled. That will be nice to have it done and out of the way before the baby comes.:)
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Fitness Dates
I'm sure there are many of you out there who have heard and seen all of the different dating sites out there. There are so many...how does anyone choose one that's best for them?? I guess the best way is to find one that suits what you're looking for most in someone else. There are some based on ethnicity, while others focus on things like fitness dating. I had never really heard of a dating site like this until recently, but found it to be quite interesting. fitness dates is a great dating site that allows you to search for other fit singles. It's really easy to join and free too! Then you can search through the thousands of profiles and pictures available and find someone who is right for you. Check them out and see what you think. This is a paid post. 
Boxes, Boxes, and More Boxes
Yesterday I got quite a bit of packing done...and today I plan to do a whole lot more! We thought that we had plenty of boxes...but it's amazing how quickly they fill up. I think we're going to need quite a few more...especially for all of our kitchen stuff. Although I don't mind packing...I don't really like living amongst a ton of boxes either. I am really eager to get moved and settled.
Identity Direct
Purity Ring Case
I recently heard a story of a young teenage girl in the UK who went to court after trying to get her school to let her where her purity ring in school. The school does not allow jewelry, but since this was something that she considered part of her Faith...she argued it. Other girls at her school that were Muslim were allowed to wear headscarves, and Sikhs and she thought that she should be able to wear her ring as an expression of her Christian Faith. I was disappointed to see that she lost her fight against her school. I too am very strong in my Christian Faith, and think it's great that there are young kids out there who are wanting to live it and be a witness to others by expressing their Faith. To me, wearing a purity ring is a sign of her beliefs and desire to follow and obey Christ and what He's asked of us.
You can read more of the story here....
You can read more of the story here....
Great Class
Last night we had our birthing preparation class...and it went really well. Scott and I were both very pleased with all the information we were given about what to expect once you get to the hospital. For anyone who is pregnant for the first time, these classes are very informative and helpful. I recommend that you sit in on the ones your hospital offers.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Did you know that there is a school where heavy equipment operators can go and get trained? Well there is. The National Association of Heavy Equipment Training Schools or NAHETS has very strict guidelines as far as the standards that these schools must meet. Some of the areas are: heavy equipment safety, graduate career resource centers, job placement assistance, heavy equipment employer development programs, and so much more. They do this throughout the US...so no matter where you're from..if you're looking to become a heavy equipment operator, or a crane operator training...then a school like this is the place for you. For information on these kinds of schools and what to look for if planning on attending one, check out their site today.
I'm really excited because tonight we're meeting our realtor to get our picture taking by the sold sign in our new yard. It might sound kind of corny...but we're really excited to have bought our first home...and taking a picture by the sold sign is something we both really wanted to do. It'll be a great memory to look back on someday.
Registering for baby gifts went pretty well yesterday. We pretty much found everything we were wanting to put on there...well except for a few small items...but we'll keep our eye out for those over the next couple of months. Overall it was pretty fun...reminded me a lot of registering for wedding gifts.
Credit Cards
Credit cards are becoming more and more popular among people these days. It doesn't matter what age you are, if you need a credit card, they're available to you. The key is to find one that's right for you. You can do this at CardFusion.com. They have a credit card portal that allows users to see more than 100 different credit cards. It's easy to compare and apply for the best ones that suit your situation. Not only do they offer credit cards for personal use, but also a business credit card, instant credit cards, Airline credit cards and so many more. As you can see, there's lots of them to choose from...so finding one that's right for you is simple. Take a look and see what they have to offer. There may be a credit card there that's perfect for your individual needs.
Wow how the time flies. I woke up this morning much earlier than usual to get some things done around the house. I also have been on the computer doing some work as well. It seems that the morning has just flown by...and now it's almost time for lunch. No wonder my stomach is growling. It's so easy to lose track of time when you're busy all the time.
Getting better
Thankfully my eye seems to be getting a little bit better with each day. It's much less red and doesn't seem to be itching as much which is wonderful!! It's still a little puffy, but I'm hoping that that too will pass her within the next couple of days.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Mailing Lists
Have you ever heard of Martin Wolrdwide? They are one of the leaders in the direct marketing industry. They are very successful at what they do and have built quite the reputation as well. What do they do you ask? Well, They are a mailing lists company offer mailing list products to clients and have a new product, ResponseCom. This is a mix of US Response and Consumer databases which gives a nice multi dimensional database. This really is a great product for businesses, as they experience higher rates, more profit and more opportunities. Sound like something you'd like to check into further? Well don't just take my word for it...check them out today and see what you think.
Scott and dad worked out at the golf tournament for most of the day yesterday. My dad had a little shade where he was working, but Scott was out in the sun. He came home with a very noticeable sunglasses tan. His arms and legs also got quite burnt as well. Good thing he had a tan before yesterday...so the burn shouldn't last long.
Dad's Birthday
We won't get to see my dad on his birthday because he and my mom will be out of town and Scott and I have our birthing classes at the hospital that night. We thought it would be nice to stay over last night to spend a little time with him since we won't get to see him on the day and we had a really good time. We decided to give him his card and gift as well...it's always much more fun to give it to someone in person rather than mailing it to them or something.
No matter if you've heard of Hookah or not, you definitely should check them out. This summer they have some the coolest things available...very unique things I might add. They have really great Aquarium hookah which light up!! Isn't that awesome? They also have mini night lights, double hose pap smurf and lots and lots of other great hookahs. Take a look and see if there's anything that interests you. If there is, and you spend more than 75 dollars you get free shipping! But that's not all..you also get 10% off. Check them out today and see what you think.
Registering Today
We didn't end up going to Mason yesterday to register because Scott got home way too late from the golf tournament. We decided that we will just head over after church and do it. We wanted to make sure to give ourselves plenty of time so we don't feel rushed. After that we'll head home for the afternoon and just relax I think. We haven't gotten to do a whole lot of that lately, so that will be nice.
This medication that the doctor gave me for my pink eye is no fun!! I had to use it this morning before going to church and it makes my eyes look all watery and goopy. The nice thing about it is that my eye doesn't itch or bother me as much...but it's still very red. I'm hoping that with continued use my eye gets less and less red.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Xpander Communications
The things that VoIP phone systems can do for your business are outstanding! They can make it easy for you to share the same phone system with all of the office branches within your company, no matter where they are located throughout the country. You can help to bring your company closer together by utilizing the free 4-digit dialing option as well. Sound like something you might be interested in for your company or small business? Then you should check out Xpander Communications and the hosted PBX small business VoIP phone systems for someone in your exact situation. See what you think and check them out today.
Few more days
Only a few days and Scott and I start our birthing classes at the hospital. We're really looking forward to them. There are only four classes over the next month, but we still look forward to the information and things they have to tell us. They'll also give us a tour of the OB part of the hospital which will be fun too.
Pink Eye
I had a really red and itchy eye all day yesterday and it had me wondering if my allergies were acting up. I woke up this morning and it hadn't gotten any better, so I decided to go see the doctor. It turns out that I have Pink Eye! I was hoping it was just allergies, but no, it was Pink Eye. I have NO idea how I got it. It's weird because I worked with kids for over 6 years and never got it once. Now I'm a stay at home wife and some how I get it. Hopefully it goes away soon now that I have my prescription because it is no fun.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Podcast from Capella
Capella University, an accredited, online university has come up with a new way of advertising with real students. They do this by using what is called a Podcast, which is a way for people to go online and watch interviews of students that are attending Capella. One in particular has really brought Capella into the spot light, it features a conversation with Capella PhD student Carla Chladek about her work as Program Manager for the Joint Staff Training Program at the Pentagon. Even though she has such a high position within the Pentagon, she is still taking the time to further her education by getting her Masters Degree from Capella University. With these types of Podcasts it shows real people finding time to further their education. Each of these podcasts are 15 minutes long and can be seen at the Capella University website.
Feeling better
I found out that it's ok for me to use artificial tears, which are basically lubricating eye drops. So, Scott and I went to the grocery store and picked some up just a while ago. My eyes are already starting to feel better...a little bit red still...but definitely not itching like they were before. Now I'm just hoping that the red goes away by tomorrow.
Bare Walls
It's beginning to feel a little bare in our house these days. We've taken everything off the walls and put most of our things in boxes already. It's kind of depressing living in a house that's so bare...but it's all worth it because soon we will be moving to our own home!! I can't wait. It's going to be great.
It seems like taking online courses is becoming more and more popular among people today. I think it's a great thing, especially for people who are working full time and supporting a family. Capella University is one that I've heard most about and from what I've seen I am really impressed. I've even taken a liking to the podcasts that they put on there, as they are quite interesting. I enjoy listening to what students, faculty and staff have to say about their experience at Capella University. The latest one I had the opportunity to listen was an interview with a Master's student, Carla Chladek and her work at the Pentagon. I really thing the podcasts are a great feature that this university offers, and I recommend others check them out as well.
Baby registry
I'm looking forward to tomorrow night because my hubby and I are gonna register for our baby showers. We had lots of fun registering for our wedding, and we're looking forward to doing the baby registry as well. Even if everything is not bought, it will at least give us an idea of what we still need after the showers are done.
Fun Day
I'm looking forward to our day tomorrow. We get to go back to my parents house, and I'm gonna spend time with my parents dog. Scott is going to go with my dad and help out at a local golf tournament there in town. He gets a free round of golf for helping, so they're both very excited!! It should be a fun day.
Online University
A recent web release read "MANAGING THE TRAINING PROGRAMS AT THE PENTAGON FOCUS OF CAPELLA UNIVERSITY’S LATEST ‘INSIDE ONLINE EDUCATION’ PODCAST". Are you familiar with Capella University's podcasts? If not, you should really check them out!! They are a great way to inform people looking into this school of the experiences of current staff, faculty and students. Carla Chladek recently talked about her work as Program Manager for the Joint Staff Training Program at the Pentagon. This was quite interesting I thought. There are podcasts put on there regularly, each with a different experience to share. If you're considering Capella University, then you should definitely check out their podcasts and other features on their site. Take a look at all the degree programs that they offer for undergrads and graduates, as well as a little bit about the history of the university.
Today was a pretty good day for blogging...but I didn't get much else done like I had planned. I wanted to do a lot of cleaning and packing..but when work calls I have to do it. I was working on the computer for most of the day and now I'm just exhausted and don't feel like doing much else tonight. I may try to do a few little things, but I'm sure it won't amount to much.
My eyes have been so itchy and red all day. One is way worse than the other and it's hard because since I'm pregnant, there's not much that I'm supposed to use to help the red and itchyness. I hope that it gets better as the night goes on...because it's pretty miserable. It must be allergies or something.
Capella University
If you're looking for an online school...you should definitely take a look at Capella University. They not only have a lot to offer their students..but in checking their site out you will lots of useful information to help your decision making process easier. They do this by allowing potential students to hear podcasts, which are interviews with current students and faculty members. The latest is an interview with student Carla Chladek. She talks about her job with the Staff Training Program at the Pentagon. They're only 15 minutes or so, and so worth checking out if you're interested in this school. Check it out and see what you think.
Scott is outside again tonight helping him uncle landscape around the house. When we move out they're going to want to see the place and one big selling point will be the way the outside appears. They're putting mulch and bushes out there with brick around it. It should look really nice.
Watchin' Golf Again
Ever since my husband took this just working for his family, he sure has become more active in playing and watching golf. Today he has been watching the John Deere classic, and saying that he was wishing that he was playing instead of watching it. Maybe he'll get to golf in the next couple of days.
I'm someone who takes school very seriously. When I went to college I spent a lot of time choosing the best one for me. If I ever go back to get my Master's I will do the same thing. I am very impressed with Capella University and what they have to offer potential students who are considering them. They have frequent podcasts on their site, giving people information on students and faculty experiences. I would have liked this option when I was searching for a school...but will have to remember that Capella University has it when I'm looking for a master's program. The most recent podcast featured Carla Chladek, a student of Capella.
Rob and Big
My husband really enjoys watching the television show, Rob and Big. He just laughs and laughs when he watches it. Tonight they were having a season finale and he absolutely loved it!! He's even got my dad liking the show a little bit too.
Orlando Vacation Rental
Orlando, Florida is one of my favorite places to vacation. I have enjoyed going to Orlando since I was a young girl. I went there many times with my family and enjoyed all the attractions that Orlando has to offer all ages. Between their them parks, their dinner theaters, and beautiful beaches...it's definitely the vacation place that anyone would enjoy. I especially enjoy the Orlando vacation rental options that they have there as well.
I'm really excited because my hubby and I just got a new vacuum. It's really nice to have a vacuum that actually does what it's supposed to and doesn't spit everything back out at you. It's going to be nice to have at our new home and once the baby gets here...that way we'll know that things are always as clean as can be.
I am the type of person who loves to vacation! One place I have always wanted to go is Bermuda!! Have you ever had this dream too? If so, then you should check out this great site that I found. It offers all kinds of information on the culture and the history of Bermuda, as well as a wealth of other information too. Maybe you're wanting to learn about the activities available there for you to do, or maybe you simply want to learn more about the accommodations there so you can more easily plan your vacation.
When I plan my trip to Bermuda with my husband, we want to know all about the attractions that are around there. Never having been there, we would like to experience as much as we can, and research is the only way to get us ready for that. We specifically would like to learn more about their beaches. Whenever we go on vacation, the beach is the one place that we just have to go. I just love it, because the beaches are so different everywhere we go!! I imagine that a trip to Bermuda would be very peaceful and relaxing. I daydream about the beaches that we will see and how much more beautiful they are than any other we've ever seen or been too! I just can't wait to go there!
If you're like me and have always dreamed of going to Bermuda for a wonderful vacation...please check this site out today! I'm so glad I did, and I know you will be too. This is a paid post.
When I plan my trip to Bermuda with my husband, we want to know all about the attractions that are around there. Never having been there, we would like to experience as much as we can, and research is the only way to get us ready for that. We specifically would like to learn more about their beaches. Whenever we go on vacation, the beach is the one place that we just have to go. I just love it, because the beaches are so different everywhere we go!! I imagine that a trip to Bermuda would be very peaceful and relaxing. I daydream about the beaches that we will see and how much more beautiful they are than any other we've ever seen or been too! I just can't wait to go there!
If you're like me and have always dreamed of going to Bermuda for a wonderful vacation...please check this site out today! I'm so glad I did, and I know you will be too. This is a paid post.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Supper Time
I really need to figure out what I'm going to make for supper tonight?!? Hmmm...I'm just not sure. Should we have rice a roni with chicken, or should we grill?? Tough decision. Scott will pretty much eat anything, so it's just a matter of figuring out what I feel like I guess. Oh well, I'm sure I'll figure it out by the time I walk in the kitchen and see what we actually have to make those meals.
Capella University
Have you heard of any good online universities out there?? Well I have, and I wanted to share information about Capella University with all of my readers. Capella is an accredited online university with more than 19000 students. They have podcasts on their site that give viewers information about Capella and the experiences of faculty, staff and students. They're really quite interesting. The most recent one had a PhD student, Carla Chladek, talk about getting her master's degree in education and about her work as Program Manager for the Joint Staff Training Program at the Pentagon!! Pretty impressive, don't ya think?? I thought so. Learn more about Capella on their site and through their podcasts today.
So Scott's uncle was nice enough to bring us some insecticide for these earwig bugs that we have in the house. He thought the stuff he brought would help the problem. Normally I wouldn't mind Scott using it in the house, but being pregnant I get a little bit more concerned about being around things like that. I think we're going to spray around the foundation of the house...and then spray the inside after we move out. Maybe we'll spray the outside of our new house too...just in case any of these bugs are living over there.
Internet Problems
I feel bad for my parents, as they are having quite the time trying to get their internet to work!! It seems that the internet company is having problems and they are having a hard time getting a connection. When they do, it usually ends up saying page unavailable or something. My parents do some work on the computer and it's really an inconvenience to them to have it not working right. I hope they get it figured out soon.
Capella University
Tammy Alexander is quite the lady. I really admire her ability to do all that she does, plus pursue a master's degree in education from the Capella University. She received an FBI Award (2006 FBI Director’s Community Leadership Award) and was quite honored to receive it. She seems to be a hardworking individual who wants to complete her master's degree in education. This award only proves what a hard worker she is, not only in school, but as part of the board of advisers for the Infragard East Tennessee Alliance. Capella University is very proud to have Tammy, and other hard working students as a part of their school...and they'd be happy to have you join them as well. They are an online university, fully accredited since 1990. From what I gather they are really a respectable university that others should check out as well.
Earwig Bugs
We have these really weird little bugs in the house that we're renting right now...they're called earwig bugs. I had never really seen them much before this summer and really don't like them in the house. They're ugly little things with little pinchers on the back. I guess they like water or something, because we mainly find them in our bathroom. I hope with more rain that they migrate outside again though...because I don't like having them crawling in the bathtub and toilet! Yuck!
I've been working on the computer so much the past couple of days that my neck is really starting to hurt. I think I will be asking my husband for a neck rub tonight. He's really good at getting the knots out and making it feel less tense and more relaxed. I think with everything going on right now...the stress isn't helping the tension that I'm feeling.
Capella University
I recently came across a great online university that I wanted to share with all of you. Capella university is a fully accredited online university, founded in 1990. They serve over 17000 students from all over the world!! After reading about Capella and all they have to offer, I found this to be a great university to get your degree...no matter what you're looking at going into. I really liked to hear of the successes of their faculty and students...one in particular being Tammy Alexander. Tammy is a student pursuing her master's degree in education. She was recently given a very special award...The FBI Director's Community Leadership Award. It's pretty special because only one person in each of the FBI's 56 field offices receives this award...what an honor!! Congrats Tammy!!
Olive Garden
When my husband and I moved from our old town, we didn't realize how much we'd miss the convenience of having things so close to us. For instance, the Olive Garden (my favorite restaurant) was within in 10 minutes of us. Now we have to travel much further than that to get to the closest one. We also had lots of shopping places around us and other eating places. I guess that's what happens when you live in a college town opposed to a small town where we're at now.
Where'd the day go?
Since I was gone most of the day...I haven't had much of a chance to get any packing or cleaning done. When I got home I began some work on the computer and just can't seem to leave my work now. I know I have so much to do, but it's hard when I also have work that must be done on the computer as well. I'm just going to have to take some serious time this weekend and get lots of packing done. There's not a lot left, but enough to take up a good portion of my weekend.
Capella University
I think at some point I would really like to get my master's degree. I don't know if I will get it anytime soon with a baby on the way and I'm sure more down the line...but at some point I would really like to get it...probably in education. I think when I do, I may look at Capella University because they are an online university so I could do my work from home. There are actually over 17000 people who go to Capella right now, including Tammy Alexander who also had a dream of getting her masters and is doing it now through them. She is studying Education which I think is just great as a fellow educator myself. She even received the FBI Director's Community Leadership Award and was very honored to get it. Learn more about how you can get your master's degree like Tammy on Capella's site today.
Funniest Pets
I don't know about you, but I really enjoy watching the animal planet. Ever since my parents got their dog...I appreciate animals so much more. I like watching all of the shows...but my favorite is the Funniest Pets show. They're just so cute. I could picture my parents dog getting a submission on this show because she's such a hoot!
I can't believe that it's almost the end of July already. My husband and I were just talking about how quickly time goes. We start our birthing classes at the hospital next Tuesday already...that hardly seems possible. The classes are offered through the hospital and should be a nice thing to go to....we're looking forward to it. It lasts for four weeks.
Capella University
Are you looking to get your degree? Are you wondering how you're going to do it with your busy schedule? If so, then you should really look into Capella University. They are a fully-accredited online university that makes it easy to get a degree in business, information technology, education, and many more!! They actually have over 17000 students already from all over the world! That's quite impressive if you ask me. Still not sure?? Then check out their site. You'll learn of some pretty successful people and stories who attend Capella University. One being Tammy Alexander. She is the recipient of the FBI Director's Community Leadership Award. She was very honored to receive this award, knowing how special it was to get it. Learn more about Tammy and Capella on their site today.
I had another doctor's appointment last Friday. Everything went very well...and I got my belly measured for the first time. I'm measuring about 2 weeks ahead of schedule...but the doctor thought that was just fine!! We also got to hear the heartbeat again and talk with the doctor about any questions we had. It's nice just to check in with her each month and discuss the things that are going on with the baby.
Baby's Heartbeat
My hubby and I were excited, because we recently purchased a fetal doppler so we can listen to the baby's heartbeat. Although it's still a little early to do this, we're excited to try it every once in a while. It's so much fun!! I think we should be able to start hearing it within a couple of weeks...I can't wait!! All we're hearing right now is the baby kick and move...which is cool too.
Capella University
I recently came across a press release about Capella University and one of their students who is in the master's degree program. Tammy Alexander isn't just any ordinary student though...she was recently honored to receive a very nice award...the FBI Director's Community Leadership Award. I thought that was pretty impressive!! She is truly an asset to Capella University and you can be too. They are a fully-accredited online university with lots of different degree programs available. If you're interested in taking courses online, check out Capella University first! Their site is very informative and give you the information you need to get started.
Lots to do
Who have so many things to do before we move...not just packing but calling different businesses to forward our information like the utility company, the water company, the garbage company, as well as the post office. I'm sure there are more but I haven't thought of any yet. There's a lot to do in two weeks...hopefully it all gets done.
Can you believe that tomorrow is Friday already??? These weeks just fly by!! It's already been a week since my last OB appointment...that means I have another one in 3 more weeks. When your pregnant it seems like each week just flies by. It also seems like weeks go by so quickly because we've been so busy packing and getting ready to move. That's ok though.
Capella University
Are you beginning to think about going back to school...or going to school for the first time? If so, then you should know about Capella University. They are a great online university that makes it easy to do college work from the comfort of your own home. They've had many successful people take advantage of their online courses, including Tammy Alexander who is a master's student there, studying education. She actually recently accepted a very honorable award from the FBI's Director's Community Leadership Award. You two can be successful at Capella for your achievements. Check them out today and see what you think.
Maternity Clothes
I have found that being pregnant, it's really difficult sometimes to find clothes that fit nicely. My normal clothes are getting to be too tight, and the maternity clothes are too big sometimes. We're going to a wedding this weekend, and i didn't know what I was going to wear, until I came across this cute summer dress. It actually isn't maternity, but it does have the empire waste look...so I tried it on just for fun and love it. I guess just because you're pregnant doesn't mean you can't still dress cute.:)
I love pizza
It's been a while since my hubby and I ordered a pizza. This weekend we thought we'd order one from the Pizza Ranch, which is a great pizza place here in the town where we live. I'm excited because I absolutely love pizza!! We don't eat it too often, so when we do, it's even that much better. We'll have to see if we get around to it...but it sure sounds yummy.
Capella University
Here's another name from the well known online Capella University...Tammy Alexander. Tammy isn't a faculty member, but a master's student who has gotten the 2006 FBI Director's Community Leadership Award!! How impressive is that?!? She is actually studying education which I also think is great. Tammy not only is busy trying to get her master's, but also working for the Fountainhead College of Technology in Tennessee. This is where she helps to make people aware of cyber security through lectures and workshops that she makes available to law enforcement and the public. As if that isn't enough, she also is the vice president on the board of advisers for the Infragard East Tenn. Learn more about Tammy Alexander on the Capella website.
Having Leftovers
I've been trying to figure out what I should do for supper, but nothing really sounds good. I have leftovers in the fridge and lots in the cupboards, but still...nothing. When Scott is at work I don't feel like making a big meal for supper...but I get so hungry that I need to eat something. I guess I'm going to have to go digging and see what I can find. Probably will just end up eating leftovers.
Too much sun
I got quite a bit of sun on the week of the 4th and I'm just starting to peel a little bit...mainly on my shoulders. I generally do not burn, and do not peel...but the sun was pretty intense that day. I still have very obvious tan lines where my shorts and tank top were. It's nice having a little color though...I just don't like to get too much sun.
Capella University
I recently read a web release about an author, Sara Orem, who actually works for Capella University. Before I even read the press release I thought that her latest book that she helped co-author would probably be about education in the school or something. Once I read it, I realized that her book is about education in a sense, but it's about educating those who work one on one with people, like coaches, bosses, etc. Basically, Appreciative Coaching: A Positive Process For Change is to help people like coaches and bosses help their employees see their strengths and what they're good at. Focusing on their positive attributes will in turn help their organizations in a good way. If you work in business or think that this book would be helpful to your organization...check it out today.
The house that we're moving into in a couple of weeks actually had cats and a dog in it with the previous owner. Since I'm allergic to cats, and even some dogs, we asked that they make sure to shampoo the carpets before they move out. It will be nice not to have to worry about having fur all over the house. I want it to feel clean when we move in.
Favorite Snack
Does anyone else out there have a favorite food that they like to snack on?? I know I do...it's popcorn. Popcorn is a snack that I could eat at all times throughout the day...but especially at night. It's nice because my husband enjoys eating popcorn at night too. We buy those small bags and share it. It's just enough to help the craving for popcorn that I have.
Capella University
Have you ever heard of Appreciative Coaching? If you have, you know that this is the name of a book that Sara Orem helped co-author. Sara is a faculty member at Capella University. It's a very respected online university. If you've heard of Appreciative Coaching, you may also know that it's an idea that can help those who work one-on-one with people l ike executives, coaches and other who want to help their employees understand their strengths which in turn will help their companies continue to move forward and flourish. If you're looking to create change in your company, this idea of Appreciative Coaching with your employees is a great place to start. Take a look at this book and see what you think.
Family Vacations
It's that time of year when lots of people are taking their families on summer vacations. That's one of the biggest things that I miss about my childhood is all the fun family vacations we used to go on during the summer. My parents would spend months planning for the perfect vacation spots. Disney was probably one of my favorite when i was little, but going to the Sequoias was also really neat.
Home Depot
I've noticed that much of mine and Scott's time is spent at Home Depot lately. We're either there to buy paint or other supplies for when we move..or we're there browsing about what we would like for our new home. We will do things gradually...but in particular we've been looking at their doors and their bathroom furniture. We won't be doing the bathroom right away, but it's still fun to get some ideas.
Capella University
Capella University is becoming a well known online University with a lot to offer their students. Their faculty members are even becoming well known. For instance, Sara Orem is a faculty member at Capella University and she co authored a book, Appreciative Coaching: A Positive Process For Change. Many of you may have already heard of this book, as it is supposed to be quite good. It's aim is to help companies, executives, coaches, etc. and their employees or people they work with, by giving them more confidence in what they do and helping production, thus bettering their organizations. From what I've read and heard, this book will be a good one, and very helpful for those who work one on one with others.
When I was back home earlier today, my mom and I had fun talking about the way that my new house can be decorated and arranged. She and I both like that kind of thing...in fact she is going to stay that Monday and help hang things and get things more organized. She's really good at that!! I think that's one of the most fun things about moving is getting everything arranged and hung on the walls. It's time consuming...but so worth it once it's all done.
It's nice now that Scott isn't so busy with work because he gets home at a descent time and we can enjoy our evenings together. Lately it's been pretty busy with packing and stuff...but at least we still can spend time together while we pack and get ready for our big move. I'm just glad that the busy season is on a break...and won't start up a again for a couple months. That should give us plenty of time to get settled in to our new home.
Vacation Villas
As I've said before, Orlando really is a great place to vacation with family. You can spend holidays there, Spring Break, or take your summer vacation there. They just have so much to do with their 52 theme parks, beautiful beaches, amazing resorts, and other attractions like Disney World and dinner theaters. I know that this is summer I'd like to go again very soon. Every time that I go back to Orlando it seems that things have changed. That's why I like to go back every 5 years or so and enjoy the updates that have been made to their attractions there. If you're looking to vacation somewhere that's great for the whole family, look into the vacation villas in Orlando as well as all they have to offer tourists like yourself.
New House
I just can't stop thinking about moving!! I am SOOO looking forward to having my own place that that's all I can think about. The house we're moving in is just perfect for us...it really had everything we were looking for and more! There are a few things we would like to do to it over the years...but nothing too extreme right away. We'd like to replace the front door pretty soon...but other than that everything is really in great shape. Down the road we will work on the bathroom downstairs as well as building a wall in one of the bedrooms upstairs. We're really excited to have projects to do in our home...it will make it more ours and personal to us.
Josh and Di
The wedding that we're going to at the end of the month should be a lot of fun. Not only because we love weddings like I wrote before...but also because my brother and his wife will be there. They live in Texas and we don't get to see them much so that will be nice. They're also expecting their first baby like us...and are due a day before us. It will be fun to see Diana since she and I are at the same point in our pregnancies. I think we'll even try to get some pics too.
Cheap Universal Studios Tickets
Have you ever been to Orlando Florida before? If not, you should really plan a vacation to go. They just have so much to offer. They have Disney World, a whole lot of theme parks, dinner shows and many other attractions that you and your family would enjoy. Now, you may be thinking...but tickets to all of those things could get pretty spendy if I'm taking my entire family couldn't it?? Normally this would be a concern, but not when you have Orlandofuntickets.com as your source to get tickets at discounted prices. Find cheap Universal Studios tickets, and many other kinds of tickets on their site so you can enjoy a vacation to Orlando Florida without having to worry about money.
Last night after Scott and I got done with Supper...his uncle (our landlord) came over and started working some more on the yard. He's wanting to do some landscaping before they try and sell the house, so Scott was out there helping him lay brick. It actually looks really nice...i think that will be a good selling point when the time comes to sell.
Water Water Water
Has anyone ever noticed how much water you drink when you're pregnant?? Ever since I found out I was pregnant, water is almost all that I drink. I mean, I will drink orange juice and milk also...but water is the main thing I drink. I always have a water with me...ALWAYS. It doesn't matter if we're going to church, to a wedding, to the lake...I always have at least one bottle if not more. It's actually really good for me. Before I got pregnant I drank pop and now I've pretty much stopped that...I just feel much healthier not having all that sugar all the time.
Belly Button Rings
Belly button piercings are something many girls have. I did for many years and really liked it. The hardest thing is finding quality belly rings that look nice. Pierce This 2 offers just that. They have higher end belly button rings that are good quality. They are made to last, not just super glued together to last for a while. You can even customize your gold belly ring. That is something that I would have liked to have done with my belly rings. You can pick the color of gold, the color gemstone, the length, etc. They also provide a nose ring selection, that is also known for it's quality. If you're into piercings, or know someone who is, share with them Pierce This 2. They'll find great quality jewelry that will last.
My husband and I always enjoy getting to go to weddings. We got to go to one just last weekend...and now we have one in a couple of weeks. The groom is one our friends and actually sang in our wedding. We're excited to go to his wedding and celebrate with him and his new wife on their special day. It will also be fun because my parents and my brother and his wife will also be there. Should be a blast.
The middle of July Already??
Can you believe it's already the middle of July?!? When I was younger it seemed that the summer's went much slower than this. The older I get, the faster the summer's go. I think that's because we're just always SO busy!! Once you start working and moving around a lot, time just flies! I was just thinking about how quickly this summer has gone so far and would like it to slow down a bit...no need to rush into winter already!
Discount Diabetic Supplies
Finding diabetic medical supplies at discount prices is huge!! It can get very expensive to buy things over-the-counter at the pharmacy. That's why American Diabetes Wholesale is so great. They provide all kinds of discount diabetic supplies like meters, test strips, lancets, and all kinds of other supplies. Not only are you getting to choose from a large selection, but you're also getting HUGE savings!! Savings of up to 60% at times!! I thought that was outstanding! They really have great customer service and truly care for their customers. They get your supplies to you quickly without hassle. You can order on the phone or online. To learn more about how great this company truly is...check out their site today.
Moving on my mind
Moving is on my mind lately! It seems that that's the topic of conversation between my husband and I every day because we're just so excited to move to our own place!! It should be as stressful this time because we're only moving across town. Although, the fair is going on which could make traffic pretty heavy. I think we may have to find a back way to get there by the sounds of it. Anyways...we're really looking forward to it and can't wait until closing day is finally here!!
Enough Boxes??
I was debating on whether or not I should pick up some more boxes on the way back to AL today. Back where my parents live, the grocery store always has really nice boxes for moving. I decided to chance it and didn't stop to get some. So, hopefully we will end up with enough when we move?!? Since we're only moving across town, we can always empty out a box and then refill one again. Hopefully we have close to enough though...I think it will be close.
high definition video stock footage
AlwaysHD is a great company that deals with professional stock footage. Wondering what I mean exactly? Well, basically, they help to bring together cinematographers and producers from all over the world. These professionals are looking for High Definition footage and that's exactly what AlwaysHD aims to market to these production companies. They market to advertising agencies, documentary producers, cinema studios..and many more. So you can see how having AlwaysHD as a common point to come together for cinematographers and producers really is. So, how does this help out the cinematographers you ask? Well, they're actually receiving income on the high definition video stock footage that sells. The nice thing for the buyer then, is that they can use it with out limitations. If you'd like to learn more, feel free to check out their site.
I was really excited to get to see my parent's puppy when I went to visit them today. Zoe is just a sweetie...and she was so excited to see my mom and I when we stopped by their house. I stayed with her for a little while after my mom left...just to give her some attention. She was SOOO excited that I was going to stay with her for a while...she was running all over the place.
My Mom's Office
When I went back to have lunch with my parents today, I was able to stop in my mom's office while we waited for my dad to get into town. It was nice to see all of the ladies my mom works with....especially since I hadn't seen them since I became pregnant. I'm sure appeared a little different to them than the last time they saw me...now that I have this baby bump. It was fun!
Internet Security Software
Have you noticed that there's really no product out there for computer security that does everything you'd like it to?? I know I have noticed this and it can be quite frustrating. That's why I was excited to learn about Software Security Solutions and share it with you as well. Software Security Solutions is really the best solution in my mind. They advocate a layered security solution. This basically means that they use different internet and computer security software products so you're getting what you need. They offer the best software for all kinds of threats, including anti spyware, anti virus, firewalls, etc. If you're like me an want reliable internet security software, then check out this company today!
Lunch with my parents
It's not too often that I get out of the house during the day....as I'm usually doing work on the computer or cleaning, or these days packing. So today was a nice treat...I got to go eat with my parents back in FC!! I was nice getting to see them and spend the noon hour with them. We went to a restaurant that none of had ever been to there called Shooters. It was really yummy...and I'm full!
My Dad...the Golfer!
My dad is so excited....he got a new golf club for one of his birthday presents. He got it off ebay, but it was brand new. He sent pics of it this morning and it looks pretty cool!! He's big into golfing, so it's nice that he could get something for his birthday that he will use. I'm sure he'll be wanting to try it out soon.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
My husband is a really big sports fan...especially the NBA and the NFL. He enjoys watching a game on TV whenever he gets the chance. He would love to go to an actual game sometimes...but finding tickets can be so hard to do. I would love to surprise him sometime with Miami Heat Tickets, as this is one of his favorite teams. I'm thinking about buying tickets at Premium Seats USA. They offer a lot of first class tickets to sporting events, as well as concerts and other events across the nation. The fact that I can get them online and do it so easily is the basis of its appeal to me. I hope I can find some tickets on there, because he would absolutely love that!
Spraying for Mosquitoes
I'm really excited because our town is going to be spraying for mosquitoes tonight. They normally just do it by air, but tonight they're going to do it by air and land. The mosquitoes have been SOOO bad this summer and this is there way to try and eliminate most of them. I sure hope it works...because mosquitoes love me and I do not love them.:)
I know I said that I was going to relax tonight and do some packing tomorrow...but I'm looking around at all that needs to be done and i think I might still do some packing tonight. I would just feel better if I at least got something done. My biggest packing job is still ahead of me....the kitchen. So I may start a little bit of that tonight.
The Beach Club
How would you like a luxury style condo on the beach in Hallandale beach?? How would you like it if it was oceanfront, close to shopping, and other fun things to do?? I know that this is something I would absolutely love!! In fact, it's something that my husband and I would both really enjoy I think! If this is something you'd like, then you should look at The Beach Club in Hallandale Beach. This is where you'll find great luxury condos. You actually will have a choice of three great condos that all have their own great features that would make it easy to find one that's perfect for you. Check them out today and see what you think.
Can't wait!
Scott and I are really excited because we move into our house in less than 20 days!!:) It's like the biggest move or thing we've done in our entire lives and we can't wait!! We asked our realtor if we could get our picture by the sold sign before they take it, so sometime next week she's gonna take it for us. I just think it will be such a good memory...us in front of our very first home. I can't wait!
Fun day tomorrow
After the long, hard day that I have had today...I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. I was supposed to go meet my mom and my aunt for lunch...but my aunt is unable to make it so I'm just gonna go see my mom for lunch and say hi to the ladies that she works with. I am really looking forward to taking a break from working on the computer and from packing. :)
Atlanta Condo
Finding a condo can be really difficult...especially when you're looking for condos in as big of a city as Atlanta. If you are looking for Atlanta condos, check out the CondoList on CondoCompany.com. This is a really popular and great site that makes it easy for those who are wanting to buy, sell or rent condos. The benefit to putting your condo on the CondoList, is that this gives buyers the opportunity to search them right there on the web...giving them the information they need. I checked out their site and let me tell you...it's so easy to use! It's laid out very nicely and it's so easy to navigate. I suggest anyone looking for Atlanta condos to check out this site today.
Hard work
I had all these plans to get lots packed up today...but spend most of my day working on the computer. I've been trying to take breaks because my back is hurting and my neck is stiff...but it's difficult to quit once I get started working. I'm just going to have to take it easy for the rest of the night I think and enjoy some time with my hubby.
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Are you interested in increasing your Pagerank?! Sure, we all are, and "linky love" is the way to do it! All you have to do is copy and paste the javascript below into your html of your site or in a single post. After you've done that, send me an e-mail at jennasue@hotmail.com with the subject "added blog widget" and the URL to your site. I will then link to you in a mini-review that I will write about your site.
American Material Handling
Have you ever heard of the American Material Handling before? If not, you should definitely check them out...especially if you have a business where you're in need of some of the material handling products that they offer. On their site you will find lots of new and used products ranging from pallet racks, shelving, hand trucks, a frazier, lockers and much...much more!! One of the neatest things about this company in my opinion is that they can pretty much ship anywhere in the world!! I thought this was great for those companies outside of the US!! If you're interested in any of the products they have to offer...or just want to check out their site...I strongly urge you to do so. This is a paid post.
Venomous Kate
Are you interested in getting a linkback from a great site? How about two??!! If so, then check out Venomous Kate in Bite Me!! This is a great way to help get your, and Kate's PR's up!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
There are many of us who do things online to try and get neat prizes and even pay to do different types online auctions. I for one, am a huge fan of an auction site and sweepstake that goes about things with a twist. This site is Bid4Prizes, where you can get all kinds of cool free gifts!!
I had actually reviewed this site and browsed through it many times before deciding to take part in their great offers. If you've never tried out Bid4Prizes, you definitely should. When I say the game has a twist, I mean the lowest unique bid wins the prize, not the highest bid. That's much different than any other auction site I've ever heard of before. It's really easy to play, and fun too! It doesn't cost you anything either, which I really like. You put your bid in, but even if you win the prize, you don't have to pay anything...not even shipping!:) How cool is that?!
Now, you may be asking yourself, "well what kind of prizes can I get?". There are so many neat prizes, and such a variety! That's another thing I love about this site! You can get things like Apple iphones, HDTV's, and even a cash prize. Check them out today and see what you think.
I had actually reviewed this site and browsed through it many times before deciding to take part in their great offers. If you've never tried out Bid4Prizes, you definitely should. When I say the game has a twist, I mean the lowest unique bid wins the prize, not the highest bid. That's much different than any other auction site I've ever heard of before. It's really easy to play, and fun too! It doesn't cost you anything either, which I really like. You put your bid in, but even if you win the prize, you don't have to pay anything...not even shipping!:) How cool is that?!
Now, you may be asking yourself, "well what kind of prizes can I get?". There are so many neat prizes, and such a variety! That's another thing I love about this site! You can get things like Apple iphones, HDTV's, and even a cash prize. Check them out today and see what you think.
Long Island Magician
Magic Beyond Imagination is a great magic show, where Robert McEntee, a Long Island Magician, thrills his audiences by his amazing tricks. He has actually been doing his "motivational magic" in the Long Island area for about 20 years now. That's quite some time! This is something I know my brother would like...as he's always been into magic and magicians. The neat thing about Robert McEntee is that he performs at many different events, making them very memorable. He does both public and private events. He's done fundraisers and benefits, as well as business events, and things at restaurants, schools, camps, churches, and so much more!! Does this sound like something you'd be interested in for a reception or event? If so, then you can contact him at 631.757.4206 or you can visit MagicBeyondImagination.com where you can email him. Check it out today.
Living around boxes
I've gotten a little more packing done today, and wow are the walls looking bare. That's the one thing about packing up and moving that I don't like...when you have to take down everything and live around boxes for weeks! Although it feels good to be getting some packing done...our home just doesn't feel very homey with nothing on the walls anymore. I'm looking forward to getting into our new home so my mom and I can decorate and make it feel homey again!:)
One of those days
Yesterday was one of those days where I had a whole list of things that I wanted to get done, but just didn't get to it all. I spent much of my time working online and some time getting things packed up for the big move. I really need to get a lot more packing done and cleaning done. Even last night, my husband and I had things we needed to get done...but then ended up visiting with his aunt and uncle for a couple of hours. Oh well, I guess that's how some days go. :)
Integra Radiator
Are there any of you out there who are interested in radiators? If so, then you should check out the site that I recently came across, Radiator.com. They are actually the leading source for radiators and cooling parts on the web. What I liked best about this site is that they don't just offer cheapy radiators like you might find else where...but real high quality stuff. Not only that, but they offer high quality radiators at very reasonably low prices!! You also get a lifetime warranty on the things you purchase. Isn't that great?!? I'm definitely going to have to tell my brother about this great site, as I think it's something he would thoroughly enjoy. He will especially appreciate that they have their items in stock, like the integra radiator, and get them to you in a timely manner. If you're interested in learning more, check out their site today. With all their experience and knowledge you can't go wrong with Radiator.com.
Baby Moving
My pregnancy has been going very well lately...I am completely past that morning sickness stuff...and just enjoying all of the phases of pregnancy. I especially enjoy the belly!! I also really enjoy feeling the baby move and kick around. It's becoming more and more frequent...to the point where Scott can feel it most times and even see it if we watch for it on my stomach. It's pretty cool!:)
Closing Date is SET!
Well, today we found out that we will for sure close on the house as of July 31st!! We are very excited...but realize that the 31st is not all that far away and we have lots of packing to do to get ready for the big move!! Hopefully we can get pretty much all settled in and comfortable before the baby comes in October. I can't imagine moving any closer to the baby's due date...that would make me a little nervous that we wouldn't get everything done in time. I think moving at the end of July/Early August will be perfect timing!:)
Have you ever heard of IPITV magazine before? I hadn't until just recently, and was quite impressed with who they are and what they do. IPITV magazine is a publishing company that helps to get new ideas to start relationships with travel tour operators and business product solutions. They are very well known throughout Southern Florida and internationally as well...as they have partners in Florida, across the US, and internationally. They have been commended and recognized for their excellence and have been given many honorable awards. For instance, two of which are the highest award in the travel media industry, the South Florida Travel Publication Awards, which they received in one year. I really liked what this company had to offer because they are one that is respected by their clients, not just for their work, but for their true want to help them and create relationships with them. Learn more about IPITV and see what you think.
Monday, July 9, 2007
Now that we know for sure that we will be moving at the end of the month, I have been begun to pack up a lot of our things already. It seems like every time that we move, there is just more and more that needs to be packed up. I'm glad that this move should be our last for quite some time!! I actually don't mind packing, it's just very time consuming.
Gothic Dating Site
In the past I've come across, and reviewed some pretty unique dating sites, but the one I recently came across was the first of it's kind that I had found. Gothscene.com is a Goth Dating site that makes it easy for goth singles to find love and friendship online. I really like the sites layout and the ease of navigation. Everything is laid out very simply, making it easy for you to sign up and get started searching through the thousands of profiles that they have on there. Joining is also free! So, even if you're not sure about this gothic dating site but want to check it out, know that you have nothing to lose by joining, and everything to gain! Check them out today and see what you think. This is a paid post.
Lots of Opps
I know that I have so much to do today, but every time I think that I might be able to take a minute and do some packing, I find more and more money making opportunities online!! PPP has just been great, and like I said earlier, I can barely keep up with them and the opps that they're putting on. I guess I'm just going to have to work online a little bit longer and hope that I get some packing done later on.
I recently wrote about a great dating site that I had found online, and now have another that I recently found as well. Latinaromance.com is the site and I think many of you would be interested in checking it out. This site is unique in itself because it's for latina singles who are looking for someone possibly just like you! This site is really easy to join and free, which is a huge plus to many of us I'm sure!! They make it easy to search through thousands of profiles and latin personals within minutes, finding someone who is compatible with you, for friendship or love. If you're looking for Latina singles, check this Latina Dating site out today. This is a paid post.
I absolutely love days like this when I'm able to get some great opportunities from PPP. Some days seem slower than others, but today is a great day!! In fact, it's almost difficult to keep up with the new posts being put up every few minutes. I suppose I better keep working so that later I can get some packing done as well.
Has anyone else noticed how popular online dating sites are becoming. It's a new trend, and really something that I find pretty cool. I think it's great how people who are busy with work and life in general, can find friendship and relationships through online dating services. I recently came across bbwromance.com and wanted to share it with all of my readers because I think it's something you may be interested in. This site is very user friendly and easy to navigate...making it easy to join and get started using their services. Joining is not only easy, but absolutely free!! That's right, FREE!! You then will be able to search through lots of profiles and pictures of other bbw singles who are looking for friendship and/or love. Does this sound like something you'd be interested in? If so, check out this bbw dating site today. I am begin paid for this post.
Russian Girls
It seems like I hear and more and more people who are dating and finding love online. I really think it's great for people who are busy with their careers and other things, because many dating sites give them the opportunity to go out there and meet other people. Lovers Planet is one of these great sites. They bring Russian girls and single men together by offering many different profiles and photos to look at. The neat thing about this site is that Russian women are different than other women you may find on other sites. They are dedicated to finding a life-long partner, and devoted to creating a strong family. They even put this over work. They want to take time to get to know a person before just jumping into marriage, which I think is great!! Many marriages to Russian women have a very high success rate. If you're interested in trying out a new kind of dating site, look into Lovers Planet today.
Lots to do
I'm feeling a little overwhelmed with everything that needs to be done in the next couple of weeks before we move. It turns out that we have a wedding the weekend that we close on the house, so I need to make sure that everything is packed up and ready to move before that weekend. I don't mind packing, but it's hard trying to decide what can be packed and what needs to stay out until we move. I suppose I better get to packing since there's so much to do.
Friday, July 6, 2007
Portable Scanner
Are you in a business? If so, you are probably very busy!! Convenience is key when you're on the go and busy much of the time. Do you work with scanners? If so, have you ever considered how nice it would be to have a portable scanner that you could take with you?! I know that I have, and that's why I was happy to learn more about the ScanShell 2000N portable scanner. It's an A4 color scanner, perfect for a busy professional like yourself. One of the things that caught my eye most about this scanner was how lightweight it is (14 oz)!! It's lightweight makes it easy to carry along with your laptop wherever you might be going. And, there is no external power adapter required...all you need is a USB 2.0 port, making it easy to hook up to your computer. It also comes with bundled software which include the DocShell and Scan2Contacts. If you've never heard of DocShell, it's used to take scan documents and export them into applications like Microsoft paint and other like it. You can even save your document under different types such as BMP, JPG, TIF, etc. Scan2Contacts is another neat piece of software, as it is a business card scanner for Microsoft Outlook.
In learning more about this product, I was quite amazed with all that it had to offer. I thought that the idea of portable scanner was pretty cool, especially the convenience and ease that it adds to to someone who is quite busy most of the time. If you're interested in learning more, check this product out for yourself and see what you think. This is a paid post.
In learning more about this product, I was quite amazed with all that it had to offer. I thought that the idea of portable scanner was pretty cool, especially the convenience and ease that it adds to to someone who is quite busy most of the time. If you're interested in learning more, check this product out for yourself and see what you think. This is a paid post.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Canvas On Demand

I am someone who is a huge fan of taking pictures as a way of collecting memories for years to come. I have pictures all over my home!! I have some of them blown up to bigger sizes, and some of them are smaller sizes and can be found in frames spread around the house!! The one thing I never had was a picture on canvas, but thought it would be pretty neat to have one. When I came across the opportunity to get a picture on canvas through Canvas on Demand, I was ECSTATIC!!!! I'm serious...I was so excited that I told everyone I know I think!!
It took me some time to figure out which picture I wanted to send to them to have put on a canvas, and after a long time of looking through all of the pictures that I have, I came up with the picture that you see in this post. First of all, I love it because it's such a calming and relaxing picture of the beach! But second, and the biggest reason why I chose this picture is the significance it has to my husband and I. This is a picture of Myrtle Beach, the place where we went on our honeymoon. Now we will have a lasting memory of Myrtle Beach on canvas forever, and I couldn't be happier!! It turned out so perfect and beautiful!! When it arrived at my home and I opened the box, I was amazed!! It was gorgeous!! Another great thing about this company is their promptness. I had my canvas in less than a week after I submitted my photo!! I thought that was amazing!
Canvas on Demand is such a neat site that offers so many wonderful ways of putting memories on canvas. Something like this would actually make a great anniversary gift! I was thinking that it's probably something my parents would absolutely love as a gift at some point!! My mom just loves the one that I had done, so I know she'd love one of her own. I honestly cannot say enough about this great site. There are just so many ways that they can make your canvas unique and personal to you. If you are looking for a really great gift for someone, or even for yourself, please check out Canvas on Demand...they're work is absolutely breathtaking!
My husband and I are currently in the process of getting ready to move into our first home and we are so excited. Seeing how this is our first home buying experiences there is so much to do and decide. The amount of things that go into buying a home can actually be quite overwhelming at times. That's why I was really happy that I came across Relocation.com while browsing the web. This site is amazing!! I was really impressed with all that it had to offer. They have everything you need to make important and informed decisions when moving. They offer all kinds of information on mortgages, insurance, moving companies, home improvement, and so much more!! So, no matter what type of questions or information you may be looking for, you're sure to find it at this site. It's so great to find a site as helpful as this...and the timing couldn't be more perfect for us. I also found some very helpful information on the auto transport and international shipping sites as well...two things that someone who is moving may be interested in looking into. If you're moving, or someone you know is, I strongly recommend you check out these sites!!
A great day!
We had such a nice time this fourth of July. It ended up being a beautiful day to be out on the lake and spend time with family. I think I got a little too much sun...as I was pretty hot when we got home later in the afternoon. The sun is also very draining, and I was pretty tired by the time the fireworks came along. We still had a great day though!!
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Home Repairs
My husband and I have done many little jobs here in the house that we're currently renting. Mainly just priming and painting the basement. Although this was a big job, and we did have to get the primer and paint, our biggest home repairs are just coming! We recently purchased a new home, and with that we so see so much potential of what it could be. It already offers a lot, but there are definitely some changes that we will make over the years. One of the biggest repairs we are going to make to the house is splitting one of the bigger rooms in two. For this project it will be necessary to have the drywall, the lumber, a cordless drill, paint, a portable sliding table saw and maybe even a Sliding Compound Miter Saw!! I know my husband is looking forward to doing projects like this around our new home and I'm excited to help him!!
It's funny that this is something we're currently facing, because I recently came across a site where a man talks about his own home buying experience...coincidently much like ours. He talks about the repairs that he did to his own home and the materials he needed to do them. I really enjoyed browsing through this site because it totally hit home with what we're going through right now. It basically gives you everything you need to know to make repairs on your home while still saving money...which is something my husband and I are definitely interested in doing. I am just thrilled that there is a site out there like this, and plan on returning often as we begin all of these home repairs on our new house. Check it out and see what you think. This is a paid post.
It's funny that this is something we're currently facing, because I recently came across a site where a man talks about his own home buying experience...coincidently much like ours. He talks about the repairs that he did to his own home and the materials he needed to do them. I really enjoyed browsing through this site because it totally hit home with what we're going through right now. It basically gives you everything you need to know to make repairs on your home while still saving money...which is something my husband and I are definitely interested in doing. I am just thrilled that there is a site out there like this, and plan on returning often as we begin all of these home repairs on our new house. Check it out and see what you think. This is a paid post.
I'm excited for this evening, as Scott and I get to go watch the parade here in town! This town is known for their parade and it is quite the big deal here!! I always love going to the parade, I'm just hoping that it doesn't rain! I also am looking forward to getting some candy.:)haha
Belisi Radio
I am the type of person who works on the computer quite often. Whether it be blogging, doing bills, or something else...that is where I spend most of my time. Since I'm on the computer so much, I always enjoy listening to music....especially when I can find an online radio to listen to. The only problem with most online radios is that you encounter countless commercials and advertisements and don't always get to listen to the songs you love right away. That's why I'm happy to say that I found Belisi Radio - the sound of Belisi, where you don't have to deal with that and you can listen to the songs that you want. Whether you like some of the more current artists or are looking for something a little more classical...you'll find it here on Belisi Radio. I was really happy to see that they had Chris Tomlin, as he is one of my all time favorite artists. I could listen to his music for hours. Check it out and find the music you're in to. This is a paid post.

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