Friday, June 27, 2008
Collision Repair
Have you ever been unsure who to go to for collision repair? If so, you definitely need to check out this site I recently came across. Here is where you'll find experts in the field of collision repair. It's great knowing that you're getting the best...experts who really know what they're doing. If you care about your vehicle and your safety, definitely check these guys, auto body tucson, out today!! You won't be sorry you did.
So Busy
Kaelyn is keeping us very busy tonight. She was excited to see Uncle Jake walk in the door after supper...and she was crawling all over the place. She was showing him how she's pulling herself up on things and crawling all around the house. I think she finally got worn out though, and now is in bed for the night. I'm glad that she's such a good helps ensure that we have time at night to get some things done.
When you think of going back to college to further your education...the thought probably passes through your head that you don't have time! Well, Capella University has taken care of that. They are an accredited online university with so much to offer. Just recently I read that they have a comprehensive online academic writing center for graduate level students. It's available to the public and so convenient for people to use!! The Online Writing Center helps to provide the students here with instruction, resources and strategies in their writing!! I think it's great that an online school has so much to offer! If you're considering going back to school check into Capella over any other online colleges and see what you think.
“This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit”
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Homemade Baby Food
Since I am making all of Kaelyn's baby food...I find that I have about two days a month where I'm busy making and storing all kinds of stuff. Today I got some pears prepared and frozen in cubes for her, and also got some apples pureed and frozen as well. I try to start at least one new food every 4-7 days...and apples are going to be her new food this week!! I think she'll really like them, as fruits are definitely her favorite thing. I always look forward to seeing her face when she tries something's priceless!
Baby Bedtime
When Kaelyn was first born I remember being exhausted because she didn't go to bed until close to midnight. Then slowly but surely she began to set into a routine with her bedtime moving back ever hour or so over the past months. It stayed at about 9:00 for quite some time, and then all of a sudden she began showing tired signs at 8:00. I thought, "what a perfect time to switch her bedtime!". Now she sleeps from 8:00 to 7:00 which has been going great! It gives me enough time at the end of the day to still get some things done, and allows me to wake up when I normally would anyways. Scott likes it this way he gets to see Kaelyn in the morning before he goes to work. :)
Planning a wedding?
Wedding planning is so much fun, but it can be very time consuming as well!! There's just so much that goes into planning a can get a little stressful and overwhelming if you don't have people there to help you along the way. is a great site set up to help brides and grooms get their weddings planned the way they want. They have been around for over 10 years and are known for the great services and features their site offers. They have free interactive planning tools, advice, photos, local vendor guides, and so much more! If you are planning a wedding...definitely check out first!
How's the weather?
I don't know how the weather was where you live...but this morning I thought it was going to get pretty nasty here!! It was so dark outside with all the clouds that I actually had to turn on lamps to see in the house. Then the thunder began to roar and the rain began to fall. I was sure that it was going to be a stormy day all day long. However, this was not the case...not even close. It hardly rained at all. Soon the sun poked out from behind the clouds and the rest of the day was just beautiful!! Would have been a beautiful day for a walk had we not been so busy in the house. Oh well...maybe tomorrow?!?
The Sweetest Thing
As I've mentioned in the past...I like to catch as much of Kaelyn as I can on video and camera. I always try to have my camera by me to capture those things that will be so much fun to watch back someday! Recently we finally got Kaelyn on film laughing! She's been laughing for about 4 months now...when people tickle her....and sometimes just for the heck of it. When she laughs, it usually seems so random that by the time we get the camera rolling...she's done. :) Last night Scott was tickling her and really got her laughing hard. I got the last bit of it on film and wanted to share...aren't baby laughs just precious?!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Regency Beauty School
Having lived in the Midwest, I have obviously heard of the well known regency beauty institutes. They are the fastest growing beauty school in the country, and have been around for over 50 years!! When I found out that they went from having only two campuses to 30 campuses across 9 different states...I thought that was pretty impressive! In learning more about this school...I found them to offer a very high quality educational experience for them hands on training. If you know someone that would like to go to a great beauty school is a site you need to check out! Here you'll find all the information you need to make an easy decision.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Basement Remodel Coming Along
Our basement is sure coming along! We've been working on some remodeling for a few weeks now...and it's finally starting to shape up and I am starting to visualize what the finished result will look like!! It is going to be so nice. We began with an almost completely unfinished basement, and when we finish with the part we're working on...we'll have a finished bedroom, playroom, and family room. All we have left to do is mud the drywall, paint and get the carpet laid. That's not too bad when you think of what we started with! I'll definitely be adding pictures soon....
Standing Baby
It seems like Kaelyn learns how to do one thing, and then she's off learning how to do another. Kids change and grow so much in the first year, it's amazing!! She goes from one stage to the next without missing a beat. I think it's so neat to see her as she knows exactly what to do...she knew that crawling needed to come before standing, and that standing must coming before walking. Aren't they smart?! What a miracle and wonderful gift from God, children are!! Here is a little clip I took of her today pulling herself up to a standing position. She's actually been taking a couple of steps along side things as well....she's a busy girl! This is one of two clips I took. The other is on my Mom's Balancing Act blog which you're more than welcome to check out as well.
Ford Radiator
I'm sure there are many people that are fans of the Ford Motor Company. A well known company like this is very well known for the quality vehicles they make. Whether it be their heavy duty trucks, their Taurus, Focus or even their Mustang...most people have heard of the Ford brand before. What you may not have known is that each Ford comes with a Ford radiator. For instance, the Ford Taurus Radiator Replacing a Ford radiator isn't always easy, that's where comes in to help. They are a great resource to find the radiators you may need. If you'd like to learn more about them...check out their website today. It's very informative and user friendly.
Baby Teeth

Are you organized?
Have you ever heard of Smead Organomics? I hadn't until just recently, but definitely was impressed and thought they were worth sharing. They are a new, and absolutely free place that wants to help you get organized! That's what caught my attention right away. I mean, who doesn't want, or need to get more organized, right?!? I know I do! So how does it work?! Well, you enter your organizing problems that you face and the solutions design will get back to you with three option that will help you out. What's great is that the three options will work with your own style. I like this, because it seems too often we are trying to organize, but it doesn't work for us personally. I also enjoyed the articles available on organizing issues...they were very informative and interesting! If you face organizational issues in your life like I do...Smead Organomics can help! get organized at today!
I have had a hunch for a while now that Kaelyn is working on getting more teeth. I'm not sure which ones are coming, but she's been acting just like she did with the last two that came in....not taking naps as well, sad at times, etc. Unfortunately the bad part is that it took a while last time for them to actually come through. Hopefully these will come in faster. Poor little thing...babies sure do have to go through a lot! Don't they?
Sunday, June 22, 2008
There are many people this time of year who get married. It's a beautiful time of year to have a wedding, especially if you're going somewhere romantic and tropical for a honeymoon or the actually ceremony. I've heard many good things about KARISMA Hotels. They are a collection of properties right on the beaches of the Mexican Riviera Maya. They are known for their gourmet-inclusive concept, as well as their excellent service! Looking at all the information about this hotel, I definitely have to say that the luxurious accommodations and entertainment would make it a great place for destination weddings, a honeymoon, or a wonderful relaxing vacation. Check it out too if you'd like to learn more.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Have you ever had a hang nail that really hurts and there's really nothing you can do? I'm dealing with that now...and although it doesn't look like a very painful really does throb much of the day. Thankfully it's my left hand and not my right...but it still has me wishing I had Rubis Scissors to try and trim it. Oh well...until then I'm just going to deal I guess. It's not like I never have had a painful hang nail before.
Family Vacation
Scott and I were talking last night about how nice it would be take a vacation! We'd love to go somewhere warm and relaxing. If Kaelyn were a bit older we would strongly consider going somewhere...even if it were only for a few days. We have many things within driving distance around us that we could probably do as a family. Who knows...maybe one of these weekends we'll just decide to do that...take off somewhere that we can just relax and enjoy each other's company.
Wearing Reading Glasses
Lately I've been noticing that my eyes are bothering me more and more. Ever since I was young I have gone to the eye doctor...and have reading glasses that I am supposed to be using. Like many people with reading glasses...since it's not something I absolutely need...most times I choose not to wear them. However, with all the time I spend in front of the computer doing work these days...I've realized that many of my headaches and eye strains are probably due to this decision. For that reason, I decided to start wearing them and see if it helps. So far, after only a few times of trying...I've noticed a HUGE difference! The glasses help take the pressure and strain off of my eyes and really make doing my work a lot easier. I am thinking I probably should make an eye appointment fairly soon it has probably been 2 or 3 years?! :P
Friday, June 20, 2008
Kava Kava
Did you know that Hawaii is known for the kava organic products that they produce and supply? Did you know that Kava Kava has been proven to be a really safe herbal supplement for those who want to enhance their health and have a more well balanced life? If not, you definitely should check into it. Give it a chance and you may see that it can help you reduce stress, make you happier, etc. Head over to their site today like I did to learn more! You'll find a wealth of information there at your fingertips to explore. See if kava kava is right for you and learn more about what it can do for you.
Time flies by...
Where has the day gone?? I wake up every morning around 7:00...feed Kaelyn, play with her, get some work done on the computer, etc! It seems that the day just flies by when there's such a routine in place like this one. I can't believe that it's already 1:30 in the afternoon. I suppose that means I need to get off from the computer soon and get some things done around the house. Kaelyn is napping at the moment...which means it's my time to work. Hopefully I will have time later to finish my work online...but we'll have to see. I'm thinking it may be a nice afternoon to take a walk...Kaelyn loves that!
Home Improvements
Isn't it nice to have family who is willing to help?! My parents are the best. Last night they came up after getting off from work so my dad could help Scott some more in our basement. In a fairly short amount of time they really got a lot done! Many of the walls are already up and drywalled...with just a few sections left to go. It's really starting to come together and I couldn't be happier! Soon we will have a nice bedroom, playroom, and family room down there that will be finished off. It's taken some time...but with good help like this, I'm sure it will be done in no time! They are thinking about coming back up on Sunday for a while to help some more. My dad will help Scott, and my mom said that she would help me paint an accent wall in our kitchen...I can't wait! Stay tuned...I will add pictures as we go!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Crib Bedding Sets
While I was pregnant with Kaelyn, I had so much fun getting her nursery ready. We had fun deciding what theme we were going to go with and what kind of furniture we wanted to have in there. When it came to crib bedding, at first I thought it would be enough to just have one set. This was all new to me, and I didn't even think about having another on hand. Thankfully my Grammy had got us a crib bedding set for our baby shower...and I couldn't be happier about that. We've used it a lot. Now Kaelyn has a fishy crib set and a noah's ark crib set...they are both adorable!
Symark Software
Symark Software the leading provider of UNIX and Linux security administration solutions. Today I heard that they had announced their PowerBroker and Power Password-User Management Edition solutions which will support the new HP Integrity servers. I thought this was great and definitely worth passing on to others. If you don't know much about them, Symark's solutions help businesses keep their information safe and comply with federal and industry regulations. I was glad I had the opportunity to read up on their new solutions and what they can do for organizations today. If you'd like to learn more about their power broker, check out their site today for more information.
Nice Weather
This week has been really nice so far! The weather has been really warm and enjoyable. Kaelyn and I haven't had the chance to get out in the stroller and go for a walk we may just have to do that today if we get time. She loves to go for walks and watch everyone and everything around her. I like to take her when it's nice out like this...because often it's either raining or too cold. We don't get many nice days of summer around here, so we need to take advantage of the ones we do get!
Still Teething
Over the past few days Kaelyn has been acting like she may be working on getting more teeth. She already has her bottom two...and I'm sure there are others pushing their way up soon. She's just seemed uncomfortable lately...always putting her fingers in her mouth and at times more sad than usual. These poor babies...they sure do go through a lot in the first year. I'm hoping that with time this teething thing gets easier for them...but who knows?! We'll just deal with it as it comes.
Stock Options
I'm sure many of you have heard of stock option trading before, but do you know that you can now get a wealth of information from educational materials through PowerOptions?! I didn't until just recently. This includes allt he information you will need to invest with stock options. They have SmartSearchXL technology which is only available here. It's great for finding, comparing and analyzing stock option trading. You can also automatically sort, filter and analyze all of the 2900 optional stocks and 190000 options right online! If you would like to learn more about options express, check out their site today for more information.
Long Days
What a bummer for Scott....he's been working such long days still! He hasn't been getting home until after 8 at night, and then has to go in at 6:30. I am not sure why they're so busy this time of's not really even the busy season. I know it really wears him out and is quite exhausting. I hope that he gets the weekend off to relax and just enjoy some time spent at home. He has a lot of work here at home that I know he'd like to work on...but that's next to impossible these days when he's working 14 hours a day!
Last night I was outside watering my plants around the house and the mosquitoes were just awful!! I couldn't even finish up rolling the hose up because they were just attacking me like crazy! They don't seem to bother Scott as much as they do me, so I asked him if he'd go out and finish rolling it up. I wish that they weren't so bad this time of year! I really enjoy spending time outside with Kaelyn...but we can't be out long with out coming into contact with these irritating insects.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Have you ever heard of the Monex Deposit Company? They have been around for over 30 years and make it easy for you to purchase silver, gold and other precious metals. You can ask for immediate personal delivery or have it delivered to a safe storage place, like a bank for instance! They are the leader when it comes to the investment of precious metals like this and are a company people trust and have trusted for many, many years! Now is the best time to invest in silver. If you'd like to learn more about Monex and all that they can do for you...check out their site today for more information! You won't be sorry you did.
We recently did a little landscaping around the house. All of the flowers and plants are looking REALLY good except for one. One of them seems to be leaning over and is not doing well. I think I may have to get the soil more it felt pretty dry when I went to look at it this afternoon. I'm not one to have a green thumb...or a lot of time to even water the plants let alone take care of I may ask Scott to help me do that tonight.
Nice Day
Today Kaelyn and I had such a nice time! We met my mom for chinese food...and then just hung out with her as she had a couple of dr appointments today. We then did a little shopping and just hung out. It's always nice to be able to spend some time with her and for Kaelyn and I just to get out of the house some. Today ended up being a really beautiful day too which was great! Some days lately have been kind of yucky, so I was thankful for that!
I have often wondered where to find a really nice quality watch. As I was looking around for father's day this year, I found The minute I clicked into their site I knew it was what I had been looking for! It was the quality and sophistication that my husband would appreciate in Milus Watches. What's great about this site is that it's extremely user friendly. It's laid out very well and so easy to navigate! I was able to find exactly what I was looking for in no time! You will not only be able to browse through their fantastic selection of jewelry, but also through brands, news and even blogs about it. Although all of this was favorite part was the dealer locater tool. This makes it easy to find a dealer with the jewelry you're looking at. I am really happy to have found a site that actually has such a neat tool...this is not something you find many other places. If you'd like to learn more about Vialuxe and all they have to offer...I would suggest you head over to their site today for more information. You won't be sorry you did! It's everything I was looking for and more...and I know it will be for you too!
Tomorrow Scott and I celebrate our three year wedding anniversary. It's crazy how quickly the time has gone. My mom was just saying that too, as she and my dad just celebrated their 29th wedding anniversary yesterday. She said it seems like just yesterday. That's how I feel too. I remember our wedding day like it just happened. Most years we try to do something, but this year I think we'll just stay in. Kaelyn is usually in bed quite early...and it will just be nice to be home and have the chance to relax. Scott has been working hard lately and would like an evening just to be. Maybe we'll watch one of our movies or something that we haven't seen yet?!?
Fun Day Out
Today Kaelyn and I are looking forward to a fun day out! Lately we've been indoors a lot because of the rain and wind. Today we get to meet my mom for lunch and then a little shopping. I'm looking forward to spending some time out of the house and the chance to spend time with my mom. It should be a fun day. I'm so glad Kaelyn likes to be out. She's always so good, and quiet. She takes in everything around her and just stares.
Drug Information
Did you know that there is actually software out there by Epocrates that make it possible for doctors to get drug information right away from their PDA or smartphone? I didn't until I recently read a press release about it. Epocrates medical reference software is being used by over 500,000 healthcare professionals and it's growing! What's so great about this you ask? Well by having access to drug information on their small makes it easy for them and quick. No more waiting around for them to leave the room and research drug options and allergy reactions. If you'd like to learn more about this free drug reference for iphone, check out their site today. It's really quite interesting! This announcement was paid for by Epocrates
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Weightloss Products
Nowadays no matter where you are, or what channel you're will find all sorts of weightloss options. Scott and I can't believe how many products there are these days promising people to help them lose that added weight that they don't want. I am not sure what works and what doesn't, but lately we've been hearing an awful lot about the Phentermine no prescription option. Have you ever heard of it? I hadn't, but it sounds like it could be a good choice for some?!
Not Much Longer
Recently Scott and I were talking about the fact that Kaelyn is almost 8 months old already! It's absolutely crazy how fast the time has gone. We can believe in just a few short months and she'll be celebrating her first birthday...golden birthday...already!! I got to thinking that it would be fun to invite all of our family members and have a special birthday party for her. I've even thought about sending out birthday invitations when the time gets closer. Who knows...I just have some ideas. We'll have to see what we decide when we get closer to November.
Busy Little Girl
Lately Kaelyn has been busier than ever!! She's not only crawling all over the place, but now pulling herself up on things and standing for quite a while. She's a little too brave sometimes, and doesn't quite have the balance needed to stand yet. I just have learned that I need to keep a close eye on her so she doesn't hurt herself. Thankfully we haven't had any bumps or bruises yet from her falling or anything.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Sunny's Adventures-Best Children's Book Ever
As a previous preschool teacher and now, stay at home mom, I know the importance of not only incorporating reading into the daily lives of children...but also the importance of teaching them lessons through the books and stories they read. In browsing the web, I came across Sunny's Adventures. Sunny is a little girl that solves mysteries in a children's mystery book that involves children in helping her. From what I can tell it's a very fun and interactive way to get children excited about learning and involved by using their thinking skills to help them solve the problems. What I thought was so great about this mystery book, wasn't only the way it gets children involved, but also the lessons they will learn from reading it, like helping others for example! If you'd like to learn more about this book, about the author, or even buy the book...head over to their site's home page today! It's really user friendly, easy to navigate...and best of all there are so many features you can use. You can learn more about the author, meet Sunny, print of coloring well as take part in either the parents korner or a section for teachers. I am so glad that I came across this site and book, and I hope you will be too. See what you think and get more information today!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Weather in Iowa: Tornadoes and Flooding
The weather lately has been anything but "normal" for a summer that we're typically used to here in the midwest! It seems Iowa, the state where I grew up and have a lot of family, has been hit incredibly hard by the storms and tornadoes!! This past weekend there was extreme flooding in many areas throughout the state, many towns of which called for evacuations of the community where people lost their homes and belongings. Other towns experienced the tornadoes that have been coming through the area lately! Tornadoes aren't a stranger here, but we sure haven't seen this many in quite some time!! There have been some very sad stories of tornadoes taking lives and tearing whole towns apart. In fact, just this morning I saw on the Today Show a clip about a tornado hitting a boy scout camp last night...killing 4 young boys! So sad...:( My heart goes out to their families and everyone who has been affected by this absurd weather this summer. I sure hope that the tornadoes and storms are past us, and we can look forward to a more normal and enjoyable summer from here on out.
Already thinking of Christmas photo cards!

Now that we have Kaelyn we've been talking about how fun it would be to take a fun family vacation sometime over these summer months. Whenever we're doing something fun like that, I also make sure to have my camera. Not only is it a great way to capture memories...but I'm the type of person who thinks ahead and really likes to find a fun picture for Christmas Photo Cards. I know it's a little early for that, but I've already been looking into, which makes it possible for me to make photo cards with family photos and write anything on the front and inside of the card.
One of the family vacations we'd like to go on with Kaelyn...I place I went as a child is Disney World. It's such a magical place and the pictures we would get with Kaelyn and all of the characters would be just incredible and great memories in the making!
Busy Baby
Kaelyn has sure been a busy bee lately! She learned to crawl a few weeks ago...and ever since has been going everywhere...getting into everything. I can see why it's so important to baby proof the house. There are some things that I still have out, not unsafe items by any means, that she's simply going to have to learn not to books, picture frames, etc. I can't believe how quickly she learned to not only crawl...but from get to place to place with such ease. I now find her pulling up on things as well and standing. She still does not have the balance she needs to do this without supervision...but it's just amazing how they learn one thing, and then they're off to the next. They're so smart and so much fun to watch! She keeps us busy, but I wouldn't change any of it for the world...I love being a mom!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
The Hammer Ruler
With all of the remodeling and work we've been doing around the got me thinking about different things that would make it quicker and easier. I am often busy with Kaelyn...and Scott is usually busy with the things that we're anything to help make it easier on both of us would be much appreciated. I just did a survey for dneero...paid by the way...and it was about this thing called the Hammer Ruler! I thought it was pretty clever and something I thought I'd share with all of you. Take a look at the survey, and even take it if you want. I'd love to know what you think of this new product.
New Blog Template
For a while now I've been getting pretty tired of my old blog design. I mean, I love pink...but it was just getting to congested with ads, banners, etc. I needed something more simple with more room for everything that I wanted on here. Thankfully I now have three columns which seems to work much better for me. I love the new colors...they definitely are "me"! I'm excited to have a new blog template to work with and continue sharing my life, thoughts, and interests with you all!
How do you like the blog? :)
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
More Progress...
Today more progress happens on the basement. Scott is going to work on building up the very last wall...and then will hopefully get up some of the drywall as well!! I'm SOOOO excited. Once the drywall is up, it's mainly mudding it, painting it...and then my favorite part...carpet!! Yippee!! I'll definitely be adding pictures of the progress we've's going to be a big change. We'll be going from an empty and unfinished basement to one that has a bedroom, play room, family room bathroom and laundry will look great!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Weightloss Surgery
JourneyLite makes it easy for people to find the weight loss surgery they're looking for. Have you ever heard of them before? I hadn't until just recently, but am so glad I I think it's important to share them with others who may find their services and help useful! Are you considering the LapBand surgery by any chance? If so, they will help guide you through a process with four steps that will make it easy to decide if it's right for you. You will find a great surgeon, check approval with your insurance and get follow-up care as well. Check them out today if you'd like to learn more about all they have to offer you and central florida lapband!
Changing Baby
Kaelyn is almost 7 months old already! I can't believe that when I think about it. It's crazy how quickly the time goes...isn't it?!! Wow!! Just seven months ago she was a tiny newborn, and now she is a busy busy little girl...crawling all over the place. They change so much. I'm glad we always have a camera with us to capture all of these milestones...because they pass far too quickly! I'm looking forward to what the next few months will bring and the changes she will face.
Journey Lite
I think it's great that there are so many ways to lose weight these days. There is even a surgical procedure that many people have probably heard of which makes it possible to start over and live a healthier life. Have you ever heard of JourneyLite before? They offer a comprehensive weight-loss surgery program that helps people lose weight. Using their system you can find out if the LapBand System is right for you, find a surgeon that's right for, like thousand oaks lapband physician, get approved by your insurance and find follow-up care after the surgery. It's a great company and one many others should look into.
The weather has been pretty cool lately! It seems that it feels more like spring that it does the beginning of summer. We've been getting some pretty nasty storms too...which is no fun! I hope it begins to warm up and get nicer soon. We don't get long summers the way it is here in the midwest so every day counts! I'm tired of this chilly, and stormy weather. I think everyone else is too!!!!!
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Medical Jewelry
There are lots of things we can do to make sure we're safe. One thing that I recently learned about while looking through jewelry are medical alert bracelets. You may have heard of them, or even have them?! I hadn't heard of them before...but think they're a great idea and one many people should consider. Medical ID jewelry is great for other people to be alerted about important things in case of an emergency. If you'd like to check something like this out today...there are many great sites you can go to.
Busy Day
Today is going to be a busy day!! Scott has a lot of work today in the basement...but had to go in to work this his day will be long...poor guy! I have to get some things done around the house, do bills, etc. Even though it's the weekend, the work will never end! Oh well...what can you do, besides just do it...right?!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Great Job
I'm sure I've mentioned it before...but we're all so proud of my little brother. He graduated college last spring and already has landed the job of his dreams with John Deere as an engineer!! You don't hear of many people walking out of college and getting the job they've always wanted right away. I'm so happy for him. He's very good at what he does and deserves it so much!! I am glad that he found something close to home and didn't have to go looking for jobs in Philadelphia or something!! It's nice to have him near by...that way we can see him and he can see kaelyn more often!
Staying Healthy
It seems more than ever we are hearing lots of ways we can take care of our health. Whether it's by wearing sunblock, eating better, exercising, taking vitamins or even taking advantage of a colon cleanser....options are all over the place for us to do to ensure better health. I don't know about you, but as I get older I become more aware of my health and ways to be healthier. I try to eat right, exercise some and just take care of my body. What do you do to stay healthy?
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Monday, June 2, 2008
Fun Blog
I enjoy searching through blogs and reading new ones. Recently I came across My Day which is a great blog about someone who's posting about her daily experiences including work, family, and her love of the outdoors....especially when it comes to fishing. I've posted this before, and I'll say it again...I've always enjoyed reading blogs with a personal touch. Yeah, it's ok to have some business like material on your blog...but to grab a readers attention you must find information that they can relate to...usually personal.
Working on the basement
We're finally starting the work on our basement. Scott started taking down ceiling tiles and cutting the carpet. Tomorrow he will start framing up the walls and taking down a wall that we're getting rid of! I'm so excited to get this started and ultimately finished in the near will look so nice! I think it will be a much more usable space and a great play area for Kaelyn one day soon. I'll try and post pics as we begin m ore work on it...should be fun!
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