Thursday, February 15, 2007

New Segmentation System

PayPerPost is such a great way to make money, and they're always improving things to benefit their bloggers! I am really amazed at all they do! They work very hard to make us happy and to give us the very best opportunities. Now they have a new segmentation system that always people who have high traffic blogs to take even higher paying opportunities than they could before. One single opportunity was paying posties $1000 dollars! Others were being listed at $125, $75, etc! I noticed that when they made this change it offered a lot more opportunities to make money blogging! It's important for bloggers to know that with PayPerPost you must but a disclosure after every paid post that it's being sponsored. It's also really important that people know that unlike ReviewMe who charges a 100% markup, PayPerPost only charges a 35% service fee! They care for their bloggers and try their best to do what's best for us. That's why I enjoy blogging for them so much. I also appreciate that they are a site that benefits those of us who have high traffic sites, and those of us who have low traffic sites! No matter who you are, you can still make really good money! This is a paid post.

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