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Thursday, January 29, 2009
Capella University
Capella University is a fully accredited online university that wants to help people pursue the education they deserve from the comfort of their own home. They are continually growing and offering high quality education for those who want it. Whether it's an undergraduate degree, or master's degree....they have it all through the online college courses that they offer.. Capella University would definitely be my top choice. I often hear about former students who are doing great things with the degrees they have earned there. For instance, Jeannie McGuire. She is the founder of Project Unity and also has a master's degree in human services from there. She recently received the Sunny Andrews Award for outstanding commitment to social work from ASWB. If you'd like to learn more about her story and about Capella...take a moment and visit their site today.
Great Daytime TV
I don't watch a lot of tv during the day, but once in a while I do enjoy watching Dr Phil. I don't agree with everything he says, but there are some shows that are right on. I enjoy the real people he has on that have real circumstances that many can relate to. His son has a show of his own called the Doctors which is also very good. I enjoy real shows like this that aim to help people.
The Holodomor Truth
I always enjoy browsing the web and finding interesting sites and blogs to read. How about you? I especially like it when it's a website offering information that's new and interesting to me. Today I found that in the holodomor Truth site. I enjoy learning things about history and what people think of it. This site focuses on the great famine of the Soviet Union and questioning whether or not it was a just that, or a genocide. Many think that it was an attempt to destroy the Ukranian nation, however it has been found that it was not a genocide, rather a terrible famine that took many lives.
I found all the information this site had to offer to be very interesting. I also enjoyed it's user friendly layout. It's well written and easy for anyone to understand and learn from. It's simple in appearance and not loaded with unnecessary ads and other things that would take away from the content. Anyone would appreciate a site such as this and I strongly would urge you to head over there and check it out for yourself. It's at You won't be sorry you did! I'm sure of it.
I found all the information this site had to offer to be very interesting. I also enjoyed it's user friendly layout. It's well written and easy for anyone to understand and learn from. It's simple in appearance and not loaded with unnecessary ads and other things that would take away from the content. Anyone would appreciate a site such as this and I strongly would urge you to head over there and check it out for yourself. It's at You won't be sorry you did! I'm sure of it.
"Where'd it Go?"
It seems like every day Kaelyn begins to do or say something new. We just love it! :) Recently her favorite thing is to hide something, then look at us, put her hands up in the air and say "where'd it go?" or "where's it at?". Scott was finally able to get it on video and thought I'd share. Aren't little ones the best?!? :)
Monday, January 26, 2009
I Love Shoes!

After searching and finding many I liked, I have to say the Bess sandals are probably my favorite. I love this style of shoe, especially to wear in the summer time. I like when they are a little bit dressy, but still have that casual feel. I would definitely wear these for all sorts of occasions...probably with jeans or a simple summery dress. Aren't they adorable??
Why do weekends have to go by so quickly?? I always look forward to the weekend, and then they fly by. WE had a great one, but I just wish it would have lasted longer. Friday Scott and I were able to go to the movie while his mom watched Kaelyn. Then Saturday we had all day to spend here at home spending time together as a family and cleaning the house. Sunday Scott's Dad came over and it was nice to see him and Denise too! Last night Scott rented the movie PS I Love for us to's a great movie! All in all it was a great weekend and I am already looking forward to the next one.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Toxins causing weight gain?!?
Did you know that research has shown that a big reason why men and women gain weight is due to toxic build up?? I had NO idea! Don't get me wrong, I still think the best way to stay healthy is to eat right and exercise, but it could also be a good idea to rid some of the toxins out of our bodies as well. It was a very interesting article that I read and a completely new concept to me. Detoxifying supplements like Orovo detox are very popular among people right now. I am definitely going to have to read up on this further.
Kaelyn's fun day!
This Friday should be a fun day for Kaelyn. She'll start out the day at my parents house while I am at the dentist. She loves hanging out there...Grammy and Grampa have so many fun things for her to do. :) I think my dad may get off work a little early so it will be fun for her to see him too. Then, that night Scott is going to take me to a movie, so Kaelyn will be watched by his mom! She'll have a great time, I just know it. It's nice that we have so much family around to watch her if we need.
Staying Healthy
I often wish that there was a diet pill out there that was completely safe to use and all natural. Although some claim to be these things...I can't help but think that they are probably not the best choice. It's not always fun, but unfortunately healthy eating and exercise are probably the best way to lose weight and stay healthy. There are conflicting opinions about this topic out there, but in my opinion that's the best.
eBay Drama
Do you ever use eBay?? We do every once in a while, and thankfully we typically we do not have any problems. It's too bad that there are a few people out there though that really do ruin it for everyone. This week we've had two bad experiences. The first is an item we ordered for my mom. It was ordered over two weeks ago and the person was contacted twice. They finally got back with us and were very rude in their comments. The second instance was something we were selling. Two days after having one it, and one day after having paid it...the guy puts a hold on the payment until I prove that it has been shipped. Duh! Obviously people do not think...not only am I not going to ship it out with a hold on the payment...but why would he think it would even be shipped out one day after having been paid. It's a bit frustrating!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Convenience of Shopping Online
There are certain thing which I'm sure people would rather just buy from the comfort of their own home. Whether that be creams for vaginal dryness...or even clothing...sometimes it's just easier to stay at home and do the ordering than run out and buy them. The Web has definitely become a shopping option for me these days. Being a stay at home mom I don't have much time to get out and go shopping. I find it's much easier to do most of my shopping right online. I know some people would argue that it's costing more in shipping to shop like this, however gas is expensive these days either way you look at it, it's probably not going to make that big of a difference.
Allegro Medical
Allegro Medical is a large independently owned online retailer of life enhancing products and medical equipment. They have more than 1 million satisfied customers and I can see why after learning about all of the products they provide. Whether it's Exercise & Fitness Equipment, Nutritional Dietary Supplements, Maternity/Baby Supplies or Outdoor Gear that you're looking for, Allegro Medical is the place for you to check out first. They offer 55,000 products and have 50 different categories to search through on their website. If you'd like to learn more about them and the things they have to offer you, like duocal, head over to today.
Dr Appt.
In a couple of weeks we get to take Kaelyn to her 15 month appointment. I always look forward to these appointments, as we get to see how much she's grown. She did get the flu at the end of December, but aside from that she's been eating like crazy...I'm sure she's gained quite a bit of weight in past few months and has grown taller as well. I love hearing how much she's grown as well as hearing the developmental stages she is going through. All of it is so much fun!
Maternity Tees
When I was pregnant we decided not to find out what were having. However, I know that there are many people who do. For those who do find out, I'm sure they want to find creative ways of announcing the sex of the baby. I know I would. One great way to do this is by wearing a maternity tee that says the baby's gender. T-shirts like this would also be great to wear to a baby shower as well. I took a look at the Baby ParTees and they are extremely cute!! Not only are they made of high quality cotton, but the writing on them is in crystals...not rhinestones. It's perfect for any one who is pregnant and knows what they are having. BabyParTees is a product line of Wedding ParTees.
If you'd like to learn more about these Baby ParTees Maternity Shirts, head over to their site and check it out for yoruself. You won't be sorry you did!! They offer a very user friendly site where it's easy to navigate and find whatever it is you're looking for. Whether it's a gift for someone who is expecting, or a gift for yourself....I would recommend checking out this site and their products first.
If you'd like to learn more about these Baby ParTees Maternity Shirts, head over to their site and check it out for yoruself. You won't be sorry you did!! They offer a very user friendly site where it's easy to navigate and find whatever it is you're looking for. Whether it's a gift for someone who is expecting, or a gift for yourself....I would recommend checking out this site and their products first.
I was trying to think of what we could have for supper tonight, when it suddenly hit me that Scott's mom will probably be coming. She typically comes to visit on Wednesday nights and brings us supper. It's always nice to see her and Kaelyn loves it too. I guess that means that the supper I had decided to make will be put on hold until tomorrow. That's alright though...Subway is always good once in a while! :)
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Handcrafted Jewelry
Anyone who knows me, knows that I love jewelry!! Especially the kind that is unique and handcrafted. That's why I was pretty impressed with This site offers a great deal of unique and beautiful magnetic jewelry right along the lines of what I would normally wear. If you'd like to check out this small jewelry business where everything is handcrafted by it's owner, then head over there and check it out for yourself.
Feeling Rested
Boy do I feel rested. It's wonderful when Kaelyn goes right to sleep at 8PM and doesn't wake up until 8 AM. Obviously I don't get quite that much sleep...but still...going to bed at 11 and getting up at 8 is pretty nice. I must say that my schedule is one I have gotten quite used to. :) I often wish I could take a nap during the day too...but having only one nap now for Kaelyn really makes that her nap time is the only time I really have to get a good amount of things done. That's ok though.....I'm feeling very rested.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Vehicle Storage
Now that Jake is here I finally get to see his new car!! It's a BMW and is so nice!! He takes really good care of his cars, so I know this one will probably stay in great condition as long as he owns it. It's very cute, and a great red color. It would be a good family car I think too. I wish it weren't so cold out, as I would stay outside longer to check it out more. Scott actually pulled one of our cars out of the garage so he could park his in there. He isn't too happy about driving it in all the snow and dirt. It handles well, but he doesn't want it to get dirty. I think he's looking into vehicle storage. He's wanting something that will allow him to keep his car as nice as possible. I don't blame him. There are many things to know about vehicle storage and many benefits to doing it. It's great for people here in the midwest.
Uncle Jake is Visiting
My brother Jake decided to come up and visit us for a couple of days. Kaelyn is sure excited! She loves her Uncle Jake. She has been saying his name a lot well as "meow". :) In fact, the first thing she said to him when he walked in the door was "meow". He decided not to bring his kitty this time, but that didn't phase her...she was still excited to see her Uncle!!! She's constantly saying "up" to him as she wants to be helped to give him hugs. Too cute!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
The Village Voice
The Village Voice is the first and largest newsweekly that offers reporting and criticism dating back over 50 years! They have received three Pulitzer prizes and are known for their quality and outstanding information on New York City politics, culture and entertainment. They also have a great website that has been recognized with the National Press Foundation’s Online Journalism Award and the Editor and Publisher Eppy Award for Best Overall US Weekly Newspaper Online. Not only will you find news here, but also entertainment options. If you're wanting to find the best when it comes to events, music, movies, nightlife, New York Restaurants, and dining in New York City, The Village Voice is the place to go. Check it out for yourself today!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Replacement Cell Phone
I finally got my phone replacement in the mail this week. For quite some time cell phone has randomly been shutting off. The only way to get it back on is to take out the battery and put it back in. It's a new phone and one that should definitely not have these issues. I'm excited that Verizon sent me a new phone. I'm hoping that I will not encounter this same problem again, as I really enjoy having this particular phone a lot!!
Over the holidays, Diana and Josh brought a really fun game for us all to play called "marbles". We played it quite a bit and had a lot of fun!!! If you've never I enjoyed it because it's a strategic sort of game. It's one that I would really like to own at some point. I was looking and was happy to find that ebay has quite a few of them available. I think Scott and I will probably buy one at some point. It would definitely be a fun one to have around.
If you're looking to go on a fun family vacation, maybe you should look into Karisma Hotels. They are a collection of resorts along the beaches of the Mexican Riviera Maya. They offer a gourmet inclusive concept which is great for anyone who loves food like I do!! They also have many luxurious accommodations like beach beds, hot tubs, hammocks and so much more! Just talking about it makes me more relaxed. It sounds like the perfect place for anyone wanting to go somewhere warm and have a fun and relaxing vacation with loved ones. If you'd like to learn even more about them you can get the information you're looking for on their website today.

Sweet Hubby

Wedding Supplies
The best place to find wedding supplies that I know of is The Knot Wedding Shop. When I was planning my wedding years ago, I found myself on their site many times! They have high quality supplies like camera, wedding favors, personalized gifts for attendants, cake toppers and SO much more!! I'm sure many people have heard of the Knot, but I didn't know if they were aware they had such a wonderful shop. They are the largest retailer of wedding supplies on the Internet....who wouldn't want to take advantage of such a wonderful option for brides and grooms who are planning their weddings?! Check out their site today and see what you think.
Big Girl
Just after Kaelyn turned one, she began taking a few steps at a time. She did that for a long while, and then just before Christmas she began walking more. Her steps were a little wobbly at that time, but she was making progress and could walk from one end of the room to the other. Over the holidays she became ill and it kind of delayed the progress she was making. Now, a couple of weeks later she's back at it and doing great. This week she began "officially" walking all over the place and today has learned to stand from a sitting position. She hasn't been crawling at all anymore and is a girl on the move. We're so proud of her!!
Have you ever paintballed before? I remember doing it when I was younger, but haven't for quite some time. Scott was saying how he thought it would be a fun thing to do sometime, so I got to looking online for fun today. I came across Ultimate Paintball. They offer everything one would need to get started in this exciting sport. They sell brands like Tippmann, Spyder, Smart Parts, Dye and more!! I was very impressed with all their site had to offer, like the paintball sniper, and I think you will be as well.
Freezing outside
Kaelyn and I got home today, only to find that we had two packages waiting for us. After having been gone for several days, I figured we'd have some mail to go through. In one package was a replacement cell phone I got from Verizon since mine has consistently been acting up, and in the other was a bottle of Febreeze for me to review for a their company. Neither of these items should really have been left the phone was FREEZING cold and the Febreeze...well it was frozen as hard as a rock. I guess that's how it goes here in the bitter midwest though.
Reinventing America
With the way our economy is going, as well as the new President who will be stepping into office any day now....many people believe it's a good time to reinvent America!! If you are interested in this topic or want to learn more about this bold initiative to revolutionize America, check out site I recently came across all about Reinventing America.
Scott's Home!!
Kaelyn and I sure excited to see Scott pretty soon!! He has been gone for a whole week on business, and we've missed him very much! WE had a good week we went and spent some time with my parents. It was nice to have their company, as well as some help with kaelyn when I needed it as well. I'm thankful they let us come stay with them over this past was sure nice!! Now we're just sitting home waiting for Scott...yeah!!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Beauty Brief
I always enjoy reading information about the latest things in health and beauty. I found to be a great resource when it comes to these topics. They are a weekly publication offering all kinds of information on fitness, haircare, the South Beach Diet, and more!! It's easy to read which is also a plus! If you have a moment, check it out and see for yourself.
Kaelyn updates....
It has sure been fun having a walking baby. She has been taking steps for quite some time, but to have her walking all around is cute. She's doing very well. She's still working on standing up from a sitting position, but is gradually getting better at that as well. It's fun to see her learning and doing new things. Not only is she walking around a lot more, she's also saying so many new words.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Promises Treatment Centers
Have you noticed that we hear more about people who are choosing to find treatment centers and get their life back on track? I suppose it's because our media does such a great job of covering these kinds of news stories, but one of the treatment centers I know I've heard and read a lot about is the Promises Treatment Centers. They are well known for the treatment they provide for those who are looking for great programs, staff and an experience that will help them heal. There are 12 steps in this center and many different modalities are used including psychiatry, counseling and more!!
In visiting their site to find more information about them, I couldn't help but pass the news along for those that are either looking for themselves or someone else for a quality treatment program and alcoholism rehab. If you have a moment you should definitely check it out. They offer a wealth of information there and have a user friendly site that all can enjoy and use. You will find that it's really easy to find the answers to your questions as well as information you've been looking for.
In visiting their site to find more information about them, I couldn't help but pass the news along for those that are either looking for themselves or someone else for a quality treatment program and alcoholism rehab. If you have a moment you should definitely check it out. They offer a wealth of information there and have a user friendly site that all can enjoy and use. You will find that it's really easy to find the answers to your questions as well as information you've been looking for.
Police Riding Toy
Kaelyn got this really neat little Police Riding toy for Christmas from my parents. Emry got one too. They are sure cute and the kids really enjoy them. Not only can they ride them, but they have all kinds of noises and sounds too. I was really surprised to find that it actually has a sensor in it that allows the sound to speed up as they go faster and slow down as they go slower. It's really neat and advanced for a kids toy. I was very impressed.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Monaco Rare Coin
In this time of economic struggle, many people are looking into investment opportunities. If this is something you're looking into...check out Monaco rare coin...a company that is part of Monex. Monex is a trusted leader when it comes to the investment of precious metals and has been for 40 years. Monaco is a trusted leader when it comes to offering unique and impressive resources for those who are interested in investing and collecting rare coins. It's definitely something worth looking into and their webiste can offer a wealth of information if you'd like to learn more. Check it out and see what you think today.
Cold Weather
Wow is it cold out. Thankfully Kaelyn and I don't have anywhere to go today, but you can just feel the bitter cold each time the door opens. 13 below zero is pretty cold, even for this time of year. I'm hoping that the sun helps to warm it up about...I'm already tired of winter and it's hardly started yet. It's difficult for Kaelyn and I to go anywhere when it's like this.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Find a Beauty School
There are many people I know who have chosen beauty school as a way to further their education and start on the path that they want for their lives. I've always thought it would be a fun career path as well. If you're someone who's looking for a beauty school, you should check out, They make it super easy and fast to find beauty school that are right for you. It's basically an online beauty school directory. You can search by state or zip code which makes it super convenient and fast to use. What's great is you not only get their name, but also the websites to the various schools on there. If you'd like more information and beauty schools in colorado, check out their site today.
Today we had a fun day. It started off a bit Scott had to go meet with a Farmer for work....but then we made our way about an hour from here to do a little shopping with the gift cards we had from Christmas. We had a nice time. Scott ended up getting the golf bag he's been wanting, and I got a great clock for one of our living rooms. Kaelyn was so good too. She enjoys shopping as much as we do. :)
Friday, January 9, 2009
Yeah, it's FRIDAY!!! It's been quite the week getting everything in order here at home after having been gone a week over the holidays, and then nursing Kaelyn back to health. I'm happy to say that starting yesterday she seemed to be completely back to her old self i think this flu/cold and teething thing is finally behind us!! She's up playing, walking around and jabbering away as always! Thank the Lord!! :) It's good to see her up and about, as it was a rough past couple of weeks for her.
Of course Fridays are also great because that means Scott is done with the work week and will be able to spend the weekend with us girls!! Kaelyn and I always look forward to that! I'm not sure what our plans consist of this weekend...probably every day things around the house...but we may also head up to the cities one afternoon as we have some gift cards from Christmas that we'd like to use. Any excuse to go shopping is always welcomed. :) Whatever we do I know it will be great because we'll be able to spend it as a family. That's my idea of a terrific weekend!!
Of course Fridays are also great because that means Scott is done with the work week and will be able to spend the weekend with us girls!! Kaelyn and I always look forward to that! I'm not sure what our plans consist of this weekend...probably every day things around the house...but we may also head up to the cities one afternoon as we have some gift cards from Christmas that we'd like to use. Any excuse to go shopping is always welcomed. :) Whatever we do I know it will be great because we'll be able to spend it as a family. That's my idea of a terrific weekend!!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Wedding Flowers
I remember one of the stressful things about planning a wedding was figuring out all the flowers. There are just so many kinds out there, and sometimes they are very expensive. I wish I had known about FiftyFlowers then. I thought I'd pass along their name and information though, for anyone else who might be getting married and could use some direction when it comes to finding affordable flowers. They specialize in wedding flowers for DIY brides, planners and more! Their wholesale flowers are breathtaking and perfect for any wedding. If you'd like to learn more about this company who has specialized in wedding hydrangea for 10 years now....head over to their site today.
Teething is NO fun!
Teething is no fun!! Kaelyn has been getting in quite a few teeth lately, including all four molars. Needless to say, she has been a little sad with the pain of all these teeth pushing through. The first year of a babies life is full of teething, some kids handle it differently than others. For Kaelyn it didn't start out too bad, but with the bigger teeth it's bothered her quite a bit. Both Scott and I look forward to the time when she isn't having the pain of's so hard to see when there's only so much you can do to help.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Have you ever been online looking for a service or product and can't find whatever it is you're looking for?? I know I have. The Internet is so large and it offers so much, but it can be difficult to use sometimes in a fast way. That's why I thought was such a neat site. They offer a variety of reviews and ratings for different products and services. It makes it much easier to make decisions about things. For instance, I was recently looking for sites about children potty training and found everything I needed here. Whether it's information on products for Children or those for Dog Training's all here and available at the click of a button!
I'm happy that I had the chance to learn more about them and pass the news and site along. If you're like me and like to find things quickly and easily while getting reviews and ratings, then this is a site you'd definitely enjoy checking out. See what you think and check it out today. You'll appreciate their user friendly site and all that they have to offer. I know I'm happy I came across it and I know you will be too!!
I'm happy that I had the chance to learn more about them and pass the news and site along. If you're like me and like to find things quickly and easily while getting reviews and ratings, then this is a site you'd definitely enjoy checking out. See what you think and check it out today. You'll appreciate their user friendly site and all that they have to offer. I know I'm happy I came across it and I know you will be too!!
Christmas Gifts
I still can't believe the holidays are over and 2009 is here. We still haven't gotten a lot of time at home, so when we are here, we're busy getting things put away. Kaelyn got some really great gifts, and her newly remodeled playroom is the perfect place for most everything. She didn't just get toys though...she also got some great movies and videos. One was from my brother. It's a DVD by Steve Green called "Hide Em' in Your Heart". It is a great video offering many songs for Children about Bible verses. What a great thing for little ears to hear and remember. Kaelyn sure likes it. I think I'd actually like to get the second one now. :)
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Selling Cars
Scott and I are throwing around the idea of selling one of our vehicles. We would really like to look into auto insurance first though and see how it would benefit us to sell us. Since we own the vehicle we're not quite sure if it would be worth selling or not?!? We need to talk about it a little more before making a set decision...but I think it's definitely something that could happen. Hopefully there will be someone in need of a descent vehicle that we know if that's the route we take.
Happy Holidays!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Years with family and friends. Can you believe it's already 2009 already?? Wow!! I feel like we were just ringing in the year of 2008. Time just flies by! I wish we had been able to ring in the new year this year a little better....many of us in our family were sick and didn't get to enjoy the holidays as much as we would have liked. I suppose that's ok though. Thankfully most of us are feeling better and getting over whatever we had. Now we can enjoy the beginning of a blessed new year!
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