I'm sure the discussion above has sparked many people's interest...if that's you, you definitely should check out their site today for yourself. I was really impressed with the information they offered and the quality of their product. Their site is really user-friendly and easy to navigate also...so you should not have any trouble finding whatever it is you're looking for. Head over there today to see what you think.
Monday, March 31, 2008
I am sure almost everyone has heard of Barbara Walters, and even has seen some of her specials, right?! Well, I'm here to tell you that she's doing another special...and it's on Living to 150!! That right there should catch many people's attention I'm sure! During this special of hers, she's going to interview Dr. David Sinclair about the resvertrol formulation. It's a potent activator of the SIRT1 Gene. Resveratrol is not sold by Dr David Sinclair or Sirtris, but can be found on the site, RevGenetics. Here you'll find quality resvertrol at affordable prices. It's the only place you can find it where it's been tested by Biomol, U.S. Lab Tested Resveratrol.
I'm sure the discussion above has sparked many people's interest...if that's you, you definitely should check out their site today for yourself. I was really impressed with the information they offered and the quality of their product. Their site is really user-friendly and easy to navigate also...so you should not have any trouble finding whatever it is you're looking for. Head over there today to see what you think.
I'm sure the discussion above has sparked many people's interest...if that's you, you definitely should check out their site today for yourself. I was really impressed with the information they offered and the quality of their product. Their site is really user-friendly and easy to navigate also...so you should not have any trouble finding whatever it is you're looking for. Head over there today to see what you think.
More Winter Weather
I am so bummed...I have been waiting for nicer weather...and just when I thought it was finally here....we get more winter weather! It just doesn't even feel like Spring when it's sleeting outside and freezing temps. We are under a winter weather advisory until tomorrow...looks like we'll be staying in today for sure! I am really tired of winter....5 months is too long! That doesn't leave us much of the year for nice weather...because fall comes too early too! Hopefully this sleet stuff will be over soon!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Police Gear
My Dad has been involved in law enforcement for over 25 years, so I know just how important the gear that a police officer wears can be. They have everything from their bulletproof vest, to their government issued boots. All these things are meant to keep the officer safe, so when I heard about Blackhawk holsters from lapolicegear.com, I told my Dad to check them out. When you are fighting the war against crime you need the best.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Wine Club
I was browsing the web recently and came across the Gold Medal Wine Club. Even though I do not drink, I know there are many people who enjoy a glass of wine now and then....so I thought I'd share this site with them in case they were interested. This wine club delivers two wines to your doorstep each month to try. If this is something that sounds like it's a club you'd like to be a part of....check out their site today. They offer a wealth of information and it's very user-friendly.
Branson Trip
Have you ever been to Branson before? I never have, but from what I hear, it's a really great place to visit. Scott and I have talked about visiting there one day...as there is a lot to do there and it's supposed to be a lot of fun. I don't know when we'll end up being able to go...but we can keep it on our list of places we'd like travel one day. I think when we do, we'll look into Branson resorts and see what they have to offer.
Warmer Weather
It's been nice not having to run our heat very much over the past couple of days. We run it at night because Kaelyn's bedroom gets rather cold, but during the day there hasn't really been a need since it's been so nice and warm outside. I'm hoping that the temps continue to rise over the next couple of weeks....that will ensure that our utility bill will be much lower than it has for the most part over these winter months.
Greeting Card Site

There's nothing better than sending a meaningful card to someone. No matter if it's a holiday, a time worth celebrating, or a sympathy card....they always mean so much when they come from the heart. The thing is though....sometimes cards are even better when they can be personalized to truly let the person know how you feel. When I go into a store, there are many times that there's just not the right card. It either has people on the card that look nothing like my family, or the words just don't feel like they're personal enough. That's why I am so happy to share with you a site that I recently came across. CardsDirect.com is the site, and they have an outstanding selection of photo greeting cards available. What's even better is that you can personalize these Photo Cards with writing and pictures!! I went through a lot of the cards and had lots of favorites. However, the best would have to be the following Christmas card with the baby on the front. I don't know if it's because having a daughter of my own that this is a card I would probably choose or what....but I thought it was adorable! Whatever the occasion...this site has it all! I definitely recommend you check out their site to learn more about all that they have to offer.
Relaxing Weekend
I am so glad that it's Friday! That means that soon Scott will be home and we'll have the weekend to spend together as a family. Kaelyn is always thrilled when he comes home from work too...she misses her Daddy lots.:) I don't know what we'll do this weekend?! Probably just hang out and enjoy being with each other and our little girl. It's kind of nice to just have a relaxing weekend.
Credit Card Comparison
I don't know about you, but I sure get tired of having all kinds of Credit Card Applications getting mailed to me each day! They end up getting thrown in the trash can! Many people might like this I guess...as they make it very easy to sign up and get a credit card. What some may not consider though, is that they're not always the best deal. The fine print has a lot to say, and many people don't take the time to read it.
I recommend that anyone looking for a credit card, throw out all that junk mail and head over to CreditCardSearchEngine.com. They are one of the web's longest running site when it comes to comparing credit cards online. You can search credit cards, compare them, and even apply for the ones you are interested in. All this can be done on one site. If you'd like to learn more about this site and see if it's something you'd like to use....head over their today. It's very user friendly...and only a click away.
I recommend that anyone looking for a credit card, throw out all that junk mail and head over to CreditCardSearchEngine.com. They are one of the web's longest running site when it comes to comparing credit cards online. You can search credit cards, compare them, and even apply for the ones you are interested in. All this can be done on one site. If you'd like to learn more about this site and see if it's something you'd like to use....head over their today. It's very user friendly...and only a click away.
Nice Weather
I'm so glad that I woke up this morning to a nice sunny day. It snowed the other day, and I was not very happy. I am SO ready for Spring...so to see snow on the ground was not what I was wanting to see. Thankfully the temps got high enough yesterday and today...that all of the snow melted away. Now all I see is dead grass...haha. Hopefully as we enter April we'll get those "April Showers" and warm sunlight to help the grass get back to it's beautiful green color. Then we'll be on our way to summer...yeah!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Get Paid to do Surveys
This past weekend my husband and I did some traveling to see family. As we drove to my parent's house, we noticed the gas prices were very high. I'm sure many other people saw this as well. I thought it was neat that we were just discussing that, and then I had the chance to do a paid survey about the rise in gas prices with dNeero. If you'd like, take the survey below and click to start getting paid to do surveys.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Fiber Cables
If you're someone looking for fiber cables, you should take a look at Black Box Network Services. They have a lot to offer, making it easy to find everything that you're looking for. Whether you're looking for a fiber cable or a fiber optic patch cable...this is the place for you! Take a look at their site today to learn more. Their site is very user friendly and easy to navigate. You'll also find that they have wonderful customer support available to you immediately. See what you think by checking them out today.
Wedding Gifts
When we moved to our new home, we found many different wedding gifts that still hadn't been gone through. I couldn't believe how many things were still in boxes. You kind of forget about those things until you move and have to go through them all. On of the things that we had were Riedel wine glasses. They were very nice, but we just didn't have a reason to open up the box and get them out for the time being. Once we moved we had more cupboard space, so we finally got them out and put them in the cupboards. It felt good to get all of our wedding gifts unpacked and put out in our home.
Home Shows
Lately Scott and I have really enjoyed watching the different Home Shows that are on. They have fun shows about people who are either buying homes, or houses that they are flipping and then looking to sell. I not only like to watch them just to see everything that they do to the house, but it's also fun to get different decorating ideas for our own home. Now that we're homeowners it's fun to watch shows like these.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
I was sitting here trying to think up an oyster joke. As I did, I thought of many that I've heard before...but inventing my own...that's a task. The only thing I could come up with was "What did the oyster say to the other oyster?....You crack me up." I know, I know...I'm sure there are many other jokes out there that are way better...but as I thought of it, I just had to chuckle...:). On a more serious note though...this talk of Oysters got me thinking about how I need to share the Be Oyster Aware website that I recently came across. In looking at this site you will find useful information for consuming oysters in a healthy manner. For some people, it can be very risky to their health to consume raw Gulf oysters. You can educate yourself by utilizing this very informative site.
Nice Day
Today was so nice. I had a friend who I haven't seen in a long time come back and we had the chance to meet up and visit for a while. It was great seeing her. She has two beautiful little girls...so it was fun to meet them and get our baby girls together to meet each other. It's always fun meeting up with old friends. I had the opportunity to meet up with another good friend earlier this week....hopefully I will get to see them both again soon.
Fantasy Baseball
With the baseball regular season quickly approaching, it is time to think about my fantasy baseball team. Fantasy baseball is a very challenging competition, see there are so many different players it is easy for every team to be good. Fantasy Sports Prophet's Fantasy Baseball software is my key to getting ahead in fantasy baseball. There are so many perks to using this software, first it is web-based so you can access it from anywhere, it has player rankings, one of the most advanced draft assistance, and it allows you to keep track of your full season roster with injury updates and all. With the ability to win money in most leagues why not take advantage of such a great tool. The best part is that you can get $10 off special for using promo code BMC200. Having all of these tools at my fingertips, I know that I have one of the biggest advantages of all people that play fantasy baseball. All that's left is to put together the best team possible and go out there and win some money, that's how much confidence I have in this software. I Don’t Win, I Dominate. You can too, just purchase this amazing software.

Yum! Scott came home tonight and made us pork chops. With the cold weather it's been a long time since he grilled...so it was a nice treat when he came home and suggested that as supper. Yum!! Now I am extremely full...but that's ok because it was such a good supper. Speaking of food...I sure am looking forward to Easter dinners...we're gonna have lots of yummy food.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
dNeero Survey
I had the opportunity to take another fun survey from dNeero today about fast food and got to thinking about how popular it has become. It seems that people are so busy with life...whether it be working or traveling here and there...that fast food is the easiest way to go. I never really thought about it much...as we don't eat out a whole lot, until I had the opportunity to take this survey. What do you think about eating out?! Take this survey and let others know your opinions.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Personalized Gifts
I think one of my favorite things to get as a gift, or give for that matter is a personalized one. I really like engraved plaques, or personalized gifts that have names on them and are meaningful in some way. We have gotten so many neat personalized gifts for Kaelyn since she has been born...people are very creative and have given some VERY nice things!! It has given me some great ideas of what I can give people.
My brother is really into cars. He loves fixing them up and adding accessories to them. Whether it be body kits or Hella fog lamps...he does it all. He has a really nice car right now, but is looking into getting a new car. I know once he does he will be busy getting that one all fixed up as well. I'm looking forward to that...as it's always fun to see what he will do next.
Busy Girl
I've really been busy lately with Kaelyn. As she learns to roll all over the place, I find myself watching her a lot more, making sure that she's not getting hurt or getting into things that she shouldn't. I enjoy getting on the floor and playing with her, but sometimes I have to get done some work around the house too. I may have to get out her playpen and put her in there once in a while to play too. Otherwise it seems that I don't get any of my house work done during the day. She's a very busy little girl...:)
You may know PowerOptions for their suite of educational materials and great customer service...but what you may not know about them is that they offer the information you need to invest in stock options. Their SmartSearchXL technology cannot be found anywhere else!! Using this product you can find, compare and analyze stock option trading. What I thought was so neat is that PowerOptions is the only web based data provider that offers this great technology. If you'd like to learn more about them and what they can do for you...definitely check out their site today! You won't be sorry you did.
Phone Calls
I thought we weren't supposed to get all the sales type phone calls any more since we are on the do not call list. Lately we have been getting more of those calls than I care to have. My parents got a call last night from a motel chain that wanted to give information about a time share type deal. They were very interested in knowing how much money they made. When my dad told them that he wasn't comfortable telling them his income they hung up. I think I would have done the same thing.
Well, we're finally feeling better!! It took about five days for us to start feeling completely better...and now we do!! Needless to say, after having the flu all week...we had a lot of things to get done around the house this morning!! Usually we get most of our cleaning done on Fridays...but since we were still trying to rest up yesterday and not overdue it...we woke up today and got cleaning. It feels so good to have everything done.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Monaco Rare Coin
Have you ever heard of Monex before? They are a trusted leader in the business of investing in precious metals like silver and gold. Monaco Rare Coin is a part of this family. Here is where you will find fine rare coins and experienced professionals who will help you with all of your needs regarding investment programs. If you know anything about Monex, you know that they have been around for a long time and highly respected. It says a lot that Monaco, a coin dealer is a part of this great company. If you'd like to learn more, check out their site today!! They offer a lot of information that could be very helpful in helping you make a decision on your investment options.
Soon it will be golf season and I know that my dad and Scott are looking forward to it. I enjoy golfing and my mom just started the sport last year. My brothers like to golf too. It isn't something we did growing up but now it is very enjoyable. Scott and dad golf the most. I think they would go every day if they could.
New Streets
My dad was telling me that their neighborhood will be getting new streets and an upgraded sewer system. That might not seem like a wonderful thing but my parents are very excited. The roads in their area are starting to break up and although they have never had sewer problems, there are some that have had. I don't know how much it will cost them but it will be worth every cent.
Midwest Auto Recycling
My husband is really big into cars. Every chance he gets he's online looking at them or sites having to do with them. Recently, I shared with him a site that I recently came across of a company that I had never heard of until now...Midwest Auto Recycling. This is a company that specializes in used engines and transmissions. They have one of the strongest warranty in the nation! Isn't that impressive?!! All of the miles are verified by Carfax and all of the engines come as a complete assembly. You will be comfortable knowing that they are all started, inspected, checked for oil pressure and even cleaned! You know you are getting good quality when going through midwest auto recycling. Check out their site today to learn more.
4 1/2 months old
I can't believe that Kaelyn is already 4 1/2 months old already! The time has just flown by. I look at pictures taken of her when she was first born and it doesn't even look like the same baby. She's changed and grown so much already. Sometimes I wish that the time would slow down a bit, because she's been so much fun at this age! She's such a good baby and so happy all of the time. We enjoy watching her as she changes and grows.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Weather Survey
Lately the weather has been really nice outside. This time of year you just never know how it's going to be. One day it can be warm, and the next day it may be snowing out. Now that we're mid way through March though, I'm hoping that there's more warm weather to come very soon. I often find myself checking the weather online many times throughout the week. That's why I thought it was fun to be able to do a survey about the weather. The following is a fun survey I was able to do through DNEERO. If you like to get paid to do surveys, you might really enjoy taking part in this company.
No Fun
It's definitely not fun to not feel well. After this weekend...Scott and I both have come down with a fever and virus that's going around. Thankfully Kaelyn is doing just great...but we're feeling a little under the weather. Scott took today off from work...hoping to get over this thing before work tomorrow. I'm hoping the same for myself...as it's difficult to take care of Kaelyn while I'm sick. It's almost like mom's don't have time to get sick, don't you think?!
Friday, March 7, 2008
Allegro Medical
Have you ever heard of Allegro Medical Before? If not, then you should know that they serve over 1 million customers with their life enhancing products made available through their independently owned online retailer. They first launched in 1996, but expanded their business to include things like exercise and fitness equipment, nutritional dietary supplments, outdoor gear and more. You'll find that their site has so many great features to offer, including 55,000 different products to choose from. These products include Diabetic Supplies, Blood Pressure Monitors, a Bongo Board Balance Board, Daily Living Aids and so much more. Head over their today and check it out!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Four Month Dr Appointment
This morning we have Kaelyn's Drs appointment. She is over four months old now, so she is due for her four month appointment. I always enjoy going to them as we get to see how much she's grown and changed. This one will be particularly interesting as it's been two whole months since we've been there. I'll have to keep everyone updated on how much she's grown and changed. I can't wait...
More snow
Well, it's another snowy day here in the midwest! It seems every time I look out my window these days the snow is falling. I don't mind some snow in the winter, but when it's all the time...it gets a little old. I've had people tell me that they live in climates where it's warm all the time and they'd enjoy the snow some. I guess having been in snow all of my life...well, you could just say it gets old after a while. I think it's safe to say that all of us here are very anxious for Spring to arrive.
Orlando Vacation
Planning a vacation should be fun! The last thing a person should have to do is stress out over finding affordable hotels. That's where Orlandohotels.com comes to the rescue! They offer an easy to use site and travel guides to make planning a vacation so easy! You can book your motels on their and even plan a trip to Walt Disney or Universal!! If you've ever planned a vacation to Orlando without the help of a great site like this, you know what a hassle it can be. So, next time you're traveling that direction, check out this site to find a Cheap Orlando Hotel...you won't be sorry you did! So what are you waiting for...head over there today!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Who will it be....
Tonight was another night of American Idol. The girls sang tonight and most of them did a really great job. There are a lot of good singers in the competition this season and it will be interesting to see who America voted into the top 12. Tomorrow night will be a big night, as I believe two more girls and two more guys go. Who will it be?! I guess we'll have to tune in tomorrow to find out. Should be a good results show.
Video Classifieds
Have you ever heard of Listasaurus before? I hadn't until just recently when I came across there site while browsing the web. It's actually a very interesting site that I wanted to share with others. Listasaurus.com is the first online classifieds site that will pay it's users when they list ads. That's not all though. They are now featuring video classifieds as well. I really thought that was a neat feature to this site. There are so many benefits to getting paid to list ads. Both businesses and those who sell different kinds of products will definitely be encouraged by this service. The video classifieds is really great too!! I think there are many benefits to including a video in a classified ad. It not only makes an add more appealing, it is also a great addition to text and pictures. It allows people to get a true feel for the business or product at hand. For instance, if you are looking to sell cars or items along those lines, a video would be much more beneficial than a simple picture or text. Does this intrigue you as much as it did me? If so, you should really head over to their site today! It's laid out very nicely and you're told everything you need to know to get started. If you're interested in getting paid to list your ads, this is the place for you! Check it out today and see what you think. 
Monday, March 3, 2008
Favorite Television Shows
I typically do not have a lot of time during the day to watch television. However, when my husband comes home from work, we enjoy watching a few shows throughout the week. The one that starts our week off is John and Kate Plus 8. Ever seen it? It's a really great show about a family who is raising 8 children. As a parent now myself I find it very interesting. We also enjoy watching American Idol. This takes up three nights a week...so although we don't always get to see each one in full...we do our best to catch what we can and make sure to watch the "results" shows on Thursday nights. It's fun to have shows like these to look forward to each week. It's something that Scott and I can do together, even in the business of a work week and a baby. I enjoy it, and can't wait for my week of American Idol to start tomorrow night!!
Wow, I cannot believe it! I was sitting here after having put my daughter down to bed for the night, and I thought..."I might as well get on and check PayPerPost to see if they've put on any of those great 1K Tuesday posts yet". To my surprise, after only a few short minutes of checking it out...here one popped up!! I hurried with my cursor and what do you know...I GOT IT!!! I am thrilled beyond words! What a treat to have this opportunity, not only to make some great money, but also to help spread the word about PayPerPost and their new IZEARanks.com, a new blog ranking system.
Not all that long ago, PayPerPost released the news that they had launched IZEARanks.com. I was pretty excited about this when I first heard about it....it was great that our blogs were now going to be ranked in a way other than PageRank. I really liked the idea of being able to very easily install the code into my blogs to get my RealRank. It's great because it helps to measure the actual traffic your blog brings in and the influence it has in the blogosphere. In the excitement of learning about this wonderful tool PayPerPost created, you can imagine I quickly made an account and added my blogs.
I'm not sure what others think about it, but so far I am really enjoying all that it has to offer. I can go in, find out what my blogs are ranked at, see how they rank against other sites, and even see how many page views and unique visitors I have come through each month. Something else I really enjoy is searching through the "Top 100" blogs that this site makes available. I think there's a lot to be learned from sites that are ranking that high, and I for one am always willing to learn more about how to make my blog better. So far, I am seeing that I rank kind of in the middle when compared with other blogs. There are some that rank lower than me, and some that rank higher than me. I am okay with this, but continually try to learn from those who have better RealRanks and work at making my blog one that people will not only enjoy, but keep coming back to.
Overall, I think IZEARanks.com is a great new tool!! I have had fun learning the stats of my own blog, as well as searching out other blogs as well. In fact, this site has given me a wonderful opportunity to find other great blogs out there, some of which I now visit quite frequently. If you haven't made it a point to be a part of IZEARanks.com yet, you must sign up now. It's really a neat tool that I think many would enjoy.

Not all that long ago, PayPerPost released the news that they had launched IZEARanks.com. I was pretty excited about this when I first heard about it....it was great that our blogs were now going to be ranked in a way other than PageRank. I really liked the idea of being able to very easily install the code into my blogs to get my RealRank. It's great because it helps to measure the actual traffic your blog brings in and the influence it has in the blogosphere. In the excitement of learning about this wonderful tool PayPerPost created, you can imagine I quickly made an account and added my blogs.
I'm not sure what others think about it, but so far I am really enjoying all that it has to offer. I can go in, find out what my blogs are ranked at, see how they rank against other sites, and even see how many page views and unique visitors I have come through each month. Something else I really enjoy is searching through the "Top 100" blogs that this site makes available. I think there's a lot to be learned from sites that are ranking that high, and I for one am always willing to learn more about how to make my blog better. So far, I am seeing that I rank kind of in the middle when compared with other blogs. There are some that rank lower than me, and some that rank higher than me. I am okay with this, but continually try to learn from those who have better RealRanks and work at making my blog one that people will not only enjoy, but keep coming back to.
Overall, I think IZEARanks.com is a great new tool!! I have had fun learning the stats of my own blog, as well as searching out other blogs as well. In fact, this site has given me a wonderful opportunity to find other great blogs out there, some of which I now visit quite frequently. If you haven't made it a point to be a part of IZEARanks.com yet, you must sign up now. It's really a neat tool that I think many would enjoy.
Decorating Time
We have been doing some remodeling in our home recently, and tonight we got a big part of it done! We had a bedroom that was quite large, so we decided to split it and build a wall. Now there are two rooms, a bedroom and an office! The wall got finished the other day and tonight Scott ended up painting it! He's so good at that kind of stuff...he had it done in no time. It looks really nice! I'm so happy to have it all done. I'm not the type of person who likes having things "unfinished", so to have it done is a relief. I told him that now I'm excited to get started decorating it! How fun will that be?! I'm so excited!! That's probably my favorite part about redoing anything in any room. We get our new pictures of Kaelyn this week, so I'm sure some of those will go up on that wall in some sort of an arrangement. It will be something fun for me to do in the near future. Yeah!
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Pizza Survey...Try it out!
Do you love pizza?? I know I do!! Pizza is probably one of my favorite food. However, there are so many types, how do you choose?! I like to try new kinds, but I still have my favorites, that's for sure! If you love pizza you should take the survey that I took below with dNeero. They are a great site that pays you to take surveys and you get paid even more to put them on you blog. It's so easy, and fun!! Try it out...
Baby Changes!
One of my favorite things about being at home with Kaelyn every day is seeing her change and grow each day. It seems like she is always learning to do something new. Lately she's been doing quite a few things. She's laughing out loud which is SOOO incredibly cute! She is also starting to sit up more on her own. We still have soft pillows around her though...she often leans one way or the other after a minute or so. It's all so cute!!
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