Thursday, May 29, 2008
Black Friday Shopping
It wasn't until a couple of years ago that I really go into the Black Friday shopping. You can't find a better day to find deals on all of the items you're buying for Christmas. I like taking a day to do all of my shopping and getting such great prices on it all. The only thing I don't like is all the people that go out. It makes the lines really long and it's just terribly congested! I'm excited to learn that there is a way to do all of your shopping right online! It helps people be able to shop from the comfort of their own home, while still finding great prices that you'd otherwise get in the stores themselves! Who wouldn't want such a laid back and easy way to shop for all those Christmas gifts this year? I know I do!! I plan on doing my Christmas shopping this way this year, how about you?! What's great is that this site is not only user-friendly and makes it really easy to shop, but it also can send you e-mail alerts with all of the black friday ads, like the walmart ad!! I hadn't heard of a site like this until just recently and just had to share it with everyone! I hope many other people will be taking advantage of all this site has to offer. Learn more by heading over to their site today.
Landscape Work
Tomorrow my mom is going to help me do a little landscaping in the front yard. I'm thinking it will be a nice day for it, as the weather is supposed to be dry and warm!! Today it's been very rainy though. I'm hoping that the ground drys up a bit, without leaving it extremely wet. We'll just have to see how it goes. I'm sure we'll get lots done though. I'm looking forward...I think it will look a lot nicer than what we had in front of our house before!
Beauty Quiz
Who wouldn't like to feel better about their appearance and feel more beautiful, right?! I know I would. That's why I'm here to share with you. It offers you the opportunity to take a beauty quiz there on their site. What does this quiz do exactly? Well, it helps to give you a personalized beauty plan that lets you know the cosmetic procedures that may be right and of interest to you. I think it's great because it not only does this, but also gives you the information about costs, safety and more! Check out this Beauty For Life Quiz for more information today!
Crawling Baby-6 months old
Well, Kaelyn is officially crawling now. She began crawling on Tuesday morning. It was like she just woke up and more rocking back and forth on my hands and knees...I'm gonna do this...and she did!! I'm SO proud of her. She is now keeping me more busy than ever, as she is crawling all over the place. We are going to have to get a gate or something up so that I can at least keep her in the same room as I'm in during the day. I love that she's able to get from place to place so easily now though. She seems to really enjoy it too!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Home Shows
One of Scott and my favorite things to watch on TV these days are the home shows on HGTV!! I think it's probably because we finally have a home of our own that we can actually do stuff to, so it's fun to see what other updates people are making and how much it all costs. Recently we were watching one of the shows and there was a couple looking at Wilmington real estate. They were trying to find their very first home and had it narrowed down to three. It's always fun to watch this show because you just never know which they're going to pick. Sometimes they're a bit out of their price range, or a little older than they had wanted. It's always fun to try and guess which one they'll pick though...
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Do you or someone you know have debt? If so, a debt consolidation loans may be just what you need. It can really help in making sure you get out of debt quickly and get back to living life without the stress of having debt and wondering how you're going to pay it. Getting out of debt is not an easy thing...but with the assistance of a loan like this it can really help a lot. I know people who have checked into this, and I recommend others do as well if they find themselves in a similar situation.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Need an accident attorney?
O'Hanlon, McCollom and Demerath can help in legally representing you for accident related cases. They are known for their superior service. They are based in Texas and have personal injury lawyers who are willing to answer questions you may have about things dealing with bicycle accidents, business litigation, car accidents, construction accidents, and more!! The great thing is you can contact them immediately and set up a free consultation to learn more. Check out their site for more information on how they can help you with your specific circumstances. They're very knowledgeable and you know you're getting the very best. See what you think about their Austin Personal Injury lawyers and head over there today!
Earn Extra Money From Home
Do you find yourself wishing you had a little extra money sometimes? If so, you should definitely look into blogging for money. I've written it before, and I'll write it again....blogging for money is a GREAT way to make some extra cash. It's definitely not a "get rich quick" thing...but it's way to just bring in enough income to feel a bit more comfortable financially. I'm a stay at home mom...which I would whether or not I worked from home or not...but having a little extra cash flow is always nice, and I really enjoy being able to do that for my family. It allows us to do some really fun things and I'm happy about that. Check out blogging for money if you're's easy and fun!
Great Career
My little brother has a great job with John Deere! He is a one year college alum and already has the job of his dreams...I'm so happy for him! It's not too often that you get into the job you've always dreamed of, but he did...God is good! :) Not only is he working with the company he's always wanted to, but he has also been promoted many times already. How cool is that?! I think it's wonderful and couldn't be happier for him. I enjoy telling people what he does and how much he enjoys it.
Sometimes it seems planning a vacation can be more stressful than fun. Getting the right motel for the right price is not always an easy task. It's easier said than done...we'll just put it that way. Well, that is until now. I came across which makes it easy for people to book hotels, even in Spanish. if you go to you'll learn more about this great comprehensive site and all it has to offer. They have a great customer service center and are here to meet your needs. I was really impressed with how user-friendly their site is, and the option they give you to call to boo hotels as well. They truly want to help make your planning process easy and stress free. Check it out today to learn more and see what you think about all of their ofertas de hoteles. You won't be sorry you did.
Fun Weekend Ahead!
It should be a really fun weekend. Yesterday started it off with a little shopping trip with Scott and Kaelyn. It was more or less just to browse and have a family outing and it was a lot of fun. Now, today we have Kaelyn's pics to get which is always fun too. Tomorrow my family is coming up. I think the guys and Renee will be golfing, and they're SO excited for that.:) My mom, Kaelyn and I will stay home and enjoy some relaxing time together. Then, Monday, Scott has off from that will be a fun day to relax as a family too. Who knows...maybe we'll get to spend a little time outdoors if it's nice?!
Nice Weather
It looks like it's going to be another beautiful day!! I'm so happy about that! :) It's been such nice weather lately...not too hot and not too cold. I've really enjoyed being able to take Kaelyn outside too. I thought it might rain this weekend, but it's looking like the weatherman might be wrong. This morning I woke up to look out my window and the sun was shining bright. YEAH!! I hope the rest of the weekend continues this way!
As a new parent I know how nice it is to get more experienced parents advice on the things we purchase and different services we may use. In looking up a particular item that we were thinking about buying recently, I came across a site put on by the Knot, Inc which is a leading life even media and services company. Their newest site is This is a great place for parents like me to go to and find real reviews written by other parents about baby stores, gear, services and more! They have over 32,000 listings and over 120,000 reviews. That is a ton, don't you think?! Wow!! I was really impressed with all the products they offer and am happy to say that I found what it was I was looking for. If you'd like to find a review on something...anything...check this site out today.
Saturday is Work Day
Today is going to be a busy day. You'd think Saturday would be a relaxing time, but we have a lot to get done. I have work to do on the computer so Scott is going to do the rest of the cleaning around the house and some work outside I think. We're both going to be very busy, because aside from that...we also have Kaelyn's pics this morning. I'm glad it's in the morning though and not right in the middle of the day. That makes it easier on everyone. I'm sure everything will go smoothly and we'll get all of our work done though....even if it's late tonight before we actually get the chance to sit down and relax.
Picture time
Today we have Kaelyn's 6 month pictures to get taken. Where has the time gone?!? I can't believe that time has come seems like just yesterday we were getting her 3 month pics. We get her professional pics at Walmart's studio as it is a lot more convenient for us. Overall we're really pleased with how they take pictures. The one thing we weren't impressed with was that you don't get to choose from a bunch of proofs. As they're taking the pics you have to choose whether or not you like the pic right there. It's a little stressful. Oh well. I'm sure it will go well today.
Allegro Medical
Recently I came across Allegro Medical. They are a company founded in 1996 with over one million customers. What are they about you may be asking? Well, they are the largest and most advanced independent online retailer of life enhancing products here in the US. They offer a site with all kind of things pertaining to exercise and fitness equipment, nutritional dietary supplements, maternity/baby supplies, home medical supplies, and outdoor gear. I was really impressed with all they had to offer after looking through their 55,000 products under 50 different categories. I'm telling you...they have everything. Whether you're looking for something like a shower chair, or maybe just pediasure...they have it all. Check out their site today if you'd like to learn more about all that they have to offer you.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
I don't get the chance to watch a lot of television, but when I do I notice that I see a lot of the same ads. I usually see commercials for acne solutions, as well as those for certain makes of vehicles. It's not that I don't like these types of ads, but I wish that there was more of a variety. I guess I get tired of seeing the same old thing all the time. How about you?!?! I mean, these products are good, and I'm sure many people buy them...but I'm personally get nothing out of watching the same thing every single time I turn on the television. I wish that these types of commercials were a bit more interesting as well.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
6 Month Dr Appointment
One of my favorite things to do when I was young was read books. It didn't matter what kind of book, but I just loved it. It's such a fun hobby, and as a mom now I hope that Kaelyn enjoys it too. The reason I got thinking about this is because we brought Kaelyn to her 6 month appointment and the Dr told her that they give out children's books from this point forward. As a teacher I thought this was really neat, and Kaelyn took it right away.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Celebrities Today
I don't have time to watch a lot of television, but it seems every time I do I hear one common news update about the young people in Hollywood. What is it you might ask? Well, it seems to be the up and coming trend to go to drug rehab or a treatment program of some sort. I'm glad that there are places like this to help people who need it, however I do think it's sad that there seems to be so much of it these days. It seemed that you never used to hear of things like that happening everyday on the news...but today it's becoming a the headline of every news station. Sad...
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Look Of The Year
Have you ever been to the site, before? I hadn't until just recently, but really liked what I saw. It's a great site offering an opportunity for young, beautiful, people to get recognized from all over the world. Look of the Year is currently looking for people to send in pictures of themselves so that they have the chance to work as a model in Paris, New York or even Milan! If you'd like to join, head over to their site today and learn how. You'll have the chance to not only get recognized, but also the opportunity to win a 10.000 USD price! Check it out and see what you think of this great beauty contest! 

American Idol Final Three
I'm looking forward to tonight, as it is American Idol's elimination night. I'm excited more than usual...because they are going from three to two contestants tonight. I thought I had a pretty good idea of who would end up being in the final, but after last night I'm just not sure. All three of them did just "ok" in my opinion...and in the opinion of the judges. I don't know who America will vote for...but it will be fun to see.
I've written many times about the wonderful world of blogging and the opportunity to make money. However, have I mentioned what a fan I am of Bloggerwave before?! They are a company that helps you make money with your blog through opportunities to write about products and sites? Sound fun? Do you have a blog and want to make some extra money? If so...Bloggerwave is just the place to do it! So, if you're interested, I encourage you to head over to their site today and sign up. They want to become Europe's largest advertising media using blogs around...and they need your help to do this. The more they grow...the more opportunities there will be to make money!

Beautiful Day
What a nice day it is outside today!! Wow! I kind of thought that it might rain according to the forecast, but looking out the window it doesn't look like there is hardly a cloud in site! It looks beautiful out and would be fun to take Kaelyn for a stroller ride when she wakes up from her nap. Our thermometer says it's about 70 degrees which is just perfect. Hopefully we'll get the chance to enjoy this beautiful day later on.
Do you enjoy jewelry, or maybe shopping for jewelry? I know I do. Even if I'm not in the market for's still fun to browse and see what's out there. Recently I was doing this because Father's Day will be here before we know it, and I know Scott would love a new watch. In searching I came across I was really impressed with all this site had to offer. They have a variety of watches, and many brands to choose from. I for one really liked the bell ross watches and Blancpain, but there are tons of others to choose from as well!! In fact, they have more than just watches. If you're looking for necklaces, pendants, rings, or something else...this is the site you need to check out!! Their site is really easy to use and navigate, and their customer service is great! They also offer information on a number of blogs on their site, as well as a dealer locater tool which is pretty neat as well. Sound like something you'd be interested in checking out? If so, I would encourage you to do so today! You won't be sorry you did! So what are you waiting for? Head over their today and see what you think!
Kaelyn's Dedication

Thursday, May 8, 2008
Scott and I would really like to go visit his sister and her family sometime this summer. We were talking the other night though, and we're not sure that flights are going to be very affordable with the price of gas these days. Scott is usually pretty good about getting online and finding good flight deals, so he was searching but could not find anything. It's not looking good....but we'll keep our eye out and hope to find something by August or so. We'll just have to see.
Beautiful Weather
Wow, what another beautiful day today!! I love this kind of weather. It's probably in the mid 60's, with a very little breeze. It's fun looking out the window and seeing all of the birds and bunnies out and well as hearing the neighbors mow their lawns. It's perfect weather...I hope it lasts through the weekend. It would be great to have nice weather on Mother's Day, wouldn't it?!? At least we know that the snow is probably done with until winter again...that's a great thing.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Social Spark
I'm sure anyone affiliated with PayPerPost has heard about SocialSpark. What you may not have heard is that it is now LIVE!! I didn't know this until just a little bit ago, and am really excited to check it out and get started. The first thing on the list of things to do is make a profile. In creating a profile, you will add your blogs and once approved you can take the opportunities available!! So far from what I can tell, the site is really user friendly. It's easy to create a profile and get started. Any site that is as user friendly as this one makes it easy for you find whatever it is you're looking to do. Right away I found out how to get into my account, how to go to open to do just about everything. If I can do it...anyone can! ;) I created my profile, and also checked out other profiles as well! I really enjoyed checking out Tricia's Profile and learning more about her and her blogs. I had come across her blogs in the past and really like the way she writes and what she writes about...very interesting!
In looking this site over I definitely like how easy it is to use. However, the one drawback is that it is difficult to get your blogs accepted...or that's my experience anyways. I am going to keep trying though, as I think it will be another great opportunity to make money blogging.
This is a paid post.
In looking this site over I definitely like how easy it is to use. However, the one drawback is that it is difficult to get your blogs accepted...or that's my experience anyways. I am going to keep trying though, as I think it will be another great opportunity to make money blogging.
This is a paid post.
Nicer Weather Tomorrow
Wow, I thought we were supposed to have a fairly descent week weatherwise...but it turns out that it rained quite a bit today!! It actually poured. It looks like it's finally clearing off now...but between the strong winds and the was kind of nasty out there. I'm glad that Kaelyn and I didn't have to go out and do any errands or anything...that would have been quite difficult to do today. Tomorrow we're planning on getting out hopefully it will be nice.
Midwest Auto Recycling
I have a brother who is really into cars, and he recently referred me to midwest auto recycling because of the great deals they offer on used engines and transmissions. For him to tell me how much he likes this company, means it's very good and worth checking out. In learning more about them, I found that they offer the strongest warranty nationwide and verify all miles through CARFAX. On top of that, all of their engines are started, compressed, tested and cleaned....while all of their transmissions are test driven, inspected, and cleaned. It sounds to me that this is the company that I've been looking for...and it may be the one for you too. Check out their site today to learn more about them.
To Do List
Do you ever have those days where you feel like you just have too many things to do and not enough time to do it all? Today is one of those days for me! I have a whole list of things I must get done, but haven't had time to get to even half of it. It can get frustrating at times, but that's when I have to remind myself that there's always tomorrow to finish the list. And if it all doesn't get done by then, then there's always the next day after that. I've learned to just take one thing at a time...that's works out best.
Summer is on it's way!
It sure is a nice day out today. I looked at the weather forecast last night and it said that there was a high percentage of rain expected today and into this evening. I am hoping that this prediction is not correct, as I'm really enjoy the warm weather. When it's like this, Kaelyn and I can enjoy stroller rides and running our errands without getting wet or worrying about it being too cold out. I can finally say that it seems to be feeling more and more like summer is around the corner. I was starting to wonder if it would ever warm up...and it finally has!
In 1985, Symark was founded. They are the leading provider of security administration solutions and have recently released a web release that I came across about their PowerBroker and PowerPassword solutions. Yesterday they announced that these two control solutions will fully support the new HP integrity servers that run the HP-UX 11i v3 system. I personally think that's great! These systems are really easy to use and help to make sure that access is limited to information and systems based on policies that are set. You can learn more about the announcement they recently made by visiting their site today. There is where you'll find a wealth of information about password vault and on this topic of Symark Software!
Monday, May 5, 2008
This Weekend
This weekend is not only Mother's Day, but it's also the weekend that Kaelyn will finally get dedicated at church. From the way it sounds, Scott's mom will be there, his Dad and my parents too! We're not really doing much after the service, but it will be nice to have everyone there that day at Church as she is dedicated. I'm looking forward to it. After that, I think my parents, Kaelyn and I (Scott will probably be working) will come back to our house and celebrate Mother's Day together!:) It will be such a nice day!
Needing More Rest
Headaches are really no fun at all! I tend to get migraine headaches and tension headaches quite frequently. Most times I think they're due to stress and just not enough rest. I have been quite busy lately since Scott is in the busy season, so rest is the last thing on my list of things to do during the day. I really think that I need to try harder to take a moment to sit down and relax for a few minutes during the day though, or by the end of this busy season I'm going to be very exhausted. It would help my headaches tremendously too I think.
After the long winter that we have had this year, I am really itching to take a vacation! I don't care if it's near or long as it's warm. It probably won't happen this year anyways...but I have heard a lot of great things about Karisma Hotels. My parents have actually been talking about taking a little vacation possibly in the I'm definitely going to fill them in on this collection of hotels located right there on the beaches of the Mexican Riviera Maya. This resort offers a gourmet-inclusive concept and is known for their wonderful service and outstanding accommodations. You'll find swim up rooms, beach swings and more here at Karisma. Do you want to learn more? Just head over to their site today. You'll find all the information you need about this Riviera Maya Resort.
What a difference!
While my parents were here this weekend, my Mom helped me with some decorating in one of our living rooms. I had been wanting a change in there, so together we came up with some pretty neat ideas. Now that it's all finished I LOVE how it turned out. I'm on the lookout for the perfect clock in that room, but otherwise it's all finished! Scott really likes it too, so that's nice. It takes such little things to completely change the appearance of a room. I have been doing things here and there in some of our rooms...and boy, what a difference!
Growing Before Our Eyes
Ever since Kaelyn was born, everyone has said how fast she would grow and change!! I always listened to what people had to say...but you don't truly understand it until you are living it. Now I know EXACTLY what everyone was talking about! In the past 5 months...Kaelyn has changed so much. She went from being a very sleepy newborn, to a baby who can roll all over, sit up, and one that coos all the time. She's so interactive, and learning to do new things each and every day! It's so fun watching her change and grow! What a blessing children are!
Paintball is a very fun sport. Have you ever done it before? The one thing with Paintball though, is that it's a sport which requires specific equipment and gear. If you're into paintball and want to find the things you'll need...check into They offer paintball equipment and airsoft gear for super low prices and free shipping!! They carry so many products, including paintball guns, goggles, hats, hoodies, jerseys, paintballs, paintball tanks, accessories and more! Whether you're looking for brands like Tippmann, PMI, Empire, Zap, or something else...they're sure to have everything you're looking for! Head over to their site today to learn more about their offerings and prices.
Nice Day
It was so nice out today that Kaelyn and I were able to go for a walk. She just loves her stroller! She looks around at everything and smiles a lot too. We were also able to go out and run a few errands as well! I usually carry her, but since she's starting to get more heavy, I've begun to take her in the stroller at some places too. It's fun to see her in she gets really quiet and just takes in everything that's going on around her. She's always so good, and absolutely loves car rides which is nice too! It's fun getting to spend each and every day with her...I wouldn't have it any other way.:)
Busy, Busy, Busy
It's busy season for that means late nights. The spring season goes by fairly quickly...but it still causes him to have to work much later than normal, leaving him completely exhausted when he comes home. I feel the same it's rather difficult trying to care for Kaelyn, take care of the house, etc each day. It's nice when it rains, because that gives Scott a little break and gives me some help at home. I think he's hoping it will rain this weekend so he has some more time off. He needs to get rested up for the busy work week ahead of him at that point.
Computer Security
Pretty much anyone with a computer wants to make sure that it's secure and safe from the viruses and things that are out there. If this is you, then definitely check into Software Security Solutions. They are a great resource for those looking into Computer Security Software. They actually offer a layered approach which means that there is the best security software available for each threat like anti virus, anti spyware, exploits and firewalls all in one place. Clearly this is very convenient and helps to save people a lot of time and money. See what you think for yourself and visit their site today to learn more about NOD32 renewals.
Starting Solid Foods
Time Flies!
It's amazing how quickly the days go by, isn't it?!! I thought getting Kaelyn on a schedule would make me feel like I had more time to get things done during the day, but it actually seems to go faster for some reason. She wakes up at 7, eats, plays...and before I know it she's down for a nap at 9ish. Then she eats, plays...and down for a nap at 1....etc. The days are the same which is great....but I just wish I could find time to get everything that I need to done. I guess I am going to have to start taking better advantage of her nap times...that's the best time to clean, do laundry, etc.
If you know much about Modern-day spiritual explorers, which I don't really, then you know that they use the word entheogen or ethnobotanical a lot! This is something I learned recently in a web release that I came across. Ethnobotanical is just a broader term, and refers to plants that have healing properties in Kanna for example. Others are Amanita muscaria, ayahuasca, morning glory, blue lotus and more! You can learn more about these things and what it all entails by visiting They do not offer legal highs, and only sell to important thing to remember when visiting this site! Head over there today and see what you think about kratom today!
Updating Our Home
While my parents were here for the weekend, we went to Home Depot. My mom and I both are currently very interested in watching the home improvement I've mentioned a number of times before. We like getting new ideas for our homes and modernizing them a bit. While we were at the store, my parents found some great things to update their kitchen and their living room. I was able to even find a couple of light fixtures for our bedroom and our office. It's really amazing how little things can make such a difference. It's so much fun to do these updates!!
Consignment Shopping!
My parents, Scott, Kaelyn and myself all went up to a big consignment show this weekend. It was all I had hoped it would be and more! We go up bright and early on Saturday morning and headed up to the city where it was located. I was a bit worried at first, as this was the third and final day that the show had taken place. I thought that the items would may be pretty well picked over. However, we went with the attitude that whatever we find is better than nothing. After having gone and come home with piles and piles of clothes and toys for Kaelyn...I can tell you that we'll be going back both times that they host this event each year!! Not only that, but we'll go on the last day as well. Why you might ask? Well, not only was not it not picked over, but they also mark almost everything down 50%. Anyone shopping on previous days had to pay full price, or otherwise passed up the items because they were too expensive. We on the other hand got to go through lots of things and got great deals!! It was a great trip, and so worth it!! I can't wait for the next one!
One of my favorite things to receive from loved ones is flowers. I am not the best at keeping them alive for very long, but they are still pretty while they last. With mother's day around the corner, I've been seeing so many pretty flowers in the stores. It got me thinking about how easy it would be to just order flowers online instead of going out and getting them. is a great place to find quality flowers at affordable prices. They provide roses, calla lilies, rose petals, daisies and more! You're sure to find whatever it is you're looking for on this site. Even if you're looking for bouquets, table arrangements, centerpieces or wedding flowers...this is the site for you. Not many online floral businesses can say all of that. If you're looking for great deals on beautiful wholesale flowers...look no further than this site.
Jewelry for Mother's Day
It's that time of year when many of us are thinking about what to get our Moms for Mother's Day, right?! At least I know I am. Each of us probably sit down and think about what it is that our mom enjoys. My mom has always enjoyed getting a card. I know that she doesn't even expect this, let alone a gift...but it's always fun to get her something small. My mom really loves jewelry and some time I think it would be fun to get her something from Maybe a diamond ring or something?! Who knows...I'll have to check it out. If you're thinking about doing this also, check out their site today and use this coupon code to get 10% off your purchase! Coupon Code: THTM10P801321.
Consignment Show
We had such a nice time this past weekend. There was a huge consignment show about an hour from where we live, so, Scott, Kaelyn, myself and my parents all went up there shopping! We got some amazing deals. Kaelyn now has a lot of summer and fall clothes. It was so much fun! I told my parents that I definitely want to go back to this annual event every year. We found so much stuff that we were needing.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Home Improvements
My mom and I are both big fans of the home improvement channels and the neat shows that they have on these days. They have so many great ideas for decorating your homes. The best part about it is that they give affordable ideas...not just expensive ones that no one can afford. We are always talking about the most recently improvements that we're looking to do in our home and one that I am thinking about is our bedroom. Nothing too extreme...possibly just a new headboard and new bedding. It's funny how the smallest things can make such a difference in a room. I'm looking forward to getting started!
Create Social Surveys Today!!
Are you part of a group, organization, or simply someone who wants to create a social survey to generate buzz or learn more about your market? If so, you should consider signing up at Here is where you can learn more about a product or service while paying bloggers and social networks to respond to the questions asked. It's a terrific opportunity and one many people are already taken advantage of. If you're interested in doing this, head over to their site today and sign up, including GFTLVJ4 in the last step of creating your survey.
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