One thing that people need to know though, is that it's SO important not to eat raw oysters, especially if you are not of good health. It can be very dangerous and even life threatening at times. The good thing is that there's an alternative way to prepare oysters so that those even with poor health can still consume them raw. This is called the three post harvest processes. These processes include individually freezing the oysters, low heat pasteurization or heat-cool pasteurization, and high pressurization.
Friday, February 29, 2008
I was a little leery the first time I tried Gulf oysters! My mom has never been a big fan of them, she told me how much she disliked that didn't make me look forward to it very much. I'm the type of person though who enjoys trying new things, so one day I just did it!! They actually were much better than what I had expected them to be. They are very hard to explain...though they do have a different texture. I really enjoyed eating them and look forward to eating them again soon! Yum!!
One thing that people need to know though, is that it's SO important not to eat raw oysters, especially if you are not of good health. It can be very dangerous and even life threatening at times. The good thing is that there's an alternative way to prepare oysters so that those even with poor health can still consume them raw. This is called the three post harvest processes. These processes include individually freezing the oysters, low heat pasteurization or heat-cool pasteurization, and high pressurization.
One thing that people need to know though, is that it's SO important not to eat raw oysters, especially if you are not of good health. It can be very dangerous and even life threatening at times. The good thing is that there's an alternative way to prepare oysters so that those even with poor health can still consume them raw. This is called the three post harvest processes. These processes include individually freezing the oysters, low heat pasteurization or heat-cool pasteurization, and high pressurization.
So Good
Kaelyn has been such a good baby for us. She's napping during the day and sleeps all the through the night. We feel very blessed to have such a good little girl. She's such a content baby....just happy playing with her toys, in her jumper...things like that! She'll even sit on your lap for long lengths of time. It's so fun to wake up each day to see what new things she will do. She recently began leaning forward when she's on her back like she wants to sit up....I'm sure that time will be here before we know it!
Another Fun Survey
Here's another fun survey from dNeero. I thought it was pretty fun because it was a survey all about me! You try it. It's a lot of fun and you can make money besides!
Finally stopped snowing!
I am thankful that it finally stopped snowing, but it's so windy out now. The snow was light, but there's a lot of now with the wind it's everywhere!! I'm hoping that it calms down a bit and even warms up...I'm tired of this yucky winter weather!! It's times of the year like this when I wish that I lived somewhere warm year round. Oh well...soon spring will be here and then winter will be over and done with until next time.
Fun Surveys With dNeero
I am always on the lookout for new ways to make money. One way that I found is really easy and fun is to fill out surveys. We've all heard of that before, right?! But what about filling out surveys, getting paid for them, then making even more money by putting them on your blog for others to take?! I thought this sounded fun, so here's a survey I recently took about cars. Check it out and take it for's fun!!
Pillows Pillows and More Pillows
I have been cleaning around our house, as Spring is getting closer and that is the time of year to really clean!! Many people might find odds and ends while doing serious cleaning, but I have found an overabundance of pillows!! Ever since Scott and I have been married, we have collected so many different pillows. He worked near a store that would give them out for free...I guess you can never have too many pillows, right?! They do come in handy when we have company over to stay, but other than that they kind of take up a lot of room.
Commercial Real Estate
Our city is full of commercial real estate. The town is just screaming for some new businesses to move in. Although we do have a lot to offer, there are still plenty of more things this city could use. For one, we could really use a Target!! We have a walmart, but sometimes a Target is just what a person needs. We also could use a Kohl's....I don't know about many other people, but I would shop here a lot. Hopefully some of these businesses see the potential to building here and get started.
New Camera
At some point Scott and I would love to find a new camera. We like ours a lot, but now that we have Kaelyn, we'd just liked something that allowed us to take better quality pictures. She's always moving around, so many of our pictures are blurry. She also blinks every time there's a flash, because with our camera there's like three flashes before it takes the camera. We need something quick that can capture the moments we want to get on film. Hopefully someday we'll get a better camera.
Naked Naturals

Wiggle Worm
Kaelyn has been such a wiggle worm lately!! It began a couple of weeks ago when we'd walk in her room and find that over night she'd wiggled her way all around her crib. Now, she recently began wiggling down her bouncy seat. There are toys at the bottom that she can reach with her hands unless she moves further down. She figured this out and is now all over the place. When we buckle her in, she kicks with her feet and plays with the toys that way. She's so much fun to watch.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Eco Products
I don't know about you, but when I surf the internet, I learn a lot about "green products". Especially being a mother now, I learn about different things that are good to use with a baby around. There are all kinds of cleaners, bottles....even shampoos and soaps. It's really all very interesting. I enjoy finding new information on this topic of eco products. I'm sure as time goes on I will find myself buying it more and more with Kaelyn here now with us.
Kaelyn got her three month pictures taken a while back. I'm really looking forward to picking up the prints that we ordered to see how they turned out. We got quite a few...proud parents I guess you could say.:) I'm looking forward to getting them and getting them hung up around our house. We have a few places that I'd like to start hanging them and I'm so excited!! :) Then in a few more months we will get her 6 month pictures. It's so much fun having a little one!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Diamond Rings
I recently came across a great site for anyone looking for a nice engagement ring that's of good quality. An engagement ring is a HUGE purchase and you not only want to find something that's of good quality, but also something that is unique. Diamonds-USA is a really neat site because it offers so many different styles of Diamond Engagement Rings that many people would enjoy. There are many that I think are very attractive. What I like best is that they offer a variety of styles and prices so you're sure to find something that suits you and your situation best. Head over there today and check it out!!
Good Weekend
We had a good weekend. We were able to go back and visit my parents, as well as my grandparents. It was a lot of fun seeing everyone and nice that they could see Kaelyn too. She's grown so much since they've seen her last. We were able to go out to eat, go to church and just hang out. It was a nice weekend and very relaxing. I enjoy weekends like that.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
New Faucet
In our new house, one of our favorite decorated rooms is the bathroom. Before we bought it, the guy who owned it had remodeled it and put all new things in there. The only problem we are having is with the bath tub faucet. We are thinking about looking at new shower faucets, because it's causing the water to leak into our basement which is really not good. Hopefully we can find something just as nice and one that doesn't cause this to happen. It's not fun to clean up all the time!
Having planned a wedding of my own just a few years ago, I can tell you one of the most expensive and stressful parts were the flowers. From personal experience, I would recommend anyone getting married to check out FiftyFlowers and their wholesale flowers. They make it easy for you find the flowers you want and not spend a ton of money. You get them for the wholesale price...that's up to 75 percent off of what you'd normally spend. This would definitely help take away some of that stress when it comes to buying flowers. Take a look at their site if you're interested in saving money and getting the flowers and arrangements you've always dreamed of having at your wedding.
Friday, February 22, 2008
New Survey Opportunity
I am always looking for new ways to make money online. I really enjoy doing surveys, especially when they're surveys that pertain to my daily life. They're interesting and I feel like I'm making a difference when it comes to the products and services that become available in our world today! If you're like me and enjoy doing fun surveys, you should check out SurveySavvy today! So far I'm really impressed with them, and I think you will be too!
Greatest Man in History
Have you ever received a forward in your e-mail, or read something that really touched your heart..a poem perhaps?? Usually when I get forwards I either throw them out before I even read them, or read them quickly and then throw them out. Between caring for my daughter, tending to the chores I have, and working online, I rarely have time to sit down and read through all of the forwards I get each day. However, there was one that I received a while back that really touched my heart....
The Greatest Man in History
The Greatest Man in History was and is Jesus Christ, He had no servants, yet they called Him Master. Had no degree, yet they called Him Teacher. Had no medicines, yet they called Him Healer. He had no army, yet kings feared Him. He won no military battles, yet He conquered the world. He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him. He died and was buried in a borrowed tomb, yet He lives today. I feel honored to serve such a Leader who loves us!!
Warmer Weather
I am so ready for warmer weather. It's miserable stepping outdoors these the temps have been bitter cold! I'm looking forward to spring and summer when we don't have to bundle up and we can enjoy the nice weather. It will also be nice to be able to carry Kaelyn and outside and not cover her up in her carrier. I think she'll really enjoy the outdoors and stroller rides. Hopefully it comes quickly...I am SO tired of winter!
Beauty School
I had many friends who went into the cosmetology profession and some of them looked into the very well known Regency beauty schools. They were founded over 50 years ago and now have almost 30 campuses across the US. They're continuing to grow each year that passes. What my friends found so great about this school was that they're known for their unique approach to education. They give hands-on experience and are known for the great placements that they make. If you'd like to learn more about this school and how you can enroll, check out their website today. You'll find everything you need to know at the click of a button.
Last night we had the best supper...enchiladas. I grew up eating the best enchiladas that my mom made, which she grew up eating too. They are so yummy, and I'm sure glad that my hubby likes them too. IT was kind of a last minute thought, and I'm so glad that we took the time to make them. Now I have leftovers for lunch today and so does he!! I've been looking forward to lunch time nearing all morning...haha.:)
Changing Baby
It's fun to think back about the past four months and how much Kaelyn has changed. When we first brought her home she slept a lot, like most newborns do. She enjoyed her swing most of all. Then she began to wake up more and more during the day, enjoying the bouncy seat that we have for her here. She still uses that, but around two months of age she became very interested in the playmat she has. She grabs at all the toys and has a lot of fun. She still plays with that as well, but definitely enjoys her jumperoo as well. She's gaining more head control and body control, so jumping around in that and playing with all the toys can entertain her for a very long time. I just love watching her change each day.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Wedding Planning
That time of year is growing near when many people will be planning weddings. That's where the comes in very handy for brides and grooms both. This is a wonderful site that I wish I would have known about when I got married. They have wonderful planning tools, advice, photos, local vendor information and even an online registry for users to take advantage of to let others know what they would like for Wedding Gifts. Wedding planning can be quite stressful and overwhelming, so it's great when there's a site like this out there that's willing to help make it more fun and as stress-free as possible. If you, or someone you know is planning a wedding, take a look at this site today and let them help you.
Almost March...
Can you believe it's already coming to the end of February already? Wow!! I can't believe that soon it will March...that means that Spring is on it's way hopefully. There have been a number of times when we get a snow storm in mid march, but I'm hoping that winter will have passed by then and the warmer weather will be on it's way. I'm just so tired of these bitter cold temps with windchills below zero.
New Computer
We finally got our new computer in the mail and boy is it nice!! I do a lot of work on the computer and online, so I was really missing our old laptop over the past week. We have a desktop that I used while our new one was being shipped, but it's quite old and doesn't run nearly as fast. I'm thrilled to have a new one that runs quickly and allows me to do the work that I need to do during the day.
Karisma Hotels
Have you ever heard of Karisma Hotels before? They are located on the beaches of the Mexican Riviera Maya...a beautiful place! This particular resort offers a gourmet inclusive concept, which is wonderful for all of those travelers who love food as much as I do! Their service is fantastic and they have many luxurious accommodations that all will appreciate including beach beds, bar swings, hot tubs, swim up rooms, and so much more!! It sounds wonderful doesn't it?! How would you like to go on a Mexico Vacation and have all of this for one price? You won't find a better choice when it comes to cuisine and travel than Karisma. Take a look at their site today to learn more.
American Idol Tonight
Tonight is the "results show" for American Idol. This is definitely one show that I really get into and enjoy watching every season. It starts out with the humorous auditions and then gets more serious when 12 girls and 12 boys battle it out for that title of American Idol. Tonight is actually the first elimination of the season when it comes to the Top 24. I have some ideas of who it might be, but we'll just have to watch tonight and see if I'm right??!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
The MorningStar Academy
Being a new parent, the conversation has come up about homeschooling our little girl one day between my husband and I. At this point it's just conversation, but I know the time will come soon enough when we have to make a decision, so it never hurts to think about it sooner than later. You hear more and more parents considering this option, and as a parent and teacher, it is something I'm interested in learning more about. In doing some research of my own I came across The MorningStar Academy. They are a Christian based private school online, which is very impressive to me by the way. They are a fully accredited school based online, making it convenient and easy for parents, as well as students. What I like best is that everything you would need is right there. Students study, do assignments and tests, and communicate with other students in the online community all from home on the computer!
As a parent it has to be comforting to know that your child would be in a learning environment that is safe and effective, while teaching the important things in life! From what I've learned so far, this is a school that offers the support system that a homeschooled student needs, through everything that is available to them online! Isn't that great?!! They actually have an online homeroom with everything that they need right there.
I was very impressed with all of the information this site had to offer on their school and all that they offer, both parents and students. In visiting their site you'll find all the information you need to decide whether or not this is the path you'd like to take with your children. Learn more by visiting their site today and you'll see why I am strongly considering this option for my own child. Take a look at The MorningStar Academy Student Demo as well. Homeschooling is not an easy task and it's nice that there's a school like this online to help boy parents and children k-12.
As a parent it has to be comforting to know that your child would be in a learning environment that is safe and effective, while teaching the important things in life! From what I've learned so far, this is a school that offers the support system that a homeschooled student needs, through everything that is available to them online! Isn't that great?!! They actually have an online homeroom with everything that they need right there.
I was very impressed with all of the information this site had to offer on their school and all that they offer, both parents and students. In visiting their site you'll find all the information you need to decide whether or not this is the path you'd like to take with your children. Learn more by visiting their site today and you'll see why I am strongly considering this option for my own child. Take a look at The MorningStar Academy Student Demo as well. Homeschooling is not an easy task and it's nice that there's a school like this online to help boy parents and children k-12.
Fun Weekend
I'm looking forward to this weekend. We're going to see my Grandparents and it's been a while since they have seen us or Kaelyn. I think they'll be very surprised as to how much she has grown. It will be so nice to see them and go out to eat with them and my parents. I think we'll be seeing them on Friday and then are going to stay the weekend with my parents which should be fun!
Have you ever heard of entheogen before? It's something which many explorers believe helps with healing purposes. The oldest entheogen known by anyone is Amanita muscaria. There are others like Hawaiian baby woodrose and morning glory...but this is still the oldest known. Only adults may purchase these products because they don't offer "legal highs" as some people like to think. They simply offer high quality botanical specimens and incense for those interested. You can find more information by going to their site,, and reading the articles available, as well as the information about these products. Take a look and see what you think...I found it to be quite interesting myself.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Car Cover
My brother has a great car that he takes very good care of. Unfortunately we live in the midwest where the weather isn't always the greatest, which makes it very hard to keep a car nice and clean. Even worse, he lives at an apartment complex where his car is parked outside all the time. That's why I was thinking about buying him a car cover for his birthday which is coming up in just over a month!! He'd really appreciate having something to help keep his car in the very best shape. There are different kinds of car covers out there, so I'm going to look for the best one for his needs. I hope he likes it!!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Baby Dr Appointments
Kaelyn has her 4 month appointment coming up very soon...I can't believe that she is almost that old already! Where does the time go?! I just love going to her doctor's appointments! It's so much fun getting to see how much she's grown and changed since the last time we went. Most of the time at these appointments babies receive their vaccinations. However, this is something my husband and I decided against, so they're not a part of each appointment as they normally would be. You can learn more about Vaccination Safety and the reasons why we chose not to on my Mom's Balancing Act website. I think I'm most interested to find out how much she's grown! She's almost doubled her weight already, so I'm curious to see how much she's grown since her two month appointment!
Friday, February 15, 2008 is a great site that has advice on the easiest way to move your russian mail order brides. The US immigration page also has plenty of advice on this matter and how to get visas....the fiance or the spouse. It's important to make this move as simple and stress-free as possible. To do that, you may even want to get a lawyer, sometimes necessary and sometimes not. Once you go through all of that to get your Russian bride to you, you will then have to apply for a green card. After two years she will not be considered a conditional resident. There's a lot to remember and do in this type of if this is you or someone else getting a Russian bride, make sure you learn all there is to know now so it's not so overwhelming at the time.
Three month pics
Tomorrow is going to be a fun day! We're going to take Kaelyn to get her three month pictures. She's almost four months old now...but it seems that every weekend something comes up and we can't take her. I'm excited that we're finally going to be able to get them done!! I can't wait to get them ordered and hang them around the house. We have taken a lot of pictures with our own camera....but the professional pictures are always special. I'm looking forward to it!
Broker Skills
Have you ever heard of before? It's a site that I wasn't too familiar with until just recently, but thought I'd share it with others who might be interested to learn more. Basically this is a company that has a lot of money available for finance commercial projects. They offer a program that teaches people how to search out the businesses and real estate investors who need money for their business. Making money has never been easier! If you'd like to learn more about Broker Skills and how you can get involved, simply head over to their site today and check it out! You won't be sorry you did!
Yummy Supper
We're having one of my favorite meals tonight....meatloaf! My husband really likes it too, and his been craving it for days now. I thought tonight would be a good night to make it. It's easy and so good. It also makes great leftovers which is nice on the weekends. That way we won't have to figure out what to eat for lunch tomorrow. Hopefully it turns out ok....sometimes I get it a little too done.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Heart Health
Are you someone who enjoys eating and staying healthy? If so, you'd definitely enjoy the Whole Foods Market, an Organic Foods Supermarket which has a series of important podcasts covering information you need to know about natural health alternatives. Whether you're looking to learn more about herbs that heal or about natural personal care....this is the place for you! I am especially excited to share with you this months topic, "heart health". That's an important issue that many of us can learn more about. From the podcast you will get information on lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease, how chronic inflammation can be a big problem, as well as a wealth of information about nutrients and habits to keep your heart and body healthy! Take a look at their site today to learn more!
So Busy
Today I have not been able to get done nearly the amount of things that I need to around the house. Kaelyn is getting older, so she is awake much more during the day which keeps me very busy!! Oh well, that's how it goes I guess. I'll just have to do some of the work when Scott gets home from work. It's fun having her awake more often...she's so much fun to play with and just watch as she reaches new developmental milestones, like grabbing at her toys, etc! What a blessing!!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Writing Papers
I remember in college one of the most difficult classes I had was a writing course. I always have enjoyed writing, but the standards were much higher than anything I had every done before. Their expectations for sentence structure, layout, content, and overall perfection was way beyond what I was used to. Have you ever been in that situation before? A situation where you needed a custom essay? If so, there's a site that can help. can help you so that your papers and essays get in on time, are written to the highest of quality and are ensured not to have any plagiarism content whatsoever. Had I known about this site and their essay online services when I was in college, it would have definitely been something I would have considered. Even though I am past that point in my life, I thought that I'd share their site with others in case they could find their services and the option to buy essay useful!
Today Kaelyn and I were going to go meet my mom and Aunt for lunch, but unfortunately the weather had other plans for us! I noticed on the forecast last night that it was supposed to snow a little, but woke up this morning to more snow than I expected. It caused for a lot of drifting, and the snow plows hadn't gone out yet, so that made conditions even worse. I guess we'll just have to plan on another day to go meet them. It should be a fun time!
Friday, February 8, 2008
There are all sorts of insurance companies out there...each specializing in different kinds of insurance. My husband's step mom recently began working with an insurance company. She does all kinds of insurance option for people. Everything from life insurance, car insurance to medicare insurance. I think it's great that there are so many options out there for people today. Insurance is a great thing and something everyone should take advantage of!
Home Insurance
I never realized the importance of having home insurance until my husband and I bought our first home just this past year. After sitting down with our insurance agent and discussing it further, it made sense to me why it's so important. You never know what natural disaster may hit, or how well your house will hold up to the unreal amount of rain that we get sometimes. No matter what kind of a house you have, or where you must have home insurance. I am very happy that we have it.
I have heard many people talk about how important it is to invest these days. I'm particularly interested in this, especially in purchasing gold. I think it would be great to purchase a fine metal such as this through the Monex Deposit Company sometime in the near future. They are a company that makes it possible to purchase metals like gold and silver, and have it delivered to a place of your choosing. I trust them because they've been around for over 30 years and know what they're doing!! They're the leader when it comes to investments in precious metals. If you're interested in investing take a look at the Monex Deposit Company today!
New Ways to Make Money
I don't know what the deal is lately, but I've been finding it really hard to make any money online these days. I check often, especially now that I'm home with my daughter during the day...but it's still really hard to find any opportunities to make money. I really am eager to find something that pays well and is something I can do on my own time at home. Not any of the scams you find on the internet, but something that is legit. Hopefully I'll be able to find something soon...
Beach Cruisers
I recently came across a new website that I really liked, and wanted to share it with everyone. It's a site that offers the very best deals on beach cruiser bicycles. When I say the best deals, I mean you are getting great value for the low prices you are paying! I really like the variety of bikes they offer, like the lowriders and choppers, as well as the colors. I would have to say my favorite is the 26" Shimano "Tourney" 7-Speed Beach Cruiser. I love all that it has to offer, and the greenish/blue color is great! It's exactly the type of bike that I could see myself owning!! I like the fact that it's a 7-speed bike as well. I think a bike like this will sell much better than a bike with only one speed. What do you think?!
Have you ever considered owning a beach cruiser?! What if you could get one in a fantastic color, style, and for a price that can't be found anywhere else?! If this sounds like something you'd like to look into, I would definitely recommend checking out this site! I was really impressed with their selection and the easy of using their site. It's laid out very well and allows for users to find what it is their looking for quickly and easily! Head over to their site today to learn more! You won't be sorry you did.
Have you ever considered owning a beach cruiser?! What if you could get one in a fantastic color, style, and for a price that can't be found anywhere else?! If this sounds like something you'd like to look into, I would definitely recommend checking out this site! I was really impressed with their selection and the easy of using their site. It's laid out very well and allows for users to find what it is their looking for quickly and easily! Head over to their site today to learn more! You won't be sorry you did.
Too Cold
It hasn't been snowing here recently, but boy is it cold out!! I can't seem to warm up...even inside of the house!! I have the heat running on 71 most of the day...especially having a baby now who needs to stay warm as well. I can't wait for warmer weather. Hopefully since winter arrived early this year, it will end early too! Spring will be much nicer...hopefully it will be here in the next month or so. That would be wonderful!!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Aromatherapy Experts
I recently came across a site that I feel is worth letting others know about!! is a site that offers a wealth of information and products related to aromatherapy. I have heard others talk about the benefits of using different kinds of natural oils for skin care, baths, even to help with migraines. In checking out this site I found many useful products that I would definitely like to try. The migraine aromatherapy oil in particular. If you would like to learn more about how to use them and which products would be best for you...this is a site that is definitely worth checking out! It's very user-friendly and easy to find the things you're looking for. Head over there today to learn more.
Car Angel
Now that I have a daughter I have been looking for great videos that she would enjoy in a few months. As I was looking, I am across Car Angel. They are a non-profit company that takes donations, including a car donation, to make really amazing videos for children. In watching one of the videos on YouTube, I realized what a great cause this is and how wonderful these videos are that they give away. The use the money they raise to make the videos, and have already given away over 2.4 million videos!! I think that is wonderful! If you'd like to learn more, you can check out their site and watch the video included in this post. I think you'll be as impressed as I am with this company and the videos they offer.
Headaches are no fun!
I don't like the days when I have a headache. For some reason today I have a small headache that's just making getting my daily chores done kind of difficult. I've definitely had worse headaches than this before, but any type of headache is no fun. I am hoping that a little rest and some tylenol will take the edge off, because I have a lot to get done between bills, taxes, etc.
Cheap Car Insurance
Being a stay at home mom now, I like to save us money wherever and whenever I can. I do a little work here and there from home, but it's still always nice to save when possible. One of the ways I was thinking we could start to save a little money is by finding cheaper auto insurance. We recently purchased a new vehicle, and the insurance on it is just a little more expensive than what we were previously paying. It would really be nice to get car insurance that is cheaper if possible. I have heard of many different companies like geico for instance that offer great prices. I've been looking around, and Cost-U-Less is a company that many people have trusted for over 25 years!! From what I've learned so far, they are a company that offers cheap car insurance. This is exactly what I was looking for, and was very happy to find a company like this!!
If you're living in California and need to find cheap car insurance, this may be exactly the company that you have been looking for. Check out their site to learn more. They have a very user-friendly site with a wealth of information that may be of use to you. Check it out today and see what you think.
If you're living in California and need to find cheap car insurance, this may be exactly the company that you have been looking for. Check out their site to learn more. They have a very user-friendly site with a wealth of information that may be of use to you. Check it out today and see what you think.
Dogsitting Zoe
Tonight my parents are dropping off their dog Zoe. We are going to dogsit Zoe for a while. I'm looking forward to it. Zoe is a pretty good dog and really is nice company. Sometimes she gets a little jealous of Kaelyn, but I think she'll be ok. The more time she gets with Kaelyn, the more comfortable she will be with her and hopefully less jealous as time goes on. I'm happy that she's coming to stay with should be fun!
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Life Insurance
Now that we have a baby, Scott and I have been talking a lot about getting some sort of life insurance. We're thinking about getting some term life insurance quotes and see what suits our needs and situation best. It's funny how many things change and how many things you realize you need to do once you have kids. We thought life insurance was a very important thing to look into now that we're a family of three...hopefully we get some good quotes.
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