Thursday, January 31, 2008
Kugel Hernia Mesh Patch
The Kugel Hernia Mesh Patch has been a topic of great controversy for quite some time now. There have been many patients who have used this product, only to find out that it contained a defect which could lead to very serious conditions...such as bowel obstruction, serious infection, etc. Both those with the recoil rings, and those without have caused problems for patients, and that's why people are taking action. Mark and Associates, P.C. is very happy that all of these patches are being looked into. They are actually offering free consultations for anyone affected by this product. You can learn more about a Kugel mesh lawyer and their free service on their site today!
Three Months Old
Kaelyn will officially be three months old tomorrow. It's amazing how quickly the time has gone. She's 13 weeks old today and I can hardly believe it! It's amazing to look back on the pictures and things that we've taken over the past few months to see how much she has grown and changed. As with all newborns, she started out sleeping a lot. Now, she is awake much of the day...playing and cooing like crazy! I love each and every stage that she goes through and look forward to all of the amazing stages she will go through over the next several crawling, etc.
Freezing Cold Temps
I am so tired of this terribly cold weather!! We can't hardly go anywhere without having to get all bundled's just no fun at all! The temperature hardly gets out of the single digits...and that's when it's not below zero like much of yesterday. I can't wait for spring when the temps are warmer and we can go outdoors and enjoy ourselves. We pretty much stay indoors as much as possible, and don't venture out unless we absolutely have to.
If you've ever been to Denver, Colorado know what a great place it is to visit...or maybe even live. If you don't know much about Denver, then I know just the right resource for you....the Denver Magazine which has lots of useful information in it about this fine city and all it has to offer. Whether you're looking for information on shops, boutiques, spas, fashion, or something else...this magazine has it all and more...and can conveniently be found online. That's the part I like most! So what are you waiting for? Get a copy for yourself and learn all there is to know about Denver and it's historical parks, homes, museums and so much more!!
Tax Time
It's already that time of year when many people are beginning to think about taxes already. It seems with every year that passes it becomes a little more stressful with all of the documents and things that we need to get together. After trying to get everything together for this year's tax appointment, my New Years Resolution is to become more organized. That would definitely help me out and take away a lot of the stress I am feeling.
Fun Week
We've had quite the interesting week so far. Scott and I had dentist appointments in the town where my parents live on Monday afternoon. So, we made a trip there and then decided to stay for supper with my parents. That was sure nice. Scott had to go back to work, but was planning on coming back to town to bring my parents their new computer, so I just decided to stay there with Kaelyn. We had such a nice time just hanging out and enjoying seeing my parents. It actually got really nasty out though, a winter blizzard that Tuesday. Scott made it there, but we decided to stay another night because of the weather. It was a lot of fun. I appreciate my parents letting us stay with them!! :)
Miami Heat Tickets
Getting tickets to any popular sporting event or concert can be really difficult. I know this, because my husband is a huge sports nut, and he has tried at different times to get Miami Heat Tickets. He would love to go to a game sometime, but finding tickets that he wants is next to impossible. I am happy to say though, that I found Premium Seats USA. This is a a site that offers a huge selection of tickets that anyone would appreciate! I'm going to check into it more and see if this is a possibility for my husband since he wants to go to a Miami Heat game so badly. I think he'll be happy to know that there is a place where you can find first-class tickets before they're all sold out!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
My New Mom Blog
So, I have been working on my new blog for quite some time now, and thanks to my brother I have it pretty much finished as far as the template and design goes. He's very good at that kind of thing...unlike myself.:) Anyways...The site is A Mom's Balancing Act, and it's a site about my journey as a mother and wife and how I'm enjoying this wonderful adventure I am living and am learning how to balance everything as I go! It's been fun creating this blog, and I'd love for anyone who is interested to head over and check it out!!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
If you have ever moved before you know what a big job it can be. I've moved a number of times and have always had help which is wonderful! If you don't have family near by though and are wondering how you're going to get everything moved, you should definitely look into getting movers. Look into movers New York, or movers wherever it is you're moving to or from.
Coupon Codes
With Valentine's Day coming up there are going to be many people out shopping for their "sweethearts" very soon. I have found in past years that using coupon codes is a really great way to find that perfect gift for someone without spending a ton of money. The thing I like is that there are coupon codes out there for every store imaginable. Whether you're looking for electronics, flowers, or something'll find a coupon code for your gift.
Nice Day
Today we had such a nice day. Scott was home so we went and got groceries and cleaned the house a little bit. Then we just got to spend the day together. We made enchiladas tonight which is one of my absolute favorite meals! I just love them!! Tonight we may watch a movie or something....we'll just have to see how the night goes.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Favorite Vacation
When I was younger, my Grandparents took us to Orlando, Florida. As a child this was the most incredible vacation...probably one of the most memorable that I've been on. Orlando in itself is a magical place...especially for young children who have that imagination that just runs wild. I remember going to all of the Disney parks and just feeling so happy as I was surrounded by all of the Disney Characters, the rides, and of course my wonderful family. I think my most memorable experience from that vacation was getting to meet Mickey Mouse. I went back to Orlando many times after that, and although it's always a good time...nothing beats that first time as a small child and the "magic" of being in a place like Disney World.
Have you ever thought about taking your family to this wonderful place? If so, you definitely need to look into Trusted Tours & Attractions. They are a great company that makes it easy for you to find information on affordable sightseeing tours, attractions, museums and so much more!! You'll not only find information for Orlando, but other great tourist spots as well! Sound like something you'd like to learn more about? Head over to their site today to learn more. Don't forget to sign up for their newsletter you will have the opportunity to win a handheld GPS. You can go to the sign up page to enter.

Have you ever thought about taking your family to this wonderful place? If so, you definitely need to look into Trusted Tours & Attractions. They are a great company that makes it easy for you to find information on affordable sightseeing tours, attractions, museums and so much more!! You'll not only find information for Orlando, but other great tourist spots as well! Sound like something you'd like to learn more about? Head over to their site today to learn more. Don't forget to sign up for their newsletter you will have the opportunity to win a handheld GPS. You can go to the sign up page to enter.
Good Little Girl
I'm so proud of our little girl. She's doing so well sleeping in crib at night and during her nap times. When she was newborn she would pretty much sleep wherever she was. Now that she is getting older, she is getting on more of a napping and sleep schedule which is really nice. It's nice for me because then I get things done around the house, and it's nice for her because she's getting used to a routine.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Anyone who knows me knows that I absolutely love jewelry!! I like all kinds of jewelry, my favorite probably being rings! One piece of jewelry that I don't really have a lot of, but would enjoy more of would be bracelets. I especially would like a gold bangle bracelet. I think they're really cute and nice looking. I would find myself wearing a bracelet like this a lot. Whether it be for more casual wear, or dressy would get much use.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Recruiting Field
A.E Feldman Associates, an executive search firm, Inc has been serving people in the recruiting field since 1967. They are very committed to helping, not only those looking for candidates, but also those looking for the right job situation. They have a record of successful placements, which keeps people coming back to them. They want to help out both sides...the industries, as well as the candidates for those jobs. I think it is great that they're out there helping industries find the right employees, and helping employees find the right jobs for them. They are very knowledgeable about the fields they represent, which makes them very trustworthy when it comes to making the right placements. Learn more about them on their site today.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Evaluation Products
I have a friend who works for a company that is looking for a new form of assessing their staff. In browsing the web I have found many different types of evaluation products out there. One of the most impressive products I came across recently was that of Halogen Software. They have an outstanding product that allows businesses to assess employee performance and is also a great talent management solution. If you're in a business situation and could use something like this, you should definitely check out Halogen Software today.
BRRR....I just looked at the weather channel and the temperature outside is 9 below zero!! Can you believe that?! I thought we might be able to go out shopping or out to eat today, but it's far too cold to take Kaelyn out I think! Scott was only out there for a few minutes and was so cold when he came in from outside. I'm sure glad we have the fireplace though. It's been very warm in our place at least.
Have you ever heard of It's a site that I wasn't very familiar with until just recently...but once I became more familiar with it I was really impressed with all they have to offer. They are an e-commerce search site that offers coupons, rebates, sales and even free shipping on all kinds of things! If you head over to their site you'll find that you can use coupon codes to use instantly when you make purchases online. You won't find discounts like these for online stores anywhere else. They have such a wide range of companies that are involved...that's what I like so much about it!
Fun Day
Today should be a fun day. My parents are going to be coming up and staying the night tonight. They are going to be quite busy over the next few weeks and really wanted to come see us and Kaelyn. I enjoy the times when they it's always fun to spend time with them! I think we might get something to eat and just hang out enjoying each other's company. Should be a fun time!:)
Friday, January 18, 2008
Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day is such a fun holiday, don't you think?! I love it, because it reminds us all to tell that special someone in our lives how much they are loved. I try and do that many other days throughout the year, but Valentine's Day give a person an excuse to go and buy something special as well. This year I'm going to use CouponChief, as they have many great promo codes that will help me in finding the perfect gift for Scott within my budget. I don't know yet what I'm going to get, but I know that the Best Buy Coupons and the Target Coupons are really maybe we'll start there. If you're interested in finding some great deals for those Valentine's gifts that you have to buy this year...then definitely check out Coupon won't be sorry you did.
Growing Some More
Kaelyn must be going through another growth spurt, because she's been eating like crazy. She went for a while there where she wasn't eating quite as much. Now however, she's wanting to eat quite frequently again. I think that she must be going through another growth spurt. The doctor had told us she'd have another one soon, and boy was she right. She doesn't go to the doctor for another month or so...and I'm looking forward to seeing how much she has grown at that point...that's the best part about the dr appointments.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
So Sad
Now days you're hearing of more and more people who are getting cancer of some sort. Whether it be cervical cancer, skin cancer, mesothelioma, or something seems to be growing at an overwhelming rate. I'm no doctor, but in my opinion part of the reason we're seeing some of these problems is because of the way we treat our environment and our bodies. I think the air we breathe and the things we eat have a great influence on the medical conditions we're hearing more and more about these days. At some point I hope we stop hearing the "c" word (cancer) and being hearing more about how healthy people are.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Have you ever heard of PowerOptions before? If so, then you know that they offer educational support and the data needed to invest with stock options. SmartSearchXL is something not available anywhere but here. You can find, compare, analyze and make money on stock option trading. They're teh only online data provider, offering the convenience you're looking for and the options necessary to make a profit. You can sort, filter, and analyze the stocks and options availab.e If you're interested in learning more about this technology and iron condor , then you definitely need to check out this site today.
New Blog...coming soon...
I'm so a matter of days I will have another blog that I've been working on up and running. With help from my very computer-literate brother....I am creating a fun blog about parenting and the many hats that a mother wears... and things along those lines. Once it's up and running I will post a link to it for all to check out. I'm very excited to launch it and see what people think of it!
Hearing Screen
When Kaelyn was born the newborn hearing screen that they do on most babies was not able to be done. The machine that use was not working, so we had to schedule an appointment today to get it done. She did very well considering the fact that they stuck something in her ear and expected her to hold still for a matter of seconds. She passed with flying colors, which I knew she would.:) It's nice to have everything checked out still though.
Credit Cards
I don't know about you, but I know I've been in the situation before when I'm looking for a credit card that will actually benefit me. I get tired of all the junk mail that I get in my mailbox every day trying to get me to sign up for random cards. That's why I like using They are the webs longest running site for online credit card comparison. I use this site to help me search, compare and apply for the Best Credit Cards that are right for me. If you're like me and want a card will actually help you, then you should definitely check out this site today.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
New Computer
Scott and I have been talking seriously about getting a new computer sometime in the future. We have two computers, but one of them is really slowing down and we're just thinking it would be a good idea to have a new that we could depend on since I do a lot of work online. Until then, when we can afford one, we have been thinking about maybe looking into a laptop rental. From what I have heard, this is a great way to have a computer without having to pay for a brand new one right now. We'll continue to look into it, but it's definitely a possibility.
Good Girl
I can tell that Kaelyn is getting older. It used to be that when we went to church she'd just cry and fuss. Now, if I just stand with her in the back of the sanctuary she's an angel. She's getting to that age when she just enjoys looking around and even playing with some of her toys. Sometimes it's hard to hold her that long, but it's so much better than having her cry and fuss in the middle of the service. She's such a good girl!
Friday, January 11, 2008
Buy a car
My husband and I were recently getting very tired of our old car. It was a good car, but we were just ready for a change. We wanted something newer and bigger now that we have a baby. We ended up buying a very nice SUV. We got a great price on it, as we bought it from family which is always nice. Some people however don't have the luxury of buying their dream vehicle from a family member at a reasonable price. In fact, many of us want a newer vehicle so badly and don't have the money to afford one on the lot at the local car dealership. Does this sound like you or someone you know? If so, you should look into a site I recently came across...BuyYourCar. They make it easy for people to search for the car their looking for and the car lease options available to you. You can go on and look at their latest update for the cheapest car lease and contract hire deals. If you don't see the car you're looking for you can just search for it and see what's available to you. I think it's great that there's a site like this out there, and am definitely going to keep it in mind the next time we're looking for a car. Find the car that's right for you at a price you can afford with BuyYourCar today!
Grocery Night
Well, it's Friday night and I think we're gonna go get some groceries. Normally we would have done this earlier in the week...but Scott and I have both been pretty busy and just didn't get around to it. That's alright though. It shouldn't take long. We don't want to be out to long because Kaelyn gets pretty hungry at night. Hopefully Scott gets home soon so we can go fairly quickly.
If you're looking for some really stylish prescription glasses and want to get a great deal on them as well...then you definitely should check out Great Discovery: They sell great glasses right here online. You can choose from their large selection of different frames, lenses and so much more!! What's best about this site is that you'll find great glasses at low prices! What more do you need to know?!? Check out their site today to get great glasses at outstanding prices!!

Dr Appointment
Kaelyn is 10 weeks old this week and had her two month doctor's appointment today. I always look forward to taking her to her doctor's appointments, as it's always fun to see how much she's grown since the last time we were there. Everyone tells you how quickly your babies will grow, but I didn't quite get the reality of what they were telling me until I began living it. Kaelyn gained 2 lbs in just over a month and two inches!! I was just shocked that she's already grown this much. She's 5 lbs more than when she was born and 3 inches longer. I can't believe how big she's getting...the time has just flown!!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
LapBand Surgery
Have you or someone close to you struggled with weight your whole life? Has it not only effected your day to day routine, but also your health? If so, then you should definitely look into what the lap band surgery can do for you from JourneyLite. This is a safe and successful weightloss surgery that is proven to help people lose weight and live a better, healthier life. The greatest thing about this surgery, unlike others out there, is that it's completely reversible and adjustable if needed. If you'd like to learn more about this surgery and how it could change your life for the better....check out JourneyLite today!
Cold Weather Once Again
Well, we've been pretty fortunate the past couple of weeks to have had some really nice weather. It's been fairly warm out as well. Now, tonight we're seeing some snow and much cooler temps. I'm hoping it doesn't stick around long it doesn't make it very fun to be outdoors at all. Hopefully by tomorrow morning it will be nicer since we have Kaelyn's appointment.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
The Value of College
Recently I was thinking back to my college days which seems like forever ago. I have only been out of college for three years now...but the time still seems to have flown by!! I was just thinking about all of the classes I took and the ones that had the most profound influence on my life as a teacher. I think the two classes that I would say were most beneficial to me were the classroom management one as well as the diverse learners class. The classroom management seminar was very it gave useful tips as to how a teacher can maintain control over her classroom. The diverse learners class was extremely things were taught about how we as teachers can meet the needs of all learners in our classroom, whether they have learning disabilities, cerebral palsy, or something else. We learned much about many different disorders and conditions that some students have and how to make their learning experience the very best. When I was in college I really didn't think about how much these classes were helping me. It wasn't until I was out and teaching that I realized it!
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Fiber Optic Cables
I've always wanted to learn more about fiber optic cables and and where I could find some. Over the holidays my brother was talking a lot about them because he was looking for some as well. He was actually talking about them and showing me different sites that I could find them on. Cables Plus USA is the site that he brought me to, but I'm sure there are many others out there. If you're like me and interested in finding fiber optic cables definitely check out this site and the many others out there as well.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
God is Good!!
Now that we're a few days into the New Year already, I was sitting here thinking about how much has changed since last year at this time! Let me tell you...2007 was definitely a busy and life changing year for my husband and was one of the busiest and happiest years of our lives!! The Lord has truly blessed us! 2007 started out with Scott accepting a great new job position. We moved early February to a house that we were renting. Around that same time we found out that we were expecting our first baby!! What an exciting time! :) Later June...Scott and I began looking for homes. We liked the house we were renting, but wanted something to call our own. We found the perfect home for had everything we were looking for and more!! We ended up buying the house and moving in around the first week of August. After that we were getting closer and closer to the arrival of our little one (at the time not knowing what we were having). Kaelyn Sue was due Oct 28, and was born Nov 1!! She is such a wonderful little girl. We're enjoying watching her change and grow each day. It's hard to believe that she's over two months old already!! Finally, with the recent addition to our family we began searching for a vehicle that would suit us better. We found the perfect parents SUV that they were selling. They were in search of a different vehicle as we bought theirs from them just recently. Thinking back to what a busy year it's been I have nothing but joyful thoughts and appreciation for all God has blessed us with! We are now very proud parents of our beautiful little girl, homeowners, Scott's working and I'm a stay at home mom, and we have a vehicle that will now last us for a very long time!! God is good!! He continues to bless us in so many ways!! We're absolutely loving life and all God has for us!
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Pragma Systems
I never used to be a big technology buff, until my brother got interested in technology and it kind of rubbed off on me. I just think everything about electronics, computers and so forth is just so amazing! I love learning new things every day! That's especially why I like browsing the web and finding new companies and things out there that I can share with others. In fact, recently I learned about Pragma Systems and thought I'd share a little bit about them with you, my readers. Pragma Systems is a private corporation located in Austin, Texas. They provide products that are secure and reliable when it comes to access, control and management tools within a network. You should definitely check out their site today to see what their Telnet Server, SFTP Server, and SSH Server is all about! I think you'll be as impressed as I was with all they have to offer. Check them out today!
Back to Work
Well, Scott had to head back to work today after having a long stretch of time off for the holidays. It was so nice having him home with Kaelyn and I. He wasn't too excited to go back, but it's the down time for them now that there's snow on the ground so he knew it wouldn't be too difficult. I like this time of year as far as his job is concerned because he gets off at descent times during the day and doesn't have a whole of work to do. It's a nice break for him after the busy season.
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