Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Lead Management Software
Finding possible leads, for prospect customers, can be very difficult and cut throat. Keeping track of these leads, contacts, sales calls, follow-up, and commitment, are all very important parts of getting and maintaining customers. This is a problem no more with lead management software, you can keep track of all this. This software can be used for any type of sales like mortgage lead management, and automotive lead management, it is only limited by the way people use it. So why not take this software and boost your sales dramatically. It is a great tool, and will make keeping track of all leads very easy. Check it out today! This is a paid post.
Cleaning House...
Well, I started bringing things home from work today. I have so much more than I thought I did. It's amazing how much you can accumulate in a couple years. Although I'm very excited about moving and not working, I definitely will miss it. As my husband helped me carry out many of my things, it really hit me that I'm leaving in just a couple days. I guess it's helping me prepare for Friday, as that is my last day as the Preschool teacher at Valley Park.
Interactive Marketing
If I had Rachel Ray's email address, I would ask her for some of her most favorite recipes. I am a big fan of hers, and some of the dishes that she makes. I love to experiment with different recipes and meals. With Email Marketing I am able interact with many people who may have these recipes. What a great tool to have, and has it all. They build an interactive relationship between consumers and fortune 500 companies that allows everyone to be able to communicate and find out what makes companies succeed. More companies need to follow this style. New business should check this site out today. This post brought to you on behalf of MindComet.

Two More Days
It's Wednesday night! That means there only two more days left until we're done working here in CF and we can concentrate on moving back north. I'm so excited. This week has gone pretty quickly, but not quickly enough. Hopefully the next couple of days will fly by!
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
General Hospital Site
If you are into Soap Operas at all, you know that General Hospital is one of the most popular to watch. For all of you General Hospital fans out there, now offers up to date coverage of the show. You can see pictures of your favorite actors and actresses, and have full access to the message boards and the General Hospital Spoilers just by registering for free, it's fast and easy! Check them out today and even get a sneak peek at what's coming up on your favorite soap, General Hospital. This is a paid post.

What to eat!?
During the work week it's hard for Scott and I to plan what we're going to eat. We kind of wait until we're both home and decide together what we're feeling like. The problem is, we usually are so exhausted, and busy with things for the following day of work, that we have trouble coming up with something that we're both hungry for and have time to make. It will be so much nicer when I don't have to work and can have dinner waiting for Scott when he comes home.:)
Norton Antivirus 2007
Many computer owners know that it is very important to keep your computer safe from all of the viruses that can harm it. That's why Norton Antivirus is something that everyone who has a computer should look in to. It can help to protect your computer from harmful viruses, spyware, adware, trojans and worms. The Norton Antivirus website is very user friendly and easy to navigate. People can choose which Antivirus Software would suit them best, and download antivirus software of their choice. The website also offers the Norton Help and Support Forums which helps users who have questions. The forums allow for general discussion and news about Norton Antivirus as well as technical support for help. If you are looking for great Antivirus Software, check out Norton Antivirus today! This is a paid post.
Monday, January 29, 2007
I miss my hubby...
I'm glad that Scott only has a few more days of working so late. I know that he'll have to work late some with his new job, but mainly just during the busy season. With his job now, he works 10-9 and I wish that he could be home when I get home from work. I'm excited to move and have a new routine where we get to see each other more than just a couple hours at night. Only a few more days...I can't wait!
Colon Clenz-Natural Daily Supplement
As many of us know, as we get older bodyweight usually rises. The result of this can lead to heart problems, diabetes, or high blood pressure. Now there is a slimming and cleansing tablet formed from a blend of pure herbs called Colon Clenz. It helps to provide a way for people to lose weight without all of the harsh laxatives that other forms of treatment might include. Digestion is improved, and the metabolism is regulated. This is very safe, gentle, and effective, and can be used for long periods of time. If interested and you want to find out more, distributor and reseller applications are being considered at This is a paid post.

Four more days!
I am done with my day of work, this means that there's only four days left and then I'm done for good! I will definitely miss some things about it, but I am also really looking forward to some time off. My job requires a lot of time and can be very stressful. I'm looking forward to not having the stress and the 24/7 work and planning that it required. I'm definitely wanting to get backing to teaching at some point, but for now this will be a nice chance to relax and get us settled in our new home.
High Yield Savings Accounts
Planning for the future is on everyones minds, and what better way to plan and save for the future than by using a high yield savings account. I am at the age where my husband and I are starting to think about having a family and how we are going to save money for our children's future. By putting our money into a high yield savings accounts your money can grow and give you more back than what it would in a normal savings account. This type of account is perfect for those who like to save up for emergencies, because you have easy access to it, unlike some CD's. If you are one that is into saving, earn more money in return, put your money in a high yield savings account. I'm being paid for this post.
What a great night!
Last night we had my brother and his girl friend over for supper. It was probably the last time that we will be able to have them over before the big move. I always like having them over because we always have things to talk about, whether it be about PayPerPost, or about work and jobs. They are both very easy to talk to, and I'm going to miss that about Cedar Falls.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Attention Unsigned Artists
Getting into the music industry can be really tough. And many people don't know the first thing about getting noticed by a record producer. Now you don't have to, with, Unsigned Bands can come to get discovered. This site allows those who are looking to be discovered to put some of their demo's or songs on the site for you to get noticed. So if you are an artist looking for a break, check this site out today. This is a paid post.

Tomorrow is Monday!
All week I've been talking about how this next week will be my last week of work, and now it's finally here. It's definitely bittersweet for me, because I'll definitely miss my students, but I'm also VERY excited too! Scott and I have been waiting SO long for him to find the perfect job, and now he has!! We're so excited to move and start this part of our lives. I'm also looking forward to not having the stress of a job. Only 5 days left!! Hopefully it will go fast!
Reverse Cell Phone Lookup
Many people, including myself, get phone calls from numbers which we do not know. And like others, I don't answer these calls, but would like to know who's calling me. Now I can with Reverse Cell Phone Lookup. By using reverse cell phone lookup I can find out who it was that called, and then decide if I want to call them back. What a great tool. This is a paid post.
We had a great supper tonight. My brother and his girlfriend came over and ate with us. It was nice having them over, even though our place is feeling very bare now that everything is starting to get packed away! It's probably one of the last times that they will be able to come over to our apartment here in CF and visit. Hopefully they'll be able to come visit in Albert Lea some, and vice versa. We'll miss them when we move.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Wedding Musicians
If you are from San Diego, or Southern California, and need a band to play at an event you're holding, then Nova Entertainment may be able to hook you up. They are a company that offers professional live music and bands to play at all types of special events such as holiday parties, private parties, receptions, and weddings. The San Diego wedding band will make sure to provide the type of musical entertainment you're looking for, whether it be jazz, rock n' roll, classical, etc. They offer a diversity in the music they offer, and most will find something that suits their taste as well as the occasion being held. This is a paid post.
Still Packing...
I have been cleaning and packing all day long, and I still feel like I haven't even made a dent in what we need to do! Although I don't mind packing too much, it doesn't make a very nice place to live in for the time being. There are boxes EVERYWHERE!!! Now that Scott is home from work, we're going to try and organize some things so we don't have such a mess.
HP Camera Puzzle Part #23
Here I am again with another chance to make 1000 dollars with this puzzle piece. What a great opportunity to talk about digital photos and make money. I would absolutely love an HP camera!! Digital photography is a little different though and there are many things to consider when taking digital pictures. Things like lighting, background, distance, etc. These are just some of the Digital Camera Tips that are helpful for users of this type of camera to remember. Most HP cameras come with features that help to make these things easy and not a problem for users. HP sponsored this post.

Officially the weekend...
Well, it's officially the weekend and I'm so happy!! Although I have cleaning to do, I also will try and get lots of packing done too. Which is going to be very exciting considering we're moving in less than two weeks!! We're very excited to move, and it's going to come so quickly! This is the last weekend that Scott will have to work, except during the busy season, and he's very excited. It's going to be a huge change for us, but we're very excited!!:)
Friday, January 26, 2007
Credit Cards vs Home Equity
With the ever growing popularity of using home equity for money vs using a credit card to make a payment. I think that there are pros and cons to this type of thinking. The pros are that you can get the money without increasing your monthly payments, and you don't have to worry about the credit card payments. The cons are that you increase your loan and it takes you longer to pay them back. I have a firm belief that if you don't have the money or don't know where the money is going to come from, you shouldn't use your credit cards UK in the first place. There is a lot of credit card news out there that talks about interest rates, financing, and other important information that can be useful when looking into credit cards. Others use credit cards and have to transfer balances so collection agencies don't come after them. People who do this look for credit cards with 0% balance transfers, which allows them not to be penalized for transferring balances. So in the end it is up to the buyer to make the decision of what is best for them at that point in their lives. This is a paid post.
Getting excited about moving
Even though we've had our ups and downs through this moving process, I'm definitely getting very excited! Not really because it means I won't have to work right away, even though that will be nice, but mainly just because it's a new step we get to take in our lives together. We're looking forward to beginning our new lives in Minnesota and enjoying all that it has to offer. God is so good, and He has taken such good care of us. We know that His plan for us is going to be wonderful and we just can't wait! :)
HP Camera Puzzle Part Deux (#11)
HP camera's have really put themselves ahead of the crowd when it comes to digital photography. The quality of the pictures are outstanding, and the camera's themselves are user friendly for beginners. After seeing the Digital Photography Review that has been done on HP camera's, I would love to be an owner of one. My husband and I are at a point in our lives where we are starting to settle down and think about a family, and it would be nice to have a nice camera to capture every precious moment along the way. Next time I'm in the market for a new camera, HP will definitely be an option. This post is being paid for by HP.

The Weekend is finally here!
YYYEEEAAHHH!!! The weekend is finally here! I'm so happy! I've been waiting for the weekend all week!! We have so much to do this weekend, but I'm still happy that I get to sleep in. I know the weekend will go fast, but the countdown til' we move has officially begun!:)
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Dial a Flight
Finding the right flight to the destination of choice can often times be a long and frustrating process. This process can be even more frustrating when traveling outside of the U.S. Now this process has been made a lot easier, with Especially Flights to Abu Dhabi, they are made a lot easier to find, not to mention flights to these other destinations: Australia, Bangkok, Brazil, Cyprus, Dubai, New York, Orlando, Canada, Egypt, India, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, South Africa, Johannesburg, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Malta. Check them out when you want to travel.
6 More Days of Work!!!
After today I only have 6 more days of work. I am so excited to be moving and being able to stay at home and not work. I'm going to get us settled into our new house first and then maybe think about working.
Sea Shells for Crafts and Weddings
I am currently in the process of moving, while thinking about our new house I wanted to come up with a Beach type of theme. I live in the Midwest so find sea shells and other crafts to go in my "beach bathroom" is very tough. I have been looking for things that are original and they look or are real. has a great and large selection of Starfish for crafts and weddings. I will definitely look into them when we get closer to the move and when I am closer to finishing up my bathroom. I'm being paid for this post.

Friday's almost here!
Only a couple more hours of work, and I will only have one more week of work! I am so excited. Last night we were in the position of not knowing where we were going to live. It was a tough decision of whether or not to rent the house that we have thought of renting all along or look for something different and cheaper. Today we finally came to an agreement of staying with the house we originally decided on. LET'S MOVE.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Jewish Dating Site
If you are Jewish and looking for other Jewish singles in your area, the Jewish Dating Site at may be of interest to you. Membership is absolutely free, and once you join, you are able to search through thousands of profiles of single men and women. This site is user-friendly and very easy to navigate. It's very easy to find what you're looking for at the click of a button! Not only are you able to search for a perfect match, there are also many articles about all kinds of topics ranging from the Jewish religion to planning a Jewish singles cruise. If you are interested in learning more about this unique dating service, check out today! This is a paid post.
Shopping for bedspreads
Tonight my husband and I had to run to the mall to look for a bedspread for one of our bedrooms at our new house. I did not realize how little most stores have to offer. We've always been pretty lucky when shopping for things like that, but tonight was not really our night. I was looking for a specific look and didn't really find it. The couple that I did find that I liked were very similar and pretty expensive. I did end up buying one, but not sure if I'll end up keeping or not?!? I guess we'll just have to see.
Football Message Board
My husband is a big NFL football fan and is always looking for ways to stay involved in it. Now he can with football boards offered by This website is a forum that allows him to talk to others about the happenings in the NFL, whether it be a controversial topic, or bragging to someone about how his team beat theirs. But this website isn't limited just to the NFL, you can also have discussions about college football, and be a part of fantasy football forums too. So if your husband, or someone you know, is involved in football as much as my husband, tell them to check out I'm being paid for this post.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Gonna miss CF
My husband and I were craving the pizza at the mall, so while we were out returning some things, we decided to pick some up. We both thought taco pizza sounded good! That's what we ended up getting and it was so yummy!! The mall's pizza is the very best, and it's definitely one of the many things we'll miss about living down here! Some other things we're realizing we're going to miss are all the wonderful eating places, the mall begin so close, having a walmart, hyvee, and target, all very close to where we live, my little brother and our friends! I guess we'll just have to be sure to come and visit often!
Home Theater Systems
If you are in the market for a new home theater system or any other home electronic device, make sure that you do your research on what systems and devices are great and which are not so great. With a Home Theater Review you can make sure that your electronics will not only be a good one but it will also be one that will last. I'm being paid for this post.
It's too cold!
I really don't like it when I wake up in the morning, get out of bed and the apartment is absolutely freezing! We have our heat on, but when it's really bitter outside...that means it will be pretty cold inside too. I'm tired of this cold weather already...and ready for spring!
Monday, January 22, 2007
Cartoon Dolls

Now there is a site totally dedicated to making cartoon dolls. There are Dress Up Games, where users are allowed to create their own personalized doll, and use them in forums where people join in discussions about creating the dolls, chats or competitions. They can also be sent through e-mail. And, for those who have their own sites, like Myspace, the doll HTML codes can be used to put them on your page as well. They not only can be used as a graphic on a personal site, but can also be used as graphics for Instant Messenger neat is that?!! There is a huge collection of graphics and pictures that can be used, and more and more are continually being added. There are many different categories to choose from, making it easier to find the perfect doll to create. Some of the categories to choose from are, Fantasy and Fairy Dolls, Gothic Dolls, Blondes, Guys, and Couples. This is really a unique, and neat site that offers Dress Up Games for girls. It allows one to be creative and enjoy the art of being a doll maker. To have a ton of fun, check out this site today! This is a paid post.

Moving is expensive!
I'm starting to realize how expensive moving can be. In doing all of this packing and planning for our move to Minnesota, cost is definitely something on my mind. There's the expense of actually moving, whether it be to rent a trailer or truck, as well as gas. It also is very expensive to have your internet, phone, etc hooked up. The list goes on and it can be very overwhelming. We're just trying to take it one thing at a time, so as not to get too stressed out.
Cheap Loans Online
If you live in the UK and are looking for an easy way to find cheap loans online, then working with a broker like NiceLoans is exactly what you are looking for. As a someone who has loans, I know that it is important to find the cheapest loans with the lowest amount of interest possible. NiceLoans can help with this because they find their customers the cheapest rates available to them, no matter what situation their in. They have access to almost 400 different loans plans, so finding the cheapest loans is not a problem. All customers have to do is ask NiceLoans for a quote and see how quickly they can find you the best deal. They are very efficient, and their customer service is outstanding! This is such a great site, and a wonderful opportunity for anyone who is looking for a cheap loan. Check it out today! This is a paid post.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
We need more boxes!
Scott has been bringing home a lot of boxes, and at first I thought it would be enough, but I just keep filling them!! I have all this breakable stuff, so I am trying not to fill them too full...that's part of my problem. I'm going through boxes like crazy, and can't seem to get enough of them. My only problem is that we don't have enough room for all of these boxes in our apartment. I'm going to have to start setting them on beds and furniture I think. Oh well, at least it's only for a couple more weeks.
Yoga Retreats
Who wouldn't want a vacation that lasts even after it's over?! If you are in the need for a vacation that not only relaxes you, but also reenergizes you and refreshes you when you come back home, then a Yoga Retreat may be just thing for you! Yoga Retreats help to give you an intense and enjoyable vacation, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated when your vacation is over. If you are interested in having an amazing vacation that comes back with you, check out the Yoga Retreats guide and directory with information regarding all kinds of opportunities and information available to you. This is a paid post.

Love to spend time with my hubby!
It's so nice that Scott has had the past couple of weekends to spend at home. I love spending time with him. Lately it seems like all we have been talking about and doing is stuff for our big move to Minnesota...but I don't care...I still love spending time with him!! He's the best hubby in the world!
Vegas vs New York
Along with the atmosphere that the city brings also comes the different styles of poker that each city can bring. Las Vegas is the city of the "high rollers," they come to Vegas to spend their money to show their wealth. New York is different, it is the city of being discrete, being unknown allows you to play your game. Now if you don't want to go to either of these cities to player your game, try Bodog. Bodog gives you many different styles of poker to play, not only that but they have tournaments, and forums for you to get involved with. With so many options from the comfort of your home, why go anywhere else to play. I'm being paid for this post.

Empty Apartment!
As our time to move nears, our apartment is beginning to feel more and more empty. We have begun to take things off of the walls and put them all in boxes. It really is very bare now that we've started to this. All of the little crafty things I had sitting around are all in boxes. It makes me appreciate everything I have to make our house feel like a home. I'm glad it's not much longer and then I can decorate our new home so it feels less empty and more cozy!
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Luxury Furniture at a Great Price!
As we get ready to move from an apartment to a new home, my husband I have found that buying furniture is something we need to do. Having already bought some of it, I know how hard it can be to find the furniture you want, high end furniture, for the price that suits your checkbook. This will not be a problem anymore, because has a wonderful selection on luxury furniture including, things for the bedroom, dining rooms, and offices. They offer quality furniture at affordable prices. Their website offers pictures and in depth descriptions of the items they sell, and they are absolutely stunning and beautiful! Even for people with different tastes in furniture, everyone will find something they adore on this site! Check it out today! This is a paid post.
I absolutely can not wait to have my own washer and dryer in a few weeks!! Trying to share a washer and dryer with everyone else in your apartment building is not easy. My clothes were in the washer for the time that it took to wash them. When Scott left for work about three minutes ago he told me that they were done. So I go out there to put them in the dryer and put in one of our other many loads, and someone had already thrown my clothes out and put theirs in the washer!! I'm not very happy...and will now have to watch the washer like a hawk, so when it gets done I can continue my many loads of laundry! Only a few weeks left...I can't wait!!
Amazing Refund!
More and more people are learning to buy things online. From personal experience, is one of the best sites for the things I look to buy. not only offers an outstanding variety of things for people to buy, they also help people save money! Any item that someone buys on can be ordered through Amazing Refund, a site that helps buyers save money on all items they choose to buy. It's basically a 30 day price protection service. Amazon tracks the price of the item you buy for 30 days, and if it goes below the price you paid for it, they will send you an e-mail with instructions on how you can claim your refund. This is an amazing service!! Amazing Refund UK does the work for you!! What a great way to buy what you want, while still saving money! I definitely recommend checking this service out anytime you order off; you can't lose, you can only save!! This is a paid post.

Feeling Refreshed!
Today is Saturday and it's my only day to sleep in. It felt so good!! I went to bed a little early last night, and slept until 9 this morning!! I feel refreshed! The work week can really wear me out, and to sleep in on Saturdays is always nice! Now that I'm up though, I have plenty to do...bills, cleaning, laundry, packing, etc. At least I can do it without feeling so tired!
Friday, January 19, 2007
Cheap Broadband Deal
Eclipse Internet has released new internet packages for residential internet subscribers. Eclipse Internet offers a cheap broadband deal that other companies can or will not give you. For starting up service with them, they will give you your first month for free and a free wireless router. This a great deal, not only do you get the month for free but they give you the capability of being able to travel throughout your home and still be connected to the internet. What more can you ask for. So if you are in the hunt for a new internet service provider, check out Eclipse Internet. I'm being paid for this post.
What a Beautiful Day
Not only is today a beautiful day because it is Friday, it is also a beautiful day because the weather is nice. The sun is out and the temperatures are pretty decent. Hopefully it will melt away some of this snow!
Women Football Team closing in
In the UK football is a very big sport, not only for men but also for women. Although the women's teams don't get the attention that the men's team get. Well women here you go, the London based UK all women football team is closing in on the next division. This Women football team has a great story and a website were you can keep track of them. So check them out today!

Thursday, January 18, 2007
Snow, Snow, Go Away!
This snow is not going away...and I am really, really wishing that it would! I don't mind a little snow, but it's so cold outside, and the snow is heavy and wet, which is making it very slick outside. It's not fun weather to be out in at all! Snow, Snow, Go Away, Come Again Another Day! haha:)
What's beautiful to you?
Peter Belisi is one of the most well-known fashion artists in the Palm Beach area, not to mention across the nation. Belisi, are makers of finish pieces for wardrobes and a name that is known for luxury. They have just released a new campaign where Belisi asks, "What's Beautiful to You?" This new campaign is trying to get people to expand their view of just what beautiful really is. When people think of beautiful they think of actors/actresses, models, and people well-known throughout the world, that are trying to make the world a better place. So they have launched this "What's Beautiful to You" campaign to see what others think about this topic. Peter Belisi is looking for people to weigh-in with their opinion, for there is no wrong answer but possibily some light shed on an otherwise lost idea. So take the time to check out and give your opinion on "What's Beautiful to You," by doing this you will be entered for the chance to win a $100 Belisi Gift Card. Then you will be able to show the beautiful side of yourself in Belisi wear and accessories. I know that I am going to let me know what I think, because I have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I'm being paid for this post.

Tomorrow's Friday!
I am so excited that tomorrow's Friday. It means that I only have 2 more weeks of work before we make the big move! I can't wait, it will be nice to have a change of scenery to move into a house and not have to hear other people in the building like we do now.
The Diva's Dreams

I am the type of women that likes to stay up on the latest fashions and designs by the latest designers, but I find myself not having the time to search them out. Now I don't have to, with The Diva's Dreams by Belisi, by going directly to their website I can find the latest styles and the do's and don'ts of fashion for the year. This blog is for independent and talented women who take pride in having the best of everything, from clothes to home décor to etiquette. Fashion, style and hospitality experts weigh in on topics including fashion trends, interior design, food and wine, and entertaining. I am so happy I have found this blog, now I can check it almost everyday for the news on todays trends. I'm being paid for this post.

Still Freezing and Snowing!
It snowed again! I can't believe it!! Cedar Falls rarely has this much snow that sticks around, but we've really been getting a lot lately! Not only has there been a lot of's also been freezing! I hope it warms up soon...I'm not much for the cold weather!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
No One Wants a Lemon
At some point in everyones life they are going to be in the market to sell or buy a new car. How each person goes about doing it is going to be different. My husband and I, at our young age, already have done both buy and sell a car. The process can be long and drawn out if you don't go about it right or get some help. Now, with the help of the internet, you can speed up the process whether you are looking for Cars For Sale or trying to sell your car, can help. Whether you are selling a Ford Mustang or a Honda Pilot you can get the exposure you need on Check them out today. I'm being paid for this post.

Brrrrr it's Cold
Over the past couple of days winter has certainly reared it's ugly head. Between it snowing on Sunday and Monday and the fridged temperatures on Tuesday and Wednesday, winter is definately here. All I can hope is that it is nice on February 10th when we move to Minnesota.
Children's Furniture
Whether it's moving into a new house, having a baby, or just redecorating, it's fun to get new furniture. But the problem is where to find affordable furniture that has great quality and a place that has a large selection to choose from. If this is a problem for you, look no further. I have found that the best place to get kids furniture is through They have a large selection to choose from, whether your looking for bunk beds, loft beds, captain's beds, beds with trundles, desks and other kids furniture, they have the best quality furniture to choose from. Next time your in the market for furniture check them out. I'm being paid for this post.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
More Packing!
Wow...I forgot how hard it is to pack up everything. Every time we move, we have accumulated more and more things. We had six large boxes, and I've already filled all of them except one. The sad thing is that there is still a ton to pack up! At least I have a few doing a little at a time should help.
Fine Art Marketing
If you are an artist, then do I have the website for you. is a site that offers information for artists about marketing basics. A free newsletter is offered, which gives readers exclusive content, additional to that found on the website. Though this site primarily emphasizes fine arts and crafts, it also has information on the appreciation of art and art instruction. If you are an artist, new or experienced, you should check out this site and start receiving your free newsletter today! This is a paid post.
I'm counting down until I can be done with work and on my way to Minnesota. I'm very excited and can't wait for a break from working.
What Phone is your favorite?
Anymore, what can't be purchased on the internet. Why bother driving from store to store trying to find the best wireless plan to meet your needs, when you can search for the best plans and best phones right from the comfort of your own home. How can you do this you say, well with you can choose from top 10 cell phones of 2006 and the plans that go along with them. With there is no need to even check different sites for phones and plans, because they offer cell phone service for pretty much every carrier there is. This has allowed them to be the #1 seller of cell phones and wireless plans. With their 100% satisfaction guarantee and free FedEx shipping and return shipping, how can you go wrong. But they don't just stop at contract plans, they also have a large selection of prepaid plans to choose from as well. Also, you need the accessories to go with your phone, before you purchase your service make sure to include the chargers and cases that you'll need to keep you in business while traveling on the road. So next time your in the market for a new cell phone and service check out, for the most in free phones and all the options for plans. I'm being paid for this post.
Scott's Computer Works!
Scott finally received a new AC Adapter cord for his laptop. The other cord just stopped working for some reason, and it wasn't a good time for that to happen. I really needed his computer this week because of the letters to parents that I had stored on his computer. I have a letter that I need to print off for a parent about class next week. I am so happy that the cord came in the mail today.
Monday, January 15, 2007
UK Loans
For anyone who needs personal loans and lives in the UK, there is a great website just for you!! Whether you are wanting cheap secured loans , unsecured loans, or a guaranteed car loan, Select Loans is definitely worth looking into and will have something that appeals to you. Anyone who has had to take out loans knows that it can be difficult to find the deal that is right for you. There are so many companies wanting your business when it comes to loans, and it's important to seek out different costs, because a cheaper personal loan offer might be better than any quote you have gotten so far. This site makes it much easier, and is very user-friendly. It offers information on the loans they offer, and things that people will want to think about when borrowing money. It's a great site and I recommend that you take a look! This is a paid post.
Sankey News Blog
Check out this wonderful resource for tons of information on technology, school, life, religion and so much more! It is an excellent blog to subscribe to! Check it out... It's called Sankey News Blog!
Dubai has the largest population and is the second largest of any of the other United Arab Emirates. Although oil is a source of revenue for Dubai, a majority of revenues come from tourism and international investment. Tourism is increasingly bringing in more money, and people are becoming more interested in the Business Bay property in Dubai as well as other properties. It is a very beautiful place with lots of properties for sale, beautiful buildings, and much more! Check out all that Dubai has to offer today at This is a paid post.
It's Freezing out!
Yikes....I woke up this morning and even with the heat on a little it is freezing!! I looked at the temps outside and it's 18 degrees, but with the windchill, it feels like 4 degrees! I am going to have to dress extra warm today!!
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Uk Insurance Comparison Website
Now there is a site available to people who are looking for a convienent way to search for the van insurance, car insurance, or home insurance that is perfect for them. You can Compare Van Insurance Quotes at It's an easy way for users to find quotes from a large listing of different UK websites, direct insurers and brokers. The nice thing about this website is that, unlike others like it, they compare quotes from those other websites to give a much better comparison of different options. The quotes are also returned in real time, so users don't have to wait for a phone call or e-mail. You also can get over 20 different quotes from a number of different websites in 2 that's fast!! Basically this site is great for people searching out their options, because it saves them time and is cheap because they do the shopping around for you! This is a paid post.
Yucky Weather
It was not very nice weather this weekend at all! Scott and I did not know that the weather was supposed to get so yucky out, but on our way back home from Minnesota we had to go SO slow because the roads were so bad. I'm so glad we're finally home, safe and sound! :)
Dentist Directory
Have you ever needed to find a dentist who specialized in Dental Implants and didn't know where to turn?? Well now it's easy. There's a dentist directory, where anyone can go to find a directory of dentists who specialize in Dental Implants. If you're not sure what Dental Implants are, they work like a tooth and are a natural replacement for a missing tooth. A small metal pin is used to serve as the root of the tooth. It also helps to hold false teeth, crowns, or a bridge in place. You might think that special cleaning would be involved, but there is none! Also, the surrounding teeth are not affected in anyway. If you are looking for quality dental implant specialists, be sure to check out the dental directory today! This is a paid post.

Saturday, January 13, 2007
illusionist movie
Tonight when we got home, Scott and I watched the movie, the illusionist. I didn't know what to expect, but it turned out to be a very good movie. It kept our attention and had a really cool ending!
For anyone who enjoys a humor site that has a variety of things to offer, you might want to check out It's a great webiste that offers Crazy Funny Videos, Free Online Games and other funnies. They even have features like jokes, news and much more at the click of a button. Not only are there a variety of features offered on this site, there are a number of each. There a plenty of games to choose from, videos, jokes, pictures, etc. This website is also laid out very nicely, and is very easy to navigate and use. There are tabs on the top to make it easier for you to find what it is you're interested in seeing or doing. If you're looking for a fun site that gives you a number of things to do,, is definitely something you should check out! This is a paid post.

I Love PayPerPost
I've been a part of PayPerPost for over a month and I can't say enough about how wonderful it is. It's been a great way for me to get my opinions on different things out there, and also a way to make some great extra money!
Dating Services Comparison Site
With over 100 online dating services in the US, there are many for people to choose from. For many people, this can be very difficult to find the perfect site that suits them well. Now there is a site that makes it very easy to decide which service you would like to try in finding a potential soulmate. The online site,, is a new dating services comparison site, where people can go to one website that offers the top leading online dating services with dating service reviews, where people have shared their opinions and experiences, making it easier for you to choose the right dating service for you. If you use the dating services available online, this site is definitely worth checking out. It not only makes it easier to have the top online dating services all on one website, it also allows you to read the reviews of people who have experienced them to help you compare and select one for yourself. This is a paid post.
Carpet and Paint
We get to go to Minnesota today and help pick out carpet and paint for our new place!! I'm so excited. Even though we're just renting to start with, it feels like we are moving into our own home!:)
Friday, January 12, 2007
Cool Shirts great Prints

Everyone needs clothes and everyone wears T-shirts. There is a new website out there that has some of the best designs and the largest selection. The T-shirt Co. can meet all your needs when it comes to the styles and prints you love. But they don't stop at t-shirts, they also have hats, sticker, calendars, and much more. On all of these products they offer some great deals like $5 off purchases $20 or more. Today, is one of the fastest growing online specialty t-shirt companies. They operate our own warehouse and have several key designers. No idea, design or order is too small. If you can think it, they can do it. Check them out today. I'm being paid for this post.

Quiting my job
Today I had to put in my 3 weeks notice at my job. I put in my 3 weeks notice because we aren't leaving for 4 weeks but we have a lot of packing and I want my work to have more time to find a replacement for me. It was tough because you never know how they are going to react or what they are going to say. I have mixed feelings about leaving to because I like what I do and my kids, but I want to move on to the next stage in my life.
New DirectStarTV to Order DIRECTV
I use to not care who provided me with my television channels until just recently. The cable provider that we have now has stopped broadcasting CBS because of their ability not to negotiate with CBS's broadcasting company. So now we have been looking more into getting a dish through DIRECTV. With looking into packages and equipment, it can be hard to make your way through all the different ways to order. With it is much easier because they show the packages in a comprehendable way. DirectStarTV is a professional outlet for the best deals on DIRECTV service. The process to get DIRECTV through DirectStarTV is simple and the customer service is superior. DIRECTV provides an exceptional television service, and is a better value than cable. Visit Direct Star TV for deals on DIRECTV service today if you are at all confused with what to order, or what to get for equipment. It is a great site. I'm being paid for this post.

Thursday, January 11, 2007
Off work early!
I am so glad to be off work early. It was one of those busy, busy days, and getting off work early was something I definitely needed. With everything going on with us moving and stuff...I have plenty to do, and I need to rest a little too. We've been staying up so late figuring things out every night, that I need some time to rest! :)
Baby Carriers
If you are a parent and are looking for the perfect carrier for your baby, check out This is a great site, offering many types of Baby Carriers, with slings with fabrics from both EllaRoo and TaylorMade Slings. Their store also offers a new Italian-designed Patapum, a very popular baby carrier in the marketplace, known for it's strucutre. Comfortable Asian Baby Carriers, the Mei Tai, Mei Hip, and Podaegi are also available. These are Baby Carriers that are inspired by traditional baby carriers used in Asia. Also, available is the EllaRoo Wrap, a baby carrier that started it all for this company. If you are looking for the perfect carrier for your baby, check out this site, their collection is incredible, beautiful, and versatile! This is a paid post.
Almost the weekend!
Today is Thursday! That means it's almost the weekend already! One more day! We have so much to do this weekend, but I'm still excited that the work week is almost done! YYYEEAAAHHHH!!!!
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Great Binoculars

Binoculars have many different uses, anywhere from using them at a ball game to hunting for deer. So to be able to get a quality pair of binoculars can be very important. If you are in the market for a new binocular or binoculars check out Eagle Optics. Their Customer Service is hands down the best around. They have a very knowledgeable and experienced staff. They have a great selection of binoculars. Their prices on a lot of binoculars are unmatched! They have a Hot Deals page with fantastic deals on great products. They also have 90 days free financing on all orders over $200. I'm being paid for this post.

Very tired!
We've been so busy with everything dealing with this new job and moving, that we haven't been getting much sleep. Scott and I are both really tired and can't wait for the weekend to be here so we can relax! :)
A New Way to Network
Today everyone is trying to find the best way to stay in touch with friends, family, and to meet new people. There is a new social networking website out now called They offer unlimiter free sms, video uploads, live chat rooms, instant messenger, forums, games, funny videos, unlimited messages to users, users own profile, unlimited picture uploads, blogs, rate users, classified ads, music, quiz section and finally birthday reminders. This new site has everything. So if you are looking to meet new people or find a different way to stay in touch Click Here To Signup! I'm being paid for this post.

Scott Got a Job!
I am so very excited. Scott took a job today working for his grandpa up in Albert Lea. So the past 3 days we have been working out all the details to see if we could make the job work. We are looking to rent a house from his uncle. So we will be moving soon.
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Forex Trading System
Many may not have heard of Forex Trading before, because it used to be that it was limited to brokers and banks. Now, using the internet, anyone can take the opportunity to be a part of the Forex Trading Market. All one needs to do to get started is have a forex trading system and a forex broker. You will be given the training you need to make a profit, and who doesn't want to make money?!? If you are interested in learning more about how to make money through Forex Trading and want to make an incredible profit by doing so, check out This is a paid post.

Getting closer!
Our job search is definitely coming to an end. Scott is getting very close to making a decision on a job! We couldn't be happier, and thank the Lord for all of His many blessings!

I am a big Myspace user and find myself having a hard time finding images or photos to use on on my Myspace. But now I can do Online Image Sharing with a website designed for people to upload their images and photos and be able to use them on, weblogs and forums. The site is designed in Ruby on Rails very easy to use and there is no upload limit. After a 10 seconds account registration you can start uploading images. You can even upload multiple images at once. is here to stay. They now have 5000+ images uploaded by the users of the site and our image bank continues to grow daily. They'll soon be adding the ability for users to add comments to images.
I'm being paid for this post.

Monday, January 8, 2007
It's been snowing some the past couple of days...not too bad, just really pretty flakes. I hope that winter continues like this the whole time. I could definitely live with the beautiful weather we're having...instead of the snow storms we normally get.
Promote Your Website
One of the biggest determinates in whether or not your business will be successful is how it is promoted. Businesses that do not get the exposure they need tend to not do as well as the businesses that do. Knowing that this is an issue, what are you going to do to get your business the exposure it needs? One of the biggest ways to get exposure is through a website. By having a website people can see just what you have to offer without coming directly to you. But just having a website isn't enough, the website still needs to have exposure as well, this can be achieved by indexing it with a search engine. A search engine allows people to find you by doning a keyword search, this allows them to see the websites that have what they are looking for. Search Engine Submission At Servicewrap.Net is one of the easiest ways to get your website indexed by search engines and ultimately getting your business the exposure it needs to succeed.

Is There a Job Out There
Scott and I have some decisions on what we should do now with his job. We know that we want to move back to the Forest City area but are having a tough time finding the right job that can give us the financial stability that we need to settle into a house and start a family. It is very discouraging to not know what to do or where to go. We both have asked our parents for advice and Scott has tried all of this contact to come up with new leads for possible job opportunities, but nothing has developed yet.
Sunday, January 7, 2007
Jokeroo has the Card for You! is a fantastic place to find the perfect greeting card for your friends and family. With Valentine's Day practically right around the corner, it is also a terrific site to find Valentine Cards. There is a large variety of cards offered, so finding one for those special people in your life should not be difficult at all. Check them out today, and find the perfect card this Valentine's Day! This is a paid post.

Lost some of our channels!
We've been seeing lately on our cable network, that we might be losing some of our stations....stations that have a lot of the shows that we watch on a weekly basis. We were starting to think that it wouldn't happen because nothing was being done, but what do you know...we came back this weekend and they were gone! I am not sure what we're going to do about the channels that we watch so regularly, we'll just have to see how it goes I guess.
CTS Wholesale Sunglasses
Winter is coming to a close and the sun is going to shine more and more. So sunglasses are going to be a popular gifts idea this New Year. CTS Wholesale Sunglasses would be a great idea for the sunglasses wearer in your family. CTS Wholesale is pitching sunglasses as a cool gifts idea this new year. CTS Wholesale Inc. offers wholesale replica sunglasses and accessories through its online store at The owner, Kirk Bachelder enjoys guiding young entrepreneurs and retailers on setting up kiosks and shops at malls and other high traffic areas for selling designer sunglasses. Not only will they make great sun glasses but can also create a great job opportunity for any and all entrepreneurs. Check them out today. I'm being paid for this post.
Friday, January 5, 2007
What to do now
Just when you think that you know and understand God's plan for you, it changes. This is the case for Scott and I right now. We thought that God had it all lined up for him to get this job and then I could quit mine because we would be moving back to Forest City. Well that's not the case, Scott didn't get the job we thought he would. Now we are uncertain what God's plans for us are, but we will continue to keep praying and ask for his guidance.
Thursday, January 4, 2007
College Degree Information
There are many sites out there to give undergraduates guidance when it comes to picking a degree. Now there is a guide for people who are looking to advance their career or pursue continuuing education. Degree Scout is a site that can be used to to help users find a college, university, or Online Degree Programs that best fits their needs. It helps people take their careers to the next level or start a new one with an accredited college degree. This is a paid post.
Tomorrow is Friday!
Today just flew! I couldn't believe how quickly it went. Now tomorrow is already Friday and i can't believe! That means the weekend is almost here...and I can't wait. My husband and I both have some gift cards from Christmas that we would like to use, so I think we'll have some fun shopping this weekend. :)
Food Forums
Almost everyone that I know, loves food. Not everyone likes the same kinds of food, but they all love food of some kind. For anyone who loves food, and likes talking about it, now you can do it online! There are specific forum for food lovers to talk to others who love food too, known as food forums. I have heard of every type of forum, but food forums is a first for me. Although I had never heard of it before now, I can't think of a better way for people to share their love of food with others. The food forums offer people the opportunity to chat with others about food and share favorite recipes that others might like. They also give people the chance to share their thoughts about different types of food like fruits, vegetables, raw food, etc. All users have to do is simply register, then they are ready to start posting. Forums range from topics about raw food to food safety. Anything that you are wanting to know, about all types of food, can be found on the food forums at If you love food, sign up today so you can start chatting with others who love food too. This is a paid post.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Making Money!
Wow! I've been bloggin for PayPerPost for a little over a month now, and started to get paid few days ago. I've already made a good amount of's great!! It's so nice to blog for money. Anyone who is the computer any time during the day and would like to make some extra money should check this opportunity's wonderful!!
Pro Dunk Diamond On Sale Now!

I don't know about you, but I absolutely love basketball! That's why I was so excited to hear that the Hoops Pro Dunk Diamond is on sale for the first time ever!! For those who don't know, the Hoops Pro Dunk Diamond is a new residential, in-ground basketball system . It is by far the biggest system on the market, and is still amazingly perfect for backyard courts. It's 5 inch extension arm is great, because it makes it so the pole can stay outside of the playing area and still meet the regulation 4 inch overhang. It also has an 8 x 8 pole and NCAA grade rim and backboard. Not only is it the biggest system on the market, it is also the only one that offers all of these things. For instance, all of the other hoops have 4 inch extension arms, opposed to the 5 inch extension arm that this system has. If you love basketball, or just like to play it, this would be a great thing for you to look into. Who wouldn't want to play on such a high quality basketball hoop?! I know I would! Look into it today! This is a sponsored post.

Already the end of the week!
I'm so glad tomorrow is Thursday already! Wow, having the first two days of the week is nice. I'm getting used to it...haha:) I love my job, but it's nice to have the weeks go so quickly too.
PPP Affiliate Program
I am a member of the PayPerPost Affiliate Program, and it is pretty amazing. For anyone that you refer to PayPerPost you can earn money. Once your referrals have signed up and posted, you can earn fifteen dollars per person. It's pretty cool. It's really easy money, and a great way to encourage people to tell their friends about this wonderful opportunity to make money through blogging. Once you become a member of the PayPerPost Affiliate Program, you can but a badge on your blog and this is how you earn your fifteen dollars for your referrals. I encourage anyone who wants to refer their friends to PayPerPost to take a look at this program and sign up today. This is a sponsored post.
All rested up!
It's Wednesday morning and I'm getting ready to go to work. Usually I am very tired in the morning, but having the chance to sleep in our own bed again made a big difference. Now I'm very rested and feel like I got a good night sleep!! :) Your own bed is always the best.
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
PBR Finals Tickets
I for one have never been into the Bull Riding competition until I heard about it from my cousin, who is involved in it. He explained to me what physical strength, practice, and will to never give up, it takes to be a Bull Rider. My cousin got started in bull riding while in college, he said that they would travel around to many different cities for competitions. He told me this is when most bull riders find out whether or not they have what it takes to make it in the PBR. I would love tickets to the Pro Bull Riders finals, because this is where you get to see the best of the best in the Pro Bull Riding circuit. Many of these men have worked all their lives to win a Championship, through all the blood, sweat, and tears. The amount of time it took to reach this point in their career and to see them at their best at the point where they are so close to achieving this goal. To be able to see this type of competition and see Pro Bull Riding for the first time would be a great opportunity, and I would take it in a heartbeat. I'm being paid for this post.
Really Tired!
It's been a very busy day today. I forgot how much there is to do when you're not at home for almost a week. I still have to get some things done for work, but finally got the chance to sit down and relax a little bit. I'm glad it's only going to be a three day week at work!! :)
Spector Pro
I am a very active user on Although it is a great way to stay in touch with friends and meet new people, I have learned that if you are not careful people can be deceiving. Being an adult I am able to understand this , but younger people and children who are using this site might be a little more naive. Too often we see on Dateline, How to catch a predator, that the Internet can be a very dangerous place for children. That's why it would be good to have a monitoring system like Spector Pro as a myspace spy. This monitoring software allows you to record every single aspect of activity from including Myspace logins and passwords. Help keep your kids safe from predators and others that may harm them. I am being paid for this post.
Back Home
It was so nice to see our family these past couple of weeks, but unfortunately Scott and I both had to get back to work, so we headed home today. Scott had to work today, and I start back to work tomorrow. I have really enjoyed the break, and am worried that I'm gonna have a hard time getting up early tomorrow morning.:)
Monday, January 1, 2007
Small Business Blog
If you are a small business owner or looking to start up your own business, and if you are looking for the latest information in the small business industry, the Small business blog is for you. It allows anyone to gain information everyday by going to their website and seeing what's going on in the industry. This website provides advice and news that entrepreneurs and small business owners need to know, like providing trends in the industry, asset protection, and things to help your business grow. This blog can be one of the greatest assets to a business owner if they know about it and know how use the information to their advantage. It is free, so use it to your advantage. This post is sponsored by

Family Christmas
Well, we finally had our family Christmas! It was kinda fun to have it a week keeps the holiday going.:) We had a really yummy meal and opened gifts. It was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed spending time with the whole family!
Lastminute Auction
Main people are looking for last minute gifts to give for birthdays, Christmas, anniversaries. They list up to 30.000 on Sundays auctions meeting our simple creterias. The auction has to be at one dollar and has only one hour left. The group Lastminute Auction has many items from video games, comics, and toys, gifts for anyone in the family. These auctions can be found on Ebay as Ebay bargains, with Ebay you can be anywhere in the world to win these auctions. Check them out today, I'm sure that they have something that would catch your eye, and you could get a great deal on. I'm being paid for this post.

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