Thursday, August 28, 2008

New Vanity

As many people know by now, Scott has decided to take another job position. We are very excited about it!! With this new job now comes a big decision down the road...whether or not we will decide to move. It's not something that's required of us, but at some point it would probably make more sense to move a little bit closer to his place of work. In thinking along those lines, we began talking about some of the things that would help us sell our home faster when the time comes if this is what we decide to do. Although there are some smaller fixes, one big one is the basement bathroom. We recently finished our basement and it looks incredible! But now there's an unfinished bathroom down there that really needs some work. I think with a new vanity in there even it would make a huge difference! Bathrooms with updates like this seem to sell a home faster than those that don't have these changes. Knowing this, we began searching the web last night just for fun to see what is out there for single sink bathroom vanities and double sink bathroom vanities. To our surprise it took no time at all to find a wonderful site with everything we were lookign for. is the site we stumbled upon, and might I add...that we're so happy we did!! Not only do they offer over 150 different options for discount bathroom vanities that we can choose from, but they also are known as the largest online vanity store today!! That's pretty impressive and definitely caught our attention. If you're looking to update your bathroom, either for yourself or to help you sell your home faster, this is definitely a site you will want to consider when looking for that new vanity. It has everything you would want at prices you will love! If you get a moment head over there and check it out for yourself!

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